3 resultados para arsenic species

em CaltechTHESIS


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Chlorine oxide species have received considerable attention in recent years due to their central role in the balance of stratospheric ozone. Many questions pertaining to the behavior of such species still remain unanswered and plague the ability of researchers to develop accurate chemical models of the stratosphere. Presented in this thesis are three experiments that study various properties of some specific chlorine oxide species.

In the first chapter, the reaction between ClONO_2 and protonated water clusters is investigated to elucidate a possible reaction mechanism for the heterogeneous reaction of chlorine nitrate on ice. The ionic products were various forms of protonated nitric acid, NO_2 +(H_20)_m, m = 0, 1, 2. These products are analogous to products previously reported in the literature for the neutral reaction occurring on ice surfaces. Our results support the hypothesis that the heterogeneous reaction is acid-catalyzed.

In the second chapter, the photochemistry of ClONO_2 was investigated at two wavelengths, 193 and 248 nm, using the technique of photofragmentation translational spectroscopy. At both wavelengths, the predominant dissociation pathways were Cl + NO_3 and ClO + NO_2. Channel assignments were confirmed by momentum matching the counterfragments from each channel. A one-dimensional stratospheric model using the new 248 nm branching ratio determined how our results would affect the predicted Cl_x and NO_x partitioning in the stratosphere.

Chapter three explores the photodissociation dynamics of Cl_2O at 193, 248 and 308 nm. At 193 nm, we found evidence for the concerted reaction channel, Cl_2 + O. The ClO + Cl channel was also accessed, however, the majority of the ClO fragments were formed with sufficient internal energies for spontaneous secondary dissociation to occur. At 248 and 308 nm, we only observed only the ClO + Cl channel. . Some of the ClO formed at 248 nm was formed internally hot and spontaneously dissociated. Bimodal translational energy distributions of the ClO and Cl products indicate two pathways leading to the same product exist.

Appendix A, B and C discuss the details of data analysis techniques used in Chapters 1 and 2. The development of a molecular beam source of ClO dimer is presented in Appendix D.


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This thesis describes applications of cavity enhanced spectroscopy towards applications of remote sensing, chemical kinetics and detection of transient radical molecular species. Both direct absorption spectroscopy and cavity ring-down spectroscopy are used in this work. Frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS) was utilized for measurements of spectral lineshapes of O2 and CO2 for obtaining laboratory reference data in support of NASA’s OCO-2 mission. FS-CRDS is highly sensitive (> 10 km absorption path length) and precise (> 10000:1 SNR), making it ideal to study subtle non-Voigt lineshape effects. In addition, these advantages of FS-CRDS were further extended for measuring kinetic isotope effects: A dual-wavelength variation of FS-CRDS was used for measuring precise D/H and 13C/12C methane isotope ratios (sigma>0.026%) for the purpose of measuring the temperature dependent kinetic isotope effects of methane oxidation with O(1D) and OH radicals. Finally, direct absorption spectroscopic detection of the trans-DOCO radical via a frequency combs spectrometer was conducted in collaboration with professor Jun Ye at JILA/University of Colorado.


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Various studies designed to elucidate the electronic structure of the arsenic donor ligand, o-phenylenebisdimethylarsine (diarsine), have been carried out. The electronic spectrum of diarsine has been measured at 300 and 77˚K. Electronic spectra of the molecular complexes of various substituted organoarsines and phosphines with tetracyanoethylene have been measured and used to estimate the relative ionization potentials of these molecules.

Uv photolysis of arsines in frozen solution (96˚K) has yielded thermally labile, paramagnetic products. These include the molecular cations of the photolyzed compounds. The species (diars)+ exhibits hyper-fine splitting due to two equivalent 75As(I=3/2) nuclei. Resonances due to secondary products are reported and assignments discussed.

Evidence is presented for the involvement of d-orbitals in the bonding of arsines. In (diars)+ there is mixing of arsenic “lone-pair” orbitals with benzene ring π-orbitals.


Detailed electronic spectral measurements at 300 and 77˚K have been carried out on five-coordinate complexes of low-spin nickel(II), including complexes of both trigonal bipyramidal (TBP) and square pyramidal (SPY) geometry. TBP complexes are of the form NiLX+ (X=halide or cyanide,

L = Qƭ(CH2)3As(CH3)2]3 or

P [hexagon - Q'CH3] , Q = P, As,

Q’=S, Se).

The electronic spectra of these compounds exhibit a novel feature at low temperature. The first ligand field band, which is asymmetric in the room temperature solution spectrum, is considerably more symmetrical at 77˚K. This effect is interpreted in terms of changes in the structure of the complex.

The SPY complexes are of the form Ni(diars)2Xz (X=CL, Br, CNS, CN, thiourea, NO2, As). On the basis of the spectral results, the d-level ordering is concluded to be xy ˂ xz, yz ˂ z2 ˂˂ x2 - y2. Central to this interpretation is identification of the symmetry-allowed 1A11E (xz, yz → x2 - y2) transition. This assignment was facilitated by the low temperature measurements.

An assignment of the charge-transfer spectra of the five-coordinate complexes is reported, and electronic spectral criteria for distinguishing the two limiting geometries are discussed.