4 resultados para level of development

em CaltechTHESIS


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Morphogenesis is a phenomenon of intricate balance and dynamic interplay between processes occurring at a wide range of scales (spatial, temporal and energetic). During development, a variety of physical mechanisms are employed by tissues to simultaneously pattern, move, and differentiate based on information exchange between constituent cells, perhaps more than at any other time during an organism's life. To fully understand such events, a combined theoretical and experimental framework is required to assist in deciphering the correlations at both structural and functional levels at scales that include the intracellular and tissue levels as well as organs and organ systems. Microscopy, especially diffraction-limited light microscopy, has emerged as a central tool to capture the spatio-temporal context of life processes. Imaging has the unique advantage of watching biological events as they unfold over time at single-cell resolution in the intact animal. In this work I present a range of problems in morphogenesis, each unique in its requirements for novel quantitative imaging both in terms of the technique and analysis. Understanding the molecular basis for a developmental process involves investigating how genes and their products- mRNA and proteins-function in the context of a cell. Structural information holds the key to insights into mechanisms and imaging fixed specimens paves the first step towards deciphering gene function. The work presented in this thesis starts with the demonstration that the fluorescent signal from the challenging environment of whole-mount imaging, obtained by in situ hybridization chain reaction (HCR), scales linearly with the number of copies of target mRNA to provide quantitative sub-cellular mapping of mRNA expression within intact vertebrate embryos. The work then progresses to address aspects of imaging live embryonic development in a number of species. While processes such as avian cartilage growth require high spatial resolution and lower time resolution, dynamic events during zebrafish somitogenesis require higher time resolution to capture the protein localization as the somites mature. The requirements on imaging are even more stringent in case of the embryonic zebrafish heart that beats with a frequency of ~ 2-2.5 Hz, thereby requiring very fast imaging techniques based on two-photon light sheet microscope to capture its dynamics. In each of the hitherto-mentioned cases, ranging from the level of molecules to organs, an imaging framework is developed, both in terms of technique and analysis to allow quantitative assessment of the process in vivo. Overall the work presented in this thesis combines new quantitative tools with novel microscopy for the precise understanding of processes in embryonic development.


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Part I. The cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum is a simple eukaryote which undergoes a multi-cellular developmental process. Single cell myxamoebae divide vegetatively in the presence of a food source. When the food is depleted or removed, the cells aggregate, forming a migrating pseudoplasmodium which differentiates into a fruiting body containing stalk and spore cells. I have shown that during the developmental cycle glycogen phosphorylase, aminopeptidase, and alanine transaminase are developmentally regulated, that is their specific activities increased at a specific time in the developmental cycle. Phosphorylase activity is undetectable in developing cells until mid-aggregation whereupon it increases and reaches a maximum at mid-culmination. Thereafter the enzyme disappears. Actinomycin D and cycloheximide studies as well as studies with morphologically aberrant and temporally deranged mutants indicate that prior RNA and concomitant protein synthesis are necessary for the rise and decrease in activity and support the view that the appearance of the enzyme is regulated at the transcriptional level. Aminopeptidase and alanine transaminase increase 3 fold starting at starvation and reach maximum activity at 18 and 5 hours respectively.

The cellular DNA s of D. discoideum were characterized by CsC1 buoyant density gradient centrifugation and by renaturation kinetics. Whole cell DNA exhibits three bands in CsCl: ρ = 1.676 g/cc (nuclear main band), 1.687 (nuclear satellite), and 1.682 (mitochondrial). Reassociation kinetics at a criterion of Tm -23°C indicates that the nuclear reiterated sequences make up 30% of the genome (Cot1/2 (pure) 0.28) and the single-copy DNA 70% (Cot1/2(pure) 70). The complexity of the nuclear genome is 30 x 109 daltons and that of the mitochondrial DNA is 35-40 x 106 daltons (Cot1/2 0.15). rRNA cistrons constitute 2.2% of nuclear DNA and have a ρ = 1.682.

RNA extracted from 4 stages during developmental cycle of Dictyostelium was hybridized with purified single-copy nuclear DNA. The hybrids had properties indicative of single-copy DNA-RNA hybrids. These studies indicate that there are, during development, qualitative and quantitative changes in the portion of the single-copy of the genome transcribed. Overall, 56% of the genome is represented by transcripts between the amoeba and mid-culmination stages. Some 19% are sequences which are represented at all stages while 37% of the genome consists of stage specific sequences.

Part II. RNA and protein synthesis and polysome formation were studied during early development of the surf clam Spisula solidissima embryos. The oocyte has a small number of polysomes and a low but measurable rate of protein synthesis (leucine-3H incorporation). After fertilization, there is a continual increase in the percentage of ribosomes sedimenting in the polysome region. Newly synthesized RNA (uridine-5-3H incorporation) was found in polysomes as early as the 2-cell stage. During cleavage, the newly formed RNA is associated mainly with the light polysomes.

RNA extracted from polysomes labeled at the 4-cell stage is polydisperse, nonribosomal, and non-4 S. Actinomycin D causes a reduction of about 30% of the polysomes formed between fertilization and the 16-cell stage.

In the early cleavage stages the light polysomes are mostly affected by actinomycin.


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The prime thrust of this dissertation is to advance the development of fuel cell dioxygen reduction cathodes that employ some variant of multicopper oxidase enzymes as the catalyst. The low earth-abundance of platinum metal and its correspondingly high market cost has prompted a general search amongst chemists and materials scientists for reasonable alternatives to this metal for facilitating catalytic dioxygen reduction chemistry. The multicopper oxidases (MCOs), which constitute a class of enzyme that naturally catalyze the reaction O2 + 4H+ + 4e- → 2H2O, provide a promising set of biochemical contenders for fuel cell cathode catalysts. In MCOs, a substrate reduces a copper atom at the type 1 site, where charge is then transferred to a trinuclear copper cluster consisting of a mononuclear type 2 or “normal copper” site and a binuclear type 3 copper site. Following the reduction of all four copper atoms in the enzyme, dioxygen is then reduced to water in two two-electron steps, upon binding to the trinuclear copper cluster. We identified an MCO, a laccase from the hyperthermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus strain HB27, as a promising candidate for cathodic fuel cell catalysis. This protein demonstrates resilience at high temperatures, exhibiting no denaturing transition at temperatures high as 95°C, conditions relevant to typical polymer electrolyte fuel cell operation.

In Chapter I of this thesis, we discuss initial efforts to physically characterize the enzyme when operating as a heterogeneous cathode catalyst. Following this, in Chapter II we then outline the development of a model capable of describing the observed electrochemical behavior of this enzyme when operating on porous carbon electrodes. Developing a rigorous mathematical framework with which to describe this system had the potential to improve our understanding of MCO electrokinetics, while also providing a level of predictive power that might guide any future efforts to fabricate MCO cathodes with optimized electrochemical performance. In Chapter III we detail efforts to reduce electrode overpotentials through site-directed mutagenesis of the inner and outer-sphere ligands of the Cu sites in laccase, using electrochemical methods and electronic spectroscopy to try and understand the resultant behavior of our mutant constructs. Finally, in Chapter IV, we examine future work concerning the fabrication of enhanced MCO cathodes, exploring the possibility of new cathode materials and advanced enzyme deposition techniques.


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The high computational cost of correlated wavefunction theory (WFT) calculations has motivated the development of numerous methods to partition the description of large chemical systems into smaller subsystem calculations. For example, WFT-in-DFT embedding methods facilitate the partitioning of a system into two subsystems: a subsystem A that is treated using an accurate WFT method, and a subsystem B that is treated using a more efficient Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) method. Representation of the interactions between subsystems is non-trivial, and often requires the use of approximate kinetic energy functionals or computationally challenging optimized effective potential calculations; however, it has recently been shown that these challenges can be eliminated through the use of a projection operator. This dissertation describes the development and application of embedding methods that enable accurate and efficient calculation of the properties of large chemical systems.

Chapter 1 introduces a method for efficiently performing projection-based WFT-in-DFT embedding calculations on large systems. This is accomplished by using a truncated basis set representation of the subsystem A wavefunction. We show that naive truncation of the basis set associated with subsystem A can lead to large numerical artifacts, and present an approach for systematically controlling these artifacts.

Chapter 2 describes the application of the projection-based embedding method to investigate the oxidative stability of lithium-ion batteries. We study the oxidation potentials of mixtures of ethylene carbonate (EC) and dimethyl carbonate (DMC) by using the projection-based embedding method to calculate the vertical ionization energy (IE) of individual molecules at the CCSD(T) level of theory, while explicitly accounting for the solvent using DFT. Interestingly, we reveal that large contributions to the solvation properties of DMC originate from quadrupolar interactions, resulting in a much larger solvent reorganization energy than that predicted using simple dielectric continuum models. Demonstration that the solvation properties of EC and DMC are governed by fundamentally different intermolecular interactions provides insight into key aspects of lithium-ion batteries, with relevance to electrolyte decomposition processes, solid-electrolyte interphase formation, and the local solvation environment of lithium cations.