em CaltechTHESIS


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Nuclear weak interaction rates, including electron and positron emission rates, and continuum electron and positron capture rates , as well as the associated v and –/v energy loss rates are calculated on a detailed grid of temperature and density for the free nucleons and 226 nuclei with masses between A = 21 and 60. Gamow-Teller and Fermi discrete-state transition matrix element systematics and the Gamow-Teller T^< →/← T^> resonance transitions are discussed in depth and are implemented in the stellar rate calculations. Results of the calculations are presented on an abbreviated grid of temperature and density and comparison is made to terrestrial weak transition rates where possible. Neutron shell blocking of allowed electron capture on heavy nuclei during stellar core collapse is discussed along with several unblocking mechanisms operative at high temperature and density. The results of one-zone collapse calculations are presented which suggest that the effect of neutron shell blocking is to produce a larger core lepton fraction at neutrino trapping which leads to a larger inner-core mass and hence a stronger post-bounce shock.


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The 0.2% experimental accuracy of the 1968 Beers and Hughes measurement of the annihilation lifetime of ortho-positronium motivates the attempt to compute the first order quantum electrodynamic corrections to this lifetime. The theoretical problems arising in this computation are here studied in detail up to the point of preparing the necessary computer programs and using them to carry out some of the less demanding steps -- but the computation has not yet been completed. Analytic evaluation of the contributing Feynman diagrams is superior to numerical evaluation, and for this process can be carried out with the aid of the Reduce algebra manipulation computer program.

The relation of the positronium decay rate to the electronpositron annihilation-in-flight amplitude is derived in detail, and it is shown that at threshold annihilation-in-flight, Coulomb divergences appear while infrared divergences vanish. The threshold Coulomb divergences in the amplitude cancel against like divergences in the modulating continuum wave function.

Using the lowest order diagrams of electron-positron annihilation into three photons as a test case, various pitfalls of computer algebraic manipulation are discussed along with ways of avoiding them. The computer manipulation of artificial polynomial expressions is preferable to the direct treatment of rational expressions, even though redundant variables may have to be introduced.

Special properties of the contributing Feynman diagrams are discussed, including the need to restore gauge invariance to the sum of the virtual photon-photon scattering box diagrams by means of a finite subtraction.

A systematic approach to the Feynman-Brown method of Decomposition of single loop diagram integrals with spin-related tensor numerators is developed in detail. This approach allows the Feynman-Brown method to be straightforwardly programmed in the Reduce algebra manipulation language.

The fundamental integrals needed in the wake of the application of the Feynman-Brown decomposition are exhibited and the methods which were used to evaluate them -- primarily dis persion techniques are briefly discussed.

Finally, it is pointed out that while the techniques discussed have permitted the computation of a fair number of the simpler integrals and diagrams contributing to the first order correction of the ortho-positronium annihilation rate, further progress with the more complicated diagrams and with the evaluation of traces is heavily contingent on obtaining access to adequate computer time and core capacity.


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Magnetic resonance techniques have given us a powerful means for investigating dynamical processes in gases, liquids and solids. Dynamical effects manifest themselves in both resonance line shifts and linewidths, and, accordingly, require detailed analyses to extract desired information. The success of a magnetic resonance experiment depends critically on relaxation mechanisms to maintain thermal equilibrium between spin states. Consequently, there must be an interaction between the excited spin states and their immediate molecular environment which promote changes in spin orientation while excess magnetic energy is coupled into other degrees of freedom by non-radiative processes. This is well known as spin-lattice relaxation. Certain dynamical processes cause fluctuations in the spin state energy levels leading to spin-spin relaxation and, here again, the environment at the molecular level plays a significant role in the magnitude of interaction. Relatively few electron spin relaxation studies of solutions have been conducted and the present work is addressed toward the extension of our knowledge in this area and the retrieval of dynamical information from line shape analyses on a time scale comparable to diffusion controlled phenomena.

Specifically, the electron spin relaxation of three Mn+23d5 complexes, Mn(CH3CN)6+2, MnCl4-2 in acetonitrile has been studied in considerable detail. The effective spin Hamiltonian constants were carefully evaluated under a wide range of experimental conditions. Resonance widths of these Mn+2 complexes were studied in the presence of various excess ligand ions and as a function of concentration, viscosity, temperature and frequency (X-band, ~9.5 Ԍ Hz and K-band, ~35 Ԍ Hz).

A number of interesting conclusions were drawn from these studies. For the Et4NCl-4-2 system several relaxation mechanisms leading to resonance broadening were observed. One source appears to arise through spin-orbit interactions caused by modulation of the ligand field resulting from transient distortions of the complex imparted by solvent fluctuations in the immediate surroundings of the paramagnetic ion. An additional spin relaxation was assigned to the formation of ion pairs [Et4N+…MnCl4-2] and it was possible to estimate the dissociation constant for this specie in acetonitrile.

The Bu4NBr-MnBr4-2 study was considerably more interesting. As in the former case, solvent fluctuations and ion-pairing of the paramagnetic complex [Bu4N+…MnBr4-2] provide significant relaxation for the electronic spin system. Most interesting, without doubt, is the onset of a new relaxation mechanism leading to resonance broadening which is best interpreted as chemical exchange. Thus, assuming that resonance widths were simply governed by electron spin state lifetimes, we were able to extract dynamical information from an interaction in which the initial and final states are the same

MnBr4-2 + Br- = MnBr4-2 + Br-.

The bimolecular rate constants were obtained at six different temperatures and their magnitudes suggested that the exchange is probably diffusion controlled with essentially a zero energy of activation. The most important source of spin relaxation in this system stems directly from dipolar interactions between the manganese 3d5 electrons. Moreover, the dipolar broadening is strongly frequency dependent indicating a deviation between the transverse and longitudinal relaxation times. We are led to the conclusion that the 3d5 spin states of ion-paired MnBr4-2 are significantly correlated so that dynamical processes are also entering the picture. It was possible to estimate the correlation time, Td, characterizing this dynamical process.

In Part II we study nuclear magnetic relaxation of bromine ions in the MnBr4-2-Bu4NBr-acetonitrile system. Essentially we monitor the 79Br and 81Br linewidths in response to the [MnBr4-2]/[Br-] ratio with the express purpose of supporting our contention that exchange is occurring between "free" bromine ions in the solvent and bromine in the first coordination sphere of the paramagnetic anion. The complexity of the system elicited a two-part study: (1) the linewidth behavior of Bu4NBr in anhydrous CH3CN in the absence of MnBr4-2 and (2) in the presence of MnBr4-2. It was concluded in study (1) that dynamical association, Bu4NBr k1= Bu4N+ + Br-, was modulating field-gradient interactions at frequencies high enough to provide an estimation of the unimolecular rate constant, k1. A comparison of the two isotopic bromine linewidth-mole fraction results led to the conclusion that quadrupole interactions provided the dominant relaxation mechanism. In study (2) the "residual" bromine linewidths for both 79Br and 81Br are clearly controlled by quadrupole interactions which appear to be modulated by very rapid dynamical processes other than molecular reorientation. We conclude that the "residual" linewidth has its origin in chemical exchange and that bromine nuclei exchange rapidly between a "free" solvated ion and the paramagnetic complex, MnBr4-2.


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Since the discovery in 1962 of laser action in semiconductor diodes made from GaAs, the study of spontaneous and stimulated light emission from semiconductors has become an exciting new field of semiconductor physics and quantum electronics combined. Included in the limited number of direct-gap semiconductor materials suitable for laser action are the members of the lead salt family, i.e . PbS, PbSe and PbTe. The material used for the experiments described herein is PbTe . The semiconductor PbTe is a narrow band- gap material (Eg = 0.19 electron volt at a temperature of 4.2°K). Therefore, the radiative recombination of electron-hole pairs between the conduction and valence bands produces photons whose wavelength is in the infrared (λ ≈ 6.5 microns in air).

The p-n junction diode is a convenient device in which the spontaneous and stimulated emission of light can be achieved via current flow in the forward-bias direction. Consequently, the experimental devices consist of a group of PbTe p-n junction diodes made from p –type single crystal bulk material. The p - n junctions were formed by an n-type vapor- phase diffusion perpendicular to the (100) plane, with a junction depth of approximately 75 microns. Opposite ends of the diode structure were cleaved to give parallel reflectors, thereby forming the Fabry-Perot cavity needed for a laser oscillator. Since the emission of light originates from the recombination of injected current carriers, the nature of the radiation depends on the injection mechanism.

The total intensity of the light emitted from the PbTe diodes was observed over a current range of three to four orders of magnitude. At the low current levels, the light intensity data were correlated with data obtained on the electrical characteristics of the diodes. In the low current region (region A), the light intensity, current-voltage and capacitance-voltage data are consistent with the model for photon-assisted tunneling. As the current is increased, the light intensity data indicate the occurrence of a change in the current injection mechanism from photon-assisted tunneling (region A) to thermionic emission (region B). With the further increase of the injection level, the photon-field due to light emission in the diode builds up to the point where stimulated emission (oscillation) occurs. The threshold current at which oscillation begins marks the beginning of a region (region C) where the total light intensity increases very rapidly with the increase in current. This rapid increase in intensity is accompanied by an increase in the number of narrow-band oscillating modes. As the photon density in the cavity continues to increase with the injection level, the intensity gradually enters a region of linear dependence on current (region D), i.e. a region of constant (differential) quantum efficiency.

Data obtained from measurements of the stimulated-mode light-intensity profile and the far-field diffraction pattern (both in the direction perpendicular to the junction-plane) indicate that the active region of high gain (i.e. the region where a population inversion exists) extends to approximately a diffusion length on both sides of the junction. The data also indicate that the confinement of the oscillating modes within the diode cavity is due to a variation in the real part of the dielectric constant, caused by the gain in the medium. A value of τ ≈ 10-9 second for the minority- carrier recombination lifetime (at a diode temperature of 20.4°K) is obtained from the above measurements. This value for τ is consistent with other data obtained independently for PbTe crystals.

Data on the threshold current for stimulated emission (for a diode temperature of 20. 4°K) as a function of the reciprocal cavity length were obtained. These data yield a value of J’th = (400 ± 80) amp/cm2 for the threshold current in the limit of an infinitely long diode-cavity. A value of α = (30 ± 15) cm-1 is obtained for the total (bulk) cavity loss constant, in general agreement with independent measurements of free- carrier absorption in PbTe. In addition, the data provide a value of ns ≈ 10% for the internal spontaneous quantum efficiency. The above value for ns yields values of tb ≈ τ ≈ 10-9 second and ts ≈ 10-8 second for the nonradiative and the spontaneous (radiative) lifetimes, respectively.

The external quantum efficiency (nd) for stimulated emission from diode J-2 (at 20.4° K) was calculated by using the total light intensity vs. diode current data, plus accepted values for the material parameters of the mercury- doped germanium detector used for the measurements. The resulting value is nd ≈ 10%-20% for emission from both ends of the cavity. The corresponding radiative power output (at λ = 6.5 micron) is 120-240 milliwatts for a diode current of 6 amps.


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The field of plasmonics exploits the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures to concentrate and manipulate light at subwavelength length scales. Metallic nanostructures get their unique properties from their ability to support surface plasmons– coherent wave-like oscillations of the free electrons at the interface between a conductive and dielectric medium. Recent advancements in the ability to fabricate metallic nanostructures with subwavelength length scales have created new possibilities in technology and research in a broad range of applications.

In the first part of this thesis, we present two investigations of the relationship between the charge state and optical state of plasmonic metal nanoparticles. Using experimental bias-dependent extinction measurements, we derive a potential- dependent dielectric function for Au nanoparticles that accounts for changes in the physical properties due to an applied bias that contribute to the optical extinction. We also present theory and experiment for the reverse effect– the manipulation of the carrier density of Au nanoparticles via controlled optical excitation. This plasmoelectric effect takes advantage of the strong resonant properties of plasmonic materials and the relationship between charge state and optical properties to eluci- date a new avenue for conversion of optical power to electrical potential.

The second topic of this thesis is the non-radiative decay of plasmons to a hot-carrier distribution, and the distribution’s subsequent relaxation. We present first-principles calculations that capture all of the significant microscopic mechanisms underlying surface plasmon decay and predict the initial excited carrier distributions so generated. We also preform ab initio calculations of the electron-temperature dependent heat capacities and electron-phonon coupling coefficients of plasmonic metals. We extend these first-principle methods to calculate the electron-temperature dependent dielectric response of hot electrons in plasmonic metals, including direct interband and phonon-assisted intraband transitions. Finally, we combine these first-principles calculations of carrier dynamics and optical response to produce a complete theoretical description of ultrafast pump-probe measurements, free of any fitting parameters that are typical in previous analyses.


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We have applied the Schwinger Multichannel Method(SMC) to the study of electronically inelastic, low energy electron-molecule collisions. The focus of these studies has been the assessment of the importance of multichannel coupling to the dynamics of these excitation processes. It has transpired that the promising quality of results realized in early SMC work on such inelastic scattering processes has been far more difficult to obtain in these more sophisticated studies.

We have attempted to understand the sources of instability of the SMC method which are evident in these multichannel studies. Particular instances of such instability have been considered in detail, which indicate that linear dependence, failure of the separable potential approximation, and difficulties in converging matrix elements involving recorrelation or Q-space terms all conspire to complicate application of the SMC method to these studies. A method involving singular value decomposition(SVD) has been developed to, if not resolve these problems, at least mitigate their deleterious effects on the computation of electronically inelastic cross sections.

In conjunction with this SVD procedure, the SMC method has been applied to the study of the H_2 , H_2O, and N_2 molecules. Rydberg excitations of the first two molecules were found to be most sensitive to multichannel coupling near threshold. The (3σ_g → 1π_g ) and (1π_u → 1π_g) valence excitations of the N_2 molecule were found to be strongly influenced by the choice of channel coupling scheme at all collision energies considered in these studies.


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Redox-active ruthenium complexes have been covalently attached to the surface of a series of natural, semisynthetic and recombinant cytochromes c. The protein derivatives were characterized by a variety of spectroscopic techniques. Distant Fe^(2+) - Ru^(3+) electronic couplings were extracted from intramolecular electron-transfer rates in Ru(bpy)_2(im)HisX (where X= 33, 39, 62, and 72) derivatives of cyt c. The couplings increase according to 62 (0.0060) < 72 (0.057) < 33 (0.097) < 39 (0.11 cm^(-1)); however, this order is incongruent with histidine to heme edge-edge distances [62 (14.8) > 39 (12.3) > 33 (11.1) > =72 (8.4 Å)]. These results suggest the chemical nature of the intervening medium needs to be considered for a more precise evaluation of couplings. The rates (and couplings) correlate with the lengths of a-tunneling pathways comprised of covalent bonds, hydrogen bonds and through-space jumps from the histidines to the heme group. Space jumps greatly decrease couplings: one from Pro71 to Met80 extends the σ-tunneling length of the His72 pathway by roughly 10 covalent bond units. Experimental couplings also correlate well with those calculated using extended Hiickel theory to evaluate the contribution of the intervening protein medium.

Two horse heart cyt c variants incorporating the unnatural amino acids (S)-2- amino-3-(2,2'-bipyrid-6-yl)-propanoic acid (6Bpa) and (S)-2-amino-3-(2,2'-bipyrid-4-yl)propanoic acid ( 4Bpa) at position 72 have been prepared using semisynthetic protocols. Negligible perturbation of the protein structure results from this introduction of unnatural amino acids. Redox-active Ru(2,2'-bipyridine)_2^(2+) binds to 4Bpa72 cyt c but not to the 6Bpa protein. Enhanced ET rates were observed in the Ru(bpy)_2^(2+)-modified 4Bpa72 cyt c relative to the analogous His72 derivative. The rapid (< 60 nanosecond) photogeneration of ferrous Ru-modified 4Bpa72 cyt c in the conformationally altered alkaline state demonstrates that laser-induced ET can be employed to study submicrosecond protein-folding events.


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Intramolecular electron transfer in partially reduced cytochrome c oxidase has been studied by means of perturbed equilibrium techniques. We have prepared a three electron reduced, CO inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a and copper A are partially reduced an in intramolecular redox equilibrium. When these samples were photolyzed using a nitrogen laser (0.6 µs, 1.0 mJ pulses) changes in absorbance at 598 nm and 830 nm were observed which are consistent with a fast electron from cytochrome a to copper A. The absorbance changes at 598 nm have an apparent rate of 17,200 ± 1,700 s^(-1) (1σ), at pH 7.0 and 25.5 °C. These changes were not observed in either the CO mixed valence or CO inhibited fully reduced forms of the enzyme. The rate is fastest at about pH 8.0, and falls off in either direction, and there is a small, but clear temperature dependence. The process was also observed in the cytochrome c -- cytochrome c oxidase high affinity complex.

This rate is far faster than any rate measured or inferred previously for the cytochrome a -- copper A electron equilibration, but the interpretation of these results is hampered by the fact that the relaxation could only be followed during the time before CO became rebound to the oxygen binding site. The meaning of our our measured rate is discussed, along with other reported rates for this process. In addition, a temperature-jump experiment on the same system is discussed.

We have also prepared a partially reduced, cyanide inhibited form of the enzyme in which cytochrome a, copper A and copper B are partially reduced and in redox equilibrium. Warming these samples produced absorbance changes at 605 nm which indicate that cytochrome a was becoming more oxidized, but there were no parallel changes in absorbance at 830 nm as would be expected if copper A was becoming reduced. We concluded that electrons were being redistributed from cytochrome a to copper B. The kinetics of the absorbance changes at 605 nm were investigated by temperature-jump methods. Although a rate could not be resolved, we concluded that the process must occur with an (apparent) rate larger than 10,000 s^(-1).

During the course of the temperature-jump experiments, we also found that non-redox related, temperature dependent absorbance changes in fully reduced CO inhibited cytochrome c oxidase, and in the cyanide mixed valence enzyme, took place with an (apparent) rate faster that 30,000 s^(-1).


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We have measured inclusive electron-scattering cross sections for targets of ^(4)He, C, Al, Fe, and Au, for kinematics spanning the quasi-elastic peak, with squared, four­ momentum transfers (q^2) between 0.23 and 2.89 (GeV/c)^2. Additional data were measured for Fe with q^2's up to 3.69 (GeV/c)^2 These cross sections were analyzed for the y-scaling behavior expected from a simple, impulse-approximation model, and are found to approach a scaling limit at the highest q^2's. The q^2 approach to scaling is compared with a calculation for infinite nuclear matter, and relationships between the scaling function and nucleon momentum distributions are discussed. Deviations from perfect scaling are used to set limits on possible changes in the size of nucleons inside the nucleus.


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Iterative in situ click chemistry (IISCC) is a robust general technology for development of high throughput, inexpensive protein detection agents. In IISCC, the target protein acts as a template and catalyst, and assembles its own ligand from modular blocks of peptides. This process of ligand discovery is iterated to add peptide arms to develop a multivalent ligand with increased affinity and selectivity. The peptide based protein capture agents (PCC) should ideally have the same degree of selectivity and specificity as a monoclonal antibody, along with improved chemical stability. We had previously reported developing a PCC agent against bovine carbonic anhydrase II (bCAII) that could replace a polyclonal antibody. To further enhance the affinity or specificity of the PCC agent, I explore branching the peptide arms to develop branched PCC agents against bCAII. The developed branched capture agents have two to three fold higher affinities for the target protein. In the second part of my thesis, I describe the epitope targeting strategy, a strategy for directing the development of a peptide ligand against specific region or fragment of the protein. The strategy is successfully demonstrated by developing PCC agents with low nanomolar binding affinities that target the C-terminal hydrophobic motif of Akt2 kinase. One of the developed triligands inhibits the kinase activity of Akt. This suggests that, if targeted against the right epitope, the PCC agents can also influence the functional properties of the protein. The exquisite control of the epitope targeting strategy is further demonstrated by developing a cyclic ligand against Akt2. The cyclic ligand acts as an inhibitor by itself, without any iteration of the ligand discovery process. The epitope targeting strategy is a cornerstone of the IISCC technology and opens up new opportunities, leading to the development of protein detection agents and of modulators of protein functions.


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Multi-step electron tunneling, or “hopping,” has become a fast-developing research field with studies ranging from theoretical modeling systems, inorganic complexes, to biological systems. In particular, the field is exploring hopping mechanisms in new proteins and protein complexes, as well as further understanding the classical biological hopping systems such as ribonuclease reductase, DNA photolyases, and photosystem II. Despite the plethora of natural systems, only a few biologically engineered systems exist. Engineered hopping systems can provide valuable information on key structural and electronic features, just like other kinds of biological model systems. Also, engineered systems can harness common biologic processes and utilize them for alternative reactions. In this thesis, two new hopping systems are engineered and characterized.

The protein Pseudomonas aeruginosa azurin is used as a building block to create the two new hopping systems. Besides being well studied and amenable to mutation, azurin already has been used to successfully engineer a hopping system. The two hopping systems presented in this thesis have a histidine-attached high potential rhenium 4,7-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline tricarbonyl [Re(dmp)(CO)3] + label which, when excited, acts as the initial electron acceptor. The metal donor is the type I copper of the azurin protein. The hopping intermediates are all tryptophan, an amino acid mutated into the azurin at select sites between the photoactive metal label and the protein metal site. One system exhibits an inter-molecular hopping through a protein dimer interface; the other system undergoes intra-molecular multi-hopping utilizing a tryptophan “wire.” The electron transfer reactions are triggered by excitation of the rhenium label and monitored by UV-Visible transient absorption, luminescence decays measurements, and time-resolved Infrared spectroscopy (TRIR). Both systems were structurally characterized by protein X-ray crystallography.


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A study of the pH and temperature dependence of the redox potentials of azurins from five species of bacteria has been performed. The variations in the potentials with pH have been interpreted in terms of electrostatic interactions between the copper site and titrating histidine residues, including the effects of substitutions in the amino acid sequences of the proteins on the electrostatic interactions. A comparison of the observed pH dependences with predictions based on histidine pK_a values known for Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Pae), Alcaligenes denitrificans (Ade), and Alcaligenes faecalis (Afa) azurins indicates that the Pae and Ade redox potentials exhibit pH dependences in line with electrostatic arguments, while Afa azurin exhibits more complex behavior. Redox enthalpies and entropies for four of the azurins at low and high pH values have also been obtained. Based on these results in conjuction with the variable pH experiments, it appears that Bordetella bronchiseptica azurin may undergo a more substantial conformational change with pH than has been observed for other species of azurin.

The temperature dependence of the redox potential of bovine erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (SOD) has been determined at pH 7.0, with potassium ferricyanide as the mediator. The following thermodynamic parameters have been obtained (T = 25°C): E°' = 403±5 mV vs. NHE, ΔG°' = -9.31 kcal/mol, ΔH°' = -21.4 kcal/mol, ΔS°' = -40.7 eu, ΔS°'_(rc) = -25.1 eu. It is apparent from these results that ΔH°', rather than ΔS°', is the dominant factor in establishing the high redox potential of SOD. The large negative enthalpy of reduction may also reflect the factors which give SOD its high specificity toward reduction and oxidation by superoxide.


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A semisynthetic binuclear metalloprotein has been prepared by appending the pentaammineruthenium moiety to histidine 39 of the cytochrome c from the yeast Candida krusei. The site of ruthenium binding was identified by peptide mapping. Spectroscopic and electrochemical properties of the derivative indicate the protein conformation is unperturbed by the modification. A preliminary (minimum) rate constant of 170s^(-1) has been determined for the intramolecular electron transfer from ruthenium(II) to iron(III), which occurs over a distance of at least 13Å (barring major conformational changes). Electrochemical studies indicate that this reaction should proceed with a driving force of ~170mV. The rate constant is an order of magnitude faster than that observed in horse heart cytochrome c for intramolecular electron transfer from pentaammineruthenium(II)(histidine 33) to iron(III) (over a similar distance, and with a similar driving force), suggesting a medium or orientation effect makes the Candida intramolecular electron transfer more favorable.


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This work is divided into two independent papers.


Spall velocities were measured for nine experimental impacts into San Marcos gabbro targets. Impact velocities ranged from 1 to 6.5 km/sec. Projectiles were iron, aluminum, lead, and basalt of varying sizes. The projectile masses ranged from a 4 g lead bullet to a 0.04 g aluminum sphere. The velocities of fragments were measured from high-speed films taken of the events. The maximum spall velocity observed was 30 m/sec, or 0.56 percent of the 5.4 km/sec impact velocity. The measured velocities were compared to the spall velocities predicted by the spallation model of Melosh (1984). The compatibility between the spallation model for large planetary impacts and the results of these small scale experiments are considered in detail.

The targets were also bisected to observe the pattern of internal fractures. A series of fractures were observed, whose location coincided with the boundary between rock subjected to the peak shock compression and a theoretical "near surface zone" predicted by the spallation model. Thus, between this boundary and the free surface, the target material should receive reduced levels of compressive stress as compared to the more highly shocked region below.


Carbonate samples from the nuclear explosion crater, OAK, and a terrestrial impact crater, Meteor Crater, were analyzed for shock damage using electron para- magnetic resonance, EPR. The first series of samples for OAK Crater were obtained from six boreholes within the crater, and the second series were ejecta samples recovered from the crater floor. The degree of shock damage in the carbonate material was assessed by comparing the sample spectra to spectra of Solenhofen limestone, which had been shocked to known pressures.

The results of the OAK borehole analysis have identified a thin zone of highly shocked carbonate material underneath the crater floor. This zone has a maximum depth of approximately 200 ft below sea floor at the ground zero borehole and decreases in depth towards the crater rim. A layer of highly shocked material is also found on the surface in the vicinity of the reference bolehole, located outside the crater. This material could represent a fallout layer. The ejecta samples have experienced a range of shock pressures.

It was also demonstrated that the EPR technique is feasible for the study of terrestrial impact craters formed in carbonate bedrock. The results for the Meteor Crater analysis suggest a slight degree of shock damage present in the β member of the Kaibab Formation exposed in the crater walls.


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The technique of variable-angle, electron energy-loss spectroscopy has been used to study the electronic spectroscopy of the diketene molecule. The experiment was performed using incident electron beam energies of 25 eV and 50 eV, and at scattering angles between 10° and 90°. The energy-loss region from 2 eV to 11 eV was examined. One spin-forbidden transition has been observed at 4.36 eV and three others that are spin-allowed have been located at 5.89 eV, 6.88 eV and 7.84 eV. Based on the intensity variation of these transitions with impact energy and scattering angle, and through analogy with simpler molecules, the first three transitions are tentatively assigned to an n → π* transition, a π - σ* (3s) Rydberg transition and a π → π* transition.

Thermal decomposition of chlorodifluoromethane, chloroform, dichloromethane and chloromethane under flash-vacuum pyrolysis conditions (900-1100°C) was investigated by the technique of electron energy-loss spectroscopy, using the impact energy of 50 eV and a scattering angle of 10°. The pyrolytic reaction follows a hydrogen-chloride α-elimination pathway. The difluoromethylene radical was produced from chlorodifluoromethane pyrolysis at 900°C and identified by its X^1 A_1 → A^1B_1 band at 5.04 eV.

Finally, a number of exploratory studies have been performed. The thermal decomposition of diketene was studied under flash vacuum pressures (1-10 mTorr) and temperatures ranging from 500°C to 1000°C. The complete decomposition of the diketene molecule into two ketene molecules was achieved at 900°C. The pyrolysis of trifluoromethyl iodide molecule at 1000°C produced an electron energy-loss spectrum with several iodine-atom, sharp peaks and only a small shoulder at 8.37 eV as a possible trifluoromethyl radical feature. The electron energy-loss spectrum of trichlorobromomethane at 900°C mainly showed features from bromine atom, chlorine molecule and tetrachloroethylene. Hexachloroacetone decomposed partially at 900°C, but showed well-defined features from chlorine, carbon monoxide and tetrachloroethylene molecules. Bromodichloromethane molecule was investigated at 1000°C and produced a congested, electron energy-loss spectrum with bromine-atom, hydrogen-bromide, hydrogen-chloride and tetrachloroethylene features.