6 resultados para ease of discovery

em CaltechTHESIS


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Motivated by needs in molecular diagnostics and advances in microfabrication, researchers started to seek help from microfluidic technology, as it provides approaches to achieve high throughput, high sensitivity, and high resolution. One strategy applied in microfluidics to fulfill such requirements is to convert continuous analog signal into digitalized signal. One most commonly used example for this conversion is digital PCR, where by counting the number of reacted compartments (triggered by the presence of the target entity) out of the total number of compartments, one could use Poisson statistics to calculate the amount of input target.

However, there are still problems to be solved and assumptions to be validated before the technology is widely employed. In this dissertation, the digital quantification strategy has been examined from two angles: efficiency and robustness. The former is a critical factor for ensuring the accuracy of absolute quantification methods, and the latter is the premise for such technology to be practically implemented in diagnosis beyond the laboratory. The two angles are further framed into a “fate” and “rate” determination scheme, where the influence of different parameters is attributed to fate determination step or rate determination step. In this discussion, microfluidic platforms have been used to understand reaction mechanism at single molecule level. Although the discussion raises more challenges for digital assay development, it brings the problem to the attention of the scientific community for the first time.

This dissertation also contributes towards developing POC test in limited resource settings. On one hand, it adds ease of access to the tests by incorporating massively producible, low cost plastic material and by integrating new features that allow instant result acquisition and result feedback. On the other hand, it explores new isothermal chemistry and new strategies to address important global health concerns such as cyctatin C quantification, HIV/HCV detection and treatment monitoring as well as HCV genotyping.


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This dissertation describes efforts over the last five years to develop protective layers for semiconductor photoelectrodes based on monolayer or few-layer graphene sheets. Graphene is an attractive candidate for a protective layer because of its known chemical inertness, transparency, ease of deposition, and limited number of electronic states. Monolayer graphene was found to effectively inhibit loss of photocurrent over 1000 seconds at n-Si/aqueous electrolyte interfaces that exhibit total loss over photocurrent over 100 seconds. Further, the presence of graphene was found to effect only partial Fermi level pinning at the Si/graphene interface with respect to a range of nonaqueous electrolytes. Fluorination of graphene was found to extend the stability imparted on n-Si by the monolayer sheet in aqueous Fe(CN)63-/4- electrolyte to over 100,000 seconds. It was demonstrated that the stability of the photocurrent of n-Si/fluorinated graphene/aqueous electrolyte interfaces relative to n-Si/aqueous electrolyte interfaces is likely attributable to the inhibition of oxidation of the silicon surface.

This dissertation also relates efforts to describe and define terminology relevant to the field of photoelectrochemistry and solar fuels production. Terminology describing varying interfaces employed in electrochemical solar fuels devices are defined, and the research challenges associated with each are discussed. Methods for determining the efficiency of varying photoelectrochemical and solar-fuel-producing cells from the current-voltage behavior of the individual components of such a device without requiring the device be constructed are described, and a range of commonly employed performance metrics are explored.


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Radiation in the first days of supernova explosions contains rich information about physical properties of the exploding stars. In the past three years, I used the intermediate Palomar Transient Factory to conduct one-day cadence surveys, in order to systematically search for infant supernovae. I show that the one-day cadences in these surveys were strictly controlled, that the realtime image subtraction pipeline managed to deliver transient candidates within ten minutes of images being taken, and that we were able to undertake follow-up observations with a variety of telescopes within hours of transients being discovered. So far iPTF has discovered over a hundred supernovae within a few days of explosions, forty-nine of which were spectroscopically classified within twenty-four hours of discovery.

Our observations of infant Type Ia supernovae provide evidence for both the single-degenerate and double-degenerate progenitor channels. On the one hand, a low-velocity Type Ia supernova iPTF14atg revealed a strong ultraviolet pulse within four days of its explosion. I show that the pulse is consistent with the expected emission produced by collision between the supernova ejecta and a companion star, providing direct evidence for the single degenerate channel. By comparing the distinct early-phase light curves of iPTF14atg to an otherwise similar event iPTF14dpk, I show that the viewing angle dependence of the supernova-companion collision signature is probably responsible to the difference of the early light curves. I also show evidence for a dark period between the supernova explosion and the first light of the radioactively-powered light curve. On the other hand, a peculiar Type Ia supernova iPTF13asv revealed strong near-UV emission and absence of iron in the spectra within the first two weeks of explosion, suggesting a stratified ejecta structure with iron group elements confined to the slow-moving part of the ejecta. With its total ejecta mass estimated to exceed the Chandrasekhar limit, I show that the stratification and large mass of the ejecta favor the double-degenerate channel.

In a separate approach, iPTF found the first progenitor system of a Type Ib supernova iPTF13bvn in the pre-explosion HST archival mages. Independently, I used the early-phase optical observations of this supernova to constrain its progenitor radius to be no larger than several solar radii. I also used its early radio detections to derive a mass loss rate of 3e-5 solar mass per year for the progenitor right before the supernova explosion. These constraints on the physical properties of the iPTF13bvn progenitor provide a comprehensive data set to test Type Ib supernova theories. A recent HST revisit to the iPTF13bvn site two years after the supernova explosion has confirmed the progenitor system.

Moving forward, the next frontier in this area is to extend these single-object analyses to a large sample of infant supernovae. The upcoming Zwicky Transient Facility with its fast survey speed, which is expected to find one infant supernova every night, is well positioned to carry out this task.


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A series of Cs- and C1-symmetric doubly-linked ansa-metallocenes of the general formula {1,1'-SiMe2-2,2'-E-('ƞ5-C5H2-4-R1)-(ƞ5-C5H-3',5'-(CHMe2)2)}ZrC2 (E = SiMe2 (1), SiPh2 (2), SiMe2 -SiMe2 (3); R1 = H, CHMe2, C5H9, C6H11, C6H5) has been prepared. When activated by methylaluminoxane, these are active propylene polymerization catalysts. 1 and 2 produce syndiotactic polypropylenes, and 3 produces isotactic polypropylenes. Site epimerization is the major pathway for stereoerror formation for 1 and 2. In addition, the polymer chain has slightly stronger steric interaction with the diphenylsilylene linker than with the dimethylsilylene linker. This results in more frequent site epimerization and reduced syndiospecificity for 2 compared to 1.

C1-Symmetric ansa-zirconocenes [1,1 '-SiMe2-(C5H4)-(3-R-C5H3)]ZrCl2 (4), [1,1 '-SiMe2-(C5H4)-(2,4-R2-C5H2)]ZrCl2 (5) and [1,1 '-SiMe2-2,2 '-(SiMe2-SiMe2)-(C5H3)-( 4-R-C5H2)]ZrCl2 (6) have been prepared to probe the origin of isospecificity in 3. While 4 and 3 produce polymers with similar isospecificity, 5 and 6 give mostly hemi-isotactic-like polymers. It is proposed that the facile site epimerization via an associative pathway allows rapid equilibration of the polymer chain between the isospecific and aspecific insertion sites. This results in more frequent insertion from the isospecific site, which has a lower kinetic barrier for chain propagation. On the other hand, site epimerization for 5 and 6 is slow. This leads to mostly alternating insertion from the isospecific and aspecific sites, and consequently, a hemi-isotactic-like polymers. In comparison, site epimerization is even slower for 3, but enchainment from the aspecific site has an extremely high kinetic barrier for monomer coordination. Therefore, enchainment occurs preferentially from the isospecific site to produce isotactic polymers.

A series of cationic complexes [(ArN=CR-CR=NAr)PtMe(L)]+[BF4]+ (Ar = aryl; R = H, CH3; L = water, trifluoroethanol) has been prepared. They react smoothly with benzene at approximately room temperature in trifluoroethanol solvent to yield methane and the corresponding phenyl Pt(II) cations, via Pt(IV)-methyl-phenyl-hydride intermediates. The reaction products of methyl-substituted benzenes suggest an inherent reactivity preference for aromatic over benzylic C-H bond activation, which can however be overridden by steric effects. For the reaction of benzene with cationic Pt(II) complexes, in which the diimine ligands bear 3,5-disubstituted aryl groups at the nitrogen atoms, the rate-determining step is C-H bond activation. For the more sterically crowded analogs with 2,6-dimethyl-substituted aryl groups, benzene coordination becomes rate-determining. The more electron-rich the ligand, as reflected by the CO stretching frequency in the IR spectrum of the corresponding cationic carbonyl complex, the faster the rate of C-H bond activation. This finding, however, does not reflect the actual C-H bond activation process, but rather reflects only the relative ease of solvent molecules displacing water molecules to initiate the reaction. That is, the change in rates is mostly due to a ground state effect. Several lines of evidence suggest that associative substitution pathways operate to get the hydrocarbon substrate into, and out of, the coordination sphere; i.e., that benzene substitution proceeds by a solvent- (TFE-) assisted associative pathway.


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A common explanation for African current underdevelopment is the extractive character of institutions established during the colonial period. Yet, since colonial extraction is hard to quantify and its exact mechanisms are not well understood, we still do not know precisely how colonial institutions affect economic growth today. In this project, I study this issue by focusing on the peculiar structure of trade and labor policies employed by the French colonizers.

First, I analyze how trade monopsonies and coercive labor institutions reduced African gains from trade during the colonial period. By using new data on prices to agricultural producers and labor institutions in French Africa, I show that (1) the monopsonistic character of colonial trade implied a reduction in prices to producers far below world market prices; (2) coercive labor institutions allowed the colonizers to reduce prices even further; (3) as a consequence, colonial extraction cut African gains from trade by over 60%.

Given the importance of labor institutions, I then focus on their origin by analyzing the colonial governments' incentives to choose between coerced and free labor. I argue that the choice of institutions was affected more by the properties of exported commodities, such as prices and economies of scale, than by the characteristics of colonies, such indigenous population density and ease of settlement for the colonizers.

Finally, I study the long-term effects of colonial trade monopsonies and coercive labor institutions. By combining archival data on prices in the French colonies with maps of crop suitability, I show that the extent to which prices to agricultural producers were reduced with respect to world market prices is strongly negatively correlated with current regional development, as proxied by luminosity data from satellite images. The evidence suggests that colonial extraction affected subsequent growth by reducing development in rural areas in favor of a urban elite. The differential impact in rural and urban areas can be the reason why trade monopsonies and extractive institutions persisted long after independence.


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While concentrator photovoltaic cells have shown significant improvements in efficiency in the past ten years, once these cells are integrated into concentrating optics, connected to a power conditioning system and deployed in the field, the overall module efficiency drops to only 34 to 36%. This efficiency is impressive compared to conventional flat plate modules, but it is far short of the theoretical limits for solar energy conversion. Designing a system capable of achieving ultra high efficiency of 50% or greater cannot be achieved by refinement and iteration of current design approaches.

This thesis takes a systems approach to designing a photovoltaic system capable of 50% efficient performance using conventional diode-based solar cells. The effort began with an exploration of the limiting efficiency of spectrum splitting ensembles with 2 to 20 sub cells in different electrical configurations. Incorporating realistic non-ideal performance with the computationally simple detailed balance approach resulted in practical limits that are useful to identify specific cell performance requirements. This effort quantified the relative benefit of additional cells and concentration for system efficiency, which will help in designing practical optical systems.

Efforts to improve the quality of the solar cells themselves focused on the development of tunable lattice constant epitaxial templates. Initially intended to enable lattice matched multijunction solar cells, these templates would enable increased flexibility in band gap selection for spectrum splitting ensembles and enhanced radiative quality relative to metamorphic growth. The III-V material family is commonly used for multijunction solar cells both for its high radiative quality and for the ease of integrating multiple band gaps into one monolithic growth. The band gap flexibility is limited by the lattice constant of available growth templates. The virtual substrate consists of a thin III-V film with the desired lattice constant. The film is grown strained on an available wafer substrate, but the thickness is below the dislocation nucleation threshold. By removing the film from the growth substrate, allowing the strain to relax elastically, and bonding it to a supportive handle, a template with the desired lattice constant is formed. Experimental efforts towards this structure and initial proof of concept are presented.

Cells with high radiative quality present the opportunity to recover a large amount of their radiative losses if they are incorporated in an ensemble that couples emission from one cell to another. This effect is well known, but has been explored previously in the context of sub cells that independently operate at their maximum power point. This analysis explicitly accounts for the system interaction and identifies ways to enhance overall performance by operating some cells in an ensemble at voltages that reduce the power converted in the individual cell. Series connected multijunctions, which by their nature facilitate strong optical coupling between sub-cells, are reoptimized with substantial performance benefit.

Photovoltaic efficiency is usually measured relative to a standard incident spectrum to allow comparison between systems. Deployed in the field systems may differ in energy production due to sensitivity to changes in the spectrum. The series connection constraint in particular causes system efficiency to decrease as the incident spectrum deviates from the standard spectral composition. This thesis performs a case study comparing performance of systems over a year at a particular location to identify the energy production penalty caused by series connection relative to independent electrical connection.