7 resultados para Streptavidin Monolayer

em CaltechTHESIS


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The aromatic core of double helical DNA possesses the unique and remarkable ability to form a conduit for electrons to travel over exceptionally long molecular distances. This core of π-stacked nucleobases creates an efficient pathway for charge transfer to proceed that is exquisitely sensitive to even subtle perturbations. Ground state electrochemistry of DNA-modified electrodes has been one of the major techniques used both to investigate and to harness the property of DNA-mediated charge transfer. DNA-modified electrodes have been an essential tool for both gaining insights into the fundamental properties of DNA and, due to the exquisite specificity of DNA-mediated charge transfer for the integrity of the π-stack, for use in next generation diagnostic sensing. Here, multiplexed DNA-modified electrodes are used to (i) gain new insights on the electrochemical coupling of metalloproteins to the DNA π-stack with relevance to the fundaments of in vivo DNA-mediated charge transfer and (ii) enhance the overall sensitivity of DNA-mediated reduction for use in the detection of low abundance diagnostic targets.

First, Methylene Blue (MB′) was covalently attached to DNA through a flexible C12 alkyl linker to yield a new redox reporter for DNA electrochemistry measurements with enhanced sensitivity. Tethered, intercalated MB′ was reduced through DNA-mediated charge transport. The redox signal intensity for MB′-dT-C12-DNA was found to be at least 3 fold larger than that of previously used Nile Blue (NB)-dT-DNA, which is coupled to the base stack via direct conjugation. The signal attenuation, due to an intervening mismatch, and therefore the degree of DNA-mediated reduction, does, however, depend on the DNA film morphology and the backfilling agent used to passivate the surface. These results highlight two possible mechanisms for the reduction of MB′ on the DNA-modified electrode that are distinguishable by their kinetics: reduction mediated by the DNA base pair stack and direct surface reduction of MB′ at the electrode. The extent of direct reduction at the surface can be minimized by overall DNA assembly conditions.

Next, a series of intercalation-based DNA-mediated electrochemical reporters were developed, using a flexible alkane linkage to validate and explore their DNA-mediated reduction. The general mechanism for the reduction of distally bound redox active species, covalently tethered to DNA through flexible alkyl linkages, was established to be an intraduplex DNA-mediated pathway. MB, NB, and anthraquinone were covalently tethered to DNA with three different covalent linkages. The extent of electronic coupling of the reporter was shown to correlate with the DNA binding affinity of the redox active species, supporting an intercalative mechanism. These electrochemical signals were shown to be exceptionally sensitive to a single intervening π-stack perturbation, an AC mismatch, in a densely packed DNA monolayer, which further supports that the reduction is DNA-mediated. Finally, this DNA-mediated reduction of MB occurs primarily via intra- rather than inter duplex intercalation, as probed through varying the proximity and integrity of the neighboring duplex DNA. Further gains to electrochemical sensitivity of our DNA-modified devices were then achieved through the application of electrocatalytic signal amplification using these solvent accessible intercalative reporters, MB-dT-C8, and hemoglobin as a novel electron sink. Electrocatalysis offers an excellent means of electrochemical signal amplification, yet in DNA based sensors, its application has been limited due to strict assembly conditions. We describe the use of hemoglobin as a robust and effective electron sink for electrocatalysis in DNA sensing on low density DNA films. Protein shielding of the heme redox center minimizes direct reduction at the electrode surface and permits assays on low density DNA films. Electrocatalysis of MB that is covalently tethered to the DNA by a flexible alkyl linkage allows for efficient interactions with both the base stack and hemoglobin. Consistent suppression of the redox signal upon incorporation of single CA mismatch in the DNA oligomer demonstrates that both the unamplified and the electrocatalytically amplified redox signals are generated through DNA-mediated charge transport. Electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is robust: it is stable to pH and temperature variations. The utility and applicability of electrocatalysis with hemoglobin is demonstrated through restriction enzyme detection, and an enhancement in sensitivity permits femtomole DNA sampling.

Finally, we expanded the application of our multiplexed DNA-modified electrodes to the electrochemical characterization of DNA-bound proteins containing [4Fe-4S] clusters. DNA-modified electrodes have become an essential tool for the characterization of the redox chemistry of DNA repair proteins that contain redox cofactors. Multiplexed analysis of EndonucleaseIII (EndoIII), a DNA repair protein containing a [4Fe-4S] cluster known to be accessible via DNA-mediated charge transport, elucidated subtle differences in the electrochemical behavior as a function of DNA morphology. DNA-bound EndoIII is seen to have two different electron transfer pathways for reduction, either through the DNA base stack or through direct surface reduction. Closely packed DNA films, where the protein has limited surface accessibility, produce electrochemical signals reflecting electron transfer that is DNA-mediated. The electrochemical comparison of EndoIII mutants, including a new family of mutations altering the electrostatics surrounding the [4Fe-4S] cluster, was able to be quantitatively performed. While little change in the midpoint potential was found for this family of mutants, significant variations in the efficiency of DNA-mediated electron transfer were apparent. Based on the stability of these proteins, examined by circular dichroism, we propose that the electron transfer pathway can be perturbed not only by the removal of aromatic residues, but also through changes in solvation near the cluster.


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In this thesis, we provide a statistical theory for the vibrational pooling and fluorescence time dependence observed in infrared laser excitation of CO on an NaCl surface. The pooling is seen in experiment and in computer simulations. In the theory, we assume a rapid equilibration of the quanta in the substrate and minimize the free energy subject to the constraint at any time t of a fixed number of vibrational quanta N(t). At low incident intensity, the distribution is limited to one- quantum exchanges with the solid and so the Debye frequency of the solid plays a key role in limiting the range of this one-quantum domain. The resulting inverted vibrational equilibrium population depends only on fundamental parameters of the oscillator (ωe and ωeχe) and the surface (ωD and T). Possible applications and relation to the Treanor gas phase treatment are discussed. Unlike the solid phase system, the gas phase system has no Debye-constraining maximum. We discuss the possible distributions for arbitrary N-conserving diatom-surface pairs, and include application to H:Si(111) as an example.

Computations are presented to describe and analyze the high levels of infrared laser-induced vibrational excitation of a monolayer of absorbed 13CO on a NaCl(100) surface. The calculations confirm that, for situations where the Debye frequency limited n domain restriction approximately holds, the vibrational state population deviates from a Boltzmann population linearly in n. Nonetheless, the full kinetic calculation is necessary to capture the result in detail.

We discuss the one-to-one relationship between N and γ and the examine the state space of the new distribution function for varied γ. We derive the Free Energy, F = NγkT − kTln(∑Pn), and effective chemical potential, μn ≈ γkT, for the vibrational pool. We also find the anti correlation of neighbor vibrations leads to an emergent correlation that appears to extend further than nearest neighbor.


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The functionalization of silicon surfaces with molecular catalysts for proton reduction is an important part of the development of a solar-powered, water-splitting device for solar fuel formation. The covalent attachment of these catalysts to silicon without damaging the underlying electronic properties of silicon that make it a good photocathode has proven difficult. We report the formation of mixed monolayer-functionalized surfaces that incor- porate both methyl and vinylferrocenyl or vinylbipyridyl (vbpy) moieties. The silicon was functionalized using reaction conditions analogous to those of hydrosilylation, but instead of a H-terminated Si surface, a chlorine-terminated Si precursor surface was used to produce the linked vinyl-modified functional group. The functionalized surfaces were characterized by time-resolved photoconductivity decay, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), electro- chemical, and photoelectrochemical measurements. The functionalized Si surfaces were well passivated, exhibited high surface coverage and few remaining reactive Si atop sites, had a very low surface recombination velocity, and displayed little initial surface oxidation. The surfaces were stable toward atmospheric and electrochemical oxidation. The surface coverage of ferrocene or bipyridine was controllably varied from 0 up to 30% of a monolayer without loss of the underlying electronic properties of the silicon. Interfacial charge transfer to the attached ferrocene group was relatively rapid, and a photovoltage of 0.4 V was generated upon illumination of functionalized n-type silicon surfaces in CH3CN. The immobilized bipyridine ligands bound transition metal ions, and thus enabled the assembly of metal complexes on the silicon surface. XPS studies demonstrated that [Cp∗Rh(vbpy)Cl]Cl, [Cp∗Ir(vbpy)Cl]Cl, and Ru(acac)2vbpy were assembled on the surface. For the surface prepared with iridium, x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Ir LIII edge showed an edge energy and post-edge features virtually identical to a powder sample of [Cp∗Ir(bipy)Cl]Cl (bipy is 2,2 ́-bipyridyl). Electrochemical studies on these surfaces confirmed that the assembled complexes were electrochemically active.


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Detection of biologically relevant targets, including small molecules, proteins, DNA, and RNA, is vital for fundamental research as well as clinical diagnostics. Sensors with biological elements provide a natural foundation for such devices because of the inherent recognition capabilities of biomolecules. Electrochemical DNA platforms are simple, sensitive, and do not require complex target labeling or expensive instrumentation. Sensitivity and specificity are added to DNA electrochemical platforms when the physical properties of DNA are harnessed. The inherent structure of DNA, with its stacked core of aromatic bases, enables DNA to act as a wire via DNA-mediated charge transport (DNA CT). DNA CT is not only robust over long molecular distances of at least 34 nm, but is also especially sensitive to anything that perturbs proper base stacking, including DNA mismatches, lesions, or DNA-binding proteins that distort the π-stack. Electrochemical sensors based on DNA CT have previously been used for single-nucleotide polymorphism detection, hybridization assays, and DNA-binding protein detection. Here, improvements to (i) the structure of DNA monolayers and (ii) the signal amplification with DNA CT platforms for improved sensitivity and detection are described.

First, improvements to the control over DNA monolayer formation are reported through the incorporation of copper-free click chemistry into DNA monolayer assembly. As opposed to conventional film formation involving the self-assembly of thiolated DNA, copper-free click chemistry enables DNA to be tethered to a pre-formed mixed alkylthiol monolayer. The total amount of DNA in the final film is directly related to the amount of azide in the underlying alkylthiol monolayer. DNA monolayers formed with this technique are significantly more homogeneous and lower density, with a larger amount of individual helices exposed to the analyte solution. With these improved monolayers, significantly more sensitive detection of the transcription factor TATA binding protein (TBP) is achieved.

Using low-density DNA monolayers, two-electrode DNA arrays were designed and fabricated to enable the placement of multiple DNA sequences onto a single underlying electrode. To pattern DNA onto the primary electrode surface of these arrays, a copper precatalyst for click chemistry was electrochemically activated at the secondary electrode. The location of the secondary electrode relative to the primary electrode enabled the patterning of up to four sequences of DNA onto a single electrode surface. As opposed to conventional electrochemical readout from the primary, DNA-modified electrode, a secondary microelectrode, coupled with electrocatalytic signal amplification, enables more sensitive detection with spatial resolution on the DNA array electrode surface. Using this two-electrode platform, arrays have been formed that facilitate differentiation between well-matched and mismatched sequences, detection of transcription factors, and sequence-selective DNA hybridization, all with the incorporation of internal controls.

For effective clinical detection, the two working electrode platform was multiplexed to contain two complementary arrays, each with fifteen electrodes. This platform, coupled with low density DNA monolayers and electrocatalysis with readout from a secondary electrode, enabled even more sensitive detection from especially small volumes (4 μL per well). This multiplexed platform has enabled the simultaneous detection of two transcription factors, TBP and CopG, with surface dissociation constants comparable to their solution dissociation constants.

With the sensitivity and selectivity obtained from the multiplexed, two working electrode array, an electrochemical signal-on assay for activity of the human methyltransferase DNMT1 was incorporated. DNMT1 is the most abundant human methyltransferase, and its aberrant methylation has been linked to the development of cancer. However, current methods to monitor methyltransferase activity are either ineffective with crude samples or are impractical to develop for clinical applications due to a reliance on radioactivity. Electrochemical detection of methyltransferase activity, in contrast, circumvents these issues. The signal-on detection assay translates methylation events into electrochemical signals via a methylation-specific restriction enzyme. Using the two working electrode platform combined with this assay, DNMT1 activity from tumor and healthy adjacent tissue lysate were evaluated. Our electrochemical measurements revealed significant differences in methyltransferase activity between tumor tissue and healthy adjacent tissue.

As differential activity was observed between colorectal tumor tissue and healthy adjacent tissue, ten tumor sets were subsequently analyzed for DNMT1 activity both electrochemically and by tritium incorporation. These results were compared to expression levels of DNMT1, measured by qPCR, and total DNMT1 protein content, measured by Western blot. The only trend detected was that hyperactivity was observed in the tumor samples as compared to the healthy adjacent tissue when measured electrochemically. These advances in DNA CT-based platforms have propelled this class of sensors from the purely academic realm into the realm of clinically relevant detection.


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The first chapter of this thesis deals with automating data gathering for single cell microfluidic tests. The programs developed saved significant amounts of time with no loss in accuracy. The technology from this chapter was applied to experiments in both Chapters 4 and 5.

The second chapter describes the use of statistical learning to prognose if an anti-angiogenic drug (Bevacizumab) would successfully treat a glioblastoma multiforme tumor. This was conducted by first measuring protein levels from 92 blood samples using the DNA-encoded antibody library platform. This allowed the measure of 35 different proteins per sample, with comparable sensitivity to ELISA. Two statistical learning models were developed in order to predict whether the treatment would succeed. The first, logistic regression, predicted with 85% accuracy and an AUC of 0.901 using a five protein panel. These five proteins were statistically significant predictors and gave insight into the mechanism behind anti-angiogenic success/failure. The second model, an ensemble model of logistic regression, kNN, and random forest, predicted with a slightly higher accuracy of 87%.

The third chapter details the development of a photocleavable conjugate that multiplexed cell surface detection in microfluidic devices. The method successfully detected streptavidin on coated beads with 92% positive predictive rate. Furthermore, chambers with 0, 1, 2, and 3+ beads were statistically distinguishable. The method was then used to detect CD3 on Jurkat T cells, yielding a positive predictive rate of 49% and false positive rate of 0%.

The fourth chapter talks about the use of measuring T cell polyfunctionality in order to predict whether a patient will succeed an adoptive T cells transfer therapy. In 15 patients, we measured 10 proteins from individual T cells (~300 cells per patient). The polyfunctional strength index was calculated, which was then correlated with the patient's progress free survival (PFS) time. 52 other parameters measured in the single cell test were correlated with the PFS. No statistical correlator has been determined, however, and more data is necessary to reach a conclusion.

Finally, the fifth chapter talks about the interactions between T cells and how that affects their protein secretion. It was observed that T cells in direct contact selectively enhance their protein secretion, in some cases by over 5 fold. This occurred for Granzyme B, Perforin, CCL4, TNFa, and IFNg. IL- 10 was shown to decrease slightly upon contact. This phenomenon held true for T cells from all patients tested (n=8). Using single cell data, the theoretical protein secretion frequency was calculated for two cells and then compared to the observed rate of secretion for both two cells not in contact, and two cells in contact. In over 90% of cases, the theoretical protein secretion rate matched that of two cells not in contact.


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We have measured sputtering yields and angular distributions of sputtered atoms from both the solid and liquid phases of gallium, indium, and the gallium-indium eutectic alloy. This was done by Rutherford backscattering analysis of graphite collector foils. The solid eutectic target shows a predominance of indium crystallites on its surface which have to be sputtered away before the composition of the sputtered atoms equals the bulk target composition. The size of the crystallites depends upon the conditions under which the alloy is frozen. The sputtering of the liquid eutectic alloy by 15 keV Ar+ results in a ratio of indium to gallium sputtering yields which is 28 times greater than would be expected from the target stoichiometry. Furthermore, the angular distribution of gallium is much more sharply peaked about the normal to the target surface than the indium distribution. When the incident Ar+ energy is increased to 25 keV, the gallium distribution broadens to the same shape as the indium distribution. With the exception of the sharp gallium distribution taken from the liquid eutectic at 15 keV, all angular distributions from liquid targets fit a cos2 θ function. An ion-scattering-spectroscopy analysis of the liquid eutectic alloy reveals a surface layer of almost pure indium. A thermodynamic explanation for this highly segregated layer is discussed. The liquid eutectic alloy provides us with a unique target system which allows us to estimate the fraction of sputtered material which comes from the first monolayer of the surface.


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This dissertation describes efforts over the last five years to develop protective layers for semiconductor photoelectrodes based on monolayer or few-layer graphene sheets. Graphene is an attractive candidate for a protective layer because of its known chemical inertness, transparency, ease of deposition, and limited number of electronic states. Monolayer graphene was found to effectively inhibit loss of photocurrent over 1000 seconds at n-Si/aqueous electrolyte interfaces that exhibit total loss over photocurrent over 100 seconds. Further, the presence of graphene was found to effect only partial Fermi level pinning at the Si/graphene interface with respect to a range of nonaqueous electrolytes. Fluorination of graphene was found to extend the stability imparted on n-Si by the monolayer sheet in aqueous Fe(CN)63-/4- electrolyte to over 100,000 seconds. It was demonstrated that the stability of the photocurrent of n-Si/fluorinated graphene/aqueous electrolyte interfaces relative to n-Si/aqueous electrolyte interfaces is likely attributable to the inhibition of oxidation of the silicon surface.

This dissertation also relates efforts to describe and define terminology relevant to the field of photoelectrochemistry and solar fuels production. Terminology describing varying interfaces employed in electrochemical solar fuels devices are defined, and the research challenges associated with each are discussed. Methods for determining the efficiency of varying photoelectrochemical and solar-fuel-producing cells from the current-voltage behavior of the individual components of such a device without requiring the device be constructed are described, and a range of commonly employed performance metrics are explored.