19 resultados para dark

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis is divided into two parts: interacting dark matter and fluctuations in cosmology. There is an incongruence between the properties that dark matter is expected to possess between the early universe and the late universe. Weakly-interacting dark matter yields the observed dark matter relic density and is consistent with large-scale structure formation; however, there is strong astrophysical evidence in favor of the idea that dark matter has large self-interactions. The first part of this thesis presents two models in which the nature of dark matter fundamentally changes as the universe evolves. In the first model, the dark matter mass and couplings depend on the value of a chameleonic scalar field that changes as the universe expands. In the second model, dark matter is charged under a hidden SU(N) gauge group and eventually undergoes confinement. These models introduce very different mechanisms to explain the separation between the physics relevant for freezeout and for small-scale dynamics.

As the universe continues to evolve, it will asymptote to a de Sitter vacuum phase. Since there is a finite temperature associated with de Sitter space, the universe is typically treated as a thermal system, subject to rare thermal fluctuations, such as Boltzmann brains. The second part of this thesis begins by attempting to escape this unacceptable situation within the context of known physics: vacuum instability induced by the Higgs field. The vacuum decay rate competes with the production rate of Boltzmann brains, and the cosmological measures that have a sufficiently low occurrence of Boltzmann brains are given more credence. Upon further investigation, however, there are certain situations in which de Sitter space settles into a quiescent vacuum with no fluctuations. This reasoning not only provides an escape from the Boltzmann brain problem, but it also implies that vacuum states do not uptunnel to higher-energy vacua and that perturbations do not decohere during slow-roll inflation, suggesting that eternal inflation is much less common than often supposed. Instead, decoherence occurs during reheating, so this analysis does not alter the conventional understanding of the origin of density fluctuations from primordial inflation.


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The LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave observatories are complex and extremely sensitive strain detectors that can be used to search for a wide variety of gravitational waves from astrophysical and cosmological sources. In this thesis, I motivate the search for the gravitational wave signals from coalescing black hole binary systems with total mass between 25 and 100 solar masses. The mechanisms for formation of such systems are not well-understood, and we do not have many observational constraints on the parameters that guide the formation scenarios. Detection of gravitational waves from such systems — or, in the absence of detection, the tightening of upper limits on the rate of such coalescences — will provide valuable information that can inform the astrophysics of the formation of these systems. I review the search for these systems and place upper limits on the rate of black hole binary coalescences with total mass between 25 and 100 solar masses. I then show how the sensitivity of this search can be improved by up to 40% by the the application of the multivariate statistical classifier known as a random forest of bagged decision trees to more effectively discriminate between signal and non-Gaussian instrumental noise. I also discuss the use of this classifier in the search for the ringdown signal from the merger of two black holes with total mass between 50 and 450 solar masses and present upper limits. I also apply multivariate statistical classifiers to the problem of quantifying the non-Gaussianity of LIGO data. Despite these improvements, no gravitational-wave signals have been detected in LIGO data so far. However, the use of multivariate statistical classification can significantly improve the sensitivity of the Advanced LIGO detectors to such signals.


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Many particles proposed by theories, such as GUT monopoles, nuclearites and 1/5 charge superstring particles, can be categorized as Slow-moving, Ionizing, Massive Particles (SIMPs).

Detailed calculations of the signal-to-noise ratios in vanous acoustic and mechanical methods for detecting such SIMPs are presented. It is shown that the previous belief that such methods are intrinsically prohibited by the thermal noise is incorrect, and that ways to solve the thermal noise problem are already within the reach of today's technology. In fact, many running and finished gravitational wave detection ( GWD) experiments are already sensitive to certain SIMPs. As an example, a published GWD result is used to obtain a flux limit for nuclearites.

The result of a search using a scintillator array on Earth's surface is reported. A flux limit of 4.7 x 10^(-12) cm^(-2)sr^(-1)s^(-1) (90% c.l.) is set for any SIMP with 2.7 x 10^(-4) less than β less than 5 x 10^(-3) and ionization greater than 1/3 of minimum ionizing muons. Although this limit is above the limits from underground experiments for typical supermassive particles (10^(16)GeV), it is a new limit in certain β and ionization regions for less massive ones (~10^9 GeV) not able to penetrate deep underground, and implies a stringent limit on the fraction of the dark matter that can be composed of massive electrically and/ or magnetically charged particles.

The prospect of the future SIMP search in the MACRO detector is discussed. The special problem of SIMP trigger is examined and a circuit proposed, which may solve most of the problems of the previous ones proposed or used by others and may even enable MACRO to detect certain SIMP species with β as low as the orbital velocity around the earth.


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In Part I, a method for finding solutions of certain diffusive dispersive nonlinear evolution equations is introduced. The method consists of a straightforward iteration procedure, applied to the equation as it stands (in most cases), which can be carried out to all terms, followed by a summation of the resulting infinite series, sometimes directly and other times in terms of traces of inverses of operators in an appropriate space.

We first illustrate our method with Burgers' and Thomas' equations, and show how it quickly leads to the Cole-Hopft transformation, which is known to linearize these equations.

We also apply this method to the Korteweg and de Vries, nonlinear (cubic) Schrödinger, Sine-Gordon, modified KdV and Boussinesq equations. In all these cases the multisoliton solutions are easily obtained and new expressions for some of them follow. More generally we show that the Marcenko integral equations, together with the inverse problem that originates them, follow naturally from our expressions.

Only solutions that are small in some sense (i.e., they tend to zero as the independent variable goes to ∞) are covered by our methods. However, by the study of the effect of writing the initial iterate u_1 = u_(1)(x,t) as a sum u_1 = ^∼/u_1 + ^≈/u_1 when we know the solution which results if u_1 = ^∼/u_1, we are led to expressions that describe the interaction of two arbitrary solutions, only one of which is small. This should not be confused with Backlund transformations and is more in the direction of performing the inverse scattering over an arbitrary “base” solution. Thus we are able to write expressions for the interaction of a cnoidal wave with a multisoliton in the case of the KdV equation; these expressions are somewhat different from the ones obtained by Wahlquist (1976). Similarly, we find multi-dark-pulse solutions and solutions describing the interaction of envelope-solitons with a uniform wave train in the case of the Schrodinger equation.

Other equations tractable by our method are presented. These include the following equations: Self-induced transparency, reduced Maxwell-Bloch, and a two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger. Higher order and matrix-valued equations with nonscalar dispersion functions are also presented.

In Part II, the second Painleve transcendent is treated in conjunction with the similarity solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equat ion and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.


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The construction and LHC phenomenology of the razor variables MR, an event-by-event indicator of the heavy particle mass scale, and R, a dimensionless variable related to the transverse momentum imbalance of events and missing transverse energy, are presented.  The variables are used  in the analysis of the first proton-proton collisions dataset at CMS  (35 pb-1) in a search for superpartners of the quarks and gluons, targeting indirect hints of dark matter candidates in the context of supersymmetric theoretical frameworks. The analysis produced the highest sensitivity results for SUSY to date and extended the LHC reach far beyond the previous Tevatron results.  A generalized inclusive search is subsequently presented for new heavy particle pairs produced in √s = 7 TeV proton-proton collisions at the LHC using 4.7±0.1 fb-1 of integrated luminosity from the second LHC run of 2011.  The selected events are analyzed in the 2D razor-space of MR and R and the analysis is performed in 12 tiers of all-hadronic, single and double leptons final states in the presence and absence of b-quarks, probing the third generation sector using the event heavy-flavor content.   The search is sensitive to generic supersymmetry models with minimal assumptions about the superpartner decay chains. No excess is observed in the number or shape of event yields relative to Standard Model predictions. Exclusion limits are derived in the CMSSM framework with  gluino masses up to 800 GeV and squark masses up to 1.35 TeV excluded at 95% confidence level, depending on the model parameters. The results are also interpreted for a collection of simplified models, in which gluinos are excluded with masses as large as 1.1 TeV, for small neutralino masses, and the first-two generation squarks, stops and sbottoms are excluded for masses up to about 800, 425 and 400 GeV, respectively.

With the discovery of a new boson by the CMS and ATLAS experiments in the γ-γ and 4 lepton final states, the identity of the putative Higgs candidate must be established through the measurements of its properties. The spin and quantum numbers are of particular importance, and we describe a method for measuring the JPC of this particle using the observed signal events in the H to ZZ* to 4 lepton channel developed before the discovery. Adaptations of the razor kinematic variables are introduced for the H to WW* to 2 lepton/2 neutrino channel, improving the resonance mass resolution and increasing the discovery significance. The prospects for incorporating this channel in an examination of the new boson JPC is discussed, with indications that this it could provide complementary information to the H to ZZ* to 4 lepton final state, particularly for measuring CP-violation in these decays.


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High-background applications such as climate monitoring, biology and security applications demand a large dynamic range. Under such conditions ultra-high sensitivity is not required. The resonator bolometer is a novel detector which is well-suited for these conditions. This device takes advantage of the high-density frequency multiplexing capabilities of superconducting microresonators while allowing for the use of high-Tc superconductors in fabrication, which enables a modest (1-4 K) operating temperature and larger dynamic range than is possible with conventional microresonators. The moderate operating temperature and intrinsic multiplexability of this device reduce cost and allow for large pixel counts, making the resonator bolometer especially suitable for the aforementioned applications. A single pixel consists of a superconducting microresonator whose light-absorbing area is placed on a thermally isolated island. Here we present experimental results and theoretical calculations for a prototype resonator bolometer array. Intrinsic device noise and noise equivalent power (NEP) under both dark and illuminated conditions are presented. Under dark conditions the device sensitivity is limited by the thermal noise fluctuations from the bolometer legs. Under the experimental illuminated conditions the device was photon noise limited.


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Cosmic birefringence (CB)---a rotation of photon-polarization plane in vacuum---is a generic signature of new scalar fields that could provide dark energy. Previously, WMAP observations excluded a uniform CB-rotation angle larger than a degree.

In this thesis, we develop a minimum-variance--estimator formalism for reconstructing direction-dependent rotation from full-sky CMB maps, and forecast more than an order-of-magnitude improvement in sensitivity with incoming Planck data and future satellite missions. Next, we perform the first analysis of WMAP-7 data to look for rotation-angle anisotropies and report null detection of the rotation-angle power-spectrum multipoles below L=512, constraining quadrupole amplitude of a scale-invariant power to less than one degree. We further explore the use of a cross-correlation between CMB temperature and the rotation for detecting the CB signal, for different quintessence models. We find that it may improve sensitivity in case of marginal detection, and provide an empirical handle for distinguishing details of new physics indicated by CB.

We then consider other parity-violating physics beyond standard models---in particular, a chiral inflationary-gravitational-wave background. We show that WMAP has no constraining power, while a cosmic-variance--limited experiment would be capable of detecting only a large parity violation. In case of a strong detection of EB/TB correlations, CB can be readily distinguished from chiral gravity waves.

We next adopt our CB analysis to investigate patchy screening of the CMB, driven by inhomogeneities during the Epoch of Reionization (EoR). We constrain a toy model of reionization with WMAP-7 data, and show that data from Planck should start approaching interesting portions of the EoR parameter space and can be used to exclude reionization tomographies with large ionized bubbles.

In light of the upcoming data from low-frequency radio observations of the redshifted 21-cm line from the EoR, we examine probability-distribution functions (PDFs) and difference PDFs of the simulated 21-cm brightness temperature, and discuss the information that can be recovered using these statistics. We find that PDFs are insensitive to details of small-scale physics, but highly sensitive to the properties of the ionizing sources and the size of ionized bubbles.

Finally, we discuss prospects for related future investigations.


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Galaxy clusters are the largest gravitationally bound objects in the observable universe, and they are formed from the largest perturbations of the primordial matter power spectrum. During initial cluster collapse, matter is accelerated to supersonic velocities, and the baryonic component is heated as it passes through accretion shocks. This process stabilizes when the pressure of the bound matter prevents further gravitational collapse. Galaxy clusters are useful cosmological probes, because their formation progressively freezes out at the epoch when dark energy begins to dominate the expansion and energy density of the universe. A diverse set of observables, from radio through X-ray wavelengths, are sourced from galaxy clusters, and this is useful for self-calibration. The distributions of these observables trace a cluster's dark matter halo, which represents more than 80% of the cluster's gravitational potential. One such observable is the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (SZE), which results when the ionized intercluster medium blueshifts the cosmic microwave background via Compton scattering. Great technical advances in the last several decades have made regular observation of the SZE possible. Resolved SZE science, such as is explored in this analysis, has benefitted from the construction of large-format camera arrays consisting of highly sensitive millimeter-wave detectors, such as Bolocam. Bolocam is a submillimeter camera, sensitive to 140 GHz and 268 GHz radiation, located at one of the best observing sites in the world: the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory on Mauna Kea in Hawaii. Bolocam fielded 144 of the original spider web NTD bolometers used in an entire generation of ground-based, balloon-borne, and satellite-borne millimeter wave instrumention. Over approximately six years, our group at Caltech has developed a mature galaxy cluster observational program with Bolocam. This thesis describes the construction of the instrument's full cluster catalog: BOXSZ. Using this catalog, I have scaled the Bolocam SZE measurements with X-ray mass approximations in an effort to characterize the SZE signal as a viable mass probe for cosmology. This work has confirmed the SZE to be a low-scatter tracer of cluster mass. The analysis has also revealed how sensitive the SZE-mass scaling is to small biases in the adopted mass approximation. Future Bolocam analysis efforts are set on resolving these discrepancies by approximating cluster mass jointly with different observational probes.


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The purpose of this thesis is to present new observations of thermal-infrared radiation from asteroids. Stellar photometry was performed to provide standards for comparison with the asteroid data. The details of the photometry and the data reduction are discussed in Part 1. A system of standard stars is derived for wavelengths of 8.5, 10.5 and 11.6 µm and a new calibration is adopted. Sources of error are evaluated and comparisons are made with the data of other observers.

The observations and analysis of the thermal-emission observations of asteroids are presented in Part 2. Thermal-emission lightcurve and phase effect data are considered. Special color diagrams are introduced to display the observational data. These diagrams are free of any model-dependent assumptions and show that asteroids differ in their surface properties.

On the basis of photometric models, (4) Vesta is thought to have a bolometric Bond albedo of about 0.1, an emissivity greater than 0.7 and a true radius that is close to the model value of 300^(+50)_(-30)km. Model albedos and model radii are given for asteroids 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 19, 20, 27, 39, 44, 68, 80, 324 and 674. The asteroid (324) Bamberga is extremely dark with a model (~bolometric Bond) albedo in the 0.01 - 0.02 range, which is thought to be the lowest albedo yet measured for any solar-system body. The crucial question about such low-albedo asteroids is their number and the distribution of their orbits.


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This thesis describes simple extensions of the standard model with new sources of baryon number violation but no proton decay. The motivation for constructing such theories comes from the shortcomings of the standard model to explain the generation of baryon asymmetry in the universe, and from the absence of experimental evidence for proton decay. However, lack of any direct evidence for baryon number violation in general puts strong bounds on the naturalness of some of those models and favors theories with suppressed baryon number violation below the TeV scale. The initial part of the thesis concentrates on investigating models containing new scalars responsible for baryon number breaking. A model with new color sextet scalars is analyzed in more detail. Apart from generating cosmological baryon number, it gives nontrivial predictions for the neutron-antineutron oscillations, the electric dipole moment of the neutron, and neutral meson mixing. The second model discussed in the thesis contains a new scalar leptoquark. Although this model predicts mainly lepton flavor violation and a nonzero electric dipole moment of the electron, it includes, in its original form, baryon number violating nonrenormalizable dimension-five operators triggering proton decay. Imposing an appropriate discrete symmetry forbids such operators. Finally, a supersymmetric model with gauged baryon and lepton numbers is proposed. It provides a natural explanation for proton stability and predicts lepton number violating processes below the supersymmetry breaking scale, which can be tested at the Large Hadron Collider. The dark matter candidate in this model carries baryon number and can be searched for in direct detection experiments as well. The thesis is completed by constructing and briefly discussing a minimal extension of the standard model with gauged baryon, lepton, and flavor symmetries.


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The works presented in this thesis explore a variety of extensions of the standard model of particle physics which are motivated by baryon number (B) and lepton number (L), or some combination thereof. In the standard model, both baryon number and lepton number are accidental global symmetries violated only by non-perturbative weak effects, though the combination B-L is exactly conserved. Although there is currently no evidence for considering these symmetries as fundamental, there are strong phenomenological bounds restricting the existence of new physics violating B or L. In particular, there are strict limits on the lifetime of the proton whose decay would violate baryon number by one unit and lepton number by an odd number of units.

The first paper included in this thesis explores some of the simplest possible extensions of the standard model in which baryon number is violated, but the proton does not decay as a result. The second paper extends this analysis to explore models in which baryon number is conserved, but lepton flavor violation is present. Special attention is given to the processes of μ to e conversion and μ → eγ which are bound by existing experimental limits and relevant to future experiments.

The final two papers explore extensions of the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) in which both baryon number and lepton number, or the combination B-L, are elevated to the status of being spontaneously broken local symmetries. These models have a rich phenomenology including new collider signatures, stable dark matter candidates, and alternatives to the discrete R-parity symmetry usually built into the MSSM in order to protect against baryon and lepton number violating processes.


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The solar resource is the most abundant renewable resource on earth, yet it is currently exploited with relatively low efficiencies. To make solar energy more affordable, we can either reduce the cost of the cell or increase the efficiency with a similar cost cell. In this thesis, we consider several different optical approaches to achieve these goals. First, we consider a ray optical model for light trapping in silicon microwires. With this approach, much less material can be used, allowing for a cost savings. We next focus on reducing the escape of radiatively emitted and scattered light from the solar cell. With this angle restriction approach, light can only enter and escape the cell near normal incidence, allowing for thinner cells and higher efficiencies. In Auger-limited GaAs, we find that efficiencies greater than 38% may be achievable, a significant improvement over the current world record. To experimentally validate these results, we use a Bragg stack to restrict the angles of emitted light. Our measurements show an increase in voltage and a decrease in dark current, as less radiatively emitted light escapes. While the results in GaAs are interesting as a proof of concept, GaAs solar cells are not currently made on the production scale for terrestrial photovoltaic applications. We therefore explore the application of angle restriction to silicon solar cells. While our calculations show that Auger-limited cells give efficiency increases of up to 3% absolute, we also find that current amorphous silicion-crystalline silicon heterojunction with intrinsic thin layer (HIT) cells give significant efficiency gains with angle restriction of up to 1% absolute. Thus, angle restriction has the potential for unprecedented one sun efficiencies in GaAs, but also may be applicable to current silicon solar cell technology. Finally, we consider spectrum splitting, where optics direct light in different wavelength bands to solar cells with band gaps tuned to those wavelengths. This approach has the potential for very high efficiencies, and excellent annual power production. Using a light-trapping filtered concentrator approach, we design filter elements and find an optimal design. Thus, this thesis explores silicon microwires, angle restriction, and spectral splitting as different optical approaches for improving the cost and efficiency of solar cells.


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The coarsening kinetics of Ni3 Si(γ') precipitate in a binary Ni-Si alloy containing 6.5 wt. % silicon was studied by magnetic techniques and transmission electronmicroscopy. A calibration curve was established to determine the concentration of silicon in the matrix. The variation of the Si content of the Ni-rich matrix as a function of time follows Lifshitz and Wagner theory for diffusion controlled coarsening phenomena. The estimated values of equilibrium solubility of silicon in the matrix represent the true coherent equilibrium solubilities.

The experimental particle-size distributions and average particle size were determined from dark field electron micrographs. The average particle size varies linearly with t-1/3 as suggested by Lifshitz and Wagner. The experimental distributions of particle sizes differ slightly from the theoretical curve at the early stages of aging, but the agreement is satisfactory at the later stages. The values of diffusion coefficient of silicon, interfacial free energy and activation energy were calculated from the results of coarsening kinetics. The experimental value of effective diffusion coefficient is in satisfactory agreement with the value predicted by the application of irreversible the rmodynamics to the process of volume constrained growth of coherent precipitate during coarsening. The coherent γ' particles in Ni-Sialloy unlike those in Ni-Al and Ni-Ti seem to lose coherency at high temperature. A mechanism for the formation of semi-coherent precipitate is suggested.


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The intensities and relative abundances of galactic cosmic ray protons and antiprotons have been measured with the Isotope Matter Antimatter Experiment (IMAX), a balloon-borne magnet spectrometer. The IMAX payload had a successful flight from Lynn Lake, Manitoba, Canada on July 16, 1992. Particles detected by IMAX were identified by mass and charge via the Cherenkov-Rigidity and TOP-Rigidity techniques, with measured rms mass resolution ≤0.2 amu for Z=1 particles.

Cosmic ray antiprotons are of interest because they can be produced by the interactions of high energy protons and heavier nuclei with the interstellar medium as well as by more exotic sources. Previous cosmic ray antiproton experiments have reported an excess of antiprotons over that expected solely from cosmic ray interactions.

Analysis of the flight data has yielded 124405 protons and 3 antiprotons in the energy range 0.19-0.97 GeV at the instrument, 140617 protons and 8 antiprotons in the energy range 0.97-2.58 GeV, and 22524 protons and 5 antiprotons in the energy range 2.58-3.08 GeV. These measurements are a statistical improvement over previous antiproton measurements, and they demonstrate improved separation of antiprotons from the more abundant fluxes of protons, electrons, and other cosmic ray species.

When these results are corrected for instrumental and atmospheric background and losses, the ratios at the top of the atmosphere are p/p=3.21(+3.49, -1.97)x10^(-5) in the energy range 0.25-1.00 GeV, p/p=5.38(+3.48, -2.45) x10^(-5) in the energy range 1.00-2.61 GeV, and p/p=2.05(+1.79, -1.15) x10^(-4) in the energy range 2.61-3.11 GeV. The corresponding antiproton intensities, also corrected to the top of the atmosphere, are 2.3(+2.5, -1.4) x10^(-2) (m^2 s sr GeV)^(-1), 2.1(+1.4, -1.0) x10^(-2) (m^2 s sr GeV)^(-1), and 4.3(+3.7, -2.4) x10^(-2) (m^2 s sr GeV)^(-1) for the same energy ranges.

The IMAX antiproton fluxes and antiproton/proton ratios are compared with recent Standard Leaky Box Model (SLBM) calculations of the cosmic ray antiproton abundance. According to this model, cosmic ray antiprotons are secondary cosmic rays arising solely from the interaction of high energy cosmic rays with the interstellar medium. The effects of solar modulation of protons and antiprotons are also calculated, showing that the antiproton/proton ratio can vary by as much as an order of magnitude over the solar cycle. When solar modulation is taken into account, the IMAX antiproton measurements are found to be consistent with the most recent calculations of the SLBM. No evidence is found in the IMAX data for excess antiprotons arising from the decay of galactic dark matter, which had been suggested as an interpretation of earlier measurements. Furthermore, the consistency of the current results with the SLBM calculations suggests that the mean antiproton lifetime is at least as large as the cosmic ray storage time in the galaxy (~10^7 yr, based on measurements of cosmic ray ^(10)Be). Recent measurements by two other experiments are consistent with this interpretation of the IMAX antiproton results.


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As the worldwide prevalence of diabetes mellitus continues to increase, diabetic retinopathy remains the leading cause of visual impairment and blindness in many developed countries. Between 32 to 40 percent of about 246 million people with diabetes develop diabetic retinopathy. Approximately 4.1 million American adults 40 years and older are affected by diabetic retinopathy. This glucose-induced microvascular disease progressively damages the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina, the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye, leading to retinal ischemia (i.e., inadequate blood flow), retinal hypoxia (i.e., oxygen deprivation), and retinal nerve cell degeneration or death. It is a most serious sight-threatening complication of diabetes, resulting in significant irreversible vision loss, and even total blindness.

Unfortunately, although current treatments of diabetic retinopathy (i.e., laser therapy, vitrectomy surgery and anti-VEGF therapy) can reduce vision loss, they only slow down but cannot stop the degradation of the retina. Patients require repeated treatment to protect their sight. The current treatments also have significant drawbacks. Laser therapy is focused on preserving the macula, the area of the retina that is responsible for sharp, clear, central vision, by sacrificing the peripheral retina since there is only limited oxygen supply. Therefore, laser therapy results in a constricted peripheral visual field, reduced color vision, delayed dark adaptation, and weakened night vision. Vitrectomy surgery increases the risk of neovascular glaucoma, another devastating ocular disease, characterized by the proliferation of fibrovascular tissue in the anterior chamber angle. Anti-VEGF agents have potential adverse effects, and currently there is insufficient evidence to recommend their routine use.

In this work, for the first time, a paradigm shift in the treatment of diabetic retinopathy is proposed: providing localized, supplemental oxygen to the ischemic tissue via an implantable MEMS device. The retinal architecture (e.g., thickness, cell densities, layered structure, etc.) of the rabbit eye exposed to ischemic hypoxic injuries was well preserved after targeted oxygen delivery to the hypoxic tissue, showing that the use of an external source of oxygen could improve the retinal oxygenation and prevent the progression of the ischemic cascade.

The proposed MEMS device transports oxygen from an oxygen-rich space to the oxygen-deficient vitreous, the gel-like fluid that fills the inside of the eye, and then to the ischemic retina. This oxygen transport process is purely passive and completely driven by the gradient of oxygen partial pressure (pO2). Two types of devices were designed. For the first type, the oxygen-rich space is underneath the conjunctiva, a membrane covering the sclera (white part of the eye), beneath the eyelids and highly permeable to oxygen in the atmosphere when the eye is open. Therefore, sub-conjunctival pO2 is very high during the daytime. For the second type, the oxygen-rich space is inside the device since pure oxygen is needle-injected into the device on a regular basis.

To prevent too fast or too slow permeation of oxygen through the device that is made of parylene and silicone (two widely used biocompatible polymers in medical devices), the material properties of the hybrid parylene/silicone were investigated, including mechanical behaviors, permeation rates, and adhesive forces. Then the thicknesses of parylene and silicone became important design parameters that were fine-tuned to reach the optimal oxygen permeation rate.

The passive MEMS oxygen transporter devices were designed, built, and tested in both bench-top artificial eye models and in-vitro porcine cadaver eyes. The 3D unsteady saccade-induced laminar flow of water inside the eye model was modeled by computational fluid dynamics to study the convective transport of oxygen inside the eye induced by saccade (rapid eye movement). The saccade-enhanced transport effect was also demonstrated experimentally. Acute in-vivo animal experiments were performed in rabbits and dogs to verify the surgical procedure and the device functionality. Various hypotheses were confirmed both experimentally and computationally, suggesting that both the two types of devices are very promising to cure diabetic retinopathy. The chronic implantation of devices in ischemic dog eyes is still underway.

The proposed MEMS oxygen transporter devices can be also applied to treat other ocular and systemic diseases accompanied by retinal ischemia, such as central retinal artery occlusion, carotid artery disease, and some form of glaucoma.