4 resultados para Receptor Messenger-rna

em CaltechTHESIS


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Assembling a nervous system requires exquisite specificity in the construction of neuronal connectivity. One method by which such specificity is implemented is the presence of chemical cues within the tissues, differentiating one region from another, and the presence of receptors for those cues on the surface of neurons and their axons that are navigating within this cellular environment.

Connections from one part of the nervous system to another often take the form of a topographic mapping. One widely studied model system that involves such a mapping is the vertebrate retinotectal projection-the set of connections between the eye and the optic tectum of the midbrain, which is the primary visual center in non-mammals and is homologous to the superior colliculus in mammals. In this projection the two-dimensional surface of the retina is mapped smoothly onto the two-dimensional surface of the tectum, such that light from neighboring points in visual space excites neighboring cells in the brain. This mapping is implemented at least in part via differential chemical cues in different regions of the tectum.

The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their cell-surface ligands, the ephrins, have been implicated in a wide variety of processes, generally involving cellular movement in response to extracellular cues. In particular, they possess expression patterns-i.e., complementary gradients of receptor in retina and ligand in tectum- and in vitro and in vivo activities and phenotypes-i.e., repulsive guidance of axons and defective mapping in mutants, respectively-consistent with the long-sought retinotectal chemical mapping cues.

The tadpole of Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed frog, is advantageous for in vivo retinotectal studies because of its transparency and manipulability. However, neither the expression patterns nor the retinotectal roles of these proteins have been well characterized in this system. We report here comprehensive descriptions in swimming stage tadpoles of the messenger RNA expression patterns of eleven known Xenopus Eph and ephrin genes, including xephrin-A3, which is novel, and xEphB2, whose expression pattern has not previously been published in detail. We also report the results of in vivo protein injection perturbation studies on Xenopus retinotectal topography, which were negative, and of in vitro axonal guidance assays, which suggest a previously unrecognized attractive activity of ephrins at low concentrations on retinal ganglion cell axons. This raises the possibility that these axons find their correct targets in part by seeking out a preferred concentration of ligands appropriate to their individual receptor expression levels, rather than by being repelled to greater or lesser degrees by the ephrins but attracted by some as-yet-unknown cue(s).


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After artificial activation or fertilization of non-nucleate fragments or eggs of the sea urchin, the mitochondria actively synthesize RNA. The RNA made in non-nucleate fragments is shown to be mostly single stranded and to be associated primarily with the low speed pellet of centrifuged cellular homogenates.

Protein synthesis is observed in non-nucleate fragments in the presence or absence of the mitochondrial RNA synthesis: it is found to be qualitatively similar but quantitatively less in the absence of the RNA synthesis. The continued syntheses of proteins in the non-nucleate fragments in the absence of mitochondrial RNA synthesis provides additional evidence for the presence of a stable messenger RNA component in the unfertilized sea urchin egg.

Since the uptake or actinomycin D was found to be inhibited by the presence of a fertilization membrane, ethidium bromide, at 10 μgs/ml, is used as an effective inhibitor of RNA synthesis in non-nucleate fragments and in early cleavage stage embryos. However, this same concentration of ethidium bromide is found to be only partially effective in blocking RNA synthesis at the mesenchyme blastula stage of development.

Low concentrations of ethidium bromide (2 and 5 μgs/ml) are found not to be lethal but to be capable of producing moderate developmental defects. In the presence of concentrations of ethidium bromide adequate to inhibit all the mitochondrial RNA synthesis (10 μgs/ml of ethidium bromide), from fertilization on, the embryos do not cleave beyond the 4-8 cell stages. When similar concentrations of ethidium bromide are added at an early mesenchyme blastula stage, the embryos do not gastrulate but continue to swim for more than 24 additional hours (adequate for control embryos to develop to a late prism stage). These results lead to the conclusion that mitochondrial RNA synthesis may be very essential for normal development to occur.

DNA is synthesized in the non-nucleate fragments of sea urchin eggs. None of the newly synthesized DNA is found in the closed circular form. When phenol extracted directly from the fragments, the DNA is found to sediment at approximately 38 and 27s in sucrose gradients but neither of these size classes could be found associated with the isolated mitochondria. The template for the synthesis of DNA in non-nucleate fragments remains unknown.


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This dissertation is divided into three parts.

The first section is concerned with protein synthesis in cellfree systems from reticulocytes. The sub-cellular reticulocyte fractions, reagents, etc. have been examined for the presence of traces of ribonuclease, using. an assay based upon the loss of infectivity of RNA fran bacteriophage MS2. This assay is sensitive to 5 x 10-7 γ RNase/ml. In addition, the loss of synthetic capacity of an 80S ribosome on dissociation has been studied, and can be attributed to loss of messenger RNA when the monomer is separated into subunits. The presence of ribonuclease has been shown to be a major cause of polyribosome disintegration during cell-free protein synthesis.

The second section concerns the changes in ribosomes and polyribosomes which occur during the maturation of a reticulocyte into an erythrocyte. With increasing age, the cells lose a large proportion of the ribonucleoprotein, but the percentage of ribosomes present as polyribosomes is only slightly altered. The loss of hemoglobin synthesis on maturation is probably due to both the loss of total ribosomes and to the lessened specific activity of the polyribosomes.

The third section contains analytical ultracentrifugation data on 80S ribosomes, polyribosomes, and ribosomal RNA from reticulocytes. The 60s and 40s subunits, obtained by dissociation of the 80s particle with inorganic pyrophosphate, were also studied. The RNA from reticulocyte ribosomes has been examined under a variety of denaturing conditions, including dimethyl sulfoxide treatment, formaldehyde reaction and thermal denaturation. From these studies we can conclude that the 28S and 16S RNA's are single polynucleotide chains and are not made up of smaller RNA subunits hydrogen-bonded together.


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The signal recognition particle (SRP) and its receptor (SR) are universally conserved protein machineries that deliver nascent peptides to their proper destination. The SRP RNA is a universally conserved and essential component of SRP, which serves as the “catalyst” of the protein targeting cycle. The SRP RNA accelerates SRP-SR complex formation at the beginning of the protein targeting reaction, and triggers GTP hydrolysis and SRP-SR complex disassembly at the end. Here we combined biochemical and biophysical approaches to investigate the molecular mechanism of the functions of the SRP RNA. We found that two functional ends in the SRP RNA mediate distinct functions. The tetraloop end facilitates initial assembly of SRP and SR by mediating an electrostatic interaction with the Lys399 receptor, which ensures efficient and accurate substrate targeting. At the later stage of the SRP cycle, the SRP-SR complex relocalizes ~ 100 Angstrom to the 5’,3’-distal end of the RNA, a conformation crucial for GTPase activation and cargo handover. These results, combined with recent structural work, elucidate the functions of the SRP RNA during the protein targeting reaction.