3 resultados para SENSOR NETWORKS

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis presents theories, analyses, and algorithms for detecting and estimating parameters of geospatial events with today's large, noisy sensor networks. A geospatial event is initiated by a significant change in the state of points in a region in a 3-D space over an interval of time. After the event is initiated it may change the state of points over larger regions and longer periods of time. Networked sensing is a typical approach for geospatial event detection. In contrast to traditional sensor networks comprised of a small number of high quality (and expensive) sensors, trends in personal computing devices and consumer electronics have made it possible to build large, dense networks at a low cost. The changes in sensor capability, network composition, and system constraints call for new models and algorithms suited to the opportunities and challenges of the new generation of sensor networks. This thesis offers a single unifying model and a Bayesian framework for analyzing different types of geospatial events in such noisy sensor networks. It presents algorithms and theories for estimating the speed and accuracy of detecting geospatial events as a function of parameters from both the underlying geospatial system and the sensor network. Furthermore, the thesis addresses network scalability issues by presenting rigorous scalable algorithms for data aggregation for detection. These studies provide insights to the design of networked sensing systems for detecting geospatial events. In addition to providing an overarching framework, this thesis presents theories and experimental results for two very different geospatial problems: detecting earthquakes and hazardous radiation. The general framework is applied to these specific problems, and predictions based on the theories are validated against measurements of systems in the laboratory and in the field.


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Smartphones and other powerful sensor-equipped consumer devices make it possible to sense the physical world at an unprecedented scale. Nearly 2 million Android and iOS devices are activated every day, each carrying numerous sensors and a high-speed internet connection. Whereas traditional sensor networks have typically deployed a fixed number of devices to sense a particular phenomena, community networks can grow as additional participants choose to install apps and join the network. In principle, this allows networks of thousands or millions of sensors to be created quickly and at low cost. However, making reliable inferences about the world using so many community sensors involves several challenges, including scalability, data quality, mobility, and user privacy.

This thesis focuses on how learning at both the sensor- and network-level can provide scalable techniques for data collection and event detection. First, this thesis considers the abstract problem of distributed algorithms for data collection, and proposes a distributed, online approach to selecting which set of sensors should be queried. In addition to providing theoretical guarantees for submodular objective functions, the approach is also compatible with local rules or heuristics for detecting and transmitting potentially valuable observations. Next, the thesis presents a decentralized algorithm for spatial event detection, and describes its use detecting strong earthquakes within the Caltech Community Seismic Network. Despite the fact that strong earthquakes are rare and complex events, and that community sensors can be very noisy, our decentralized anomaly detection approach obtains theoretical guarantees for event detection performance while simultaneously limiting the rate of false alarms.


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A central objective in signal processing is to infer meaningful information from a set of measurements or data. While most signal models have an overdetermined structure (the number of unknowns less than the number of equations), traditionally very few statistical estimation problems have considered a data model which is underdetermined (number of unknowns more than the number of equations). However, in recent times, an explosion of theoretical and computational methods have been developed primarily to study underdetermined systems by imposing sparsity on the unknown variables. This is motivated by the observation that inspite of the huge volume of data that arises in sensor networks, genomics, imaging, particle physics, web search etc., their information content is often much smaller compared to the number of raw measurements. This has given rise to the possibility of reducing the number of measurements by down sampling the data, which automatically gives rise to underdetermined systems.

In this thesis, we provide new directions for estimation in an underdetermined system, both for a class of parameter estimation problems and also for the problem of sparse recovery in compressive sensing. There are two main contributions of the thesis: design of new sampling and statistical estimation algorithms for array processing, and development of improved guarantees for sparse reconstruction by introducing a statistical framework to the recovery problem.

We consider underdetermined observation models in array processing where the number of unknown sources simultaneously received by the array can be considerably larger than the number of physical sensors. We study new sparse spatial sampling schemes (array geometries) as well as propose new recovery algorithms that can exploit priors on the unknown signals and unambiguously identify all the sources. The proposed sampling structure is generic enough to be extended to multiple dimensions as well as to exploit different kinds of priors in the model such as correlation, higher order moments, etc.

Recognizing the role of correlation priors and suitable sampling schemes for underdetermined estimation in array processing, we introduce a correlation aware framework for recovering sparse support in compressive sensing. We show that it is possible to strictly increase the size of the recoverable sparse support using this framework provided the measurement matrix is suitably designed. The proposed nested and coprime arrays are shown to be appropriate candidates in this regard. We also provide new guarantees for convex and greedy formulations of the support recovery problem and demonstrate that it is possible to strictly improve upon existing guarantees.

This new paradigm of underdetermined estimation that explicitly establishes the fundamental interplay between sampling, statistical priors and the underlying sparsity, leads to exciting future research directions in a variety of application areas, and also gives rise to new questions that can lead to stand-alone theoretical results in their own right.