20 resultados para Synthetic Peptide

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis describes research pursued in two areas, both involving the design and synthesis of sequence specific DNA-cleaving proteins. The first involves the use of sequence-specific DNA-cleaving metalloproteins to probe the structure of a protein-DNA complex, and the second seeks to develop cleaving moieties capable of DNA cleavage through the generation of a non-diffusible oxidant under physiological conditions.

Chapter One provides a brief review of the literature concerning sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins. Chapter Two summarizes the results of affinity cleaving experiments using leucine zipper-basic region (bZip) DNA-binding proteins. Specifically, the NH_2-terminal locations of a dimer containing the DNA binding domain of the yeast transcriptional activator GCN4 were mapped on the binding sites 5'-CTGACTAAT-3' and 5'ATGACTCTT- 3' using affinity cleaving. Analysis of the DNA cleavage patterns from Fe•EDTA-GCN4(222-281) and (226-281) dimers reveals that the NH_2-termini are in the major groove nine to ten base pairs apart and symmetrically displaced four to five base pairs from the central C of the recognition site. These data are consistent with structural models put forward for this class of DNA binding proteins. The results of these experiments are evaluated in light of the recently published crystal structure for the GCN4-DNA complex. Preliminary investigations of affinity cleaving proteins based on the DNA-binding domains of the bZip proteins Jun and Fos are also described.

Chapter Three describes experiments demonstrating the simultaneous binding of GCN4(226-281) and 1-Methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netropsin (2-ImN), a designed synthetic peptide which binds in the minor groove of DNA at 5'-TGACT-3' sites as an antiparallel, side-by-side dimer. Through the use of Fe•EDTA-GCN4(226-281) as a sequence-specific footprinting agent, it is shown that the dimeric protein GCN4(226-281) and the dimeric peptide 2- ImN can simultaneously occupy their common binding site in the major and minor grooves of DNA, respectively. The association constants for 2-ImN in the presence and in the absence of Fe•EDTA-GCN4(226-281) are found to be similar, suggesting that the binding of the two dimers is not cooperative.

Chapter Four describes the synthesis and characterization of PBA-β-OH-His- Hin(139-190), a hybrid protein containing the DNA-binding domain of Hin recombinase and the putative iron-binding and oxygen-activating domain of the antitumor antibiotic bleomycin. This 54-residue protein, comprising residues 139-190 of Hin recombinase with the dipeptide pyrimidoblamic acid-β-hydroxy-L-histidine (PBA-β-OH-His) at the NH2 terminus, was synthesized by solid phase methods. PBA-β-OH-His-Hin(139- 190) binds specifically to DNA at four distinct Hin binding sites with affinities comparable to those of the unmodified Hin(139-190). In the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT), Fe•PB-β-OH-His-Hin(139-190) cleaves DNA with specificity remarkably similar to that of Fe•EDTA-Hin(139-190), although with lower efficiency. Analysis of the cleavage pattern suggests that DNA cleavage is mediated through a diffusible species, in contrast with cleavage by bleomycin, which occurs through a non-diffusible oxidant.


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This dissertation focuses on the incorporation of non-innocent or multifunctional moieties into different ligand scaffolds to support one or multiple metal centers in close proximity. Chapter 2 focuses on the initial efforts to synthesize hetero- or homometallic tri- or dinuclear metal carbonyl complexes supported by para-terphenyl diphosphine ligands. A series of [M2M’(CO)4]-type clusters (M = Ni, Pd; M’ = Fe, Co) could be accessed and used to relate the metal composition to the properties of the complexes. During these studies it was also found that non-innocent behavior was observed in dinuclear Fe complexes that result from changes in oxidation state of the cluster. These studies led to efforts to rationally incorporate central arene moieties capable managing both protons and electrons during small molecule activation.

Chapter 3 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a novel para-terphenyl diphosphine ligand containing a non-innocent 1,4-hydroquinone moiety as the central arene. A Pd0-hydroquinone complex was found to mediate the activation of a variety of small molecules to form the corresponding Pd0-quinone complexes in a formal two proton ⁄ two electron transformation. Mechanistic investigations of dioxygen activation revealed a metal-first activation process followed by subsequent proton and electron transfer from the ligand. These studies revealed the capacity of the central arene substituent to serve as a reservoir for a formal equivalent of dihydrogen, although the stability of the M-quinone compounds prevented access to the PdII-quinone oxidation state, thus hindering of small molecule transformations requiring more than two electrons per equivalent of metal complex.

Chapter 4 discusses the synthesis of metal complexes supported by a ligand containing a 3,5-substituted pyridine moiety as the linker separating the phenylene phosphine donors. Nickel and palladium complexes supported by this ligand were found to tolerate a wide variety of pyridine nitrogen-coordinated electrophiles which were found to alter central pyridine electronics, and therefore metal-pyridine π-system interactions, substantially. Furthermore, nickel complexes supported by this ligand were found to activate H-B and H-Si bonds and formally hydroborate and hydrosilylate the central pyridine ring. These systems highlight the potential use of pyridine π-system-coordinated metal complexes to reversibly store reducing equivalents within the ligand framework in a manner akin to the previously discussed 1,4-hydroquinone diphosphine ligand scaffold.

Chapter 5 departs from the phosphine-based chemistry and instead focuses on the incorporation of hydrogen bonding networks into the secondary coordination sphere of [Fe44-O)]-type clusters supported by various pyrazolate ligands. The aim of this project is to stabilize reactive oxygenic species, such as oxos, to study their spectroscopy and reactivity in the context of complicated multimetallic clusters. Herein is reported this synthesis and electrochemical and Mössbauer characterization of a series of chloride clusters have been synthesized using parent pyrazolate and a 3-aminophenyl substituted pyrazolate ligand. Efforts to rationally access hydroxo and oxo clusters from these chloride precursors represents ongoing work that will continue in the group.

Appendix A discusses attempts to access [Fe3Ni]-type clusters as models of the enzymatic active site of [NiFe] carbon monoxide dehydrogenase. Efforts to construct tetranuclear clusters with an interstitial sulfide proved unsuccessful, although a (μ3-S) ligand could be installed through non-oxidative routes into triiron clusters. While [Fe3Ni(μ4-O)]-type clusters could be assembled, accessing an open heterobimetallic edge site proved challenging, thus prohibiting efforts to study chemical transformations, such as hydroxide attack onto carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide coordination, relevant to the native enzyme. Appendix B discusses the attempts to synthesize models of the full H-cluster of [FeFe]-hydrogenase using a bioinorganic approach. A synthetic peptide containing three cysteine donors was successfully synthesized and found to chelate a preformed synthetic [Fe4S4] cluster. However, efforts to incorporate the diiron subsite model complex proved challenging as the planned thioester exchange reaction was found to non-selectively acetylate the peptide backbone, thus preventing the construction of the full six-iron cluster.


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DNA recognition is an essential biological process responsible for the regulation of cellular functions including protein synthesis and cell division and is implicated in the mechanism of action of some anticancer drugs. Studies directed towards defining the elements responsible for sequence specific DNA recognition through the study of the interactions of synthetic organic ligands with DNA are described.

DNA recognition by poly-N-methylpyrrolecarboxamides was studied by the synthesis and characterization of a series of molecules where the number of contiguous N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide units was increased from 2 to 9. The effect of this incremental change in structure on DNA recognition has been investigated at base pair resolution using affinity cleaving and MPE•Fe(II) footprinting techniques. These studies led to a quantitative relationship between the number of amides in the molecule and the DNA binding site size. This relationship is called the n + 1 rule and it states that a poly-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide molecule with n amides will bind n + 1 base pairs of DNA. This rule is consistent with a model where the carboxamides of these compounds form three center bridging hydrogen bonds between adjacent base pairs on opposite strands of the helix. The poly-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide recognition element was found to preferentially bind poly dA•poly dT stretches; however, both binding site selection and orientation were found to be affected by flanking sequences. Cleavage of large DNA is also described.

One approach towards the design of molecules that bind large sequences of double helical DNA sequence specifically is to couple DNA binding subunits of similar or diverse base pair specificity. Bis-EDTA-distamycin-fumaramide (BEDF) is an octaamide dimer of two tri-N methylpyrrolecarboxamide subunits linked by fumaramide. DNA recognition by BEDF was compared to P7E, an octaamide molecule containing seven consecutive pyrroles. These two compounds were found to recognize the same sites on pBR322 with approximately the same affinities demonstrating that fumaramide is an effective linking element for Nmethylpyrrolecarboxamide recognition subunits. Further studies involved the synthesis and characterization of a trimer of tetra-N-methylpyrrolecarboxamide subunits linked by β-alanine ((P4)_(3)E). This trimerization produced a molecule which is capable of recognizing 16 base pairs of A•T DNA, more than a turn and a half of the DNA helix.

DNA footprinting is a powerful direct method for determining the binding sites of proteins and small molecules on heterogeneous DNA. It was found that attachment of EDTA•Fe(II) to spermine creates a molecule, SE•Fe(II), which binds and cleaves DNA sequence neutrally. This lack of specificity provides evidence that at the nucleotide level polyamines recognize heterogeneous DNA independent of sequence and allows SE•Fe(II) to be used as a footprinting reagent. SE•Fe(II) was compared with two other small molecule footprinting reagents, EDTA•Fe(II) and MPE•Fe(II).


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The reactivity of permethylzirconocene and permethylhafnocene complexes with various nucleophiles has been investigated. Permethylzirconocene reacts with sterically hindered ketenes and allenes to afford metallacycle products. Reaction of these cummulenes with permethylzirconocene hydride complexes affords enolate and σ-allyl species, respectively. Reactions which afford enolate products are nonstereospecific, whereas reactions which afford allyl products initially give a cis-σ-allyl complex which rearranges to its trans isomer. The mechanism of these reactions is proposed to occur either by a Lewis Acid-Lewis Base interaction (ketenes) or by formation of a π-olefin intermediate (allenes).

Permethylzirconocene haloacyl complexes react with strong bases such as lithium diisopropylamide or methylene trimethylphosphorane to afford ketene compounds. Depending on the size of the alkyl ketene substituent, the hydrogenation of these compounds affords enolate-hydride products with varying degrees of stereoselectivity. The larger the substituent, the greater is the selectivity for cis hydrogenation products.

The reaction of permethylzirconocene dihydride and permethylhafnocene dihydride with methylene trimethylphosphorane affords methyl-hydride and dimethyl derivatives. Under appropriate conditions, the metallated-ylide complex 1, (η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5)_2 Zr(H)CH_2PMe_2CH_2, is also obtained and has been structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction techniques. Reaction of 1 with CO affords (η^5-C_5(CH_3)_5)_2 Zr(C,O-η^2 -(PMe_3)HC=CO)H which exists in solution as an equilibrium mixture of isomers. In one isomer (2), the η^2-acyl oxygen atom occupies a lateral equatorial coordination position about zirconium, whereas in the other isomer (3), the η-acyl oxygen atom occupies the central equatorial position. The equilibrium kinetics of the 2→3 isomerization have been studied and the structures of both complexes confirmed by X-ray diffraction methods. These studies suggest a mechanism for CO insertion into metal-carbon bonds of the early transition metals.

Permethylhafnocene dihydride and permethylzirconocene hydride complexes react with diazoalkanes to afford η^2-N, N' -hydrazonido species in which the terminal nitrogen atom of the diazoalkane molecule has inserted into a metal-hydride or metal-carbon bond. The structure of one of these compounds, Cp*_2Zr(NMeNCTol_2)OH, has been determined by X-ray diffraction techniques. Under appropriate conditions, the hydrazonido-hydride complexes react with a second equivalent of diazoalkene to afford η' -N-hydrazonido-η^2-N, N' -hydrazonido species.


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The behaviors of six new cyclophane receptors for organic guest molecules in aqueous media are reported. These new hosts are modifications of more basic parent structures, and the main goal of their examination has been to determine how the modifications affect host selectivity for cationic guests. In particular, we have been interested in determining how additional non-covalent binding interactions can complement the cation-π interactions active in the parent systems. Three types of modifications were made to these systems. Firstly, neutral methoxy and bromine substituents were added to produce four of the six new macrocycles. Secondly, two additional aromatic rings (relative to the parent host) capable of making cation-π interactions with charged guest species were appended. Thirdly, a negatively charged carboxyl group was attached to produce a cavity in which electrostatic interactions should enhance cationic guest binding. ^1H-NMR and circular dichroic techniques were employed to determine the binding affinities of a wide variety of organic guests for the parent and modified structures in aqueous media.

Bromination of the parent host greatly enhances its binding in a general fashion, primarily as the result of hydrophobic interactions. The addition of methoxy groups does not enhance binding, apparently as a result of a collapse of the hosts into a conformation that is not suitable for binding. The appendage of extra aromatic rings enhances the binding of positively charged guests, most likely in response to more complete encapsulation of guest species. The addition of a negatively charged carboxylate enhances the binding to only selective groups of cationic guests. AM1 calculations of the electrostatic potentials of several guests molecules suggests that the enhancements seen with the modified receptor compared to the parent are most likely the result of close contact between regions of highest potential on the guest and the appended carboxylate.


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A concise synthetic route to the tunicamycin antibiotics is described, illustrated by the preparation of (+)-tunicamycin-V (1-V). Key features of the synthesis include: (1) the development and application of a silicon-mediated reductive coupling of aldehydes and allylic alcohols to construct the undecose core of the natural product; and (2) the development of an efficient procedure for the synthesis of the trehalose glycosidic bond within the antibiotic. These innovations allow for the coupling of a uridine-derived aldehyde fragment with a preformed trehalose-linked disaccharide allylic alcohol to form the carbohydrate core (1) of the natural product in a highly convergent manner. The resultant amino polyol is a versatile intermediate for the synthesis of any of the homologous tunicamycin antibiotics.


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Computer science and electrical engineering have been the great success story of the twentieth century. The neat modularity and mapping of a language onto circuits has led to robots on Mars, desktop computers and smartphones. But these devices are not yet able to do some of the things that life takes for granted: repair a scratch, reproduce, regenerate, or grow exponentially fast–all while remaining functional.

This thesis explores and develops algorithms, molecular implementations, and theoretical proofs in the context of “active self-assembly” of molecular systems. The long-term vision of active self-assembly is the theoretical and physical implementation of materials that are composed of reconfigurable units with the programmability and adaptability of biology’s numerous molecular machines. En route to this goal, we must first find a way to overcome the memory limitations of molecular systems, and to discover the limits of complexity that can be achieved with individual molecules.

One of the main thrusts in molecular programming is to use computer science as a tool for figuring out what can be achieved. While molecular systems that are Turing-complete have been demonstrated [Winfree, 1996], these systems still cannot achieve some of the feats biology has achieved.

One might think that because a system is Turing-complete, capable of computing “anything,” that it can do any arbitrary task. But while it can simulate any digital computational problem, there are many behaviors that are not “computations” in a classical sense, and cannot be directly implemented. Examples include exponential growth and molecular motion relative to a surface.

Passive self-assembly systems cannot implement these behaviors because (a) molecular motion relative to a surface requires a source of fuel that is external to the system, and (b) passive systems are too slow to assemble exponentially-fast-growing structures. We call these behaviors “energetically incomplete” programmable behaviors. This class of behaviors includes any behavior where a passive physical system simply does not have enough physical energy to perform the specified tasks in the requisite amount of time.

As we will demonstrate and prove, a sufficiently expressive implementation of an “active” molecular self-assembly approach can achieve these behaviors. Using an external source of fuel solves part of the the problem, so the system is not “energetically incomplete.” But the programmable system also needs to have sufficient expressive power to achieve the specified behaviors. Perhaps surprisingly, some of these systems do not even require Turing completeness to be sufficiently expressive.

Building on a large variety of work by other scientists in the fields of DNA nanotechnology, chemistry and reconfigurable robotics, this thesis introduces several research contributions in the context of active self-assembly.

We show that simple primitives such as insertion and deletion are able to generate complex and interesting results such as the growth of a linear polymer in logarithmic time and the ability of a linear polymer to treadmill. To this end we developed a formal model for active-self assembly that is directly implementable with DNA molecules. We show that this model is computationally equivalent to a machine capable of producing strings that are stronger than regular languages and, at most, as strong as context-free grammars. This is a great advance in the theory of active self- assembly as prior models were either entirely theoretical or only implementable in the context of macro-scale robotics.

We developed a chain reaction method for the autonomous exponential growth of a linear DNA polymer. Our method is based on the insertion of molecules into the assembly, which generates two new insertion sites for every initial one employed. The building of a line in logarithmic time is a first step toward building a shape in logarithmic time. We demonstrate the first construction of a synthetic linear polymer that grows exponentially fast via insertion. We show that monomer molecules are converted into the polymer in logarithmic time via spectrofluorimetry and gel electrophoresis experiments. We also demonstrate the division of these polymers via the addition of a single DNA complex that competes with the insertion mechanism. This shows the growth of a population of polymers in logarithmic time. We characterize the DNA insertion mechanism that we utilize in Chapter 4. We experimentally demonstrate that we can control the kinetics of this re- action over at least seven orders of magnitude, by programming the sequences of DNA that initiate the reaction.

In addition, we review co-authored work on programming molecular robots using prescriptive landscapes of DNA origami; this was the first microscopic demonstration of programming a molec- ular robot to walk on a 2-dimensional surface. We developed a snapshot method for imaging these random walking molecular robots and a CAPTCHA-like analysis method for difficult-to-interpret imaging data.


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The roles of the folate receptor and an anion carrier in the uptake of 5- methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MeH_4folate) were studied in cultured human (KB) cells using radioactive 5-MeH_4folate. Binding of the 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by folic acid, but not by probenecid, an anion carrier inhibitor. The internalization of 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by low temperature, folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. Prolonged incubation of cells in the presence of high concentrations of probenecid appeared to inhibit endocytosis of folatereceptors as well as the anion carrier. The V_(max) and K_M values for the carrier were 8.65 ± 0.55 pmol/min/mg cell protein and 3.74 ± 0.54µM, respectively. The transport of 5-MeH4folate was competitively inhibited by folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. The carrier dissociation constants for folic acid, probenecid and methotreate were 641 µM, 2.23 mM and 13.8 µM, respectively. Kinetic analysis suggests that 5-MeH_4folate at physiological concentration is transported through an anion carrier with the characteristics of the reduced-folate carrier after 5-MeH_4folate is endocytosed by folate receptors in KB cells. Our data with KB cells suggest that folate receptors and probenecid-sensitive carriers work in tandem to transport 5-MeH_4folate to the cytoplasm of cells, based upon the assumption that 1 mM probenecid does not interfere with the acidification of the vesicle where the folate receptors are endocytosed.

Oligodeoxynucleotides designed to hybridize to specific mRNA sequences (antisense oligonucleotides) or double stranded DNA sequences have been used to inhibit the synthesis of a number of cellular and viral proteins (Crooke, S. T. (1993) FASEB J. 7, 533-539; Carter, G. and Lemoine, N. R. (1993) Br. J. Cacer 67, 869-876; Stein, C. A. and cohen, J. S. (1988) Cancer Res. 48, 2659-2668). However, the distribution of the delivered oligonucleotides in the cell, i.e., in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus has not been clearly defined. We studied the kinetics of oligonucleotide transport into the cell nucleus using reconstituted cell nuclei as a model system. We present evidences here that oligonucleotides can freely diffuse into reconstituted nuclei. Our results are consistent with the reports by Leonetti et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 88, pp. 2702-2706, April 1991), which were published while we were carrying this research independently. We also investigated whether a synthetic nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide of SV40 T antigen could be used for the nuclear targeting of oligonucleotides. We synthesized a nuclear localization signal peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide to see if a nuclear localization signal peptide can enhance the uptake of oligonucleotides into reconstituted nuclei of Xenopus. Uptake of the NLS peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide was comparable to the control oligonucleotide at similar concentrations, suggesting that the NLS signal peptide does not significantly enhance the nuclear accumulation of oligonucleotides. This result is probably due to the small size of the oligonucleotide.


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Iterative in situ click chemistry (IISCC) is a robust general technology for development of high throughput, inexpensive protein detection agents. In IISCC, the target protein acts as a template and catalyst, and assembles its own ligand from modular blocks of peptides. This process of ligand discovery is iterated to add peptide arms to develop a multivalent ligand with increased affinity and selectivity. The peptide based protein capture agents (PCC) should ideally have the same degree of selectivity and specificity as a monoclonal antibody, along with improved chemical stability. We had previously reported developing a PCC agent against bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCAII) that could replace a polyclonal antibody. To further enhance the affinity or specificity of the PCC agent, I explore branching the peptide arms to develop branched PCC agents against bCAII. The developed branched capture agents have two to three fold higher affinities for the target protein. In the second part of my thesis, I describe the epitope targeting strategy, a strategy for directing the development of a peptide ligand against specific region or fragment of the protein. The strategy is successfully demonstrated by developing PCC agents with low nanomolar binding affinities that target the C-terminal hydrophobic motif of Akt2 kinase. One of the developed triligands inhibits the kinase activity of Akt. This suggests that, if targeted against the right epitope, the PCC agents can also influence the functional properties of the protein. The exquisite control of the epitope targeting strategy is further demonstrated by developing a cyclic ligand against Akt2. The cyclic ligand acts as an inhibitor by itself, without any iteration of the ligand discovery process. The epitope targeting strategy is a cornerstone of the IISCC technology and opens up new opportunities, leading to the development of protein detection agents and of modulators of protein functions.


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Cp*_2Sc-H reacts with H_2 and CO at -78°C to yield Cp*_2ScOCH_3. A stepwise reduction of CO to an alkoxide is observed when CO reacts with Cp*_2ScC_6H_4CH_3-p to give the η^2-acyl Cp*_2Sc(CO)C_6H_4CH_3-p, which then reacts with H_2 to produce Cp*_2ScOCH_2C_6H_4CH_3-p. Cp*_2ScCH_3 and Cp*_2ScH(THF) react with CO to give unchar- uncharacterizable products. Cp*_2ScH and Cp*_2ScCH_3 react with Cp_2MCO (M = Mo, W) to give scandoxycarbenes, Cp_2M=C(CH_3)OScCp*_2, while a wide variety of Cp*_2ScX (X = H, CH_3, N(CH_3)_2, CH_2CH_2C_6H_5) reacts with CpM(CO)_2 (M = Co, Rh) to yield similar carbene complexes. An x-ray crystal structure determination of Cp(CO)Co=C(CH_3)- OScCp*_2 revealed a µ^2: η^1, η^1 carbonyl interaction between the Co-CO and Sc.

CO_2 inserts cleanly into Sc-phenyl bonds at -78°C to produce a carboxylate complex, Cp*_2Sc(O_2C)C_6H_4CH_3-p. The structure of this compound was determined by x-ray crystallographic techniques.

Excess C_2H_2 reacts with Cp*_2ScR (R = H, alkyl, aryl, alkenyl, alkynyl, amide) at temperatures below -78°C to form the alkynyl species Cp*_2Sc-C≡C-H, which then reacts with the remaining acetylene to form polyacetylene. Cp*_2Sc-C≡C-H further reacts to yield Cp*_2sc-C≡C-ScCp*_2. This unusual C_2 bridged dimer was characterized by x-ray crystallography.

Attempts were made to model the C-N bond breaking step of hydrodenitrogenation by synthesizing Cp*_2TaH(η^2-H_2C=N(C_6H_4X)) and studying its rearrangement to Cp*_2Ta(=N(C_6H_4X))(CH_3). The 1,2 addition/elimination reactions of Cp*_2Ta(η^2- H_2C=N(CH_3)H and Cp*_2Ta(=X)H (X=O, S, NH, N(C_6H_5)) were investigated. Cp*_2Ta(=NH)H was found to react with D_2 to give Cp*_2Ta(=ND)H, implying a nonsymmetric amide-dihydride intermediate for the addition/elimination process. Cp*_2Ta(=S)H and H_2O equilibrate with Cp*_2Ta(=O)H and H_2S, which allowed determination of the difference in bond strengths for Ta=O and Ta=S. Ta=O was found to be approximately 41 kcals/mole stronger than Ta=S.


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The thermal decomposition of Cp*Ti(CH_3)_2 (Cp*≡ ƞ^5-C_5Me_5) toluene solution follows cleanly first-order kinetics and produces a single titanium product Cp*(C_5Me_4CH_2)Ti(CH_3) concurrent with the evolution of one equivalent of methane. Labeling studies using Cp*_2Ti- (CD_3)_2 and (Cp*-d_(15))_2Ti(CH_3)_2 show the decomposition to be intramolecular and the methane to be produced by the coupling of a methyl group with a hydrogen from the other TiCH_3 group. Activation parameters, ΔH^‡ and ΔS^‡, and kinetic deuterium isotope effects have been measured. The alternative decomposition pathways of α-hydrogen abstraction and a-hydrogen elimination, both leading to a titanium-methylidene intermediate, are discussed.

The insertion of unactivated acetylenes into the metal-hydride bonds of Cp*_2MH_2 (M = Zr, Hf) proceeds rapidly at low temperature to form monoand/ or bisinsertion products, dependent upon the steric bulk of the acetylene substituents. Cp*_2M(H)(C(Me)=CHMe), Cp*_2M(H)(CH=CHCMe_3), Cp*_2M(H)-(CH=CHPh), Cp*_2M(CH=CHPh)_2, Cp*_2M(CH=CHCH_3)_2 and Cp*_2Zr- (CH=CHCH_2CH_3)_2 have been isolated and characterized. To extend the study of unsaturated-carbon ligands, Cp*_2M(C≡CCH_3)_2 have been prepared by treating Cp*_2MCl_2 with LiC≡CCH_3. The reactivity of many of these complexes with carbon monoxide and dihydrogen is surveyed. The mono(2- butenyl) complexes Cp*_2M(H)(C(Me)=CHMe) rearrange at room temperature, forming the crotyl-hydride species Cp*_2M(H)(ƞ^3-C_4H_7). The bis(propenyl) and bis(l-butenyl) zirconium complexes Cp*_2Zr(CH=CHR)_2 (R = CH_3, CH_2CH_3) also rearrange, forming zirconacyclopentenes. Labeling studies, reaction chemistry, and kinetic measurements, including deuterium isotope effects, demonstrate that the unusual 6-hydrogen elimination from an sp^2-hybridized carbon is the first step in these latter rearrangements but is not observed in the former. Details of these mechanisms and the differences in reactivity of the zirconium and hafnium complexes are discussed.

The reactions of hydride- and alkyl-carbonyl derivatives of permethylniobocene with equimolar amounts of trialkylaluminum reagents occur rapidly producing the carbonyl adducts Cp*_2Nb(R)(COAlR'_3) (R = H, CH_3, CH_2CH_3, CH_2CH_2Ph, C(Me)=CHMe; R' = Me, Et). The hydride adduct Cp*_2NbH_3•AlEt_3 has also been formed. In solution, each of these compounds exists in equilibrium with the uncomplexed species. The formation constants for Cp*_2Nb(H)(COA1R'_R) have been measured. They indicate the steric bulk of the Cp* ligands plays a deciding factor in the isolation of the first example of an aluminum Lewis acid bound to a carbonyl-oxygen in preference to a metalhydride. Reactions of Cp*_2Nb(H)CO with other Lewis acids and of the one:one adducts with H_2, CO and C_2H_4 are also discussed.

Cp*_2Nb(H)(C_2H_4) also reacts with equimolar amounts of trialkylaluminum reagents, forming a one:one complex that ^1H NMR spectroscopy indicates contains a Nb-CH_2CH_2-Al bridge. This adduct also exists in equilibrium with the uncomplexed species in solution. The formation constant for Cp*_2N+/b(H)(CH_2CH_2ĀlEt_3) has been measured. Reactions of Cp*_2Nb(H)(C_2H_4) with other Lewis acids and the reactions of Cp*_2N+b(H)- (CH_2CH_2ĀlEt_3) with CO and C_2H_4 are described, as are the reactions of Cp_*2Nb(H)(CH_2=CHR) (R = Me, Ph), Cp*_2Nb(H)(CH_3C≡CCH_3) and Cp*_2Ti-(C_2H_4) with AlEt_3.


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This thesis summarizes the application of conventional and modern electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) techniques to establish proximity relationships between paramagnetic metal centers in metalloproteins and between metal centers and magnetic ligand nuclei in two important and timely membrane proteins: succinate:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (SQR) from Paracoccus denitrificans and particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO) from Methylococcus capsulatus. Such proximity relationships are thought to be critical to the biological function and the associated biochemistry mediated by the metal centers in these proteins. A mechanistic understanding of biological function relies heavily on structure-function relationships and the knowledge of how molecular structure and electronic properties of the metal centers influence the reactivity in metalloenzymes. EPR spectroscopy has proven to be one of the most powerful techniques towards obtaining information about interactions between metal centers as well as defining ligand structures. SQR is an electron transport enzyme wherein the substrates, organic and metallic cofactors are held relatively far apart. Here, the proximity relationships of the metallic cofactors were studied through their weak spin-spin interactions by means of EPR power saturation and electron spin-lattice (T_1) measurements, when the enzyme was poised at designated reduction levels. Analysis of the electron T_1 measurements for the S-3 center when the b-heme is paramagnetic led to a detailed analysis of the dipolar interactions and distance determination between two interacting metal centers. Studies of ligand environment of the metal centers by electron spin echo envelope modulation (ESEEM) spectroscopy resulted in the identication of peptide nitrogens as coupled nuclei in the environment of the S-1 and S-3 centers.

Finally, an EPR model was developed to describe the ferromagnetically coupled trinuclear copper clusters in pMMO when the enzyme is oxidized. The Cu(II) ions in these clusters appear to be strongly exchange coupled, and the EPR is consistent with equilateral triangular arrangements of type 2 copper ions. These results offer the first glimpse of the magneto-structural correlations for a trinuclear copper cluster of this type, which, until the work on pMMO, has had no precedent in the metalloprotein literature. Such trinuclear copper clusters are even rare in synthetic models.


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The 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions of trimethylsilyl diazomethane with camphorsultam-derived acrylates are reported as a means for the efficient synthesis of optically active pyrazolines. Trimethylsilyl diazomethane is a safe, commercially available diazoalkane which provides Δ1-pyrazolines 1n good yield and diastereoselectivity when camphorsultam-derived acrylates are used as the reaction dipolarophiles . These initial cycloadducts are subsequently converted to stable, characterizable Δ2-pyrazolines upon desilylation.

A manifold of reactions that can be applied to these Δ2-pyrazolines has been developed which includes pyrazoline reduction, N-N bond reduction, addition to the pyrazoline C=N by mild carbon nucleophiles, and both solvolytic and reductive chiral auxiliary removal. Additionally, it has been demonstrated that the pyrazoline reduction products can take part in peptide coupling reactions that allow for the pyrazolidines to serve as proline-like molecules. The development of this methodology is a general solution to the problem of highly substituted, functionalized pyrazoline synthesis. Importantly, the pyrazolines thus provided have been demonstrated to be amenable to reactions that add to their value as synthetic intermediates.


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The ability to interface with and program cellular function remains a challenging research frontier in biotechnology. Although the emerging field of synthetic biology has recently generated a variety of gene-regulatory strategies based on synthetic RNA molecules, few strategies exist through which to control such regulatory effects in response to specific exogenous or endogenous molecular signals. Here, we present the development of an engineered RNA-based device platform to detect and act on endogenous protein signals, linking these signals to the regulation of genes and thus cellular function.

We describe efforts to develop an RNA-based device framework for regulating endogenous genes in human cells. Previously developed RNA control devices have demonstrated programmable ligand-responsive genetic regulation in diverse cell types, and we attempted to adapt this class of cis-acting control elements to function in trans. We divided the device into two strands that reconstitute activity upon hybridization. Device function was optimized using an in vivo model system, and we found that device sequence is not as flexible as previously reported. After verifying the in vitro activity of our optimized design, we attempted to establish gene regulation in a human cell line using additional elements to direct device stability, structure, and localization. The significant limitations of our platform prevented endogenous gene regulation.

We next describe the development of a protein-responsive RNA-based regulatory platform. Employing various design strategies, we demonstrated functional devices that both up- and downregulate gene expression in response to a heterologous protein in a human cell line. The activity of our platform exceeded that of a similar, small-molecule-responsive platform. We demonstrated the ability of our devices to respond to both cytoplasmic- and nuclear-localized protein, providing insight into the mechanism of action and distinguishing our platform from previously described devices with more restrictive ligand localization requirements. Finally, we demonstrated the versatility of our device platform by developing a regulatory device that responds to an endogenous signaling protein.

The foundational tool we present here possesses unique advantages over previously described RNA-based gene-regulatory platforms. This genetically encoded technology may find future applications in the development of more effective diagnostic tools and targeted molecular therapy strategies.


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Neocarzinostatin chromophore 1 is the active component of the antitumor antibiotic neocarzinostatin (NCS). The chromophore reacts with thiols to form a highly strained cumulene-enyne species which rapidly rearranges to a biradical intermediate which can abstract hydrogen atoms from DNA, leading to strand cleavage. DNA damage is the proposed source of biological activity for NCS. The structure of the methyl thioglycolate monoadduct 2 of NCS chromophore, including the absolute stereochemistry, was determined by NMR studies. The presence of the cumulene-enyne intermediate and the rearrangement to a biradical were supported by data from low temperature NMR investigations. Also included are synthetic approaches to NCS chromophore model compounds based on intramolecular addition of an acetylide to an aldehyde.