9 resultados para Scale of existence

em CaltechTHESIS


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Glaciers are often assumed to deform only at slow (i.e., glacial) rates. However, with the advent of high rate geodetic observations of ice motion, many of the intricacies of glacial deformation on hourly and daily timescales have been observed and quantified. This thesis explores two such short timescale processes: the tidal perturbation of ice stream motion and the catastrophic drainage of supraglacial meltwater lakes. Our investigation into the transmission length-scale of a tidal load represents the first study to explore the daily tidal influence on ice stream motion using three-dimensional models. Our results demonstrate both that the implicit assumptions made in the standard two-dimensional flow-line models are inherently incorrect for many ice streams, and that the anomalously large spatial extent of the tidal influence seen on the motion of some glaciers cannot be explained, as previously thought, through the elastic or viscoelastic transmission of tidal loads through the bulk of the ice stream. We then discuss how the phase delay between a tidal forcing and the ice stream’s displacement response can be used to constrain in situ viscoelastic properties of glacial ice. Lastly, for the problem of supraglacial lake drainage, we present a methodology for implementing linear viscoelasticity into an existing model for lake drainage. Our work finds that viscoelasticity is a second-order effect when trying to model the deformation of ice in response to a meltwater lake draining to a glacier’s bed. The research in this thesis demonstrates that the first-order understanding of the short-timescale behavior of naturally occurring ice is incomplete, and works towards improving our fundamental understanding of ice behavior over the range of hours to days.


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Nucleic acids are a useful substrate for engineering at the molecular level. Designing the detailed energetics and kinetics of interactions between nucleic acid strands remains a challenge. Building on previous algorithms to characterize the ensemble of dilute solutions of nucleic acids, we present a design algorithm that allows optimization of structural features and binding energetics of a test tube of interacting nucleic acid strands. We extend this formulation to handle multiple thermodynamic states and combinatorial constraints to allow optimization of pathways of interacting nucleic acids. In both design strategies, low-cost estimates to thermodynamic properties are calculated using hierarchical ensemble decomposition and test tube ensemble focusing. These algorithms are tested on randomized test sets and on example pathways drawn from the molecular programming literature. To analyze the kinetic properties of designed sequences, we describe algorithms to identify dominant species and kinetic rates using coarse-graining at the scale of a small box containing several strands or a large box containing a dilute solution of strands.


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An area of about 25 square miles in the western part of the San Gabriel Mountains was mapped on a scale of 1000 feet to the inch. Special attention was given to the structural geology, particularly the relations between the different systems of faults, of which the San Gabriel fault system and the Sierra Madre fault system are the most important ones. The present distribution and relations of the rocks suggests that the southern block has tilted northward against a more stable mass of old rocks which was raised up during a Pliocene or post-Pliocene orogeny. It is suggested that this northward tilting of the block resulted in the group of thrust faults which comprise the Sierra Madre fault system. It is show that this hypothesis fits the present distribution of the rocks and occupies a logical place in the geologic history of the region as well or better than any other hypothesis previously offered to explain the geology of the region.


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We know from the CMB and observations of large-scale structure that the universe is extremely flat, homogenous, and isotropic. The current favored mechanism for generating these characteristics is inflation, a theorized period of exponential expansion of the universe that occurred shortly after the Big Bang. Most theories of inflation generically predict a background of stochastic gravitational waves. These gravitational waves should leave their unique imprint on the polarization of the CMB via Thompson scattering. Scalar perturbations of the metric will cause a pattern of polarization with no curl (E-mode). Tensor perturbations (gravitational waves) will cause a unique pattern of polarization on the CMB that includes a curl component (B-mode). A measurement of the ratio of the tensor to scalar perturbations (r) tells us the energy scale of inflation. Recent measurements by the BICEP2 team detect the B-mode spectrum with a tensor-to-scalar ratio of r = 0.2 (+0.05, −0.07). An independent confirmation of this result is the next step towards understanding the inflationary universe.

This thesis describes my work on a balloon-borne polarimeter called SPIDER, which is designed to illuminate the physics of the early universe through measurements of the cosmic microwave background polarization. SPIDER consists of six single-frequency, on-axis refracting telescopes contained in a shared-vacuum liquid-helium cryostat. Its large format arrays of millimeter-wave detectors and tight control of systematics will give it unprecedented sensitivity. This thesis describes how the SPIDER detectors are characterized and calibrated for flight, as well as how the systematics requirements for the SPIDER system are simulated and measured.


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Wide field-of-view (FOV) microscopy is of high importance to biological research and clinical diagnosis where a high-throughput screening of samples is needed. This thesis presents the development of several novel wide FOV imaging technologies and demonstrates their capabilities in longitudinal imaging of living organisms, on the scale of viral plaques to live cells and tissues.

The ePetri Dish is a wide FOV on-chip bright-field microscope. Here we applied an ePetri platform for plaque analysis of murine norovirus 1 (MNV-1). The ePetri offers the ability to dynamically track plaques at the individual cell death event level over a wide FOV of 6 mm × 4 mm at 30 min intervals. A density-based clustering algorithm is used to analyze the spatial-temporal distribution of cell death events to identify plaques at their earliest stages. We also demonstrate the capabilities of the ePetri in viral titer count and dynamically monitoring plaque formation, growth, and the influence of antiviral drugs.

We developed another wide FOV imaging technique, the Talbot microscope, for the fluorescence imaging of live cells. The Talbot microscope takes advantage of the Talbot effect and can generate a focal spot array to scan the fluorescence samples directly on-chip. It has a resolution of 1.2 μm and a FOV of ~13 mm2. We further upgraded the Talbot microscope for the long-term time-lapse fluorescence imaging of live cell cultures, and analyzed the cells’ dynamic response to an anticancer drug.

We present two wide FOV endoscopes for tissue imaging, named the AnCam and the PanCam. The AnCam is based on the contact image sensor (CIS) technology, and can scan the whole anal canal within 10 seconds with a resolution of 89 μm, a maximum FOV of 100 mm × 120 mm, and a depth-of-field (DOF) of 0.65 mm. We also demonstrate the performance of the AnCam in whole anal canal imaging in both animal models and real patients. In addition to this, the PanCam is based on a smartphone platform integrated with a panoramic annular lens (PAL), and can capture a FOV of 18 mm × 120 mm in a single shot with a resolution of 100─140 μm. In this work we demonstrate the PanCam’s performance in imaging a stained tissue sample.


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Laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory (LIGO) consists of two complex large-scale laser interferometers designed for direct detection of gravitational waves from distant astrophysical sources in the frequency range 10Hz - 5kHz. Direct detection of space-time ripples will support Einstein's general theory of relativity and provide invaluable information and new insight into physics of the Universe.

Initial phase of LIGO started in 2002, and since then data was collected during six science runs. Instrument sensitivity was improving from run to run due to the effort of commissioning team. Initial LIGO has reached designed sensitivity during the last science run, which ended in October 2010.

In parallel with commissioning and data analysis with the initial detector, LIGO group worked on research and development of the next generation detectors. Major instrument upgrade from initial to advanced LIGO started in 2010 and lasted till 2014.

This thesis describes results of commissioning work done at LIGO Livingston site from 2013 until 2015 in parallel with and after the installation of the instrument. This thesis also discusses new techniques and tools developed at the 40m prototype including adaptive filtering, estimation of quantization noise in digital filters and design of isolation kits for ground seismometers.

The first part of this thesis is devoted to the description of methods for bringing interferometer to the linear regime when collection of data becomes possible. States of longitudinal and angular controls of interferometer degrees of freedom during lock acquisition process and in low noise configuration are discussed in details.

Once interferometer is locked and transitioned to low noise regime, instrument produces astrophysics data that should be calibrated to units of meters or strain. The second part of this thesis describes online calibration technique set up in both observatories to monitor the quality of the collected data in real time. Sensitivity analysis was done to understand and eliminate noise sources of the instrument.

Coupling of noise sources to gravitational wave channel can be reduced if robust feedforward and optimal feedback control loops are implemented. The last part of this thesis describes static and adaptive feedforward noise cancellation techniques applied to Advanced LIGO interferometers and tested at the 40m prototype. Applications of optimal time domain feedback control techniques and estimators to aLIGO control loops are also discussed.

Commissioning work is still ongoing at the sites. First science run of advanced LIGO is planned for September 2015 and will last for 3-4 months. This run will be followed by a set of small instrument upgrades that will be installed on a time scale of few months. Second science run will start in spring 2016 and last for about 6 months. Since current sensitivity of advanced LIGO is already more than factor of 3 higher compared to initial detectors and keeps improving on a monthly basis, upcoming science runs have a good chance for the first direct detection of gravitational waves.


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In Part I, we construct a symmetric stress-energy-momentum pseudo-tensor for the gravitational fields of Brans-Dicke theory, and use this to establish rigorously conserved integral expressions for energy-momentum Pi and angular momentum Jik. Application of the two-dimensional surface integrals to the exact static spherical vacuum solution of Brans leads to an identification of our conserved mass with the active gravitational mass. Application to the distant fields of an arbitrary stationary source reveals that Pi and Jik have the same physical interpretation as in general relativity. For gravitational waves whose wavelength is small on the scale of the background radius of curvature, averaging over several wavelengths in the Brill-Hartle-Isaacson manner produces a stress-energy-momentum tensor for gravitational radiation which may be used to calculate the changes in Pi and Jik of their source.

In Part II, we develop strong evidence in favor of a conjecture by Penrose--that, in the Brans-Dicke theory, relativistic gravitational collapse in three dimensions produce black holes identical to those of general relativity. After pointing out that any black hole solution of general relativity also satisfies Brans-Dicke theory, we establish the Schwarzschild and Kerr geometries as the only possible spherical and axially symmetric black hole exteriors, respectively. Also, we show that a Schwarzschild geometry is necessarily formed in the collapse of an uncharged sphere.

Appendices discuss relationships among relativistic gravity theories and an example of a theory in which black holes do not exist.


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The propagation of waves in an extended, irregular medium is studied under the "quasi-optics" and the "Markov random process" approximations. Under these assumptions, a Fokker-Planck equation satisfied by the characteristic functional of the random wave field is derived. A complete set of the moment equations with different transverse coordinates and different wavenumbers is then obtained from the characteristic functional. The derivation does not require Gaussian statistics of the random medium and the result can be applied to the time-dependent problem. We then solve the moment equations for the phase correlation function, angular broadening, temporal pulse smearing, intensity correlation function, and the probability distribution of the random waves. The necessary and sufficient conditions for strong scintillation are also given.

We also consider the problem of diffraction of waves by a random, phase-changing screen. The intensity correlation function is solved in the whole Fresnel diffraction region and the temporal pulse broadening function is derived rigorously from the wave equation.

The method of smooth perturbations is applied to interplanetary scintillations. We formulate and calculate the effects of the solar-wind velocity fluctuations on the observed intensity power spectrum and on the ratio of the observed "pattern" velocity and the true velocity of the solar wind in the three-dimensional spherical model. The r.m.s. solar-wind velocity fluctuations are found to be ~200 km/sec in the region about 20 solar radii from the Sun.

We then interpret the observed interstellar scintillation data using the theories derived under the Markov approximation, which are also valid for the strong scintillation. We find that the Kolmogorov power-law spectrum with an outer scale of 10 to 100 pc fits the scintillation data and that the ambient averaged electron density in the interstellar medium is about 0.025 cm-3. It is also found that there exists a region of strong electron density fluctuation with thickness ~10 pc and mean electron density ~7 cm-3 between the PSR 0833-45 pulsar and the earth.


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This thesis presents methods for incrementally constructing controllers in the presence of uncertainty and nonlinear dynamics. The basic setting is motion planning subject to temporal logic specifications. Broadly, two categories of problems are treated. The first is reactive formal synthesis when so-called discrete abstractions are available. The fragment of linear-time temporal logic (LTL) known as GR(1) is used to express assumptions about an adversarial environment and requirements of the controller. Two problems of changes to a specification are posed that concern the two major aspects of GR(1): safety and liveness. Algorithms providing incremental updates to strategies are presented as solutions. In support of these, an annotation of strategies is developed that facilitates repeated modifications. A variety of properties are proven about it, including necessity of existence and sufficiency for a strategy to be winning. The second category of problems considered is non-reactive (open-loop) synthesis in the absence of a discrete abstraction. Instead, the presented stochastic optimization methods directly construct a control input sequence that achieves low cost and satisfies a LTL formula. Several relaxations are considered as heuristics to address the rarity of sampling trajectories that satisfy an LTL formula and demonstrated to improve convergence rates for Dubins car and single-integrators subject to a recurrence task.