7 resultados para magnetic measurements

em CaltechTHESIS


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The magnetic moments of amorphous ternary alloys containing Pd, Co and Si in atomic concentrations corresponding to Pd_(80-x)Co_xSi_(20) in which x is 3, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11, have been measured between 1.8 and 300°K and in magnetic fields up to 8.35 kOe. The alloys were obtained by rapid quenching of a liquid droplet and their structures were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The measurements were made in a null-coil pendulum magnetometer in which the temperature could be varied continuously without immersing the sample in a cryogenic liquid. The alloys containing 9 at.% Co or less obeyed Curie's Law over certain temperature ranges, and had negligible permanent moments at room temperature. Those containing 10 and 11 at.% Co followed Curie's Law only above approximately 200°K and had significant permanent moments at room temperature. For all alloys, the moments calculated from Curie's Law were too high to be accounted for by the moments of individual Co atoms. To explain these findings, a model based on the existence of superparamagnetic clustering is proposed. The cluster sizes calculated from the model are consistent with the rapid onset of ferromagnetism in the alloys containing 10 and 11 at.% Co and with the magnetic moments in an alloy containing 7 at.% Co heat treated in such a manner as to contain a small amount of a crystalline phase. In alloys containing 7 at.% Co or less, a maximum in the magnetization vs temperature curve was observed around 10°K. This maximum was eliminated by cooling the alloy in a magnetic field, and an explanation for this observation is suggested.


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The influence of composition on the structure and on the electric and magnetic properties of amorphous Pd-Mn-P and Pd-Co-P prepared by rapid quenching techniques were investigated in terms of (1) the 3d band filling of the first transition metal group, (2) the phosphorus concentration effect which acts as an electron donor and (3) the transition metal concentration.

The structure is essentially characterized by a set of polyhedra subunits essentially inverse to the packing of hard spheres in real space. Examination of computer generated distribution functions using Monte Carlo random statistical distribution of these polyhedra entities demonstrated tile reproducibility of the experimentally calculated atomic distribution function. As a result, several possible "structural parameters" are proposed such as: the number of nearest neighbors, the metal-to-metal distance, the degree of short-range order and the affinity between metal-metal and metal-metalloid. It is shown that the degree of disorder increases from Ni to Mn. Similar behavior is observed with increase in the phosphorus concentration.

The magnetic properties of Pd-Co-P alloys show that they are ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature between 272 and 399°K as the cobalt concentration increases from 15 to 50 at.%. Below 20 at.% Co the short-range exchange interactions which produce the ferromagnetism are unable to establish a long-range magnetic order and a peak in the magnetization shows up at the lowest temperature range . The electric resistivity measurements were performed from liquid helium temperatures up to the vicinity of the melting point (900°K). The thermomagnetic analysis was carried out under an applied field of 6.0 kOe. The electrical resistivity of Pd-Co-P shows the coexistence of a Kondo-like minimum with ferromagnetism. The minimum becomes less important as the transition metal concentration increases and the coefficients of ℓn T and T^2 become smaller and strongly temperature dependent. The negative magnetoresistivity is a strong indication of the existence of localized moment.

The temperature coefficient of resistivity which is positive for Pd- Fe-P, Pd-Ni-P, and Pd-Co-P becomes negative for Pd-Mn-P. It is possible to account for the negative temperature dependence by the localized spin fluctuation model and the high density of states at the Fermi energy which becomes maximum between Mn and Cr. The magnetization curves for Pd-Mn-P are typical of those resulting from the interplay of different exchange forces. The established relationship between susceptibility and resistivity confirms the localized spin fluctuation model. The magnetoresistivity of Pd-Mn-P could be interpreted in tenns of a short-range magnetic ordering that could arise from the Rudennan-Kittel type interactions.


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The Q values and 0o cross sections of (He3, n) reactions forming seven proton-rich nuclei have been measured with accuracies varying from 6 to 18 keV. The Q values (in keV) are: Si26 (85), S30 (-573), Ar34 (-759), Ti42 (-2865), Cr48 (5550), Ni56 (4513) and Zn60 (818). At least one excited state was found for all but Ti42. The first four nuclei complete isotopic spin triplets; the results obtained agree well with charge-symmetry predictions. The last three, all multiples of the α particle, are important in the α and e-process theories of nucleo-synthesis in stars. The energy available for β decay of these three was found by magnetic spectrometer measurements of the (He3, p) Q values of reactions leading to V48, Co56, and Cu60. Many excited states were seen: V48 (3), Co56 (15), Cu60 (23). The first two states of S30 are probably 0+ and 2+ from (He3, n) angular distribution measurements. Two NaI γ-ray measurements are described: the decay of Ar34 (measured Ƭ1/2 = 1.2 ± 0.3s) and the prompt γ-ray spectrum from Fe54(He3, nγ)Ni56. Possible collective structure in Ni56 and Ca40, both doubly magic, is discussed.

The (He3, n) neutron energy and yield measurements utilized neutron-induced nuclear reactions in a silicon semiconductor detector. Cross sections for the most important detection processes, Si28 (n, α) Mg25 and Si28 (n, p) Al28, are presented for reactions leading to the first four states of both residual nuclei for neutron energies from 7.3 to 16.4 MeV. Resolution and pulse-height anomalies associated with recoil Mg25 and Al28 ions are discussed. The 0o cross section for Be9 (α, n) C12, used to provide calibration neutrons, has been measured with a stilbene spectrometer for no (5.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 12 MeV), n1 (4.3 ≤ Eα ≤ 12.0 MeV) and n2 (6.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 10.1 MeV). Resonances seen in the no yield may correspond to nine new levels in C13.


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Electronic Kαl x-ray isotope shifts have been measured for Sn 116-124, Sm 148-154, W 182-184, W 184-186, and W 182-186 using a curved crystal Cauchois spectrometer. The analysis of the measurements has included the electrostatic volume effect, screening by the transition electron as well as the non-transition electrons, normal and specific mass shifts, dynamical nuclear qudrupole polarization, and a radiative correction effect of the electron magnetic moment in the nuclear charge radii are obtained. Where other experimental data are available, the agreement with the present measurements is satisfactory. Comparisons with several nuclear model predictions yield only partial agreement.


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The induced magnetic uniaxial anisotropy of Ni-Fe alloy films has been shown to be related to the crystal structure of the film. By use of electron diffraction, the crystal structure or vacuum-deposited films was determined over the composition range 5% to 85% Ni, with substrate temperature during deposition at various temperatures in the range 25° to 500° C. The phase diagram determined in this way has boundaries which are in fair agreement with the equilibrium boundaries for bulk material above 400°C. The (α+ ɤ) mixture phase disappears below 100°C.

The measurement of uniaxial anisotropy field for 25% Ni-Fe alloy films deposited at temperatures in the range -80°C to 375°C has been carried out. Comparison of the crystal structure phase diagram with the present data and those published by Wilts indicates that the anisotropy is strongly sensitive to crystal structure. Others have proposed pair ordering as an important source of anisotropy because of an apparent peak in the anisotropy energy at about 50% Ni composition. The present work shows no such peak, and leads to the conclusion that pair ordering cannot be a dominant contributor.

Width of the 180° domain wall in 76% Ni-Fe alloy films as a function of film thickness up to 1800 Å was measured using the defocused mode of Lorentz microscopy. For the thinner films, the measured wall widths are in good agreement with earlier data obtained by Fuchs. For films thicker than 800 Å, the wall width increases with film thickness to about 9000 Å at 1800 Å film thickness. Similar measurements for polycrystalline Co films with thickness from 200 to 1500 Å have been made. The wall width increases from 3000 Å at 400 Å film thickness to about 6000 Å at 1500 Å film thickness. The wall widths for Ni-Fe and Co films are much greater than predicted by present theories. The validity of the classical determination of wall width is discussed, and the comparison of the present data with theoretical results is given.

Finally, an experimental study of ripple by Lorentz microscopy in Ni-Fe alloy films has been carried out. The following should be noted: (1) the only practical way to determine experimentally a meaningful wavelength is to find a well-defined ripple periodicity by visual inspection of a photomicrograph. (2) The average wavelength is of the order of 1µ. This value is in reasonable agreement with the main wavelength predicted by the theories developed by others. The dependence of wavelength on substrate deposition temperature, alloy composition and the external magnetic field has been also studied and the results are compared with theoretical predictions. (3) The experimental fact that the ripple structure could not be observed in completely epitaxial films gives confirmation that the ripple results from the randomness of crystallite orientation. Furthermore, the experimental observation that the ripple disappeared in the range 71 and 75% Ni supports the theory that the ripple amplitude is directly dependent on the crystalline anisotropy. An attempt to experimentally determine the order of magnitude of the ripple angle was carried out. The measured angle was about 0.02 rad. The discrepancy between the experimental data and the theoretical prediction is serious. The accurate experimental determination of ripple angle is an unsolved problem.


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The lattice anomalies and magnetic states in the (Fe100-xMnx)5Si3 alloys have been investigated. Contrary to what was previously reported, results of x-ray diffraction show a second phase (α') present in Fe-rich alloys and therefore strictly speaking a complete solid solution does not exist. Mössbauer spectra, measured as a function of composition and temperature, indicate the presence of two inequivalent sites, namely 6(g) site (designated as site I) and 4(d) (site II). A two-site model (TSM) has been introduced to interpret the experimental findings. The compositional variation of lattice parameters a and c, determined from the x-ray analysis, exhibits anomalies at x = 22.5 and x = 50, respectively. The former can be attributed to the effect of a ferromagnetic transition; while the latter is due to the effect of preferential substitution between Fe and Mn atoms according to TSM.

The reduced magnetization of these alloys deduced from magnetic hyperfine splittings has been correlated with the magnetic transition temperatures in terms of the molecular field theory. It has been found from both the Mössbauer effect and magnetization measurements that for composition 0 ≤ x ˂ 50 both sites I and II are ferromagnetic at liquid-nitrogen temperature and possess moments parallel to each other. In the composition range 50 ˂ x ≤ 100 , the site II is antiferromagnetic whereas site I is paramagnetic even at a temperature below the bulk Néel temperatures. In the vicinity of x = 50 however, site II is in a state of transition between ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism. The present study also suggests that only Mn in site II are responsible for the antiferromagnetism in Mn5Si3 contrary to a previous report.

Electrical resistance has also been measured as a function of temperature and composition. The resistive anomalies observed in the Mn-rich alloys are believed to result from the effect of the antiferromagnetic Brillouin zone on the mobility of conduction electrons.


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Part I. Complexes of Biological Bases and Oligonucleotides with RNA

The physical nature of complexes of several biological bases and oligonucleotides with single-stranded ribonucleic acids have been studied by high resolution proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The importance of various forces in the stabilization of these complexes is also discussed.

Previous work has shown that purine forms an intercalated complex with single-stranded nucleic acids. This complex formation led to severe and stereospecific broadening of the purine resonances. From the field dependence of the linewidths, T1 measurements of the purine protons and nuclear Overhauser enhancement experiments, the mechanism for the line broadening was ascertained to be dipole-dipole interactions between the purine protons and the ribose protons of the nucleic acid.

The interactions of ethidium bromide (EB) with several RNA residues have been studied. EB forms vertically stacked aggregates with itself as well as with uridine, 3'-uridine monophosphate and 5'-uridine monophosphate and forms an intercalated complex with uridylyl (3' → 5') uridine and polyuridylic acid (poly U). The geometry of EB in the intercalated complex has also been determined.

The effect of chain length of oligo-A-nucleotides on their mode of interaction with poly U in D20 at neutral pD have also been studied. Below room temperatures, ApA and ApApA form a rigid triple-stranded complex involving a stoichiometry of one adenine to two uracil bases, presumably via specific adenine-uracil base pairing and cooperative base stacking of the adenine bases. While no evidence was obtained for the interaction of ApA with poly U above room temperature, ApApA exhibited complex formation of a 1:1 nature with poly U by forming Watson-Crick base pairs. The thermodynamics of these systems are discussed.

Part II. Template Recognition and the Degeneracy of the Genetic Code

The interaction of ApApG and poly U was studied as a model system for the codon-anticodon interaction of tRNA and mRNA in vivo. ApApG was shown to interact with poly U below ~20°C. The interaction was of a 1:1 nature which exhibited the Hoogsteen bonding scheme. The three bases of ApApG are in an anti conformation and the guanosine base appears to be in the lactim tautomeric form in the complex.

Due to the inadequacies of previous models for the degeneracy of the genetic code in explaining the observed interactions of ApApG with poly U, the "tautomeric doublet" model is proposed as a possible explanation of the degenerate interactions of tRNA with mRNA during protein synthesis in vivo.