34 resultados para reaction center

em CaltechTHESIS


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Pyrroloindoline and unnatural tryptophan motifs are important targets for synthesis based on their incorporation into a diverse array of biologically active natural products. Both types of alkaloids have also found applications as chiral catalysts and tryptophan derivatives are commonly employed as biological probes. On account of their applications, these frameworks have inspired the development of numerous enantioselective, catalytic reactions. In particular, the past few years have witnessed an impressive number of novel approaches for pyrroloindoline formation.

The first project described herein involves our contribution to pyrroloindoline research. We have developed an (R)-BINOL•SnCl4-catalyzed formal (3 + 2) cycloaddition reaction between 3-substituted indoles and 2-amidoacrylates that affords pyrroloindoline-2-carboxylates bearing an all-carbon quaternary center. Mechanistic studies have elucidated that the enantiodetermining step is a highly face-selective catalyst-controlled protonation reaction. The subsequent application of this asymmetric protonation strategy to the synthesis of a variety of enantioenriched tryptophan derivatives is also discussed.


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The isomerization of glucose into fructose is a large-scale reaction for the production of high-fructose corn syrup, and is now being considered as an intermediate step in the possible route of biomass conversion into fuels and chemicals. Recently, it has been shown that a hydrophobic, large pore, silica molecular sieve having the zeolite beta structure and containing framework Sn4+ (Sn-Beta) is able to isomerize glucose into fructose in aqueous media. Here, I have investigated how this catalyst converts glucose to fructose and show that it is analogous to that achieved with metalloenzymes. Specifically, glucose partitions into the molecular sieve in the pyranose form, ring opens to the acyclic form in the presence of the Lewis acid center (framework Sn4+), isomerizes into the acyclic form of fructose and finally ring closes to yield the furanose product. Akin to the metalloenzyme, the isomerization step proceeds by intramolecular hydride transfer from C2 to C1. Extraframework tin oxides located within hydrophobic channels of the molecular sieve that exclude liquid water can also isomerize glucose to fructose in aqueous media, but do so through a base-catalyzed proton abstraction mechanism. Extraframework tin oxide particles located at the external surface of the molecular sieve crystals or on amorphous silica supports are not active in aqueous media but are able to perform the isomerization in methanol by a base-catalyzed proton abstraction mechanism. Post-synthetic exchange of Na+ with Sn-Beta alters the glucose reaction pathway from the 1,2 intramolecular hydrogen shift (isomerization) to produce fructose towards the 1,2 intramolecular carbon shift (epimerization) that forms mannose. Na+ remains exchanged onto silanol groups during reaction in methanol solvent, leading to a near complete shift in selectivity towards glucose epimerization to mannose. In contrast, decationation occurs during reaction in aqueous solutions and gradually increases the reaction selectivity to isomerization at the expense of epimerization. Decationation and concomitant changes in selectivity can be eliminated by addition of NaCl to the aqueous reaction solution. Thus, framework tin sites with a proximal silanol group are the active sites for the 1, 2 intramolecular hydride shift in the isomerization of glucose to fructose, while these sites with Na-exchanged silanol group are the active sites for the 1, 2 intramolecular carbon shift in epimerization of glucose to mannose.


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The nuclear resonant reaction 19F(ρ,αγ)16O has been used to perform depth-sensitive analyses of fluorine in lunar samples and carbonaceous chondrites. The resonance at 0.83 MeV (center-of-mass) in this reaction is utilized to study fluorine surface films, with particular interest paid to the outer micron of Apollo 15 green glass, Apollo 17 orange glass, and lunar vesicular basalts. These results are distinguished from terrestrial contamination, and are discussed in terms of a volcanic origin for the samples of interest. Measurements of fluorine in carbonaceous chondrites are used to better define the solar system fluorine abundance. A technique for measurement of carbon on solid surfaces with applications to direct quantitative analysis of implanted solar wind carbon in lunar samples is described.


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The bifurcation and nonlinear stability properties of the Meinhardt-Gierer model for biochemical pattern formation are studied. Analyses are carried out in parameter ranges where the linearized system about a trivial solution loses stability through one to three eigenfunctions, yielding both time independent and periodic final states. Solution branches are obtained that exhibit secondary bifurcation and imperfection sensitivity and that appear, disappear, or detach themselves from other branches.


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Chlorine oxide species have received considerable attention in recent years due to their central role in the balance of stratospheric ozone. Many questions pertaining to the behavior of such species still remain unanswered and plague the ability of researchers to develop accurate chemical models of the stratosphere. Presented in this thesis are three experiments that study various properties of some specific chlorine oxide species.

In the first chapter, the reaction between ClONO_2 and protonated water clusters is investigated to elucidate a possible reaction mechanism for the heterogeneous reaction of chlorine nitrate on ice. The ionic products were various forms of protonated nitric acid, NO_2 +(H_20)_m, m = 0, 1, 2. These products are analogous to products previously reported in the literature for the neutral reaction occurring on ice surfaces. Our results support the hypothesis that the heterogeneous reaction is acid-catalyzed.

In the second chapter, the photochemistry of ClONO_2 was investigated at two wavelengths, 193 and 248 nm, using the technique of photofragmentation translational spectroscopy. At both wavelengths, the predominant dissociation pathways were Cl + NO_3 and ClO + NO_2. Channel assignments were confirmed by momentum matching the counterfragments from each channel. A one-dimensional stratospheric model using the new 248 nm branching ratio determined how our results would affect the predicted Cl_x and NO_x partitioning in the stratosphere.

Chapter three explores the photodissociation dynamics of Cl_2O at 193, 248 and 308 nm. At 193 nm, we found evidence for the concerted reaction channel, Cl_2 + O. The ClO + Cl channel was also accessed, however, the majority of the ClO fragments were formed with sufficient internal energies for spontaneous secondary dissociation to occur. At 248 and 308 nm, we only observed only the ClO + Cl channel. . Some of the ClO formed at 248 nm was formed internally hot and spontaneously dissociated. Bimodal translational energy distributions of the ClO and Cl products indicate two pathways leading to the same product exist.

Appendix A, B and C discuss the details of data analysis techniques used in Chapters 1 and 2. The development of a molecular beam source of ClO dimer is presented in Appendix D.


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Since its discovery in 1896, the Buchner reaction has fascinated chemists for more than a century. The highly reactive nature of the carbene intermediates allows for facile dearomatization of stable aromatic rings, and provides access to a diverse array of cyclopropane and seven-membered ring architectures. The power inherent in this transformation has been exploited in the context of a natural product total synthesis and methodology studies.

The total synthesis work details efforts employed in the enantioselective total synthesis of (+)-salvileucalin B. The fully-substituted cyclopropane within the core of the molecule arises from an unprecedented intramolecular Buchner reaction involving a highly functionalized arene and an α-diazo-β-ketonitrile. An unusual retro-Claisen rearrangement of a complex late-stage intermediate was discovered on route to the natural product.

The unique reactivity of α-diazo-β-ketonitriles toward arene cyclopropanation was then investigated in a broader methodological study. This specific di-substituted diazo moiety possesses hitherto unreported selectivity in intramolecular Buchner reactions. This technology was enables the preparation of highly functionalized norcaradienes and cyclopropanes, which themselves undergo various ring opening transformations to afford complex polycyclic structures.

Finally, an enantioselective variant of the intramolecular Buchner reaction is described. Various chiral copper and dirhodium catalysts afforded moderate stereoinduction in the cyclization event.


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Titanocene metallacyclobutanes show a wide variety of reactivites with organic and inorganic reagents. Their reactions include methylene transfer to organic carbonyls, formation of enolates, electron transfer from activated alkyl chlorides, olefin metathesis, ring opening polymerization. Recently, preparations of heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes were reported. In this thesis, mechanistic, synthetic, and structural studies of the heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes will be described. Also, the reaction of titanocene methylidene trimethylphosphine complex with alkene sulfide and styrene sulfide will be presented.

Heterobinuclear µ-methylene-µ-methyl complexes C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_2)( µ-CH_3)M(1,5-COD) have been prepared (M = Rh, Ir). X-ray crystallography showed that the methyl group of the complex was bonded to the rhodium and bridges to the titanium through an agostic bond. The ^(1)H,^(13)CNMR, IR spectra along with partial deuteration studies supported the structure in both solution and solid state. Activation of the agostic bond is demonstrated by the equilibration of the µ-CH_3 and µ-CH_2 groups. A nonlinear Arrhenius plot, an unusually large kinetic isotope effect (24(5)), and a large negative activation entropy (-64(3)eu) can be explained by the quantum-mechanical tunneling. Calculated rate constants with Bell-type barrier fitted well with the observed one. This equilibration was best explained by a 4e-4c mechanism (or σ bond metathesis) with the character of quantum-mechanical tunneling.

Heterobinuclear µ-methylene-µ-phenyl complexes were synthesized. Structural study of C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ-p-Me_(2)NC_(6)H_(4))Rh(l,5-COD) showed that the two metal atoms are bridged by the methylene carbon and the ipso carbon of the p-N,N-dimethylarninophenyl group. The analogous structure of C_(p2))Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ-o-MeOC_(6)H_(4))Rh(1,5-COD) has been verified by the differential NOE. The aromaticity of the phenyl group observed by ^(1)H NMR, was confirmed by the comparison of the C-C bond lengths in the crystallographic structure. The unusual downfield shifts of the ipso carbon in the ^(13)C NMR are assumed to be an indication of the interaction between the ipso carbon and electron-deficient titanium.

Titanium-platinum heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ -X)Pt(Me)(PM_(2)Ph) have been prepared (X= Cl, Me). Structural studies indicate the following:(1) the Ti-CH2 bond possesses residual double bond character, (2) there is a dative Pt→Ti interaction which may be regarded as a π back donation from the platinum atom to the 'Ti=CH_(2)'' group, and (3) the µ-CH_3 group is bound to the titanium atom through a three-center, two-electron agostic bond.

Titanocene (η^(2)-thioformaldehyde)•PMe_3 was prepared from C_(p2)Ti=CH_(2)•PMe_3 and sulfur-containing organic compounds (e.g. alkene sulfide, triphenylphosphine sulfide) including elemental sulfur. Mechanistic studies utilizing trans-styrene sulfide-d_1 suggested the stepwise reaction to explain equimolar mixture of trans- and cis-styrene-d_1 as by-products. The product reacted with methyl iodide to produce cationic titanocene (η_(2)-thiomethoxymethyl) complex. Complexes having less coordinating anion like BF_4 or BPh_4 could be obtained through metathesis. Together with structural analyses, the further reactivities of the complexes have been explored.

The complex C_(p2)TiOCH_(2)CH(Ph)CH_2 was prepared from the compound C_(p2)Ti=CH_(2)-PMe_3 and styrene oxide. The product was characterized with ^(1)H-^(1)H correlated 2-dimensional NMR, selective decoupling of ^(1)H NMR, and differential NOE. Stereospecificity of deuterium in the product was lost when trans-styrene oxide-d_1 was allowed to react. Relative rates of the reaction were measured with varying substituents on the phenyl ring. Better linearity (r = -0.98, p^(+) = -0.79) was observed with σ_(p)^(+)than σ(r = -0.87, p = -1.26). The small magnitude of p^+ value and stereospecificity loss during the formation of product were best explained by the generation of biradicals, but partial generation of charge cannot be excluded. Carbonylation of the product followed by exposure to iodine yields the corresponding β-phenyl γ-lactone.


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A variety of olefin hydride complexes of niobium and tantalum has been prepared in order to study their reactivity and to gain insight into organometallic reaction mechanisms. Examination of a series of ethylene and propylene complexes of niobocene (CP_2Nb; Cp = η^5-C_5H_5), permethylniobocene (Cp*_2Nb; Cp* = η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5), tantalocene, and permethyltantalocene has indicated that there are both large electronic and steric effects deriving from the metal (and its ancillary ligands) in the olefin insertion (β-migratory insertion) process. Furthermore, a thermodynamic and kinetic analysis has been completed for a series of substituted styrene complexes of niobocene in order to better understand the important electronic properties of the olefin. The results are in accord with a concerted four-center process with only moderate charge development.

The special case of β-migratory insertion of a hydride ligand into coordinated benzyne has also been studied for the permethyltantalocene system. The coordinatively unsaturated (sixteen electron) phenyl tautomer, which is made accessible by the facile benzyne hydride insertion reaction, readily reacts with a variety of ligands, L, to afford Cp*_2 Ta(C_6H_5)L complexes (L = CO, O_2, NC≡R, :CH_2, H_2, etc.). This family of compounds exhibits interesting reactivity (a-migratory insertion, O_2 activation, and reductive elimination) which is discussed in some detail.

Finally a series of paramagnetic seventeen electron Cp*_2 TaX_2 (X = halide, alkyl, hydride) complexes, and the corresponding cationic and anionic species, have been prepared and studied. The odd electron neutral complexes exhibit surprising thermal stability and undergo very little reactivity. While the chemistry of the anionic compounds is almost completely dominated by their potent reducing power, that of the cations is quite diverse and amenable for study. Therefore the syntheses and reactivity (1 ,2-eliminations, ligand insertions, and deprotonation reactions) of these coordinatively unsaturated sixteen electron species are presented.


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To explain the ^(26)Mg isotopic anomaly seen in meteorites (^(26)Al daughter) as well as the observation of 1809-keV γ rays in the interstellar medium (live decay of 26Al) one must know, among other things, the destruction rate of ^(26)Al. Properties of states in ^(27)Si just above the ^(26)Al + p mass were investigated to determine the destruction rate of ^(26)Al via the ^(26)Al(p,γ)^(27)Si reaction at astrophysical temperatures.

Twenty micrograms of ^(26)Al were used to produce two types of Al_2O_3 targets by evaporation of the oxide. One was onto a thick platinum backing suitable for (p,γ) work, and the other onto a thin carbon foil for the (^3He,d) reaction.

The ^(26)Al(p,γ)^(27)Si excitation function, obtained using a germanium detector and voltage-ramped target, confirmed known resonances and revealed new ones at 770, 847, 876, 917, and 928 keV. Possible resonances below the lowest observed one at E_p = 286 keV were investigated using the ^(26)Al(^3He,d)^(27)Si proton-transfer reaction. States in 27Si corresponding to 196- and 286-keV proton resonances were observed. A possible resonance at 130 keV (postulated in prior work) was shown to have a strength of wγ less than 0.02 µeV.

By arranging four large Nal detector as a 47π calorimeter, the 196-keV proton resonance, and one at 247 keV, were observed directly, having wγ = 55± 9 and 10 ± 5 µeV, respectively.

Large uncertainties in the reaction rate have been reduced. At novae temperatures, the rate is about 100 times faster than that used in recent model calculations, casting some doubt on novae production of galactic ^(26)Al.


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The energy loss of protons and deuterons in D_2O ice has been measured over the energy range, E_p 18 - 541 kev. The double focusing magnetic spectrometer was used to measure the energy of the particles after they had traversed a known thickness of the ice target. One method of measurement is used to determine relative values of the stopping cross section as a function of energy; another method measures absolute values. The results are in very good agreement with the values calculated from Bethe’s semi-empirical formula. Possible sources of error are considered and the accuracy of the measurements is estimated to be ± 4%.

The D(dp)H^3 cross section has been measured by two methods. For E_D = 200 - 500 kev the spectrometer was used to obtain the momentum spectrum of the protons and tritons. From the yield and stopping cross section the reaction cross section at 90° has been obtained.

For E_D = 35 – 550 kev the proton yield from a thick target was differentiated to obtain the cross section. Both thin and thick target methods were used to measure the yield at each of ten angles. The angular distribution is expressed in terms of a Legendre polynomial expansion. The various sources of experimental error are considered in detail, and the probable error of the cross section measurements is estimated to be ± 5%.


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A series of terl-butylperoxide complexes of hafnium, Cp*2Hf(R)(OOCMe3) (Cp* = ((η5-C5Me5); R = Cl, H, CH3, CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH2CH3, CH2CHMe2, CH=CHCMe3, C6H5, meta-C6H3(CH2)2) and Cp*(η5-C5(CH3)4CH2CH2CH2)Hf(OOCMe3), has been synthesized. One example has been structurally characterized, Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3)CH2CH3 crystallizes in space group P21/c, with a = 19.890(7)Å, b = 8.746(4)Å, c = 17.532(6)Å, β = 124.987(24)°, V = 2498(2)Å3, Z = 4 and RF = 0.054 (2222 reflections, I > 0). Despite the coordinative unsaturation of the hafnium center, the terl-butylperoxide ligand is coordinated in a mono-dentate ligand. The mode of decomposition of these species is highly dependent on the substituent R. For R = H, CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH3, CH2CH2CH2CH3, CH2CHMe2 a clean first order conversion to Cp*2Hf(OCMe3)(OR) is observed (for R CH2CH3, ΔHǂ = 19.6 kcal•mol-1, ΔSǂ = -13 e.u.). These results are discussed in terms of a two step mechanism involving η2-coordination of the terl-butylperoxide ligand. Homolytic O-O bond cleavage is observed upon heating of Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3) R (R = C6H6, meta-C6H3(CH3)2). In the presence of excess 9,10-dihydroanthracene thermolysis of Cp*2Hf(OOCMe3)C6H6 cleanly affords Cp*2Hf(C6H6)OH and HOCMe3 (ΔHǂ = 22.6 kcal•mol-1, ΔSǂ = -9 e.u.). The O-O bond strength in these complexes is thus estimated to be 22 kcal•mol-1.

Cp*2Ta(CH2)H, Cp*2Ta(CHC6H5)H, Cp*2Ta(C6H4)H, Cp*2Ta(CH2=CH2)H and Cp*2Ta(CH2=CHMe)H react, presumably through Cp*2Ta-R intermediates, with H2O to give Cp*2Ta(O)H and alkane. Cp*2Ta(O)H was structurally characterized: space group P21/n, a= 13.073(3)Å, b = 19.337(4)Å, c = 16.002(3)Å, β = 108.66(2)°, V = 3832(1)Å3, Z = 8 and RF = 0.0672 (6730 reflections). Reaction of terlbutylhydroperoxide with these same starting materials ultimately yields Cp*2Ta(O)R and HOCMe3. Cp*2Ta(CH2=CHR)OH species are proposed as intermediates in the olefin hydride reactions. Cp*2Ta(O2)R species can be generated from the reaction of the same starting materials and O2. Lewis acids have been shown to promote oxygen insertion in these complexes.


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Using density functional theory, we studied the fundamental steps of olefin polymerization for zwitterionic and cationic Group IV ansa-zirconocenes and a neutral ansa- yttrocene. Complexes [H2E(C5H4)2ZrMe]n (n = 0: E = BH2 (1), BF2 (2), AlH2(3); n = +: E = CH2(4), SiH2(5)) and H2Si(C5H4)2YMe were used as computational models. The largest differences among these three classes of compounds were the strength of olefin binding and the stability of the β-agostic alkyl intermediate towards β-hydrogen elimination. We investigated the effect of solvent on the reaction energetics for land 5. We found that in benzene the energetics became very similar except that a higher olefin insertion barrier was calculated for 1. The calculated anion affinity of [CH3BF3]- was weaker towards 1 than 5. The calculated olefin binding depended primarily on the charge of the ansa linker, and the olefin insertion barrier was found to decrease steadily in the following order: [H2C(C5H4)2ZrMe]+ > [F2B(C5H4)2ZrMe] ≈ [H2B(C5H4)2ZrMe] > [H2Si(C5H4)2ZrMe]+ > [H2Al(C5H4)2ZrMe].

We prepared ansa-zirconocene dicarbonyl complexes Me2ECp2Zr(CO)2 (E = Si, C), and t-butyl substituted complexes (t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2, Me2E(t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2 (E = Si, C), (Me2Si)2(t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2 as well as analogous zirconocene complexes. Both the reduction potentials and carbonyl stretching frequencies follow the same order: Me2SiCp2ZrCl2> Me2CCp2ZrCl2> Cp2ZrCl2> (Me2Si)2Cp2ZrCl2. This ordering is a result of both the donating abilities of the cyclopentadienyl substituents and the orientation of the cyclopentadiene rings. Additionally, we prepared a series of analogous cationic zirconocene complexes [LZrOCMe3][MeB(C6F5)3] (L = CP2, Me2SiCp2, Me2CCP2, (Me2Si)2Cp2) and studied the kinetics of anion dissociation. We found that the enthalpy of anion dissociation increased from 10.3 kcal•mol-1 to 17.6 kcal•mol-1 as exposure of the zirconium center increased.

We also prepared series of zirconocene complexes bearing 2,2-dimethyl-2-sila-4-pentenyl substituents (and methyl-substituted olefin variants). Methide abstraction with B(C6F5) results in reversible coordination of the tethered olefin to the cationic zirconium center. The kinetics of olefin dissociation have been examined using NMR methods, and the effects of ligand variation for unlinked, singly [SiMe2]-linked and doubly [SiMe2]-linked bis(cyclopentadienyl) arrangements has been compared (ΔG‡ for olefin dissociation varies from 12.8 to 15.6 kcal•mol-1). Methide abstraction from 1,2-(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2Zr(CH3)-(CH2CMe2CH2CH = CH2) results in rapid β-allyl elimination with loss of isobutene yielding the allyl cation [{1,2-(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2Zr(η3-CH2CH=CH2)]+.


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Nucleic acids are a useful substrate for engineering at the molecular level. Designing the detailed energetics and kinetics of interactions between nucleic acid strands remains a challenge. Building on previous algorithms to characterize the ensemble of dilute solutions of nucleic acids, we present a design algorithm that allows optimization of structural features and binding energetics of a test tube of interacting nucleic acid strands. We extend this formulation to handle multiple thermodynamic states and combinatorial constraints to allow optimization of pathways of interacting nucleic acids. In both design strategies, low-cost estimates to thermodynamic properties are calculated using hierarchical ensemble decomposition and test tube ensemble focusing. These algorithms are tested on randomized test sets and on example pathways drawn from the molecular programming literature. To analyze the kinetic properties of designed sequences, we describe algorithms to identify dominant species and kinetic rates using coarse-graining at the scale of a small box containing several strands or a large box containing a dilute solution of strands.


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Evidence for the stereochemical isomerization of a variety of ansa metallocene compounds is presented. For the scandocene allyl derivatives described here, we have established that the process is promoted by a variety of salts in both ether and hydrocarbon solvents and is not accelerated by light. A plausible mechanism based on an earlier proposal by Marks, et al., is offered as an explanation of this process. It involves coordination of anions and/or donor solvents to the metal center with cation assistance to encourage metalcyclopentadienyl bond heterolysis, rotation about the Si-Cp bond of the detached cyclopentadienide and recoordination of the opposite face. Our observations in some cases of thermodynamic racemic:meso ratios under the reaction conditions commonly used for the synthesis of the metallocene chlorides suggests that the interchange is faster than metallation, such that the composition of the reaction mixture is determined by thermodynamic, not kinetic, control in these cases.

Two new ansa-scandocene alkenyl compounds react with olefins resulting in the formation of η3-allyl complexes. Kinetics and labeling experiments indicate a tuck-in intermediate on the reaction pathway; in this intermediate the metal is bound to the carbon adjacent to the silyllinker in the rear of the metallocene wedge. In contrast, reaction of permethylscandocene alkenyl compounds with olefins results, almost exclusively, in vinylic C-H bond activation. It is proposed that relieving transition state steric interactions between the cyclopentadienyl rings and the olefin by either linking the rings together or using a larger lanthanide metal may allow for olefin coordination, stabilizing the transition state for allylic σ-bond metathesis.

A selectively isotopically labeled propylene, CH2CD(13CH3), was synthesized and its polymerization was carried out at low concentration in toluene solution using isospecific metallocene catalysts. Analysis of the NMR spectra (13C, 1H, and 2H) of the resultant polymers revealed that the production of stereoerrors through chain epimerization proceeds exclusively by the tertiaryalkyl mechanism. Additionally, enantiofacial inversion of the terminally unsaturated polymer chain occurs by a non-dissociative process. The implications of these results on the mechanism of olefin polymerization with these catalysts is discussed.