7 resultados para Water-soluble

em CaltechTHESIS


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This work describes the design and synthesis of a true, heterogeneous, asymmetric catalyst. The catalyst consists of a thin film that resides on a high-surface- area hydrophilic solid and is composed of a chiral, hydrophilic organometallic complex dissolved in ethylene glycol. Reactions of prochiral organic reactants take place predominantly at the ethylene glycol-bulk organic interface.

The synthesis of this new heterogeneous catalyst is accomplished in a series of designed steps. A novel, water-soluble, tetrasulfonated 2,2'-bis (diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl (BINAP-4S0_3Na) is synthesized by direct sulfonation of 2,2'-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1,1'-binaphthyl (BINAP). The rhodium (I) complex of BINAP-4SO_3Na is prepared and is shown to be the first homogeneous catalyst to perform asymmetric reductions of prochiral 2-acetamidoacrylic acids in neat water with enantioselectivities as high as those obtained in non-aqueous solvents. The ruthenium (II) complex, [Ru(BINAP-4SO_3Na)(benzene)Cl]Cl is also synthesized and exhibits a broader substrate specificity as well as higher enantioselectivities for the homogeneous asymmetric reduction of prochiral 2-acylamino acid precursors in water. Aquation of the ruthenium-chloro bond in water is found to be detrimental to the enantioselectivity with some substrates. Replacement of water by ethylene glycol results in the same high e.e's as those found in neat methanol. The ruthenium complex is impregnated onto a controlled pore-size glass CPG-240 by the incipient wetness technique. Anhydrous ethylene glycol is used as the immobilizing agent in this heterogeneous catalyst, and a non-polar 1:1 mixture of chloroform and cyclohexane is employed as the organic phase.

Asymmetric reduction of 2-(6'-methoxy-2'-naphthyl)acrylic acid to the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent, naproxen, is accomplished with this heterogeneous catalyst at a third of the rate observed in homogeneous solution with an e.e. of 96% at a reaction temperature of 3°C and 1,400 psig of hydrogen. No leaching of the ruthenium complex into the bulk organic phase is found at a detection limit of 32 ppb. Recycling of the catalyst is possible without any loss in enantioselectivity. Long-term stability of this new heterogeneous catalyst is proven by a self-assembly test. That is, under the reaction conditions, the individual components of the present catalytic system self-assemble into the supported-catalyst configuration.

The strategies outlined here for the design and synthesis of this new heterogeneous catalyst are general, and can hopefully be applied to the development of other heterogeneous, asymmetric catalysts.


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With the advent of well-defined ruthenium olefin metathesis catalysts that are highly active and stable to a variety of functional groups, the synthesis of complex organic molecules and polymers is now possible; this is reviewed in Chapter 1. The majority of the rest of this thesis describes the application of these catalysts towards the synthesis of novel polymers that may be useful in biological applications and investigations into their efficacy.

A method was developed to produce polyethers by metathesis, and this is described in Chapters 2 and 3. An unsaturated 12-crown-4 analog was made by template- directed ring-closing metathesis (RCM) and utilized as a monomer for the synthesis of unsaturated polyethers by ring-opening metathesis polymerization (ROMP). The yields were high and a range of molecular weights was accessible. In a similar manner, substituted polyethers with various backbones were synthesized: polymers with benzo groups along the backbone and various concentrations of amino acids were prepared. The results from in vitro toxicity tests of the unsubstituted polyethers are considered.

The conditions necessary to synthesize polynorbornenes with pendent bioactive peptides were explored as illustrated in Chapter 4. First, the polymerization of various norbornenyl monomers substituted with glycine, alanine or penta(ethylene glycol) is described. Then, the syntheses of polymers substituted with peptides GRGD and SRN, components of a cell binding domain of fibronectin, using newly developed ruthenium initiators are discussed.

In Chapter 5, the syntheses of homopolymers and a copolymer containing GRGDS and PHSRN, the more active forms of the peptides, are described. The ability of the polymers to inhibit human dermal fibroblast cell adhesion to fibronectin was assayed using an in vitro competitive inhibition assay, and the results are discussed. It was discovered that the copoymer substituted with both GRGDS and PHSR peptides was more active than both the GRGDS-containing homopolymer and the GRGDS free peptide.

Historically, one of the drawbacks to using metathesis is the removal of the residual ruthenium at the completion of the reaction. Chapter 6 describes a method where the water soluble tris(hydroxymethyl)phosphine is utilized to facilitate the removal of residual ruthenium from RCM reaction products.


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Recently, the amino acid sequences have been reported for several proteins, including the envelope glycoproteins of Sindbis virus, which all probably span the plasma membrane with a common topology: a large N-terminal, extracellular portion, a short region buried in the bilayer, and a short C-terminal intracellular segment. The regions of these proteins buried in the bilayer correspond to portions of the protein sequences which contain a stretch of hydrophobic amino acids and which have other common characteristics, as discussed. Reasons are also described for uncertainty, in some proteins more than others, as to the precise location of some parts of the sequence relative to the membrane.

The signal hypothesis for the transmembrane translocation of proteins is briefly described and its general applicability is reviewed. There are many proteins whose translocation is accurately described by this hypothesis, but some proteins are translocated in a different manner.

The transmembraneous glycoproteins E1 and E2 of Sindbis virus, as well as the only other virion protein, the capsid protein, were purified in amounts sufficient for biochemical analysis using sensitive techniques. The amino acid composition of each protein was determined, and extensive N-terminal sequences were obtained for E1 and E2. By these techniques E1 and E2 are indistinguishable from most water soluble proteins, as they do not contain an obvious excess of hydrophobic amino acids in their N-terminal regions or in the intact molecule.

The capsid protein was found to be blocked, and so its N-terminus could not be sequenced by the usual methods. However, with the use of a special labeling technique, it was possible to incorporate tritiated acetate into the N-terminus of the protein with good specificity, which was useful in the purification of peptides from which the first amino acids in the N-terminal sequence could be identified.

Nanomole amounts of PE2, the intracellular precursor of E2, were purified by an immuno-affinity technique, and its N-terminus was analyzed. Together with other work, these results showed that PE2 is not synthesized with an N-terminal extension, and the signal sequence for translocation is probably the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the protein. This N-terminus was found to be 80-90% blocked, also by Nacetylation, and this acetylation did not affect its function as a signal sequence. The putative signal sequence was also found to contain a glycosylated asparagine residue, but the inhibition of this glycosylation did not lead to the cleavage of the sequence.


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This investigation has resulted in the chemical identification and isolation of the egg-laying hormone from Aplysia californica, Aplysia vaccaria, and Aplysia dactylomela. The hormone, which was originally identified as the Bag Cell-Specific protein (BCS protein) on polyacrylamide gels, is a polypeptide of molecular weight ≈ 6000, which is localized in the neurosecretory bag cells of the parietovisceral ganglion and the surrounding connective tissue sheath which contains the bag cell axons. All three species produce a hormone of similar molecular weight, but varying electrophoretic mobility as determined on polyacrylamide gels. As tested, the hormone is completely cross-reactive among the three species.

Although the bag cells of sexually immature animals contain the active hormone, sexual maturation of the animal results in a 10-fold increase in the BCS protein content of these neurons.

A seasonal variation in the BCS protein content was also observed, with 150 times more hormone contained in the bag cells of Aplysia californica in August than in January. This correlates well with the variation in the animals' ability to lay eggs throughout the year (Strumwasser et al., 1969). There are some indications that the receptivity of the animal to the available hormone also fluctuates during the year, being lower in winter than in swmner. The seasonal rhythm of the other species, Aplysia vaccaria and Aplysia dactylomela, has not been investigated.

A polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of water-soluble proteins in Aplysia californica revealed several other nerve-specific proteins. One of these is also located in the bag cell somas and stains turquoise with Amido Schwarz. The function of this protein has not been investigated.


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The contribution to the magnetic uniaxial perpendicular anisotropy which arises from substrate constraint through magnetostrictive effects has been measured in Ni-Fe and Ni-Co thin films evaporated on substrates at room temperature. This was accomplished by measuring the perpendicular anisotropy before and after removal of the film from the substrate. Data are given for the fcc crystal structure regions of both alloy systems, but data for Ni-Co include compositions with less than 60% Ni which have a small percentage of the hcp phase mixed with the fcc phase. The constraint contribution to the perpendicular anisotropy correlates well with the value of the bulk magnetostriction constant using the equation ∆K˔=3/2λsσ. Measured values of isotropic stress for films thicker than 600 Å were 1.6 x 1010 dyn/cm2. In films less than 600 Å thick the isotropic stress decreased with decreasing thickness. After removal of the films from the substrates, the measured perpendicular anisotropy deviated from the expected geometrical shape anisotropy near pure Ni in both alloys. This indicates that additional significant sources of anisotropy exist at these compositions.

The effect of substrate constraint on the crystalline anisotropy K1 of Ni-Fe epitaxial films has been studied by use of a film removal technique, which involves the evaporation of an epitaxial layer of LiF on MgO, the epitaxial growth of the metallic film on the LiF, and the stripping of the film with water soluble tape. Films ranging in composition from 50% to 100% Ni have been studied. For compositions below 90% Ni the experimental values agree reasonably well with the first order theoretical prediction, ∆K1=[-9/4(C11-C122 100+9/2C44λ2111].

In order to compare the magnetic properties of epitaxial thin films more completely with the properties of bulk single crystals, Ni-Fe films ranging in composition from 60% to 90% Ni, which were evaporated epitaxially on (100) MgO substrates, have been subsequently annealed at 400°C in a vacuum of less than 10-7 Torr to form the ordered Ni3Fe structure near the 75% composition. This ordered structure has been confirmed by electron diffraction.

The saturation magnetization at Ni3Fe increased about 6% with ordering which is in good agreement with previous bulk data. Measurements of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy K1 for the epitaxial films show the same large changes with ordering as observed in bulk single crystal samples. In the (001) plane the magnetostriction constants λ100, λ111 are directly related to the induced anisotropy due to a uniform uniaxial strain in the [100] and [110] directions respectively. Assuming that the elastic constants of a film are the same as in bulk material and are unchanged by ordering, the changes in strain sensitivity with ordering for the epitaxial films are found to be in good agreement with values predicted from bulk data. The exchange constant A as measured by ferromagnetic resonance has been measured at the Ni3Fe composition and found to increase 25% with ordering. This seems to indicate a significant increase in the Curie temperature which has only been inferred indirectly for bulk material.


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Ion channels are a large class of integral membrane proteins that allow for the diffusion of ions across a cellular membrane and are found in all forms of life. Pentameric ligand-gated ion channels (pLGICs) comprise a large family of proteins that include the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) and the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor. These ion channels are responsible for the fast synaptic transmission that occurs in humans and as a result are of fundamental biological importance. pLGICs bind ligands (neurotransmitters), and upon ligand-binding undergo activation. The activation event causes an ion channel to enter a new physical state that is able to conduct ions. Ion channels allow for the flux of ions across the membrane through a pore that is formed upon ion channel activation. For pLGICs to function properly both ligand-binding and ion channel activation must occur. The ligand-binding event has been studied extensively over the past few decades, and a detailed mechanism of binding has emerged. During activation the ion channel must undergo structural rearrangements that allow the protein to enter a conformation in which ions can flow through. Despite this great and ubiquitous importance, a fundamental understanding of the ion channel activation mechanism and kinetics, as well as concomitant structural arrangements, remains elusive.

This dissertation describes efforts that have been made to temporally control the activation of ligand-gated ion channels. Temporal control of ion channel activation provides a means by which to activate ion channels when desired. The majority of this work examines the use of light to activate ion channels. Several photocages were examined in this thesis; photocages are molecules that release a ligand under irradiation, and, for the work described here, the released ligand then activates the ion channel. First, a new water-soluble photoacid was developed for the activation of proton-sensitive ion channels. Activation of acid-sensing ion channels, ASIC2a and GLIC, was observed only upon irradiation. Next, a variety of Ru2+ photocages were also developed for the release of amine ligands. The Ru2+ systems interacted in a deleterious manner with a representative subset of biologically essential ion channels. The rapid mixing of ion channels with agonist was also examined. A detection system was built to monitor ion channels activation in the rapid mixing experiments. I have shown that liposomes, and functionally-reconstituted ELIC, are not destroyed during the mixing process. The work presented here provides the means to deliver agonist to ligand-gated ion channels in a controlled fashion.


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Isoprene (ISO),the most abundant non-methane VOC, is the major contributor to secondary organic aerosols (SOA) formation. The mechanisms involved in such transformation, however, are not fully understood. Current mechanisms, which are based on the oxidation of ISO in the gas-phase, underestimate SOA yields. The heightened awareness that ISO is only partially processed in the gas-phase has turned attention to heterogeneous processes as alternative pathways toward SOA.

During my research project, I investigated the photochemical oxidation of isoprene in bulk water. Below, I will report on the λ > 305 nm photolysis of H2O2 in dilute ISO solutions. This process yields C10H15OH species as primary products, whose formation both requires and is inhibited by O2. Several isomers of C10H15OH were resolved by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography and detected as MH+ (m/z = 153) and MH+-18 (m/z = 135) signals by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. This finding is consistent with the addition of ·OH to ISO, followed by HO-ISO· reactions with ISO (in competition with O2) leading to second generation HO(ISO)2· radicals that terminate as C10H15OH via β-H abstraction by O2.

It is not generally realized that chemistry on the surface of water cannot be deduced, extrapolated or translated to those in bulk gas and liquid phases. The water density drops a thousand-fold within a few Angstroms through the gas-liquid interfacial region and therefore hydrophobic VOCs such as ISO will likely remain in these relatively 'dry' interfacial water layers rather than proceed into bulk water. In previous experiments from our laboratory, it was found that gas-phase olefins can be protonated on the surface of pH < 4 water. This phenomenon increases the residence time of gases at the interface, an event that makes them increasingly susceptible to interaction with gaseous atmospheric oxidants such as ozone and hydroxyl radicals.

In order to test this hypothesis, I carried out experiments in which ISO(g) collides with the surface of aqueous microdroplets of various compositions. Herein I report that ISO(g) is oxidized into soluble species via Fenton chemistry on the surface of aqueous Fe(II)Cl2 solutions simultaneously exposed to H2O2(g). Monomer and oligomeric species (ISO)1-8H+ were detected via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) on the surface of pH ~ 2 water, and were then oxidized into a suite of products whose combined yields exceed ~ 5% of (ISO)1-8H+. MS/MS analysis revealed that products mainly consisted of alcohols, ketones, epoxides and acids. Our experiments demonstrated that olefins in ambient air may be oxidized upon impact on the surface of Fe-containing aqueous acidic media, such as those of typical to tropospheric aerosols.

Related experiments involving the reaction of ISO(g) with ·OH radicals from the photolysis of dissolved H2O2 were also carried out to test the surface oxidation of ISO(g) by photolyzing H2O2(aq) at 266 nm at various pH. The products were analyzed via online electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Similar to our Fenton experiments, we detected (ISO)1-7H+ at pH < 4, and new m/z+ = 271 and m/z- = 76 products at pH > 5.