5 resultados para Richer

em CaltechTHESIS


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The main theme running through these three chapters is that economic agents are often forced to respond to events that are not a direct result of their actions or other agents actions. The optimal response to these shocks will necessarily depend on agents' understanding of how these shocks arise. The economic environment in the first two chapters is analogous to the classic chain store game. In this setting, the addition of unintended trembles by the agents creates an environment better suited to reputation building. The third chapter considers the competitive equilibrium price dynamics in an overlapping generations environment when there are supply and demand shocks.

The first chapter is a game theoretic investigation of a reputation building game. A sequential equilibrium model, called the "error prone agents" model, is developed. In this model, agents believe that all actions are potentially subjected to an error process. Inclusion of this belief into the equilibrium calculation provides for a richer class of reputation building possibilities than when perfect implementation is assumed.

In the second chapter, maximum likelihood estimation is employed to test the consistency of this new model and other models with data from experiments run by other researchers that served as the basis for prominent papers in this field. The alternate models considered are essentially modifications to the standard sequential equilibrium. While some models perform quite well in that the nature of the modification seems to explain deviations from the sequential equilibrium quite well, the degree to which these modifications must be applied shows no consistency across different experimental designs.

The third chapter is a study of price dynamics in an overlapping generations model. It establishes the existence of a unique perfect-foresight competitive equilibrium price path in a pure exchange economy with a finite time horizon when there are arbitrarily many shocks to supply or demand. One main reason for the interest in this equilibrium is that overlapping generations environments are very fruitful for the study of price dynamics, especially in experimental settings. The perfect foresight assumption is an important place to start when examining these environments because it will produce the ex post socially efficient allocation of goods. This characteristic makes this a natural baseline to which other models of price dynamics could be compared.


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We study the fundamental dynamic behavior of a special class of ordered granular systems in order to design new, structured materials with unique physical properties. The dynamic properties of granular systems are dictated by the nonlinear, Hertzian, potential in compression and zero tensile strength resulting from the discrete material structure. Engineering the underlying particle arrangement of granular systems allows for unique dynamic properties, not observed in natural, disordered granular media. While extensive studies on 1D granular crystals have suggested their usefulness for a variety of engineering applications, considerably less attention has been given to higher-dimensional systems. The extension of these studies in higher dimensions could enable the discovery of richer physical phenomena not possible in 1D, such as spatial redirection and anisotropic energy trapping. We present experiments, numerical simulation (based on a discrete particle model), and in some cases theoretical predictions for several engineered granular systems, studying the effects of particle arrangement on the highly nonlinear transient wave propagation to develop means for controlling the wave propagation pathways. The first component of this thesis studies the stress wave propagation resulting from a localized impulsive loading for three different 2D particle lattice structures: square, centered square, and hexagonal granular crystals. By varying the lattice structure, we observe a wide range of properties for the propagating stress waves: quasi-1D solitary wave propagation, fully 2D wave propagation with tunable wave front shapes, and 2D pulsed wave propagation. Additionally the effects of weak disorder, inevitably present in real granular systems, are investigated. The second half of this thesis studies the solitary wave propagation through 2D and 3D ordered networks of granular chains, reducing the effective density compared to granular crystals by selectively placing wave guiding chains to control the acoustic wave transmission. The rapid wave front amplitude decay exhibited by these granular networks makes them highly attractive for impact mitigation applications. The agreement between experiments, numerical simulations, and applicable theoretical predictions validates the wave guiding capabilities of these engineered granular crystals and networks and opens a wide range of possibilities for the realization of increasingly complex granular material design.


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The topological phases of matter have been a major part of condensed matter physics research since the discovery of the quantum Hall effect in the 1980s. Recently, much of this research has focused on the study of systems of free fermions, such as the integer quantum Hall effect, quantum spin Hall effect, and topological insulator. Though these free fermion systems can play host to a variety of interesting phenomena, the physics of interacting topological phases is even richer. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of theoretical tools that can be used to approach interacting problems. In this thesis I will discuss progress in using two different numerical techniques to study topological phases.

Recently much research in topological phases has focused on phases made up of bosons. Unlike fermions, free bosons form a condensate and so interactions are vital if the bosons are to realize a topological phase. Since these phases are difficult to study, much of our understanding comes from exactly solvable models, such as Kitaev's toric code, as well as Levin-Wen and Walker-Wang models. We may want to study systems for which such exactly solvable models are not available. In this thesis I present a series of models which are not solvable exactly, but which can be studied in sign-free Monte Carlo simulations. The models work by binding charges to point topological defects. They can be used to realize bosonic interacting versions of the quantum Hall effect in 2D and topological insulator in 3D. Effective field theories of "integer" (non-fractionalized) versions of these phases were available in the literature, but our models also allow for the construction of fractional phases. We can measure a number of properties of the bulk and surface of these phases.

Few interacting topological phases have been realized experimentally, but there is one very important exception: the fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE). Though the fractional quantum Hall effect we discovered over 30 years ago, it can still produce novel phenomena. Of much recent interest is the existence of non-Abelian anyons in FQHE systems. Though it is possible to construct wave functions that realize such particles, whether these wavefunctions are the ground state is a difficult quantitative question that must be answered numerically. In this thesis I describe progress using a density-matrix renormalization group algorithm to study a bilayer system thought to host non-Abelian anyons. We find phase diagrams in terms of experimentally relevant parameters, and also find evidence for a non-Abelian phase known as the "interlayer Pfaffian".


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As borne out by everyday social experience, social cognition is highly dependent on context, modulated by a host of factors that arise from the social environment in which we live. While streamlined laboratory research provides excellent experimental control, it can be limited to telling us about the capabilities of the brain under artificial conditions, rather than elucidating the processes that come into play in the real world. Consideration of the impact of ecologically valid contextual cues on social cognition will improve the generalizability of social neuroscience findings also to pathology, e.g., to psychiatric illnesses. To help bridge between laboratory research and social cognition as we experience it in the real world, this thesis investigates three themes: (1) increasing the naturalness of stimuli with richer contextual cues, (2) the potentially special contextual case of social cognition when two people interact directly, and (3) a third theme of experimental believability, which runs in parallel to the first two themes. Focusing on the first two themes, in work with two patient populations, we explore neural contributions to two topics in social cognition. First, we document a basic approach bias in rare patients with bilateral lesions of the amygdala. This finding is then related to the contextual factor of ambiguity, and further investigated together with other contextual cues in a sample of healthy individuals tested over the internet, finally yielding a hierarchical decision tree for social threat evaluation. Second, we demonstrate that neural processing of eye gaze in brain structures related to face, gaze, and social processing is differently modulated by the direct presence of another live person. This question is investigated using fMRI in people with autism and controls. Across a range of topics, we demonstrate that two themes of ecological validity — integration of naturalistic contextual cues, and social interaction — influence social cognition, that particular brain structures mediate this processing, and that it will be crucial to study interaction in order to understand disorders of social interaction such as autism.


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We carried out quantum mechanics (QM) studies aimed at improving the performance of hydrogen fuel cells. This led to predictions of improved materials, some of which were subsequently validated with experiments by our collaborators.

In part I, the challenge was to find a replacement for the Pt cathode that would lead to improved performance for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction (ORR) while remaining stable under operational conditions and decreasing cost. Our design strategy was to find an alloy with composition Pt3M that would lead to surface segregation such that the top layer would be pure Pt, with the second and subsequent layers richer in M. Under operating conditions we expect the surface to have significant O and/or OH chemisorbed on the surface, and hence we searched for M that would remain segregated under these conditions. Using QM we examined surface segregation for 28 Pt3M alloys, where M is a transition metal. We found that only Pt3Os and Pt3Ir showed significant surface segregation when O and OH are chemisorbed on the catalyst surfaces. This result indicates that Pt3Os and Pt3Ir favor formation of a Pt-skin surface layer structure that would resist the acidic electrolyte corrosion during fuel cell operation environments. We chose to focus on Os because the phase diagram for Pt-Ir indicated that Pt-Ir could not form a homogeneous alloy at lower temperature. To determine the performance for ORR, we used QM to examine all intermediates, reaction pathways, and reaction barriers involved in the processes for which protons from the anode reactions react with O2 to form H2O. These QM calculations used our Poisson-Boltzmann implicit solvation model include the effects of the solvent (water with dielectric constant 78 with pH 7 at 298K). We found that the rate determination step (RDS) was the Oad hydration reaction (Oad + H2Oad -> OHad + OHad) in both cases, but that the barrier for pure Pt of 0.50 eV is reduced to 0.48 eV for Pt3Os, which at 80 degrees C would increase the rate by 218%. We collaborated with the Pu-Wei Wu’s group to carry out experiments, where we found that the dealloying process-treated Pt2Os catalyst showed two-fold higher activity at 25 degrees C than pure Pt and that the alloy had 272% improved stability, validating our theoretical predictions.

We also carried out similar QM studies followed by experimental validation for the Os/Pt core-shell catalyst fabricated by the underpotential deposition (UPD) method. The QM results indicated that the RDS for ORR is a compromise between the OOH formation step (0.37 eV for Pt, 0.23 eV for Pt2ML/Os core-shell) and H2O formation steps (0.32 eV for Pt, 0.22 eV for Pt2ML/Os core-shell). We found that Pt2ML/Os has the highest activity (compared to pure Pt and to the Pt3Os alloy) because the 0.37 eV barrier decreases to 0.23 eV. To understand what aspects of the core shell structure lead to this improved performance, we considered the effect on ORR of compressing the alloy slab to the dimensions of pure Pt. However this had little effect, with the same RDS barrier 0.37 eV. This shows that the ligand effect (the electronic structure modification resulting from the Os substrate) plays a more important role than the strain effect, and is responsible for the improved activity of the core- shell catalyst. Experimental materials characterization proves the core-shell feature of our catalyst. The electrochemical experiment for Pt2ML/Os/C showed 3.5 to 5 times better ORR activity at 0.9V (vs. NHE) in 0.1M HClO4 solution at 25 degrees C as compared to those of commercially available Pt/C. The excellent correlation between experimental half potential and the OH binding energies and RDS barriers validate the feasibility of predicting catalyst activity using QM calculation and a simple Langmuir–Hinshelwood model.

In part II, we used QM calculations to study methane stream reforming on a Ni-alloy catalyst surfaces for solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) application. SOFC has wide fuel adaptability but the coking and sulfur poisoning will reduce its stability. Experimental results suggested that the Ni4Fe alloy improves both its activity and stability compared to pure Ni. To understand the atomistic origin of this, we carried out QM calculations on surface segregation and found that the most stable configuration for Ni4Fe has a Fe atom distribution of (0%, 50%, 25%, 25%, 0%) starting at the bottom layer. We calculated that the binding of C atoms on the Ni4Fe surface is 142.9 Kcal/mol, which is about 10 Kcal/mol weaker compared to the pure Ni surface. This weaker C binding energy is expected to make coke formation less favorable, explaining why Ni4Fe has better coking resistance. This result confirms the experimental observation. The reaction energy barriers for CHx decomposition and C binding on various alloy surface, Ni4X (X=Fe, Co, Mn, and Mo), showed Ni4Fe, Ni4Co, and Fe4Mn all have better coking resistance than pure Ni, but that only Ni4Fe and Fe4Mn have (slightly) improved activity compared to pure Ni.

In part III, we used QM to examine the proton transport in doped perovskite-ceramics. Here we used a 2x2x2 supercell of perovskite with composition Ba8X7M1(OH)1O23 where X=Ce or Zr and M=Y, Gd, or Dy. Thus in each case a 4+ X is replace by a 3+ M plus a proton on one O. Here we predicted the barriers for proton diffusion allowing both includes intra-octahedron and inter-octahedra proton transfer. Without any restriction, we only observed the inter-octahedra proton transfer with similar energy barrier as previous computational work but 0.2 eV higher than experimental result for Y doped zirconate. For one restriction in our calculations is that the Odonor-Oacceptor atoms were kept at fixed distances, we found that the barrier difference between cerates/zirconates with various dopants are only 0.02~0.03 eV. To fully address performance one would need to examine proton transfer at grain boundaries, which will require larger scale ReaxFF reactive dynamics for systems with millions of atoms. The QM calculations used here will be used to train the ReaxFF force field.