7 resultados para killer cell immunoglobulin like receptor

em CaltechTHESIS


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In response to infection or tissue dysfunction, immune cells develop into highly heterogeneous repertoires with diverse functions. Capturing the full spectrum of these functions requires analysis of large numbers of effector molecules from single cells. However, currently only 3-5 functional proteins can be measured from single cells. We developed a single cell functional proteomics approach that integrates a microchip platform with multiplex cell purification. This approach can quantitate 20 proteins from >5,000 phenotypically pure single cells simultaneously. With a 1-million fold miniaturization, the system can detect down to ~100 molecules and requires only ~104 cells. Single cell functional proteomic analysis finds broad applications in basic, translational and clinical studies. In the three studies conducted, it yielded critical insights for understanding clinical cancer immunotherapy, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) mechanism and hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) biology.

To study phenotypically defined cell populations, single cell barcode microchips were coupled with upstream multiplex cell purification based on up to 11 parameters. Statistical algorithms were developed to process and model the high dimensional readouts. This analysis evaluates rare cells and is versatile for various cells and proteins. (1) We conducted an immune monitoring study of a phase 2 cancer cellular immunotherapy clinical trial that used T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic T cells as major therapeutics to treat metastatic melanoma. We evaluated the functional proteome of 4 antigen-specific, phenotypically defined T cell populations from peripheral blood of 3 patients across 8 time points. (2) Natural killer (NK) cells can play a protective role in chronic inflammation and their surface receptorkiller immunoglobulin-like receptor (KIR) – has been identified as a risk factor of IBD. We compared the functional behavior of NK cells that had differential KIR expressions. These NK cells were retrieved from the blood of 12 patients with different genetic backgrounds. (3) HSCs are the progenitors of immune cells and are thought to have no immediate functional capacity against pathogen. However, recent studies identified expression of Toll-like receptors (TLRs) on HSCs. We studied the functional capacity of HSCs upon TLR activation. The comparison of HSCs from wild-type mice against those from genetics knock-out mouse models elucidates the responding signaling pathway.

In all three cases, we observed profound functional heterogeneity within phenotypically defined cells. Polyfunctional cells that conduct multiple functions also produce those proteins in large amounts. They dominate the immune response. In the cancer immunotherapy, the strong cytotoxic and antitumor functions from transgenic TCR T cells contributed to a ~30% tumor reduction immediately after the therapy. However, this infused immune response disappeared within 2-3 weeks. Later on, some patients gained a second antitumor response, consisted of the emergence of endogenous antitumor cytotoxic T cells and their production of multiple antitumor functions. These patients showed more effective long-term tumor control. In the IBD mechanism study, we noticed that, compared with others, NK cells expressing KIR2DL3 receptor secreted a large array of effector proteins, such as TNF-α, CCLs and CXCLs. The functions from these cells regulated disease-contributing cells and protected host tissues. Their existence correlated with IBD disease susceptibility. In the HSC study, the HSCs exhibited functional capacity by producing TNF-α, IL-6 and GM-CSF. TLR stimulation activated the NF-κB signaling in HSCs. Single cell functional proteome contains rich information that is independent from the genome and transcriptome. In all three cases, functional proteomic evaluation uncovered critical biological insights that would not be resolved otherwise. The integrated single cell functional proteomic analysis constructed a detail kinetic picture of the immune response that took place during the clinical cancer immunotherapy. It revealed concrete functional evidence that connected genetics to IBD disease susceptibility. Further, it provided predictors that correlated with clinical responses and pathogenic outcomes.


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GPI-anchored neurotoxin-like receptor binding proteins, such as lynx modulators, are topologically positioned to exert pharmacological effects by binding to the extracellular portion of nAChRs. These actions are generally thought to proceed when both lynx and the nAChRs are on the plasma membrane. Here, we demonstrate that lynx1 also exerts effects on α4β2 nAChRs within the endoplasmic reticulum. Lynx affects assembly of nascent α4 and β2 subunits, and alters the stoichiometry of the population that reaches the plasma membrane. Additionally, these data suggest that lynx1 alters nAChR stoichiometry primarily through this intracellular interaction, rather than via effects on plasma membrane nAChRs. To our knowledge, these data represent the first test of the hypothesis that a lynx family member, or indeed any GPI-anchored protein, could act within the cell to alter assembly of multi-subunit protein.


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A number of cell-cell interactions in the nervous system are mediated by immunoglobulin gene superfamily members. For example, neuroglian, a homophilic neural cell adhesion molecule in Drosophila, has an extracellular portion comprising six C- 2 type immunoglobulin-like domains followed by five fibronectin type III (FnIII) repeats. Neuroglian shares this domain organization and significant sequence identity with Ll, a murine neural adhesion molecule that could be a functional homologue. Here I report the crystal structure of a proteolytic fragment containing the first two FnIII repeats of neuroglian (NgFn 1,2) at 2.0Å. The interpretation of photomicrographs of rotary shadowed Ng, the entire extracellular portion of neuroglian, and NgFnl-5, the five neuroglian Fn III domains, is also discussed.

The structure of NgFn 1,2 consists of two roughly cylindrical β-barrel structural motifs arranged in a head-to-tail fashion with the domains meeting at an angle of ~120, as defined by the cylinder axes. The folding topology of each domain is identical to that previously observed for single FnIII domains from tenascin and fibronectin. The domains of NgFn1,2 are related by an approximate two fold screw axis that is nearly parallel to the longest dimension of the fragment. Assuming this relative orientation is a general property of tandem FnIII repeats, the multiple tandem FnIII domains in neuroglian and other proteins are modeled as thin straight rods with two domain zig-zag repeats. When combined with the dimensions of pairs of tandem immunoglobulin-like domains from CD4 and CD2, this model suggests that neuroglian is a long narrow molecule (20 - 30 Å in diameter) that extends up to 370Å from the cell surface.

In photomicrographs, rotary shadowed Ng and NgFn1-5 appear to be highly flexible rod-like molecules. NgFn 1-5 is observed to bend in at least two positions and has a mean total length consistent with models generated from the NgFn1,2 structure. Ng molecules have up to four bends and a mean total length of 392 Å, consistent with a head-to-tail packing of neuroglian's C2-type domains.


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Cancer chemotherapy has advanced from highly toxic drugs to more targeted treatments in the last 70 years. Chapter 1 opens with an introduction to targeted therapy for cancer. The benefits of using a nanoparticle to deliver therapeutics are discussed. We move on to siRNA in particular, and why it would be advantageous as a therapy. Specific to siRNA delivery are some challenges, such as nuclease degradation, quick clearance from circulation, needing to enter cells, and getting to the cytosol. We propose the development of a nanoparticle delivery system to tackle these challenges so that siRNA can be effective.

Chapter 2 of this thesis discusses the synthesis and analysis of a cationic mucic acid polymer (cMAP) which condenses siRNA to form a nanoparticle. Various methods to add polyethylene glycol (PEG) for stabilizing the nanoparticle in physiologic solutions, including using a boronic acid binding to diols on mucic acid, forming a copolymer of cMAP with PEG, and creating a triblock with mPEG on both ends of cMAP. The goal of these various pegylation strategies was to increase the circulation time of the siRNA nanoparticle in the bloodstream to allow more of the nanoparticle to reach tumor tissue by the enhanced permeation and retention effect. We found that the triblock mPEG-cMAP-PEGm polymer condensed siRNA to form very stable 30-40 nm particles that circulated for the longest time – almost 10% of the formulation remained in the bloodstream of mice 1 h after intravenous injection.

Chapter 3 explores the use of an antibody as a targeting agent for nanoparticles. Some antibodies of the IgG1 subtype are able to recruit natural killer cells that effect antibody dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) to kill the targeted cell to which the antibody is bound. There is evidence that the ADCC effect remains in antibody-drug conjugates, so we wanted to know whether the ADCC effect is preserved when the antibody is bound to a nanoparticle, which is a much larger and complex entity. We utilized antibodies against epidermal growth factor receptor with similar binding and pharmacokinetics, cetuximab and panitumumab, which differ in that cetuximab is an IgG1 and panitumumab is an IgG2 (which does not cause ADCC). Although a natural killer cell culture model showed that gold nanoparticles with a full antibody targeting agent can elicit target cell lysis, we found that this effect was not preserved in vivo. Whether this is due to the antibody not being accessible to immune cells or whether the natural killer cells are inactivated in a tumor xenograft remains unknown. It is possible that using a full antibody still has value if there are immune functions which are altered in a complex in vivo environment that are intact in an in vitro system, so the value of using a full antibody as a targeting agent versus using an antibody fragment or a protein such as transferrin is still open to further exploration.

In chapter 4, nanoparticle targeting and endosomal escape are further discussed with respect to the cMAP nanoparticle system. A diboronic acid entity, which gives an order of magnitude greater binding (than boronic acid) to cMAP due to the vicinal diols in mucic acid, was synthesized, attached to 5kD or 10kD PEG, and conjugated to either transferrin or cetuximab. A histidine was incorporated into the triblock polymer between cMAP and the PEG blocks to allow for siRNA endosomal escape. Nanoparticle size remained 30-40 nm with a slightly negative ca. -3 mV zeta potential with the triblock polymer containing histidine and when targeting agents were added. Greater mRNA knockdown was seen with the endosomal escape mechanism than without. The nanoparticle formulations were able to knock down the targeted mRNA in vitro. Mixed effects suggesting function were seen in vivo.

Chapter 5 summarizes the project and provides an outlook on siRNA delivery as well as targeted combination therapies for the future of personalized medicine in cancer treatment.


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The emergence of mass spectrometry-based proteomics has revolutionized the study of proteins and their abundances, functions, interactions, and modifications. However, in a multicellular organism, it is difficult to monitor dynamic changes in protein synthesis in a specific cell type within its native environment. In this thesis, we describe methods that enable the metabolic labeling, purification, and analysis of proteins in specific cell types and during defined periods in live animals. We first engineered a eukaryotic phenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase (PheRS) to selectively recognize the unnatural L-phenylalanine analog p-azido-L-phenylalanine (Azf). Using Caenorhabditis elegans, we expressed the engineered PheRS in a cell type of choice (i.e. body wall muscles, intestinal epithelial cells, neurons, pharyngeal muscles), permitting proteins in those cells -- and only those cells -- to be labeled with azides. Labeled proteins are therefore subject to "click" conjugation to cyclooctyne-functionalized affnity probes, separation from the rest of the protein pool and identification by mass spectrometry. By coupling our methodology with heavy isotopic labeling, we successfully identified proteins -- including proteins with previously unknown expression patterns -- expressed in targeted subsets of cells. While cell types like body wall or pharyngeal muscles can be targeted with a single promoter, many cells cannot; spatiotemporal selectivity typically results from the combinatorial action of multiple regulators. To enhance spatiotemporal selectivity, we next developed a two-component system to drive overlapping -- but not identical -- patterns of expression of engineered PheRS, restricting labeling to cells that express both elements. Specifically, we developed a split-intein-based split-PheRS system for highly efficient PheRS-reconstitution through protein splicing. Together, these tools represent a powerful approach for unbiased discovery of proteins uniquely expressed in a subset of cells at specific developmental stages.


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The cells of the specialized mating structures of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans adult male tail develop from sex-specific divisions of postembryonic blast cells. One male-specific blast cell, B, is the precursor to all the cells of the copulatory spicules. Both cell interactions and autonomous fate specification mechanisms are utilized in the B lineage to specify fate.

During development the anterior daughter of B, B.a, generates four distinct pairs of cells. Cell ablation experiments indicate that the cells of each pair respond to positional cues provided by other male-specific blast cells. F and U promote anterior fates, Y.p promotes some posterior fates, and the B.a progeny promote posterior fates. The cells within each pair may also interact.

The lin-3/let-23 signalling pathway, identified for its function in C. elegans hermaphrodite vulval induction, mediates the signal from F and U. Reduction-of-function mutations in lin-3 (EGF-like signal), let-23 (receptor), sem-5 (adaptor), let-60 (ras), or lin-45 (raf) disrupt the fates of the anterior cells, and mimic F and U ablation. In addition, ectopically expressed lin-3 disrupts the fates of the posterior cells, and can promote anterior fates even in the absence of F and U.

A genetic screen of over 9000 mutagenized gametes recovered 22 mutations in 20 loci that disrupt fate specification in male tail lineages. Seven of these mutations may represent new genes that play a role in male tail development.

The first division of the B cell is asymmetric. The gene vab-3 is required for specification of B.a fates, and it may represent a factor whose activity is localized to the B.a cell via the gene lin-17. lin-17 acts both at the first division of the B cell and at specific other cell divisions in the lineage.


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The neonatal Fe receptor (FeRn) binds the Fe portion of immunoglobulin G (IgG) at the acidic pH of endosomes or the gut and releases IgG at the alkaline pH of blood. FeRn is responsible for the maternofetal transfer of IgG and for rescuing endocytosed IgG from a default degradative pathway. We investigated how FeRn interacts with IgG by constructing a heterodimeric form of the Fe (hdFc) that contains one FeRn binding site. This molecule was used to characterize the interaction between one FeRn molecule and one Fe and to determine under what conditions FeRn forms a dimer. The hdFc binds one FeRn molecule at pH 6.0 with a K_d of 80 nM. In solution and with FeRn anchored to solid supports, the heterodimeric Fe does not induce a dimer of FeRn molecules. FcRnhdFc complex crystals were obtained and the complex structure was solved to 2.8 Å resolution. Analysis of this structure refined the understanding of the mechanism of the pH-dependent binding, shed light on the role played by carbohydrates in the Fe binding, and provided insights on how to design therapeutic IgG antibodies with longer serum half-lives. The FcRn-hdFc complex in the crystal did not contain the FeRn dimer. To characterize the tendency of FeRn to form a dimer in a membrane we analyzed the tendency of the hdFc to induce cross-phosphorylation of FeRn-tyrosine kinase chimeras. We also constructed FeRn-cyan and FeRn-yellow fluorescent proteins and have analyzed the tendency of these molecules to exhibit fluorescence resonance energy transfer. As of now, neither of these analyses have lead to conclusive results. In the process of acquiring the context to appreciate the structure of the FcRn-hdFc interface, we developed a study of 171 other nonobligate protein-protein interfaces that includes an original principal component analysis of the quantifiable aspects of these interfaces.