18 resultados para Stream measurements

em CaltechTHESIS


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Part I

The latent heat of vaporization of n-decane is measured calorimetrically at temperatures between 160° and 340°F. The internal energy change upon vaporization, and the specific volume of the vapor at its dew point are calculated from these data and are included in this work. The measurements are in excellent agreement with available data at 77° and also at 345°F, and are presented in graphical and tabular form.

Part II

Simultaneous material and energy transport from a one-inch adiabatic porous cylinder is studied as a function of free stream Reynolds Number and turbulence level. Experimental data is presented for Reynolds Numbers between 1600 and 15,000 based on the cylinder diameter, and for apparent turbulence levels between 1.3 and 25.0 per cent. n-heptane and n-octane are the evaporating fluids used in this investigation.

Gross Sherwood Numbers are calculated from the data and are in substantial agreement with existing correlations of the results of other workers. The Sherwood Numbers, characterizing mass transfer rates, increase approximately as the 0.55 power of the Reynolds Number. At a free stream Reynolds Number of 3700 the Sherwood Number showed a 40% increase as the apparent turbulence level of the free stream was raised from 1.3 to 25 per cent.

Within the uncertainties involved in the diffusion coefficients used for n-heptane and n-octane, the Sherwood Numbers are comparable for both materials. A dimensionless Frössling Number is computed which characterizes either heat or mass transfer rates for cylinders on a comparable basis. The calculated Frössling Numbers based on mass transfer measurements are in substantial agreement with Frössling Numbers calculated from the data of other workers in heat transfer.


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The uptake of Cu, Zn, and Cd by fresh water plankton was studied by analyzing samples of water and plankton from six lakes in southern California. Co, Pb, Mn, Fe, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, and Al were also determined in the plankton samples. Special precautions were taken during sampling and analysis to avoid metal contamination.

The relation between aqueous metal concentrations and the concentrations of metals in plankton was studied by plotting aqueous and plankton metal concentrations vs time and comparing the plots. No plankton metal plot showed the same changes as its corresponding aqueous metal plot, though long-term trends were similar. Thus, passive sorption did not completely explain plankton metal uptake.

The fractions of Cu, Zn, and Cd in lake water which were associated with plankton were calculated and these fractions were less than 1% in every case.

To see whether or not plankton metal uptake could deplete aqueous metal concentrations by measurable amounts (e.g. 20%) in short periods (e.g. less than six days), three integrated rate equations were used as models of plankton metal sorption. Parameters for the equations were taken from actual field measurements. Measurable reductions in concentration within short times were predicted by all three equations when the concentration factor was greater than 10^5. All Cu concentration factors were less than 10^5.

The role of plankton was regulating metal concentrations considered in the context of a model of trace metal chemistry in lakes. The model assumes that all particles can be represented by a single solid phase and that the solid phase controls aqueous metal concentrations. A term for the rate of in situ production of particulate matter is included and primary productivity was used for this parameter. In San Vicente Reservoir, the test case, the rate of in situ production of particulate matter was of the same order of magnitude as the rate of introduction of particulate matter by the influent stream.


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Part I. Novel composite polyelectrolyte materials were developed that exhibit desirable charge propagation and ion-retention properties. The morphology of electrode coatings cast from these materials was shown to be more important for its electrochemical behavior than its chemical composition.

Part II. The Wilhelmy plate technique for measuring dynamic surface tension was extended to electrified liquid-liquid interphases. The dynamical response of the aqueous NaF-mercury electrified interphase was examined by concomitant measurement of surface tension, current, and applied electrostatic potential. Observations of the surface tension response to linear sweep voltammetry and to step function perturbations in the applied electrostatic potential (e.g., chronotensiometry) provided strong evidence that relaxation processes proceed for time-periods that are at least an order of magnitude longer than the time periods necessary to establish diffusion equilibrium. The dynamical response of the surface tension is analyzed within the context of non-equilibrium thermodynamics and a kinetic model that requires three simultaneous first order processes.


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Observations of solar energetic particles (SEPs) from 22 solar flares in the 1977-1982 time period are reported. The observations were made by the Cosmic Ray Subsystem on board the Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft. SEP abundances have been obtained for all elements with 3 ≤ Z ≤ 30 except Li, Be, B. F, Sc, V, Co and Cu. for which upper limits have been obtained. Statistically meaningful abundances of several rare elements (e.g., P, Cl, K, Ti, Mn) have been determined for the first time, and the average abundances of the more abundant elements have been determined with improved precision, typically a factor of three better than the best previous determinations.

Previously reported results concerning the dependence of the fractionation of SEPs relative to photosphere on first ionization potential (FIP) have been confirmed and amplified upon with the new data. The monotonic Z-dependence of the variation between flares noted by earlier studies was found to be interpretable as a fractionation, produced by acceleration of the particles from the corona and their propagation through interplanetary space, which is ordered by the ionic charge-to-mass ratio Q/ M of the species making up the SEPs. It was found that Q/M is the primary organizing parameter of acceleration and propagation effects in SEPs, as evidenced by the dependence on Q/M of time, spatial and energy dependence within flares and of the abundance variability from flare to flare.

An unfractionated coronal composition was derived by applying a simple Q/M fractionation correction to the observed average SEP composition, to simultaneously correct for all Q/M-correlated acceleration/propagation fractionation of SEPs. The resulting coronal composition agrees well with current XUV/X-ray spectroscopic measurements of coronal composition but is of much higher precision and is available for a much larger set of elements. Compared to spectroscopic photospheric abundances, the SEP-derived corona appears depleted in C and somewhat enriched in Cr (and possibly Ca and Ti).

An unfractionated photospheric composition was derived by applying a simple FIP fractionation correction to the derived coronal composition, to correct for the FIP-associated fractionation of the corona during its formation from photospheric material. The resulting composition agrees well with the photospheric abundance tabulation of Grevesse (1984) except for an at least 50% lower abundance of C and a significantly greater abundance of Cr and possibly Ti. The results support the Grevesse photospheric Fe abundance, about 50% higher than meteoritic and earlier solar values. The SEP-derived photospheric composition is not generally of higher precision than the available spectroscopic data, but it relies on fewer physical parameters and is available for some elements (C, N, Ne, Ar) which cannot be measured spectroscopically in the photosphere.


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Much of the chemistry that affects life on planet Earth occurs in the condensed phase. The TeraHertz (THz) or far-infrared (far-IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 0.1 THz to 10 THz, 3 cm-1 to 300 cm-1, or 3000 μm to 30 μm) has been shown to provide unique possibilities in the study of condensed-phase processes. The goal of this work is to expand the possibilities available in the THz region and undertake new investigations of fundamental interest to chemistry. Since we are fundamentally interested in condensed-phase processes, this thesis focuses on two areas where THz spectroscopy can provide new understanding: astrochemistry and solvation science. To advance these fields, we had to develop new instrumentation that would enable the experiments necessary to answer new questions in either astrochemistry or solvation science. We first developed a new experimental setup capable of studying astrochemical ice analogs in both the TeraHertz (THz), or far-Infrared (far-IR), region (0.3 - 7.5 THz; 10 - 250 cm-1) and the mid-IR (400 - 4000 cm-1). The importance of astrochemical ices lies in their key role in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as amino acids and sugars in space. Thus, the instruments are capable of performing variety of spectroscopic studies that can provide especially relevant laboratory data to support astronomical observations from telescopes such as the Herschel Space Telescope, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The experimental apparatus uses a THz time-domain spectrometer, with a 1750/875 nm plasma source and a GaP detector crystal, to cover the bandwidth mentioned above with ~10 GHz (~0.3 cm-1) resolution.

Using the above instrumentation, experimental spectra of astrochemical ice analogs of water and carbon dioxide in pure, mixed, and layered ices were collected at different temperatures under high vacuum conditions with the goal of investigating the structure of the ice. We tentatively observe a new feature in both amorphous solid water and crystalline water at 33 cm-1 (1 THz). In addition, our studies of mixed and layered ices show how it is possible to identify the location of carbon dioxide as it segregates within the ice by observing its effect on the THz spectrum of water ice. The THz spectra of mixed and layered ices are further analyzed by fitting their spectra features to those of pure amorphous solid water and crystalline water ice to quantify the effects of temperature changes on structure. From the results of this work, it appears that THz spectroscopy is potentially well suited to study thermal transformations within the ice.

To advance the study of liquids with THz spectroscopy, we developed a new ultrafast nonlinear THz spectroscopic technique: heterodyne-detected, ultrafast THz Kerr effect (TKE) spectroscopy. We implemented a heterodyne-detection scheme into a TKE spectrometer that uses a stilbazoiumbased THz emitter, 4-N,N-dimethylamino-4-N-methyl-stilbazolium 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonate (DSTMS), and high numerical aperture optics which generates THz electric field in excess of 300 kV/cm, in the sample. This allows us to report the first measurement of quantum beats at terahertz (THz) frequencies that result from vibrational coherences initiated by the nonlinear, dipolar interaction of a broadband, high-energy, (sub)picosecond THz pulse with the sample. Our instrument improves on both the frequency coverage, and sensitivity previously reported; it also ensures a backgroundless measurement of the THz Kerr effect in pure liquids. For liquid diiodomethane, we observe a quantum beat at 3.66 THz (122 cm-1), in exact agreement with the fundamental transition frequency of the υ4 vibration of the molecule. This result provides new insight into dipolar vs. Raman selection rules at terahertz frequencies.

To conclude we discuss future directions for the nonlinear THz spectroscopy in the Blake lab. We report the first results from an experiment using a plasma-based THz source for nonlinear spectroscopy that has the potential to enable nonlinear THz spectra with a sub-100 fs temporal resolution, and how the optics involved in the plasma mechanism can enable THz pulse shaping. Finally, we discuss how a single-shot THz detection scheme could improve the acquisition of THz data and how such a scheme could be implemented in the Blake lab. The instruments developed herein will hopefully remain a part of the groups core competencies and serve as building blocks for the next generation of THz instrumentation that pushes the frontiers of both chemistry and the scientific enterprise as a whole.


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Mean velocity profiles were measured in the 5” x 60” wind channel of the turbulence laboratory at the GALCIT, by the use of a hot-wire anemometer. The repeatability of results was established, and the accuracy of the instrumentation estimated. Scatter of experimental results is a little, if any, beyond this limit, although some effects might be expected to arise from variations in atmospheric humidity, no account of this factor having been taken in the present work. Also, slight unsteadiness in flow conditions will be responsible for some scatter.

Irregularities of a hot-wire in close proximity to a solid boundary at low speeds were observed, as have already been found by others.

That Kármán’s logarithmic law holds reasonably well over the main part of a fully developed turbulent flow was checked, the equation u/ut = 6.0 + 6.25 log10 yut/v being obtained, and, as has been previously the case, the experimental points do not quite form one straight line in the region where viscosity effects are small. The values of the constants for this law for the best over-all agreement were determined and compared with those obtained by others.

The range of Reynolds numbers used (based on half-width of channel) was from 20,000 to 60,000.


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Mass transfer from wetted surfaces on one-inch cylinders with unwetted approach sections was studied experimentally by means of the evaporation of n-octane and n-heptane into an air stream in axisymmetrical flow, for Reynolds numbers from 5,000 to 310,000. A transition from the laminar to the turbulent boundary layer was observed to occur at Reynolds numbers from 10,000 to 15,000. The results were expressed in terms of the Sherwood number as a function of the Reynolds number, the Schmidt number, and the ratio of the unwetted approach length to the total length. Empirical formulas were obtained for both laminar and turbulent regimes. The rates of mass transfer obtained were higher than theoretical and experimental results obtained by previous investigators for mass and heat transfer from flat plates.


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This study concerns the longitudinal dispersion of fluid particles which are initially distributed uninformly over one cross section of a uniform, steady, turbulent open channel flow. The primary focus is on developing a method to predict the rate of dispersion in a natural stream.

Taylor's method of determining a dispersion coefficient, previously applied to flow in pipes and two-dimensional open channels, is extended to a class of three-dimensional flows which have large width-to-depth ratios, and in which the velocity varies continuously with lateral cross-sectional position. Most natural streams are included. The dispersion coefficient for a natural stream may be predicted from measurements of the channel cross-sectional geometry, the cross-sectional distribution of velocity, and the overall channel shear velocity. Tracer experiments are not required.

Large values of the dimensionless dispersion coefficient D/rU* are explained by lateral variations in downstream velocity. In effect, the characteristic length of the cross section is shown to be proportional to the width, rather than the hydraulic radius. The dimensionless dispersion coefficient depends approximately on the square of the width to depth ratio.

A numerical program is given which is capable of generating the entire dispersion pattern downstream from an instantaneous point or plane source of pollutant. The program is verified by the theory for two-dimensional flow, and gives results in good agreement with laboratory and field experiments.

Both laboratory and field experiments are described. Twenty-one laboratory experiments were conducted: thirteen in two-dimensional flows, over both smooth and roughened bottoms; and eight in three-dimensional flows, formed by adding extreme side roughness to produce lateral velocity variations. Four field experiments were conducted in the Green-Duwamish River, Washington.

Both laboratory and flume experiments prove that in three-dimensional flow the dominant mechanism for dispersion is lateral velocity variation. For instance, in one laboratory experiment the dimensionless dispersion coefficient D/rU* (where r is the hydraulic radius and U* the shear velocity) was increased by a factory of ten by roughening the channel banks. In three-dimensional laboratory flow, D/rU* varied from 190 to 640, a typical range for natural streams. For each experiment, the measured dispersion coefficient agreed with that predicted by the extension of Taylor's analysis within a maximum error of 15%. For the Green-Duwamish River, the average experimentally measured dispersion coefficient was within 5% of the prediction.


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The pulsed neutron technique has been used to investigate the decay of thermal neutrons in two adjacent water-borated water finite media. Experiments were performed with a 6x6x6 inches cubic assembly divided in two halves by a thin membrane and filled with pure distilled water on one side and borated water on the other side.

The fundamental decay constant was measured versus the boric acid concentration in the poisoned medium. The experimental results showed good agreement with the predictions of the time dependent diffusion model. It was assumed that the addition of boric acid increases the absorption cross section of the poisoned medium without affecting its diffusion properties: In these conditions, space-energy separability and the concept of an “effective” buckling as derived from diffusion theory were introduced. Their validity was supported by the experimental results.

Measurements were performed with the absorption cross section of the poisoned medium increasing gradually up to 16 times its initial value. Extensive use of the IBM 7090-7094 Computing facility was made to analyze properly the decay data (Frantic Code). Attention was given to the count loss correction scheme and the handling of the statistics involved. Fitting of the experimental results into the analytical form predicted by the diffusion model led to

Ʃav = 4721 sec-1 (±150)

Do = 35972 cm2sec-1 (±800) for water at 21˚C

C (given) = 3420 cm4sec-1

These values, when compared with published data, show that the diffusion model is adequate in describing the experiment.


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The Q values and 0o cross sections of (He3, n) reactions forming seven proton-rich nuclei have been measured with accuracies varying from 6 to 18 keV. The Q values (in keV) are: Si26 (85), S30 (-573), Ar34 (-759), Ti42 (-2865), Cr48 (5550), Ni56 (4513) and Zn60 (818). At least one excited state was found for all but Ti42. The first four nuclei complete isotopic spin triplets; the results obtained agree well with charge-symmetry predictions. The last three, all multiples of the α particle, are important in the α and e-process theories of nucleo-synthesis in stars. The energy available for β decay of these three was found by magnetic spectrometer measurements of the (He3, p) Q values of reactions leading to V48, Co56, and Cu60. Many excited states were seen: V48 (3), Co56 (15), Cu60 (23). The first two states of S30 are probably 0+ and 2+ from (He3, n) angular distribution measurements. Two NaI γ-ray measurements are described: the decay of Ar34 (measured Ƭ1/2 = 1.2 ± 0.3s) and the prompt γ-ray spectrum from Fe54(He3, nγ)Ni56. Possible collective structure in Ni56 and Ca40, both doubly magic, is discussed.

The (He3, n) neutron energy and yield measurements utilized neutron-induced nuclear reactions in a silicon semiconductor detector. Cross sections for the most important detection processes, Si28 (n, α) Mg25 and Si28 (n, p) Al28, are presented for reactions leading to the first four states of both residual nuclei for neutron energies from 7.3 to 16.4 MeV. Resolution and pulse-height anomalies associated with recoil Mg25 and Al28 ions are discussed. The 0o cross section for Be9 (α, n) C12, used to provide calibration neutrons, has been measured with a stilbene spectrometer for no (5.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 12 MeV), n1 (4.3 ≤ Eα ≤ 12.0 MeV) and n2 (6.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 10.1 MeV). Resonances seen in the no yield may correspond to nine new levels in C13.


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Gaseous nitrogen and argon were injected into a primary stream of air moving at Mach 2.56. The gases were injected at secondary to primary total pressure ratios from 3.2 to 28.6 through four different nozzles. Two nozzles, one sonic and one supersonic (M = 3.26), injected normal to the primary stream; and two sonic nozzles injected at 45° angles to the primary flow, one injecting upstream and the other downstream. Data consisted of static pressure measurements on the wall near the injector, total pressure profiles in the wake of the injectant plume, and concentration measurements downstream of the flow. Scale parameters were calculated based upon an analytical model of the flow field and their validity verified by experimental results. These scale heights were used to compare normalized wall side forces for the different nozzles and to compare the mixing of the two streams.


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Precise measurements of the total reaction cross section for 3He(3He,2p)4He He have been made in the range of center-of-mass energies between 1100 keV and 80 keV. A differentially pumped gas target modified to operate with a limited quantity of the target gas was employed to minimize the uncertainties in the primary energy and energy straggle. Beam integration inside the target gas was carried out by a calorimetric device which measures the total energy spent in a heat sink rather than the total charge in a Faraday cup. Proton energy spectra have been obtained using a counter telescope consisting of a gas proportional counter and a surface barrier detector and angular distributions of these protons have been measured at seven bombarding energies. Cross section factors, S(E), have been calculated from the total cross sections and fitted to a linear function of energy over different ranges of energy. For Ecm < 500 keV

S(Ecm) = S0 + S1 Ecm

where S0 = (5.0 +0.6-0.4) MeV - barns and S1 = (-1.8 ± 0.5) barns.


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Electronic Kαl x-ray isotope shifts have been measured for Sn 116-124, Sm 148-154, W 182-184, W 184-186, and W 182-186 using a curved crystal Cauchois spectrometer. The analysis of the measurements has included the electrostatic volume effect, screening by the transition electron as well as the non-transition electrons, normal and specific mass shifts, dynamical nuclear qudrupole polarization, and a radiative correction effect of the electron magnetic moment in the nuclear charge radii are obtained. Where other experimental data are available, the agreement with the present measurements is satisfactory. Comparisons with several nuclear model predictions yield only partial agreement.


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Theoretical and experimental studies were made on two classes of buoyant jet problems, namely:

1) an inclined, round buoyant yet in a stagnant environment with linear density-stratification;

2) a round buoyant jet in a uniform cross stream of homogenous density.

Using the integral technique of analysis, assuming similarity, predictions can be made for jet trajectory, widths, and dilution ratios, in a density-stratified or flowing environment. Such information is of great importance in the design of disposal systems for sewage effluent into the ocean or waste gases into the atmosphere.

The present study of a buoyant jet in a stagnant environment has extended the Morton type of analysis to cover the effect of the initial angle of discharge. Numerical solutions have been presented for a range of initial conditions. Laboratory experiments were conducted for photographic observations of the trajectories of dyed jets. In general the observed jet forms agreed well with the calculated trajectories and nominal half widths when the value of the entrainment coefficient was taken to be α = 0.082, as previously suggested by Morton.

The problem of a buoyant jet in a uniform cross stream was analyzed by assuming an entrainment mechanism based upon the vector difference between the characteristic jet velocity and the ambient velocity. The effect of the unbalanced pressure field on the sides of the jet flow was approximated by a gross drag term. Laboratory flume experiments with sinking jets which are directly analogous to buoyant jets were performed. Salt solutions were injected into fresh water at the free surface in a flume. The jet trajectories, dilution ratios and jet half widths were determined by conductivity measurements. The entrainment coefficient, α, and drag coefficient, Cd, were found from the observed jet trajectories and dilution ratios. In the ten cases studied where jet Froude number ranged from 10 to 80 and velocity ratio (jet: current) K from 4 to 16, α varied from 0.4 to 0.5 and Cd from 1.7 to 0.1. The jet mixing motion for distance within 250D was found to be dominated by the self-generated turbulence, rather than the free-stream turbulence. Similarity of concentration profiles has also been discussed.


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An air filled ionization chamber has been constructed with a volume of 552 liters and a wall consisting of 12.7 mg/cm2 of plastic wrapped over a rigid, lightweight aluminum frame. A calibration in absolute units, independent of previous Caltech ion chamber calibrations, was applied to a sealed Neher electrometer for use in this chamber. The new chamber was flown along with an older, argon filled, balloon type chamber in a C-135 aircraft from 1,000 to 40,000 feet altitude, and other measurements of sea level cosmic ray ionization were made, resulting in the value of 2.60 ± .03 ion pairs/cm3 sec atm) at sea level. The calibrations of the two instruments were found to agree within 1 percent, and the airplane data were consistent with previous balloon measurements in the upper atmosphere. Ionization due to radon gas in the atmosphere was investigated. Absolute ionization data in the lower atmosphere have been compared with results of other observers, and discrepancies have been discussed.

Data from a polar orbiting ion chamber on the OGO-II, IV spacecraft have been analyzed. The problem of radioactivity produced on the spacecraft during passes through high fluxes of trapped protons has been investigated, and some corrections determined. Quiet time ionization averages over the polar regions have been plotted as function of altitude, and an analytical fit is made to the data that gives a value of 10.4 ± 2.3 percent for the fractional part of the ionization at the top of the atmosphere due to splash albedo particles, although this result is shown to depend on an assumed angular distribution for the albedo particles. Comparisons with other albedo measurements are made. The data are shown to be consistent with balloon and interplanetary ionization measurements. The position of the cosmic ray knee is found to exhibit an altitude dependence, a North-South effect, and a small local time variation.