3 resultados para Switched reluctance motors

em CaltechTHESIS


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In this thesis, dry chemical modification methods involving UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments are explored to precisely control the wettability of CNT arrays. By varying the exposure time of these treatments the surface concentration of oxygenated groups adsorbed on the CNT arrays can be controlled. CNT arrays with very low amount of oxygenated groups exhibit a superhydrophobic behavior. In addition to their extremely high static contact angle, they cannot be dispersed in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is extremely high. These arrays have an extreme water repellency capability such that a water droplet will bounce off of their surface upon impact and a thin film of air is formed on their surface as they are immersed in a deep pool of water. In contrast, CNT arrays with very high surface concentration of oxygenated functional groups exhibit an extreme hydrophilic behavior. In addition to their extremely low static contact angle, they can be dispersed easily in DI water and their impedance in aqueous electrolytes is tremendously low. Since the bulk structure of the CNT arrays are preserved during the UV/ozone, oxygen plasma, and vacuum annealing treatments, all CNT arrays can be repeatedly switched between superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic, as long as their O/C ratio is kept below 18%.

The effect of oxidation using UV/ozone and oxygen plasma treatments is highly reversible as long as the O/C ratio of the CNT arrays is kept below 18%. At O/C ratios higher than 18%, the effect of oxidation is no longer reversible. This irreversible oxidation is caused by irreversible changes to the CNT atomic structure during the oxidation process. During the oxidation process, CNT arrays undergo three different processes. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios lower than 40%, the oxidation process results in the functionalization of CNT outer walls by oxygenated groups. Although this functionalization process introduces defects, vacancies and micropores opening, the graphitic structure of the CNT is still largely intact. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios between 40% and 45%, the oxidation process results in the etching of CNT outer walls. This etching process introduces large scale defects and holes that can be obviously seen under TEM at high magnification. Most of these holes are found to be several layers deep and, in some cases, a large portion of the CNT side walls are cut open. For CNT arrays with O/C ratios higher than 45%, the oxidation process results in the exfoliation of the CNT walls and amorphization of the remaining CNT structure. This amorphization process can be implied from the disappearance of C-C sp2 peak in the XPS spectra associated with the pi-bond network.

The impact behavior of water droplet impinging on superhydrophobic CNT arrays in a low viscosity regime is investigated for the first time. Here, the experimental data are presented in the form of several important impact behavior characteristics including critical Weber number, volume ratio, restitution coefficient, and maximum spreading diameter. As observed experimentally, three different impact regimes are identified while another impact regime is proposed. These regimes are partitioned by three critical Weber numbers, two of which are experimentally observed. The volume ratio between the primary and the secondary droplets is found to decrease with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes other than the first one. In the first impact regime, this is found to be independent of Weber number since the droplet remains intact during and subsequent to the impingement. Experimental data show that the coefficient of restitution decreases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of decrease of the coefficient of restitution in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Experimental data also show that the maximum spreading factor increases with the increase of Weber number in all impact regimes. The rate of increase of the maximum spreading factor in the high Weber number regime is found to be higher than that in the low and moderate Weber number. Phenomenological approximations and interpretations of the experimental data, as well as brief comparisons to the previously proposed scaling laws, are shown here.

Dry oxidation methods are used for the first time to characterize the influence of oxidation on the capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs. The capacitive behavior of CNT array EDLCs can be tailored by varying their oxygen content, represented by their O/C ratio. The specific capacitance of these CNT arrays increases with the increase of their oxygen content in both KOH and Et4NBF4/PC electrolytes. As a result, their gravimetric energy density increases with the increase of their oxygen content. However, their gravimetric power density decreases with the increase of their oxygen content. The optimally oxidized CNT arrays are able to withstand more than 35,000 charge/discharge cycles in Et4NBF4/PC at a current density of 5 A/g while only losing 10% of their original capacitance.


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The changes in internal states, such as fear, hunger and sleep affect behavioral responses in animals. In most of the cases, these state-dependent influences are “pleiotropic”: one state affects multiple sensory modalities and behaviors; “scalable”: the strengths and choices of such modulations differ depending on the imminence of demands; and “persistent”: once the state is switched on the effects last even after the internal demands are off. These prominent features of state-control enable animals to adjust their behavioral responses depending on their internal demands. Here, we studied the neuronal mechanisms of state-controls by investigating energy-deprived state (hunger state) and social-deprived state of fruit flies, Drosophila melanogaster, as prototypic models. To approach these questions, we developed two novel methods: a genetically based method to map sites of neuromodulation in the brain and optogenetic tools in Drosophila.

These methods, and genetic perturbations, reveal that the effect of hunger to alter behavioral sensitivity to gustatory cues is mediate by two distinct neuromodulatory pathways. The neuropeptide F (NPF) – dopamine (DA) pathway increases sugar sensitivity under mild starvation, while the adipokinetic hormone (AKH)- short neuropeptide F (sNPF) pathway decreases bitter sensitivity under severe starvation. These two pathways are recruited under different levels of energy demands without any cross interaction. Effects of both of the pathways are mediated by modulation of the gustatory sensory neurons, which reinforce the concept that sensory neurons constitute an important locus for state-dependent control of behaviors. Our data suggests that multiple independent neuromodulatory pathways are underlying pleiotropic and scalable effects of the hunger state.

In addition, using optogenetic tool, we show that the neural control of male courtship song can be separated into probabilistic/biasing, and deterministic/command-like components. The former, but not the latter, neurons are subject to functional modulation by social experience, supporting the idea that they constitute a locus of state-dependent influence. Interestingly, moreover, brief activation of the former, but not the latter, neurons trigger persistent behavioral response for more than 10 min. Altogether, these findings and new tools described in this dissertation offer new entry points for future researchers to understand the neuronal mechanism of state control.


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This report presents the results of an investigation of a method of underwater propulsion. The propelling system utilizes the energy of a small mass of expanding gas to accelerate the flow of a large mass of water through an open ended duct of proper shape and dimensions to obtain a resultant thrust. The investigation was limited to making a large number of runs on a hydroduct of arbitrary design, varying between wide limits the water flow and gas flow through the device, and measuring the net thrust caused by the introduction and expansion of the gas.

In comparison with the effective exhaust velocity of about 6,000 feet per second observed in rocket motors, this hydroduct model attained a maximum effective exhaust velocity of more than 27,000 feet per second, using nitrogen gas. Using hydrogen gas, effective exhaust velocities of 146,000 feet per second were obtained. Further investigation should prove this method of propulsion not only to be practical but very efficient.

This investigation was conducted at Project No. 1, Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California.