4 resultados para Slit Pores

em CaltechTHESIS


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The interaction of SO_2 with γ - Al_2O_3 and the deposition of H_2 permselective SiO_2 films have been investigated. The adsorption and oxidative adsorption of SO_2 on γ - Al_2O_3 have been examined at temperatures 500-700°C by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). At temperatures above 500°C most of SO_2 adsorbed on the strong sites on alumina. The adsorbed SO_2 species was characterized by an IR band at 1065 cm^(-1). The equilibrium coverage and initial rate of adsorption decreased with temperature suggesting a two-step adsorption. When γ - Al_2O_3 was contacted with a mixture of SO_2 and O_2, adsorption of SO_2 and oxidation of the adsorbed SO_2 to a surface sulfate characterized by broad IR bands at 1070 cm^(-1), 1390 cm^(-1) took place. The results of a series of TGA experiments under different atmospheres strongly suggest that surface SO_2 and surface sulfate involve the same active sites such that SO_2 adsorption is inhibited by already formed sulfate. The results also indicate a broad range of site strengths.

The desorption of adsorbed SO_2 and the reductive desorption of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 have been investigated by microreactor experiments and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) of adsorbed SO_2 showed that SO_2 was desorbed without significant reaction with H_2 when H_2 concentration was low while considerable reaction occurred when 100% H_2 was used. SO_2 adsorbed on the strong sites on alumina was reduced to sulfur and H_2S. The isothermal reduction experiments of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 reveal that the rate of reduction is very slow below 550°C even with 100% H_2. The reduction product is mainly composed of SO_2. TPR experiments of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 showed that H_2S arose from a sulfate strongly chemisorbed on the surface.

Films of amorphous SiO_2 were deposited within the walls of porous Vycor tubes by SiH_4 oxidation in an opposing reactants geometry : SiH_4 was passed inside the tube while O_2 was passed outside the tube. The two reactants diffused opposite to each other and reacted within a narrow front inside the tube wall to form a thin SiO_2 film. Once the pores were plugged the reactants could not reach each other and the reaction stopped. At 450°C and 0.1 and 0.33 atm of SiH_4 and O_2, the reaction was complete within 15 minutes. The thickness of the SiO_2 film was estimated to be about 0.1 µm. Measurements of H_2 and N_2 permeation rates showed that the SiO_2 film was highly selective to H_2 permeation. The H_2:N_2 flux at 450°C varied between 2000-3000.

Thin SiO_2 films were heat treated in different gas mixtures to determine their stability in functioning as high-temperature hydrogen-permselective membranes. The films were heat-treated at 450-700°C in dry N_2, dry O_2, N_2-H_2O, and O_2-H_2O mixtures. The permeation rates of H_2 and N_2 changed depending on the original conditions of film formation as well as on the heat treatment. Heating in dry N_2 slowly reduced the permeation rates of both H_2 and N_2. Heating in a N_2-H_2O atmosphere led to a steeper decline of H_2 permeability. But the permeation rate of N_2 increased or decreased according to whether the film deposition had been carried out in the absence or presence of H_2O vapor, respectively. Thermal treatment in O_2 caused rapid decline of the permeation rates of H_2 and N_2 in films that were deposited under dry conditions. The decline was moderate in films deposited under wet conditions.


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A study was conducted on the adsorption of Escherichia coli bacteriophage T4 to activated carbon. Preliminary adsorption experiments were also made with poliovirus Type III. The effectiveness of such adsorbents as diatomaceous earth, Ottawa sand, and coconut charcoal was also tested for virus adsorption.

The kinetics of adsorption were studied in an agitated solution containing virus and carbon. The mechanism of attachment and site characteristics were investigated by varying pH and ionic strength and using site-blocking reagents.

Plaque assay procedures were developed for bacteriophage T4 on Escherichia coli cells and poliovirus Type III on monkey kidney cells. Factors influencing the efficiency of plaque formation were investigated.

The kinetics of bacteriophage T4 adsorption to activated carbon can be described by a reversible second-order equation. The reaction order was first order with respect to both virus and carbon concentration. This kinetic representation, however, is probably incorrect at optimum adsorption conditions, which occurred at a pH of 7.0 and ionic strength of 0.08. At optimum conditions the adsorption rate was satisfactorily described by a diffusion-limited process. Interpretation of adsorption data by a development of the diffusion equation for Langmuir adsorption yielded a diffusion coefficient of 12 X 10-8 cm2/sec for bacteriophage T4. This diffusion coefficient is in excellent agreement with the accepted value of 8 X 10-8 cm2/sec. A diffusion-limited theory may also represent adsorption at conditions other than the maximal. A clear conclusion on the limiting process cannot be made.

Adsorption of bacteriophage T4 to activated carbon obeys the Langmuir isotherm and is thermodynamically reversible. Thus virus is not inactivated by adsorption. Adsorption is unimolecular with very inefficient use of the available carbon surface area. The virus is probably completely excluded from pores due to its size.

Adsorption is of a physical nature and independent of temperature. Attraction is due to electrostatic forces between the virus and carbon. Effects of pH and ionic strength indicated that carboxyl groups, amino groups, and the virus's tail fibers are involved in the attachment of virus to carbon. The active sites on activated carbon for adsorption of bacteriophage T4 are carboxyl groups. Adsorption can be completely blocked by esterifying these groups.


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The central theme of this thesis is the use of imidazolium-based organic structure directing agents (OSDAs) in microporous materials synthesis. Imidazoliums are advantageous OSDAs as they are relatively inexpensive and simple to prepare, show robust stability under microporous material synthesis conditions, have led to a wide range of products, and have many permutations in structure that can be explored. The work I present involves the use of mono-, di-, and triquaternary imidazolium-based OSDAs in a wide variety of microporous material syntheses. Much of this work was motivated by successful computational predictions (Chapter 2) that led me to continue to explore these types of OSDAs. Some of the important discoveries with these OSDAs include the following: 1) Experimental evaluation and confirmation of a computational method that predicted a new OSDA for pure-silica STW, a desired framework containing helical pores that was previously very difficult to synthesize. 2) Discovery of a number of new imidazolium OSDAs to synthesize zeolite RTH, a zeolite desired for both the methanol-to-olefins reaction as well as NOX reduction in exhaust gases. This discovery enables the use of RTH for many additional investigations as the previous OSDA used to make this framework was difficult to synthesize, such that no large scale preparations would be practical. 3) The synthesis of pure-silica RTH by topotactic condensation from a layered precursor (denoted CIT-10), that can also be pillared to make a new framework material with an expanded pore system, denoted CIT-11, that can be calcined to form a new microporous material, denoted CIT-12. CIT-10 is also interesting since it is the first layered material to contain 8 membered rings through the layers, making it potentially useful in separations if delamination methods can be developed. 4) The synthesis of a new microporous material, denoted CIT-7 (framework code CSV) that contains a 2-dimensional system of 8 and 10 membered rings with a large cage at channel intersections. This material is especially important since it can be synthesized as a pure-silica framework under low-water, fluoride-mediated synthesis conditions, and as an aluminosilicate material under hydroxide mediated conditions. 5) The synthesis of high-silica heulandite (HEU) by topotactic condensation as well as direct synthesis, demonstrating new, more hydrothermally stable compositions of a previously known framework. 6) The synthesis of germanosilicate and aluminophosphate LTA using a triquaternary OSDA. All of these materials show the diverse range of products that can be formed from OSDAs that can be prepared by straightforward syntheses and have made many of these materials accessible for the first time under facile zeolite synthesis conditions.


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Large plane deformations of thin elastic sheets of neo-Hookean material are considered and a method of successive substitutions is developed to solve problems within the two-dimensional theory of finite plane stress. The first approximation is determined by linear boundary value problems on two harmonic functions, and it is approached asymptotically at very large extensions in the plane of the sheet. The second and higher approximations are obtained by solving Poisson equations. The method requires modification when the membrane has a traction-free edge.

Several problems are treated involving infinite sheets under uniform biaxial stretching at infinity. First approximations are obtained when a circular or elliptic inclusion is present and when the sheet has a circular or elliptic hole, including the limiting cases of a line inclusion and a straight crack or slit. Good agreement with exact solutions is found for circularly symmetric deformations. Other examples discuss the stretching of a short wide strip, the deformation near a boundary corner which is traction-free, and the application of a concentrated load to a boundary point.