em CaltechTHESIS
I. Introductory Remarks
A brief discussion of the overall organization of the thesis is presented along with a discussion of the relationship between this thesis and previous work on the spectroscopic properties of benzene.
II. Radiationless Transitions and Line broadening
Radiationless rates have been calculated for the 3B1u→1A1g transitions of benzene and perdeuterobenzene as well as for the 1B2u→1A1g transition of benzene. The rates were calculated using a model that considers the radiationless transition as a tunneling process between two multi-demensional potential surfaces and assuming both harmonic and anharmonic vibrational potentials. Whenever possible experimental parameters were used in the calculation. To this end we have obtained experimental values for the anharmonicities of the carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen vibrations and the size of the lowest triplet state of benzene. The use of the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in describing radiationless transitions is critically examined and it is concluded that Herzberg-Teller vibronic coupling is 100 times more efficient at inducing radiationless transitions.
The results of the radiationless transition rate calculation are used to calculate line broadening in several of the excited electronic states of benzene. The calculated line broadening in all cases is in qualitative agreement with experimental line widths.
III. 3B1u←1A1g Absorption Spectra
The 3B1u←1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained at high resolution using the phosphorescence photoexcitation method. The spectrum exhibits very clear evidence of a pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion of the normally hexagonal benzene molecule upon excitation to the triplet state. Factor group splitting of the 0 – 0 and 0 – 0 + v exciton bands have also been observed. The position of the mean of the 0 – 0 exciton band of C6H6 when compared to the phosphorescence origin of a C6H6 guest in a C6D6 host crystal indicates that the “static” intermolecular interactions between guest and hose are different for C6H6 and C6D6. Further investigation of this difference using the currently accepted theory of isotopic mixed crystals indicates that there is a 2cm-1 shift of the ideal mixed crystal level per hot deuterium atom. This shift is observed for both the singlet and triplet states of benzene.
IV. 3E1u←1A1g, Absorption Spectra
The 3E1u←1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained using the phosphorescence photoexcitation technique. In both cases the spectrum is broad and structureless as would be expected from the line broadening calculations.
Spectroscopic investigations of hydrogen-bonding and van der Waals' interactions m molecular clusters were studied by the techniques of infrared predissociation and resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization spectroscopies (REMPI). Ab initio calculations were applied in conjunction for data interpretation.
The infrared predissociation spectroscopy of CN^-•(H_2O)_n (n = 2 - 6) clusters was reported in the region of 2950 - 3850 cm^(-1). The hydrogen bondings for the C-site and N-site binding, and among the water molecules were identified for n = 2 to 4. A spectral transition was observed for n = 5 and 6, implying that the anion was surface-bound onto the water aggregates in larger clusters.
The infrared predissociation spectroscopy of Br^-•(NH_3) and I^-•(NH_3)_n (n =1-3) clusters was reported in the region of 3050-3450 cm^(-1). For the Br^-•(NH_3) complex, a dominating ionic NH stretch appeared at 3175 cm^(-1), and the weaker free NH stretch appeared at 3348 cm^(-1). The observed spectrum was consistent to the structure in which there was one nearly linear hydrogen bond between Br^- and the NH_3 moiety. For the I^- •(NH_3) complex, five distinct IR absorption bands were observed in the spectrum. The spectrum was not consistent with basic frequency patterns of three geometries considered in the ab initio calculations - complex with one, two and three hydrogen bondings between I^- and the NH_3 moiety. Substantial inhomogenous broadening were displayed in the spectra for I^-•(NH_3)_n (n =2-3), suggesting the presence of multiple isomers.
The REMPI spectroscopy of the bound 4p ^2П 1/2 and ^2П 3/2 states, and the dissociative 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state in the Al•Ar complex was reported. The dissociative spectrum at Al^+ channel suggested the coupling of the 4p ^2П 1/2,3/2 states to the repulsive 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state. The spin-electronic coupling was further manifested in the dissociative Al^+ spectrum of the 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state. Using the potential energy curves obtained from ab initio calculations, a bound → continuum Franck-Condon-intensity simulation was performed and compared with the one-photon 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 profile. The agreement provided evidence for the petturbation above the Al(3d)Ar dissociation limit, and the repulsive character of the 3d ^2Σ^+ 1/2 state.
The determination of the energy levels and the probabilities of transition between them, by the formal analysis of observed electronic, vibrational, and rotational band structures, forms the direct goal of all investigations of molecular spectra, but the significance of such data lies in the possibility of relating them theoretically to more concrete properties of molecules and the radiation field. From the well developed electronic spectra of diatomic molecules, it has been possible, with the aid of the non-relativistic quantum mechanics, to obtain accurate moments of inertia, molecular potential functions, electronic structures, and detailed information concerning the coupling of spin and orbital angular monenta with the angular momentum of nuclear rotation. The silicon fluori1e molecule has been investigated in this laboratory, and is found to emit bands whose vibrational and rotational structures can be analyzed in this detailed fashion.
Like silicon fluoride, however, the great majority of diatomic molecules are formed only under the unusual conditions of electrical discharge, or in high temperature furnaces, so that although their spectra are of great theoretical interest, the chemist is eager to proceed to a study of polyatomic molecules, in the hope that their more practically interesting structures might also be determined with the accuracy and assurance which characterize the spectroscopic determinations of the constants of diatomic molecules. Some progress has been made in the determination of molecule potential functions from the vibrational term values deduced from Raman and infrared spectra, but in no case can the calculations be carried out with great generality, since the number of known term values is always small compared with the total number of potential constants in even so restricted a potential function as the simple quadratic type. For the determination of nuclear configurations and bond distances, however, a knowledge of the rotational terms is required. The spectra of about twelve of the simpler polyatomic molecules have been subjected to rotational analyses, and a number of bond distances are known with considerable accuracy, yet the number of molecules whose rotational fine structure has been resolved even with the most powerful instruments is small. Consequently, it was felt desirable to investigate the spectra of a number of other promising polyatomic molecules, with the purpose of carrying out complete rotational analyses of all resolvable bands, and ascertaining the value of the unresolved band envelopes in determining the structures of such molecules, in the cases in which resolution is no longer possible. Although many of the compounds investigated absorbed too feebly to be photographed under high dispersion with the present infrared sensitizations, the location and relative intensities of their bands, determined by low dispersion measurements, will be reported in the hope that these compounds may be reinvestigated in the future with improved techniques.
This thesis details the investigations of the unconventional low-energy quasiparticle excitations in electron-type cuprate superconductors and electron-type ferrous superconductors as well as the electronic properties of Dirac fermions in graphene and three-dimensional strong topological insulators through experimental studies using spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments.
Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type cuprate La0.1Sr0.9CuO2 (La-112) TC = 43 K, are investigated experimentally. For temperature (T) less than the superconducting transition temperature (TC), and in zero field, the quasiparticle spectra of La-112 exhibits gapped behavior with two coherence peaks and no satellite features. For magnetic field measurements at T < TC, first ever observation of vortices in La-112 are reported. Moreover, pseudogap-like spectra are revealed inside the core of vortices, where superconductivity is suppressed. The intra-vortex pseudogap-like spectra are characterized by an energy gap of VPG = 8.5 ± 0.6 meV, while the inter-vortex quasiparticle spectra shows larger peak-to-peak gap values characterized by Δpk-pk(H) >VPG, and Δpk-pk (0)=12.2 ± 0.8 meV > Δpk-pk (H > 0). The quasiparticle spectra are found to be gapped at all locations up to the highest magnetic field examined (H = 6T) and reveal an apparent low-energy cutoff at the VPG energy scale.
Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type "122" iron-based Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 are investigated for multiple doping levels (x = 0.06, 0.08, 0.12 with TC= 14 K, 24 K, and 20 K). For all doping levels and the T < TC, two-gap superconductivity is observed. Both superconducting gaps decrease monotonically in size with increasing temperature and disappear for temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature, TC. Magnetic resonant modes that follow the temperature dependence of the superconducting gaps have been identified in the tunneling quasiparticle spectra. Together with quasiparticle interference (QPI) analysis and magnetic field studies, this provides strong evidence for two-gap sign-changing s-wave superconductivity.
Additionally spatial scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies are performed on mechanically exfoliated graphene and chemical vapor deposition grown graphene. In all cases lattice strain exerts a strong influence on the electronic properties of the sample. In particular topological defects give rise to pseudomagnetic fields (B ~ 50 Tesla) and charging effects resulting in quantized conductance peaks associated with the integer and fractional Quantum Hall States.
Finally, spectroscopic studies on the 3D-STI, Bi2Se3 found evidence of impurity resonance in the surface state. The impurities are in the unitary limit and the spectral resonances are localized spatially to within ~ 0.2 nm of the impurity. The spectral weight of the impurity resonance diverges as the Fermi energy approaches the Dirac point and the rapid recovery of the surface state suggests robust topological protection against perturbations that preserve time reversal symmetry.
Much of the chemistry that affects life on planet Earth occurs in the condensed phase. The TeraHertz (THz) or far-infrared (far-IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 0.1 THz to 10 THz, 3 cm-1 to 300 cm-1, or 3000 μm to 30 μm) has been shown to provide unique possibilities in the study of condensed-phase processes. The goal of this work is to expand the possibilities available in the THz region and undertake new investigations of fundamental interest to chemistry. Since we are fundamentally interested in condensed-phase processes, this thesis focuses on two areas where THz spectroscopy can provide new understanding: astrochemistry and solvation science. To advance these fields, we had to develop new instrumentation that would enable the experiments necessary to answer new questions in either astrochemistry or solvation science. We first developed a new experimental setup capable of studying astrochemical ice analogs in both the TeraHertz (THz), or far-Infrared (far-IR), region (0.3 - 7.5 THz; 10 - 250 cm-1) and the mid-IR (400 - 4000 cm-1). The importance of astrochemical ices lies in their key role in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as amino acids and sugars in space. Thus, the instruments are capable of performing variety of spectroscopic studies that can provide especially relevant laboratory data to support astronomical observations from telescopes such as the Herschel Space Telescope, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The experimental apparatus uses a THz time-domain spectrometer, with a 1750/875 nm plasma source and a GaP detector crystal, to cover the bandwidth mentioned above with ~10 GHz (~0.3 cm-1) resolution.
Using the above instrumentation, experimental spectra of astrochemical ice analogs of water and carbon dioxide in pure, mixed, and layered ices were collected at different temperatures under high vacuum conditions with the goal of investigating the structure of the ice. We tentatively observe a new feature in both amorphous solid water and crystalline water at 33 cm-1 (1 THz). In addition, our studies of mixed and layered ices show how it is possible to identify the location of carbon dioxide as it segregates within the ice by observing its effect on the THz spectrum of water ice. The THz spectra of mixed and layered ices are further analyzed by fitting their spectra features to those of pure amorphous solid water and crystalline water ice to quantify the effects of temperature changes on structure. From the results of this work, it appears that THz spectroscopy is potentially well suited to study thermal transformations within the ice.
To advance the study of liquids with THz spectroscopy, we developed a new ultrafast nonlinear THz spectroscopic technique: heterodyne-detected, ultrafast THz Kerr effect (TKE) spectroscopy. We implemented a heterodyne-detection scheme into a TKE spectrometer that uses a stilbazoiumbased THz emitter, 4-N,N-dimethylamino-4-N-methyl-stilbazolium 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonate (DSTMS), and high numerical aperture optics which generates THz electric field in excess of 300 kV/cm, in the sample. This allows us to report the first measurement of quantum beats at terahertz (THz) frequencies that result from vibrational coherences initiated by the nonlinear, dipolar interaction of a broadband, high-energy, (sub)picosecond THz pulse with the sample. Our instrument improves on both the frequency coverage, and sensitivity previously reported; it also ensures a backgroundless measurement of the THz Kerr effect in pure liquids. For liquid diiodomethane, we observe a quantum beat at 3.66 THz (122 cm-1), in exact agreement with the fundamental transition frequency of the υ4 vibration of the molecule. This result provides new insight into dipolar vs. Raman selection rules at terahertz frequencies.
To conclude we discuss future directions for the nonlinear THz spectroscopy in the Blake lab. We report the first results from an experiment using a plasma-based THz source for nonlinear spectroscopy that has the potential to enable nonlinear THz spectra with a sub-100 fs temporal resolution, and how the optics involved in the plasma mechanism can enable THz pulse shaping. Finally, we discuss how a single-shot THz detection scheme could improve the acquisition of THz data and how such a scheme could be implemented in the Blake lab. The instruments developed herein will hopefully remain a part of the groups core competencies and serve as building blocks for the next generation of THz instrumentation that pushes the frontiers of both chemistry and the scientific enterprise as a whole.
DNA charge transport (CT) involves the efficient transfer of electrons or electron holes through the DNA π-stack over long molecular distances of at least 100 base-pairs. Despite this shallow distance dependence, DNA CT is sensitive to mismatches or lesions that disrupt π-stacking and is critically dependent on proper electronic coupling of the donor and acceptor moieties into the base stack. Favorable DNA CT is very rapid, occurring on the picosecond timescale. Because of this speed, electron holes equilibrate along the DNA π-stack, forming a characteristic pattern of DNA damage at low oxidation potential guanine multiplets. Furthermore, DNA CT may be used in a biological context. DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters can perform DNA-mediated electron transfer (ET) self-exchange reactions with other 4Fe4S cluster proteins, even if the proteins are quite dissimilar, as long as the DNA-bound [4Fe4S]3+/2+ redox potentials are conserved. This mechanism would allow low copy number DNA repair proteins to find their lesions efficiently within the cell. DNA CT may also be used biologically for the long-range, selective activation of redox-active transcription factors. Within this work, we pursue other proteins that may utilize DNA CT within the cell and further elucidate aspects of the DNA-mediated ET self-exchange reaction of 4Fe4S cluster proteins.
Dps proteins, bacterial mini-ferritins that protect DNA from oxidative stress, are implicated in the survival and virulence of pathogenic bacteria. One aspect of their protection involves ferroxidase activity, whereby ferrous iron is bound and oxidized selectively by hydrogen peroxide, thereby preventing formation of damaging hydroxyl radicals via Fenton chemistry. Understanding the specific mechanism by which Dps proteins protect the bacterial genome could inform the development of new antibiotics. We investigate whether DNA-binding E. coli Dps can utilize DNA CT to protect the genome from a distance. An intercalating ruthenium photooxidant was employed to generate oxidative DNA damage via the flash-quench technique, which localizes to a low potential guanine triplet. We find that Dps loaded with ferrous iron, in contrast to Apo-Dps and ferric iron-loaded Dps which lack available reducing equivalents, significantly attenuates the yield of oxidative DNA damage at the guanine triplet. These data demonstrate that ferrous iron-loaded Dps is selectively oxidized to fill guanine radical holes, thereby restoring the integrity of the DNA. Luminescence studies indicate no direct interaction between the ruthenium photooxidant and Dps, supporting the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Thus DNA CT may be a mechanism by which Dps efficiently protects the genome of pathogenic bacteria from a distance.
Further work focused on spectroscopic characterization of the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. X-band EPR was used to monitor the oxidation of DNA-bound Dps after DNA photooxidation via the flash-quench technique. Upon irradiation with poly(dGdC)2, a signal arises with g = 4.3, consistent with the formation of mononuclear high-spin Fe(III) sites of low symmetry, the expected oxidation product of Dps with one iron bound at each ferroxidase site. When poly(dGdC)2 is substituted with poly(dAdT)2, the yield of Dps oxidation is decreased significantly, indicating that guanine radicals facilitate Dps oxidation. The more favorable oxidation of Dps by guanine radicals supports the feasibility of a long-distance protection mechanism via DNA CT where Dps is oxidized to fill guanine radical holes in the bacterial genome produced by reactive oxygen species.
We have also explored possible electron transfer intermediates in the DNA-mediated oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps. Dps proteins contain a conserved tryptophan residue in close proximity to the ferroxidase site (W52 in E. coli Dps). In comparison to WT Dps, in EPR studies of the oxidation of ferrous iron-loaded Dps following DNA photooxidation, W52Y and W52A mutants were deficient in forming the characteristic EPR signal at g = 4.3, with a larger deficiency for W52A compared to W52Y. In addition to EPR, we also probed the role of W52 Dps in cells using a hydrogen peroxide survival assay. Bacteria containing W52Y Dps survived the hydrogen peroxide challenge more similarly to those containing WT Dps, whereas cells with W52A Dps died off as quickly as cells without Dps. Overall, these results suggest the possibility of W52 as a CT hopping intermediate.
DNA-modified electrodes have become an essential tool for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA processing enzymes with 4Fe4S clusters. In many cases, it is necessary to investigate different complex samples and substrates in parallel in order to elucidate this chemistry. Therefore, we optimized and characterized a multiplexed electrochemical platform with the 4Fe4S cluster base excision repair glycosylase Endonuclease III (EndoIII). Closely packed DNA films, where the protein has limited surface accessibility, produce EndoIII electrochemical signals sensitive to an intervening mismatch, indicating a DNA-mediated process. Multiplexed analysis allowed more robust characterization of the CT-deficient Y82A EndoIII mutant, as well as comparison of a new family of mutations altering the electrostatics surrounding the 4Fe4S cluster in an effort to shift the reduction potential of the cluster. While little change in the DNA-bound midpoint potential was found for this family of mutants, likely indicating the dominant effect of DNA-binding on establishing the protein redox potential, significant variations in the efficiency of DNA-mediated electron transfer were apparent. On the basis of the stability of these proteins, examined by circular dichroism, we proposed that the electron transfer pathway in EndoIII can be perturbed not only by the removal of aromatic residues but also through changes in solvation near the cluster.
While the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII is relatively insensitive to oxidation and reduction in solution, we have found that upon DNA binding, the reduction potential of the [4Fe4S]3+/2+ couple shifts negatively by approximately 200 mV, bringing this couple into a physiologically relevant range. Demonstrated using electrochemistry experiments in the presence and absence of DNA, these studies do not provide direct molecular evidence for the species being observed. Sulfur K-edge X-ray absorbance spectroscopy (XAS) can be used to probe directly the covalency of iron-sulfur clusters, which is correlated to their reduction potential. We have shown that the Fe-S covalency of the 4Fe4S cluster of EndoIII increases upon DNA binding, stabilizing the oxidized [4Fe4S]3+ cluster, consistent with a negative shift in reduction potential. The 7% increase in Fe-S covalency corresponds to an approximately 150 mV shift, remarkably similar to DNA electrochemistry results. Therefore we have obtained direct molecular evidence for the shift in 4Fe4S reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding, supporting the feasibility of our model whereby these proteins can utilize DNA CT to cooperate in order to efficiently find DNA lesions inside cells.
In conclusion, in this work we have explored the biological applications of DNA CT. We discovered that the DNA-binding bacterial ferritin Dps can protect the bacterial genome from a distance via DNA CT, perhaps contributing to pathogen survival and virulence. Furthermore, we optimized a multiplexed electrochemical platform for the study of the redox chemistry of DNA-bound 4Fe4S cluster proteins. Finally, we have used sulfur K-edge XAS to obtain direct molecular evidence for the negative shift in 4Fe4S cluster reduction potential of EndoIII upon DNA binding. These studies contribute to the understanding of DNA-mediated protein oxidation within cells.
Part I
Particles are a key feature of planetary atmospheres. On Earth they represent the greatest source of uncertainty in the global energy budget. This uncertainty can be addressed by making more measurement, by improving the theoretical analysis of measurements, and by better modeling basic particle nucleation and initial particle growth within an atmosphere. This work will focus on the latter two methods of improvement.
Uncertainty in measurements is largely due to particle charging. Accurate descriptions of particle charging are challenging because one deals with particles in a gas as opposed to a vacuum, so different length scales come into play. Previous studies have considered the effects of transition between the continuum and kinetic regime and the effects of two and three body interactions within the kinetic regime. These studies, however, use questionable assumptions about the charging process which resulted in skewed observations, and bias in the proposed dynamics of aerosol particles. These assumptions affect both the ions and particles in the system. Ions are assumed to be point monopoles that have a single characteristic speed rather than follow a distribution. Particles are assumed to be perfect conductors that have up to five elementary charges on them. The effects of three body interaction, ion-molecule-particle, are also overestimated. By revising this theory so that the basic physical attributes of both ions and particles and their interactions are better represented, we are able to make more accurate predictions of particle charging in both the kinetic and continuum regimes.
The same revised theory that was used above to model ion charging can also be applied to the flux of neutral vapor phase molecules to a particle or initial cluster. Using these results we can model the vapor flux to a neutral or charged particle due to diffusion and electromagnetic interactions. In many classical theories currently applied to these models, the finite size of the molecule and the electromagnetic interaction between the molecule and particle, especially for the neutral particle case, are completely ignored, or, as is often the case for a permanent dipole vapor species, strongly underestimated. Comparing our model to these classical models we determine an “enhancement factor” to characterize how important the addition of these physical parameters and processes is to the understanding of particle nucleation and growth.
Part II
Whispering gallery mode (WGM) optical biosensors are capable of extraordinarily sensitive specific and non-specific detection of species suspended in a gas or fluid. Recent experimental results suggest that these devices may attain single-molecule sensitivity to protein solutions in the form of stepwise shifts in their resonance wavelength, \lambda_{R}, but present sensor models predict much smaller steps than were reported. This study examines the physical interaction between a WGM sensor and a molecule adsorbed to its surface, exploring assumptions made in previous efforts to model WGM sensor behavior, and describing computational schemes that model the experiments for which single protein sensitivity was reported. The resulting model is used to simulate sensor performance, within constraints imposed by the limited material property data. On this basis, we conclude that nonlinear optical effects would be needed to attain the reported sensitivity, and that, in the experiments for which extreme sensitivity was reported, a bound protein experiences optical energy fluxes too high for such effects to be ignored.
Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) is produced in the atmosphere by oxidation of volatile organic compounds. Laboratory chambers are used understand the formation mechanisms and evolution of SOA formed under controlled conditions. This thesis presents studies of SOA formed from anthropogenic and biogenic precursors and discusses the effects of chamber walls on suspended vapors and particles.
During a chamber experiment, suspended vapors and particles can interact with the chamber walls. Particle wall loss is relatively well-understood, but vapor wall losses have received little study. Vapor wall loss of 2,3-epoxy-1,4-butanediol (BEPOX) and glyoxal was identified, quantified, and found to depend on chamber age and relative humidity.
Particles reside in the atmosphere for a week or more and can evolve chemically during that time period, a process termed aging. Simulating aging in laboratory chambers has proven to be challenging. A protocol was developed to extend the duration of a chamber experiment to 36 h of oxidation and was used to evaluate aging of SOA produced from m-xylene. Total SOA mass concentration increased and then decreased with increasing photooxidation suggesting a transition from functionalization to fragmentation chemistry driven by photochemical processes. SOA oxidation, measured as the bulk particle elemental oxygen-to-carbon ratio and fraction of organic mass at m/z 44, increased continuously starting after 5 h of photooxidation.
The physical state and chemical composition of an organic aerosol affect the mixing of aerosol components and its interactions with condensing species. A laboratory chamber protocol was developed to evaluate the mixing of SOA produced sequentially from two different sources by heating the chamber to induce particle evaporation. Using this protocol, SOA produced from toluene was found to be less volatile than that produced from a-pinene. When the two types of SOA were formed sequentially, the evaporation behavior most closely represented that of SOA from the second parent hydrocarbon, suggesting that the structure of the mixed SOA particles resembles a core of SOA from the first precursor coated by a layer of SOA from the second precursor, indicative of limiting mixing.
A study of the pH and temperature dependence of the redox potentials of azurins from five species of bacteria has been performed. The variations in the potentials with pH have been interpreted in terms of electrostatic interactions between the copper site and titrating histidine residues, including the effects of substitutions in the amino acid sequences of the proteins on the electrostatic interactions. A comparison of the observed pH dependences with predictions based on histidine pK_a values known for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pae), Alcaligenes denitrificans (Ade), and Alcaligenes faecalis (Afa) azurins indicates that the Pae and Ade redox potentials exhibit pH dependences in line with electrostatic arguments, while Afa azurin exhibits more complex behavior. Redox enthalpies and entropies for four of the azurins at low and high pH values have also been obtained. Based on these results in conjuction with the variable pH experiments, it appears that Bordetella bronchiseptica azurin may undergo a more substantial conformational change with pH than has been observed for other species of azurin.
The temperature dependence of the redox potential of bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) has been determined at pH 7.0, with potassium ferricyanide as the mediator. The following thermodynamic parameters have been obtained (T = 25°C): E°' = 403±5 mV vs. NHE, ΔG°' = -9.31 kcal/mol, ΔH°' = -21.4 kcal/mol, ΔS°' = -40.7 eu, ΔS°'_(rc) = -25.1 eu. It is apparent from these results that ΔH°', rather than ΔS°', is the dominant factor in establishing the high redox potential of SOD. The large negative enthalpy of reduction may also reflect the factors which give SOD its high specificity toward reduction and oxidation by superoxide.
Physical and chemical properties of low-valent platinum dimers, namely [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) and Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2, have been investigated using a variety of structural and spectroscopic techniques.
Platinum(II) d^8-d^8 dimers have been shown to exhibit much thermal and photochemical reactivity. Chapter 2 describes studies aimed at elucidating the excited state reduction potenetial of [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-), Pt_2, in organic media. By conducting excited state electron transfer studies using derivatized pyridiniums and benzophenones, the excited state reduction potential has been estimated to be ~2 V. The Pt_2 complex undergoes partial oxidation to form Pt(II,III) linear chains. Chapter 3 describes the structural and spectroscopic techniques used to determine the translational symmetries of these [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) (X = Cl, Br), Pt_2X, chains. Pt_2Br has been found to be intermediate between (AAB)_n and (AABCCB)_n, while, Pt_2Cl is of (AABCCB)_n translational symmetry. Investigations into the electronic transitions of Pt_2Cl and Pt_2Br were conducted using high pressure techniques and are presented in Chapter 4. The Pt_2X electronic spectrum exhibits bands attributable to the reduced Pt2 complex and the oxidized Pt_2X_2 complex [Pt_2(P_2O_5H_2)4]^(4-) along with an intervalence charge-tranfer band characteristic of a mixed-valence solid.
Photophysical investigations of a new luminescent chromophore, Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2, a d^9-d^9 dimer, and its analogs are described in Chapter 5. The absorption band directly responsible for the observed emission is believed to be very weak and, as of yet, unobserved. Attempts to determine the spin multiplicty and approximate energy of this unobserved transition are described in Chapter 6. Excited-state energy transfer studies indicate that this absorption band is a triplet transition at -13,000 cm^(-1). Although, the Pt_2(µ-dppm)_2Cl_2 excited state is non-luminescent in fluid solution, it has been shown to undergo thermal electron transfer to tetracyanoethylene and photoinduced electron transfer to methylviologen. These experiments are presented in Chapter 7. Preliminary studies, described in Chapter 8, of non-bridged d^9-d^9 platinum(I) dimers have shown that [Pt_2(CNCH_3)_6]^(2+) serves as a versatile precursor in the synthesis of new d^8-d^8 A-frame complexes.
The complementary techniques of low-energy, variable-angle electron-impact spectroscopy and ultraviolet variable-angle photoelectron spectroscopy have been used to study the electronic spectroscopy and structure of several series of molecules. Electron-impact studies were performed at incident beam energies between 25 eV and 100 eV and at scattering angles ranging from 0° to 90°. The energy-loss regions from 0 eV to greater than 15 eV were studied. Photoelectron spectroscopic studies were conducted using a HeI radiation source and spectra were measured at scattering angles from 45° to 90°. The molecules studied were chosen because of their spectroscopic, chemical, and structural interest. The operation of a new electron-impact spectrometer with multiple-mode target source capability is described. This spectrometer has been used to investigate the spin-forbidden transitions in a number of molecular systems.
The electron-impact spectroscopy of the six chloro-substituted ethylenes has been studied over the energy-loss region from 0-15 eV. Spin-forbidden excitations corresponding to the π → π*, N → T transition have been observed at excitation energies ranging from 4.13 eV in vinyl chloride to 3.54 eV in tetrachloroethylene. Symmetry-forbidden transitions of the type π → np have been oberved in trans-dichloroethyene and tetrachlor oethylene. In addition, transitions to many states lying above the first ionization potential were observed for the first time. Many of these bands have been assigned to Rydberg series converging to higher ionization potentials. The trends observed in the measured transition energies for the π → π*, N → T, and N → V as well as the π → 3s excitation are discussed and compared to those observed in the methyl- and fluoro- substituted ethylenes.
The electron energy-loss spectra of the group VIb transition metal hexacarbonyls have been studied in the 0 eV to 15 eV region. The differential cross sections were obtained for several features in the 3-7 eV energy-loss region. The symmetry-forbidden nature of the 1A1g → 1A1g, 2t2g(π) → 3t2g(π*) transition in these compounds was confirmed by the high-energy, low-angle behavior of their relative intensities. Several low lying transitions have been assigned to ligand field transitions on the basis of the energy and angular behavior of the differential cross sections for these transitions. No transitions which could clearly be assigned to singlet → triplet excitations involving metal orbitals were located. A number of states lying above the first ionization potential have been observed for the first time. A number of features in the 6-14 eV energy-loss region of the spectra of these compounds correspond quite well to those observed in free CO.
A number of exploratory studies have been performed. The π → π*, N → T, singlet → triplet excitation has been located in vinyl bromide at 4.05 eV. We have also observed this transition at approximately 3.8 eV in a cis-/trans- mixture of the 1,2-dibromoethylenes. The low-angle spectrum of iron pentacarbonyl was measured over the energy-loss region extending from 2-12 eV. A number of transitions of 8 eV or greater excitation energy were observed for the first time. Cyclopropane was also studied at both high and low angles but no clear evidence for any spin- forbidden transitions was found. The electron-impact spectrum of the methyl radical resulting from the pyrolysis of tetramethyl tin was obtained at 100 eV incident energy and at 0° scattering angle. Transitions observed at 5.70 eV and 8.30 eV agree well with the previous optical results. In addition, a number of bands were observed in the 8-14 eV region which are most likely due to Rydberg transitions converging to the higher ionization potentials of this molecule. This is the first reported electron-impact spectrum of a polyatomic free radical.
Variable-angle photoelectron spectroscopic studies were performed on a series of three-membered-ring heterocyclic compounds. These compounds are of great interest due to their highly unusual structure. Photoelectron angular distributions using HeI radiation have been measured for the first time for ethylene oxide and ethyleneimine. The measured anisotropy parameters, β, along with those measured for cyclopropane were used to confirm the orbital correlations and photoelectron band assignments. No high values of β similar to those expected for alkene π orbitals were observed for the Walsh or Forster-Coulson-Moffit type orbitals.
Part I
Studies of vibrational relaxation in excited electronic states of simple diatomic molecules trapped in solid rare-gas matrices at low temperatures are reported. The relaxation is investigated by monitoring the emission intensity from vibrational levels of the excited electronic state to vibrational levels of the ground electronic state. The emission was in all cases excited by bombardment of the doped rare-gas solid with X-rays.
The diatomics studied and the band systems seen are: N2, Vegard-Kaplan and Second Positive systems; O2, Herzberg system; OH and OD, A 2Σ+ - X2IIi system. The latter has been investigated only in solid Ne, where both emission and absorption spectra were recorded; observed fine structure has been partly interpreted in terms of slightly perturbed rotational motion in the solid. For N2, OH, and OD emission occurred from v' > 0, establishing a vibrational relaxation time in the excited electronic state of the order, of longer than, the electronic radiative lifetime. The relative emission intensity and decay times for different v' progressions in the Vegard-Kaplan system are found to depend on the rare-gas host and the N2 concentration, but are independent of temperature in the range 1.7°K to 30°K.
Part II
Static crystal field effects on the absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence spectra of isotopically mixed benzene crystals were investigated. Evidence is presented which demonstrate that in the crystal the ground, lowest excited singlet, and lowest triplet states of the guest deviate from hexagonal symmetry. The deviation appears largest in the lowest triplet state and may be due to an intrinsic instability of the 3B1u state. High resolution absorption and phospho- rescence spectra are reported and analyzed in terms of site-splitting of degenerate vibrations and orientational effects. The guest phosphorescence lifetime for various benzene isotopes in C6D6 and sym-C6H3D3 hosts is presented and discussed.
Theoretical and experimental investigations of charge-carrier dynamics at semiconductor/liquid interfaces, specifically with respect to interfacial electron transfer and surface recombination, are presented.
Fermi's golden rule has been used to formulate rate expressions for charge transfer of delocalized carriers in a nondegenerately doped semiconducting electrode to localized, outer-sphere redox acceptors in an electrolyte phase. The treatment allows comparison between charge-transfer kinetic data at metallic, semimetallic, and semiconducting electrodes in terms of parameters such as the electronic coupling to the electrode, the attenuation of coupling with distance into the electrolyte, and the reorganization energy of the charge-transfer event. Within this framework, rate constant values expected at representative semiconducting electrodes have been determined from experimental data for charge transfer at metallic electrodes. The maximum rate constant (i.e., at optimal exoergicity) for outer-sphere processes at semiconducting electrodes is computed to be in the range 10-17-10-16 cm4 s-1, which is in excellent agreement with prior theoretical models and experimental results for charge-transfer kinetics at semiconductor/liquid interfaces.
Double-layer corrections have been evaluated for semiconductor electrodes in both depletion and accumulation conditions. In conjuction with the Gouy-Chapman-Stern model, a finite difference approach has been used to calculate potential drops at a representative solid/liquid interface. Under all conditions that were simulated, the correction to the driving force used to evaluate the interfacial rate constant was determined to be less than 2% of the uncorrected interfacial rate constant.
Photoconductivity decay lifetimes have been obtained for Si(111) in contact with solutions of CH3OH or tetrahydrofuran containing one-electron oxidants. Silicon surfaces in contact with electrolyte solutions having Nernstian redox potentials > 0 V vs. SCE exhibited low effective surface recombination velocities regardless of the different surface chemistries. The formation of an inversion layer, and not a reduced density of electrical trap sites on the surface, is shown to be responsible for the long charge-carrier lifetimes observed for these systems. In addition, a method for preparing an air-stable, low surface recombination velocity Si surface through a two-step, chlorination/alkylation reaction is described.
In order to expand our understanding of the mechanism of stereocontrol in syndiospecific α-olefin polymerization, a family of Cs-symmetric, ansa-group 3 metallocenes was targeted as polymerization catalysts. The syntheses of new ansa-yttrocene and scandocene derivatives that employ the doubly [SiMe2]- bridged ligand array (1,2-SiMe2)2{C5H-3,5-(CHMe2)2} (where R = t- butyl, tBuThp; where R = i-propyl, iPrThp) are described. The structures of tBuThpY(µ-Cl)2K(THF)2, tBuThpSc(µ-Cl)2K(Et2O)2, tBuThpYCH(SiMe3)2, Y2{µ2-(tBuThp)2}(µ2-H)2, and tBuThpSc(µ-CH3)2 have been examined by single crystal X-ray diffraction methods. Ansa-yttrocenes and scandocenes that incorporate the singly [CPh2]-bridged ligand array (CPh2)(C5H4)(C13H8)(where C5H4 = Cp, cyclopentadienyl; where C13H8 = Flu, fluourenyl) have also been prepared. Select meallocene alkyl complexes are active single component catalysts for homopolymerization of propylene and 1-pentene. The scandocene tetramethylaluminate complexes generate polymers with the highes molecular weights of the series. Under all conditions examined atactic polymer microstructures are observed, suggesting a chain-end mechanism for stereocontrol.
A series of ansa-tantalocenes have been prepared as models for Ziegler-Natta polymerization catalysts. A singly bridged ansa-tantalocene trimethyl complex, Me2Si(η5-C5H4)2TaMe3, has been prepared and used for the synthesis of a tantalocene ethylene-methyl complex. Addition of propylene to this ethylene-methyl adduct results in olefin exchange to give a mixture of endo and exo propylene isomers. Doubly-silylene bridged ansa-tantalocene complexes have been prepared with the tBuThp ligand; a tantalocene trimethyl complex and a tantalocene methylidene-methyl complex have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray diffraction. Thermolysis of the methylidene-methyl complex affords the corresponding ethylene-hydride complex. Addition of either propylene or styrene to this ethylene-hydride compound results in olefin exchange. In both cases, only one product isomer is observed. Studies of olefin exchange with ansa-tantalocene olefin-hydride and olefin-methyl complexes have provided information about the important steric influences for olefin coordination in Ziegler-Natta polymerization.
An electrostatic mechanism for the flocculation of charged particles by polyelectrolytes of opposite charge is proposed. The difference between this and previous electrostatic coagulation mechanisms is the formation of charged polyion patches on the oppositely charged surfaces. The size of a patch is primarily a function of polymer molecular weight and the total patch area is a function of the amount of polymer adsorbed. The theoretical predictions of the model agree with the experimental dependence of the polymer dose required for flocculation on polymer molecular weight and solution ionic strength.
A theoretical analysis based on the Derjaguin-Landau, Verwey- Overbeek electrical double layer theory and statistical mechanical treatments of adsorbed polymer configurations indicates that flocculation of charged particles in aqueous solutions by polyelectrolytes of opposite charge does not occur by the commonly accepted polymerbridge mechanism.
A series of 1, 2-dimethyl-5 -vinylpyridinium bromide polymers with a molecular weight range of 6x10^3 to 5x10^6 was synthesized and used to flocculate dilute polystyrene latex and silica suspensions in solutions of various ionic strengths. It was found that with high molecular weight polymers and/or high ionic strengths the polymer dose required for flocculation is independent of molecular weight. With low molecular weights and/or low ionic strengths, the flocculation dose decreases with increasing molecular weight.