5 resultados para factors

em CaltechTHESIS


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Interleukin-2 is one of the lymphokines secreted by T helper type 1 cells upon activation mediated by T-cell receptor (TCR) and accessory molecules. The ability to express IL-2 is correlated with T-lineage commitment and is regulated during T cell development and differentiation. Understanding the molecular mechanism of how IL-2 gene inducibility is controlled at each transition and each differentiation process of T-cell development is to understand one aspect of T-cell development. In the present study, we first attempted to elucidate the molecular basis for the developmental changes of IL-2 gene inducibility. We showed that IL-2 gene inducibility is acquired early in immature CD4- CD8-TCR- thymocytes prior to TCR gene rearrangement. Similar to mature T cells, a complete set of transcription factors can be induced at this early stage to activate IL-2 gene expression. The progression of these cells to cortical CD4^+CD8^+TCR^(1o) cells is accompanied by the loss of IL-2 gene inducibility. We demonstrated that DNA binding activities of two transcription factors AP-1 and NF-AT are reduced in cells at this stage. Further, the loss of factor binding, especially AP-1, is attributable to the reduced ability to activate expression of three potential components of AP-1 and NF-AT, including c-Fos, FosB, and Fra-2. We next examined the interaction of transcription factors and the IL-2 promoter in vivo by using the EL4 T cell line and two non-T cell lines. We showed an all-or-none phenomenon regarding the factor-DNA interaction, i.e., in activated T cells, the IL-2 promoter is occupied by sequence-specific transcription factors when all the transcription factors are available; in resting T cells or non-T cells, no specific protein-DNA interaction is observed when only a subset of factors are present in the nuclei. Purposefully reducing a particular set of factor binding activities in stimulated T cells using pharmacological agents cyclosporin A or forskolin also abolished all interactions. The results suggest that a combinatorial and coordinated protein-DNA interaction is required for IL-2 gene activation. The thymocyte experiments clearly illustrated that multiple transcription factors are regulated during intrathymic T-cell development, and this regulation in tum controls the inducibility of the lineage-specific IL-2 gene. The in vivo study of protein-DNA interaction stressed the combinatorial action of transcription factors to stably occupy the IL-2 promoter and to initiate its transcription, and provided a molecular mechanism for changes in IL-2 gene inducibility in T cells undergoing integration of multiple environmental signals.


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We report measurements of the proton form factors, G^p_E and G^p_M, extracted from elastic electron scattering in the range 1 ≤ Q^2 ≤ 3 (GeV/c)^2 with uncertainties of <15% in G^p_E and <3% in G^p_M. The results for G^p_E are somewhat larger than indicated by most theoretical parameterizations. The ratio of Pauli and Dirac form factors, Q^2(F^p_2/F^p_1), is lower in value and demonstrates less Q^2 dependence than these parameterizations have indicated. Comparisons are made to theoretical models, including those based on perturbative QCD, vector-meson dominance, QCD sum rules, and diquark constituents to the proton. A global extraction of the form factors, including previous elastic scattering measurements, is also presented.


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The ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathway plays an important role in a broad array of cellular processes, inducting cell cycle control and transcription. Biochemical analysis of the ubiquitination of Sic1, the B-type cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitor in budding yeast helped to define a ubiquitin ligase complex named SCFcdc4 (for Skp1, Cdc53/cullin, F-box protein). We found that besides Sic1, the CDK inhibitor Far1 and the replication initiation protein Cdc6 are also substrates of SCFcdc4 in vitro. A common feature in the ubiquitination of the cell cycle SCFcdc4 substrates is that they must be phosphorylated by the major cell cycle CDK, Cdc28. Gcn4, a transcription activator involved in the general control of amino acid biosynthesis, is rapidly degraded in an SCFcdc4-dependent manner in vivo. We have focused on this substrate to investigate the generality of the SCFcdc4 pathway. Through biochemical fractionations, we found that the Srb10 CDK phosphorylates Gcn4 and thereby marks it for recognition by SCFcdc4 ubiquitin ligase. Srb10 is a physiological regulator of Gcn4 stability because both phosphorylation and turnover of Gcn4 are diminished in srb10 mutants. Furthermore, we found that at least two different CDKs, Pho85 and Srb10, conspire to promote the rapid degradation of Gcn4 in vivo. The multistress response transcriptional regulator Msn2 is also a substrate for Srb10 and is hyperphosphorylated in an Srb10-dependent manner upon heat stress-induced translocation into the nucleus. Whereas Msn2 is cytoplasmic in resting wild type cells, its nuclear exclusion is partially compromised in srb10 mutant cells. Srb10 has been shown to repress a subset of genes in vivo, and has been proposed to inhibit transcription via phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of RNA polymerase II. Our results suggest a general theme that Srb10 represses the transcription of specific genes by directly antagonizing the transcriptional activators.


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During early stages of Drosophila development the heat shock response cannot be induced. It is reasoned that the adverse effects on cell cycle and cell growth brought about by Hsp70 induction must outweigh the beneficial aspects of Hsp70 induction in the early embryo. Although the Drosophila heat shock transcription factor (dHSF) is abundant in the early embryo, it does not enter the nucleus in response to heat shock. In older embryos and in cultured cells the factor is localized within the nucleus in an apparent trimeric structure that binds DNA with high affinity. The domain responsible for nuclear localization upon stress resides between residues 390 and 420 of the dHSF. Using that domain as bait in a yeast two-hybrid system we now report the identification and cloning of a nuclear transport protein Drosophila karyopherin-α3(dKap- α3). Biochemical methods demonstrate that the dKap-α3 protein binds specifically to the dHSF's nuclear localization sequence (NLS). Furthermore, the dKap-α3 protein does not associate with NLSs that contain point mutations which are not transported in vivo. Nuclear docking studies also demonstrate specific nuclear targeting of the NLS substrate by dKap-α3.Consistant with previous studies demonstrating that early Drosophila embryos are refractory to heat shock as a result of dHSF nuclear exclusion, we demonstrate that the early embryo is deficient in dKap-α3 protein through cycle 12. From cycle 13 onward the transport factor is present and the dHSF is localized within the nucleus thus allowing the embryo to respond to heat shock.

The pair-rule gene fushi tarazu (ftz) is a well-studied zygotic segmentation gene that is necessary for the development of the even-numbered parasegments in Drosophila melanogastor. During early embryogenesis, ftz is expressed in a characteristic pattern of seven stripes, one in each of the even-numbered parasegments. With a view to understand how ftz is transcriptionally regulated, cDNAs that encode transcription factors that bind to the zebra element of the ftz promoter have been cloned. Chapter Ill reports the cloning and characterization of the eDNA encoding zeb-1 (zebra element binding protein), a novel steroid receptor-like molecule that specifically binds to a key regulatory element of the ftz promoter. In transient transfection assays employing Drosophila tissue culture cells, it has been shown that zeb-1 as well as a truncated zeb-1 polypeptide (zeb480) that lacks the putative ligand binding domain function as sequencespecific trans-activators of the ftz gene.

The Oct factors are members of the POU family of transcription factors that are shown to play important roles during development in mammals. Chapter IV reports the eDNA cloning and expression of a Drosophila Oct transcription factor. Whole mount in-situ hybridization experiments revealed that the spatial expression patterns of this gene during embryonic development have not yet been observed for any other gene. In early embryogenesis, its transcripts are transiently expressed as a wide uniform band from 20-40% of the egg length, very similar to that of gap genes. This pattern progressively resolves into a series of narrower stripes followed by expression in fourteen stripes. Subsequently, transcripts from this gene are expressed in the central nervous system and the brain. When expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, this Drosophila factor functions as a strong, octamer-dependent activator of transcription. The data strongly suggest possible functions for the Oct factor in pattern formation in Drosophila that might transcend the boundaries of genetically defined segmentation genes.


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The investigations presented in this thesis use various in vivo techniques to understand how trans-acting factors control gene expression. The first part addresses the transcriptional regulation of muscle creatine kinase (MCK). MCK expression is activated during the course of development and is found only in differentiated muscle. Several in vivo footprints are observed at the enhancer of this gene, but all of these interactions are limited to cell types that express MCK. This is interesting because two of the footprints appear to represent muscle specific use of general transcription factors, while the other two correspond to sites that can bind the myogenic regulator, MyoD1, in vitro. MyoD1 and these general factors are present in myoblasts, but can bind to the enhancer only in myocytes. This suggests that either the factors themselves are post-translationally modified (phosphorylation or protein:protein interactions), or the accessibility of the enhancer to the factors is limited (changes in chromatin structure). The in vivo footprinting study of MCK was performed with a new ligation mediated, single-sided PCR (polymerase chain reaction) technique that I have developed.

The second half of the thesis concerns the regulation of mouse metallothionein (MT). Metallothioneins are a family of highly conserved housekeeping genes whose expression can be induced by heavy metals, steroids, and other stresses. By adapting a primer extension method of genomic sequencing to in vivo footprinting, I've observed both metal inducible and noninducible interactions at the promoter of MT-I. From these results I've been able to limit the possible mechanisms by which metal responsive trans-acting factors induce transcription. These interpretations correlate with a second line of experiments involving the stable titration of positive acting factors necessary for induction of MT. I've amplified the promoter of MT to 10^2-10^3 copies per cell by fusing the 5' and 3' ends of the MT gene to the coding region of DHFR and selecting cells for methotrexate resistance. In these cells, there is a metal-specific titration effect, and although it acts at the level of transcription, it appears to be independent of direct DNA binding factors.