11 resultados para Traces

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis studies Frobenius traces in Galois representations from two different directions. In the first problem we explore how often they vanish in Artin-type representations. We give an upper bound for the density of the set of vanishing Frobenius traces in terms of the multiplicities of the irreducible components of the adjoint representation. Towards that, we construct an infinite family of representations of finite groups with an irreducible adjoint action.

In the second problem we partially extend for Hilbert modular forms a result of Coleman and Edixhoven that the Hecke eigenvalues ap of classical elliptical modular newforms f of weight 2 are never extremal, i.e., ap is strictly less than 2[square root]p. The generalization currently applies only to prime ideals p of degree one, though we expect it to hold for p of any odd degree. However, an even degree prime can be extremal for f. We prove our result in each of the following instances: when one can move to a Shimura curve defined by a quaternion algebra, when f is a CM form, when the crystalline Frobenius is semi-simple, and when the strong Tate conjecture holds for a product of two Hilbert modular surfaces (or quaternionic Shimura surfaces) over a finite field.


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In Part I, a method for finding solutions of certain diffusive dispersive nonlinear evolution equations is introduced. The method consists of a straightforward iteration procedure, applied to the equation as it stands (in most cases), which can be carried out to all terms, followed by a summation of the resulting infinite series, sometimes directly and other times in terms of traces of inverses of operators in an appropriate space.

We first illustrate our method with Burgers' and Thomas' equations, and show how it quickly leads to the Cole-Hopft transformation, which is known to linearize these equations.

We also apply this method to the Korteweg and de Vries, nonlinear (cubic) Schrödinger, Sine-Gordon, modified KdV and Boussinesq equations. In all these cases the multisoliton solutions are easily obtained and new expressions for some of them follow. More generally we show that the Marcenko integral equations, together with the inverse problem that originates them, follow naturally from our expressions.

Only solutions that are small in some sense (i.e., they tend to zero as the independent variable goes to ∞) are covered by our methods. However, by the study of the effect of writing the initial iterate u_1 = u_(1)(x,t) as a sum u_1 = ^∼/u_1 + ^≈/u_1 when we know the solution which results if u_1 = ^∼/u_1, we are led to expressions that describe the interaction of two arbitrary solutions, only one of which is small. This should not be confused with Backlund transformations and is more in the direction of performing the inverse scattering over an arbitrary “base” solution. Thus we are able to write expressions for the interaction of a cnoidal wave with a multisoliton in the case of the KdV equation; these expressions are somewhat different from the ones obtained by Wahlquist (1976). Similarly, we find multi-dark-pulse solutions and solutions describing the interaction of envelope-solitons with a uniform wave train in the case of the Schrodinger equation.

Other equations tractable by our method are presented. These include the following equations: Self-induced transparency, reduced Maxwell-Bloch, and a two-dimensional nonlinear Schrodinger. Higher order and matrix-valued equations with nonscalar dispersion functions are also presented.

In Part II, the second Painleve transcendent is treated in conjunction with the similarity solutions of the Korteweg-de Vries equat ion and the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation.


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This thesis presents composition measurements for atmospherically relevant inorganic and organic aerosol from laboratory and ambient measurements using the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer. Studies include the oxidation of dodecane in the Caltech environmental chambers, and several aircraft- and ground-based field studies, which include the quantification of wildfire emissions off the coast of California, and Los Angeles urban emissions.

The oxidation of dodecane by OH under low NO conditions and the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) was explored using a gas-phase chemical model, gas-phase CIMS measurements, and high molecular weight ion traces from particle- phase HR-TOF-AMS mass spectra. The combination of these measurements support the hypothesis that particle-phase chemistry leading to peroxyhemiacetal formation is important. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was applied to the AMS mass spectra which revealed three factors representing a combination of gas-particle partitioning, chemical conversion in the aerosol, and wall deposition.

Airborne measurements of biomass burning emissions from a chaparral fire on the central Californian coast were carried out in November 2009. Physical and chemical changes were reported for smoke ages 0 – 4 h old. CO2 normalized ammonium, nitrate, and sulfate increased, whereas the normalized OA decreased sharply in the first 1.5 - 2 h, and then slowly increased for the remaining 2 h (net decrease in normalized OA). Comparison to wildfire samples from the Yucatan revealed that factors such as relative humidity, incident UV radiation, age of smoke, and concentration of emissions are important for wildfire evolution.

Ground-based aerosol composition is reported for Pasadena, CA during the summer of 2009. The OA component, which dominated the submicron aerosol mass, was deconvolved into hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA), semi-volatile oxidized organic aerosol (SVOOA), and low-volatility oxidized organic aerosol (LVOOA). The HOA/OA was only 0.08–0.23, indicating that most of Pasadena OA in the summer months is dominated by oxidized OA resulting from transported emissions that have undergone photochemistry and/or moisture-influenced processing, as apposed to only primary organic aerosol emissions. Airborne measurements and model predictions of aerosol composition are reported for the 2010 CalNex field campaign.


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The majority of young, low-mass stars are surrounded by optically thick accretion disks. These circumstellar disks provide large reservoirs of gas and dust that will eventually be transformed into planetary systems. Theory and observations suggest that the earliest stage toward planet formation in a protoplanetary disk is the growth of particles, from sub-micron-sized grains to centimeter- sized pebbles. Theory indicates that small interstellar grains are well coupled into the gas and are incorporated to the disk during the proto-stellar collapse. These dust particles settle toward the disk mid-plane and simultaneously grow through collisional coagulation in a very short timescale. Observationally, grain growth can be inferred by measuring the spectral energy distribution at long wavelengths, which traces the continuum dust emission spectrum and hence the dust opacity. Several observational studies have indicated that the dust component in protoplanetary disks has evolved as compared to interstellar medium dust particles, suggesting at least 4 orders of magnitude in particle- size growth. However, the limited angular resolution and poor sensitivity of previous observations has not allowed for further exploration of this astrophysical process.

As part of my thesis, I embarked in an observational program to search for evidence of radial variations in the dust properties across a protoplanetary disk, which may be indicative of grain growth. By making use of high angular resolution observations obtained with CARMA, VLA, and SMA, I searched for radial variations in the dust opacity inside protoplanetary disks. These observations span more than an order of magnitude in wavelength (from sub-millimeter to centimeter wavelengths) and attain spatial resolutions down to 20 AU. I characterized the radial distribution of the circumstellar material and constrained radial variations of the dust opacity spectral index, which may originate from particle growth in these circumstellar disks. Furthermore, I compared these observational constraints with simple physical models of grain evolution that include collisional coagulation, fragmentation, and the interaction of these grains with the gaseous disk (the radial drift problem). For the parameters explored, these observational constraints are in agreement with a population of grains limited in size by radial drift. Finally, I also discuss future endeavors with forthcoming ALMA observations.


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The synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) ethylene titanium (I) are reported. This complex represents the first example of an isolable ethylene adduct of a group IV metal, a key intermediate in Ziegler-Natta olefin polymerization schemes. While treatment of I with ethylene leads to only traces of polymer after months, I participates in a wide range of stoichiometric and catalytic reactions. These include the catalytic conversion of ethylene specifically to butadiene and ethane and the catalytic isomerization of alkenes. Detailed studies have been carried out on the stoichiometric reactions of I with nitriles and alkynes. At low temperatures, nitriles react to form metallacycloimine species which more slowly undergo a formal 1,3-hydrogen shift to generate metallacycloeneamines. The lowest energy pathway for this rearrangement is an intramolecular hydrogen shift which is sensitive to the steric bulk of the R substituent. The reactions of I with alkynes yield metallacyclopentene complexes with high regioisomer selectivity. Carbonylation of the metallacyclopentene (η-C5Me55)2TiC(CH3)=C(CH3)CH2 under relatively mild conditions cleanly produces the corresponding cyclopentenone and [C5(CH3)5]2Ti(CO)2. Compounds derived from CO2 and acetaldehyde have also been isolated.

The synthesis and characterization of bis-(η-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) niobium(III) tetrahydroborate (II) are described and a study of its temperature-dependent proton NMR spectroscopic behavior is reported. The complex is observed to undergo a rapid intramolecular averaging process at elevated temperatures. The free energy of activation, ΔG = 16.4 ± 0.4 kcal/mol, is calculated. The reinvestigation of a related compound, bis(η-cyclopentadienyl)niobium(III) tetrahydroborate, established ΔG = 14.6 ± 0.2 kcal/mol for the hydrogen exchange process. The tetrahydroborate complex, II reacts with pyridine and dihydrogen to yield (η-C5Me55)2NbH3 (III). The reactivity of III with CO and ethylene is reported.


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The 0.2% experimental accuracy of the 1968 Beers and Hughes measurement of the annihilation lifetime of ortho-positronium motivates the attempt to compute the first order quantum electrodynamic corrections to this lifetime. The theoretical problems arising in this computation are here studied in detail up to the point of preparing the necessary computer programs and using them to carry out some of the less demanding steps -- but the computation has not yet been completed. Analytic evaluation of the contributing Feynman diagrams is superior to numerical evaluation, and for this process can be carried out with the aid of the Reduce algebra manipulation computer program.

The relation of the positronium decay rate to the electronpositron annihilation-in-flight amplitude is derived in detail, and it is shown that at threshold annihilation-in-flight, Coulomb divergences appear while infrared divergences vanish. The threshold Coulomb divergences in the amplitude cancel against like divergences in the modulating continuum wave function.

Using the lowest order diagrams of electron-positron annihilation into three photons as a test case, various pitfalls of computer algebraic manipulation are discussed along with ways of avoiding them. The computer manipulation of artificial polynomial expressions is preferable to the direct treatment of rational expressions, even though redundant variables may have to be introduced.

Special properties of the contributing Feynman diagrams are discussed, including the need to restore gauge invariance to the sum of the virtual photon-photon scattering box diagrams by means of a finite subtraction.

A systematic approach to the Feynman-Brown method of Decomposition of single loop diagram integrals with spin-related tensor numerators is developed in detail. This approach allows the Feynman-Brown method to be straightforwardly programmed in the Reduce algebra manipulation language.

The fundamental integrals needed in the wake of the application of the Feynman-Brown decomposition are exhibited and the methods which were used to evaluate them -- primarily dis persion techniques are briefly discussed.

Finally, it is pointed out that while the techniques discussed have permitted the computation of a fair number of the simpler integrals and diagrams contributing to the first order correction of the ortho-positronium annihilation rate, further progress with the more complicated diagrams and with the evaluation of traces is heavily contingent on obtaining access to adequate computer time and core capacity.


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The laminar to turbulent transition process in boundary layer flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium at high enthalpy is measured and characterized. Experiments are performed in the T5 Hypervelocity Reflected Shock Tunnel at Caltech, using a 1 m length 5-degree half angle axisymmetric cone instrumented with 80 fast-response annular thermocouples, complemented by boundary layer stability computations using the STABL software suite. A new mixing tank is added to the shock tube fill apparatus for premixed freestream gas experiments, and a new cleaning procedure results in more consistent transition measurements. Transition location is nondimensionalized using a scaling with the boundary layer thickness, which is correlated with the acoustic properties of the boundary layer, and compared with parabolized stability equation (PSE) analysis. In these nondimensionalized terms, transition delay with increasing CO2 concentration is observed: tests in 100% and 50% CO2, by mass, transition up to 25% and 15% later, respectively, than air experiments. These results are consistent with previous work indicating that CO2 molecules at elevated temperatures absorb acoustic instabilities in the MHz range, which is the expected frequency of the Mack second-mode instability at these conditions, and also consistent with predictions from PSE analysis. A strong unit Reynolds number effect is observed, which is believed to arise from tunnel noise. NTr for air from 5.4 to 13.2 is computed, substantially higher than previously reported for noisy facilities. Time- and spatially-resolved heat transfer traces are used to track the propagation of turbulent spots, and convection rates at 90%, 76%, and 63% of the boundary layer edge velocity, respectively, are observed for the leading edge, centroid, and trailing edge of the spots. A model constructed with these spot propagation parameters is used to infer spot generation rates from measured transition onset to completion distance. Finally, a novel method to control transition location with boundary layer gas injection is investigated. An appropriate porous-metal injector section for the cone is designed and fabricated, and the efficacy of injected CO2 for delaying transition is gauged at various mass flow rates, and compared with both no injection and chemically inert argon injection cases. While CO2 injection seems to delay transition, and argon injection seems to promote it, the experimental results are inconclusive and matching computations do not predict a reduction in N factor from any CO2 injection condition computed.


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The synthesis of the first member of a new class of Dewar benzenes has been achieved. The synthesis of 2,3- dimethylbicyclo[2.2.0]hexa-2,5-diene-1, 4-dicarboxylic acid and its anhydride are described. Dibromomaleic anhydride and dichloroethylene were found to add efficiently in a photochemical [2+2] cycloaddition to produce 1,2-dibromo- 3,4-dichlorocyclobutane-1,2-dicarboxylic acid. Removal of the bromines with tin/copper couple yielded dichloro- cyclobutenes which added to 2-butyne under photochemical conditions to yield 5,6-dichloro-2,3-dimethylbicyclo [2.2.0] hex-2-ene dicarboxylic acids. One of the three possible isomers yielded a stable anhydride which could be dechlorinated using triphenyltin radicals generated by the photolysis of hexaphenylditin.

Photolysis of argon matrix isolated 2,3-dimethylbicyclo [2.2.0]hexa-2, 5-diene-1,4-dicarboxylic acid anhydride produced traces whose strongest bands in the infrared were at 3350 and 600 cm^(-1). This suggested the formation of terminal acetylenes. The spectra of argon matrix isolated E- and Z- 3,4-dimethylhexa-1,5-diyne-3-ene and cis-and trans-octa- 2,6-diyne-4-ene were compared with the spectrum of the photolysis products. Possibly all four diethynylethylenes were present in the anhydride photolysis products. Gas chromatograph-mass spectral analysis of the volatiles from the anhydride photolysis again suggested, but did not confirm, the presence of the diethynylethylenes.


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Advances in nano-scale mechanical testing have brought about progress in the understanding of physical phenomena in materials and a measure of control in the fabrication of novel materials. In contrast to bulk materials that display size-invariant mechanical properties, sub-micron metallic samples show a critical dependence on sample size. The strength of nano-scale single crystalline metals is well-described by a power-law function, σαD-n, where D is a critical sample size and n is a experimentally-fit positive exponent. This relationship is attributed to source-driven plasticity and demonstrates a strengthening as the decreasing sample size begins to limit the size and number of dislocation sources. A full understanding of this size-dependence is complicated by the presence of microstructural features such as interfaces that can compete with the dominant dislocation-based deformation mechanisms. In this thesis, the effects of microstructural features such as grain boundaries and anisotropic crystallinity on nano-scale metals are investigated through uniaxial compression testing. We find that nano-sized Cu covered by a hard coating displays a Bauschinger effect and the emergence of this behavior can be explained through a simple dislocation-based analytic model. Al nano-pillars containing a single vertically-oriented coincident site lattice grain boundary are found to show similar deformation to single-crystalline nano-pillars with slip traces passing through the grain boundary. With increasing tilt angle of the grain boundary from the pillar axis, we observe a transition from dislocation-dominated deformation to grain boundary sliding. Crystallites are observed to shear along the grain boundary and molecular dynamics simulations reveal a mechanism of atomic migration that accommodates boundary sliding. We conclude with an analysis of the effects of inherent crystal anisotropy and alloying on the mechanical behavior of the Mg alloy, AZ31. Through comparison to pure Mg, we show that the size effect dominates the strength of samples below 10 μm, that differences in the size effect between hexagonal slip systems is due to the inherent crystal anisotropy, suggesting that the fundamental mechanism of the size effect in these slip systems is the same.


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Understanding the roles of microorganisms in environmental settings by linking phylogenetic identity to metabolic function is a key challenge in delineating their broad-scale impact and functional diversity throughout the biosphere. This work addresses and extends such questions in the context of marine methane seeps, which represent globally relevant conduits for an important greenhouse gas. Through the application and development of a range of culture-independent tools, novel habitats for methanotrophic microbial communities were identified, established settings were characterized in new ways, and potential past conditions amenable to methane-based metabolism were proposed. Biomass abundance and metabolic activity measures – both catabolic and anabolic – demonstrated that authigenic carbonates associated with seep environments retain methanotrophic activity, not only within high-flow seep settings but also in adjacent locations exhibiting no visual evidence of chemosynthetic communities. Across this newly extended habitat, microbial diversity surveys revealed archaeal assemblages that were shaped primarily by seepage activity level and bacterial assemblages influenced more substantially by physical substrate type. In order to reliably measure methane consumption rates in these and other methanotrophic settings, a novel method was developed that traces deuterium atoms from the methane substrate into aqueous medium and uses empirically established scaling factors linked to radiotracer rate techniques to arrive at absolute methane consumption values. Stable isotope probing metaproteomic investigations exposed an array of functional diversity both within and beyond methane oxidation- and sulfate reduction-linked metabolisms, identifying components of each proposed enzyme in both pathways. A core set of commonly occurring unannotated protein products was identified as promising targets for future biochemical investigation. Physicochemical and energetic principles governing anaerobic methane oxidation were incorporated into a reaction transport model that was applied to putative settings on ancient Mars. Many conditions enabled exergonic model reactions, marking the metabolism and its attendant biomarkers as potentially promising targets for future astrobiological investigations. This set of inter-related investigations targeting methane metabolism extends the known and potential habitat of methanotrophic microbial communities and provides a more detailed understanding of their activity and functional diversity.


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This dissertation is divided into three parts.

The first section is concerned with protein synthesis in cellfree systems from reticulocytes. The sub-cellular reticulocyte fractions, reagents, etc. have been examined for the presence of traces of ribonuclease, using. an assay based upon the loss of infectivity of RNA fran bacteriophage MS2. This assay is sensitive to 5 x 10-7 γ RNase/ml. In addition, the loss of synthetic capacity of an 80S ribosome on dissociation has been studied, and can be attributed to loss of messenger RNA when the monomer is separated into subunits. The presence of ribonuclease has been shown to be a major cause of polyribosome disintegration during cell-free protein synthesis.

The second section concerns the changes in ribosomes and polyribosomes which occur during the maturation of a reticulocyte into an erythrocyte. With increasing age, the cells lose a large proportion of the ribonucleoprotein, but the percentage of ribosomes present as polyribosomes is only slightly altered. The loss of hemoglobin synthesis on maturation is probably due to both the loss of total ribosomes and to the lessened specific activity of the polyribosomes.

The third section contains analytical ultracentrifugation data on 80S ribosomes, polyribosomes, and ribosomal RNA from reticulocytes. The 60s and 40s subunits, obtained by dissociation of the 80s particle with inorganic pyrophosphate, were also studied. The RNA from reticulocyte ribosomes has been examined under a variety of denaturing conditions, including dimethyl sulfoxide treatment, formaldehyde reaction and thermal denaturation. From these studies we can conclude that the 28S and 16S RNA's are single polynucleotide chains and are not made up of smaller RNA subunits hydrogen-bonded together.