3 resultados para Qualitative data analysis software

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis is an investigation into the nature of data analysis and computer software systems which support this activity.

The first chapter develops the notion of data analysis as an experimental science which has two major components: data-gathering and theory-building. The basic role of language in determining the meaningfulness of theory is stressed, and the informativeness of a language and data base pair is studied. The static and dynamic aspects of data analysis are then considered from this conceptual vantage point. The second chapter surveys the available types of computer systems which may be useful for data analysis. Particular attention is paid to the questions raised in the first chapter about the language restrictions imposed by the computer system and its dynamic properties.

The third chapter discusses the REL data analysis system, which was designed to satisfy the needs of the data analyzer in an operational relational data system. The major limitation on the use of such systems is the amount of access to data stored on a relatively slow secondary memory. This problem of the paging of data is investigated and two classes of data structure representations are found, each of which has desirable paging characteristics for certain types of queries. One representation is used by most of the generalized data base management systems in existence today, but the other is clearly preferred in the data analysis environment, as conceptualized in Chapter I.

This data representation has strong implications for a fundamental process of data analysis -- the quantification of variables. Since quantification is one of the few means of summarizing and abstracting, data analysis systems are under strong pressure to facilitate the process. Two implementations of quantification are studied: one analagous to the form of the lower predicate calculus and another more closely attuned to the data representation. A comparison of these indicates that the use of the "label class" method results in orders of magnitude improvement over the lower predicate calculus technique.


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The brain is perhaps the most complex system to have ever been subjected to rigorous scientific investigation. The scale is staggering: over 10^11 neurons, each making an average of 10^3 synapses, with computation occurring on scales ranging from a single dendritic spine, to an entire cortical area. Slowly, we are beginning to acquire experimental tools that can gather the massive amounts of data needed to characterize this system. However, to understand and interpret these data will also require substantial strides in inferential and statistical techniques. This dissertation attempts to meet this need, extending and applying the modern tools of latent variable modeling to problems in neural data analysis.

It is divided into two parts. The first begins with an exposition of the general techniques of latent variable modeling. A new, extremely general, optimization algorithm is proposed - called Relaxation Expectation Maximization (REM) - that may be used to learn the optimal parameter values of arbitrary latent variable models. This algorithm appears to alleviate the common problem of convergence to local, sub-optimal, likelihood maxima. REM leads to a natural framework for model size selection; in combination with standard model selection techniques the quality of fits may be further improved, while the appropriate model size is automatically and efficiently determined. Next, a new latent variable model, the mixture of sparse hidden Markov models, is introduced, and approximate inference and learning algorithms are derived for it. This model is applied in the second part of the thesis.

The second part brings the technology of part I to bear on two important problems in experimental neuroscience. The first is known as spike sorting; this is the problem of separating the spikes from different neurons embedded within an extracellular recording. The dissertation offers the first thorough statistical analysis of this problem, which then yields the first powerful probabilistic solution. The second problem addressed is that of characterizing the distribution of spike trains recorded from the same neuron under identical experimental conditions. A latent variable model is proposed. Inference and learning in this model leads to new principled algorithms for smoothing and clustering of spike data.


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In this work, we further extend the recently developed adaptive data analysis method, the Sparse Time-Frequency Representation (STFR) method. This method is based on the assumption that many physical signals inherently contain AM-FM representations. We propose a sparse optimization method to extract the AM-FM representations of such signals. We prove the convergence of the method for periodic signals under certain assumptions and provide practical algorithms specifically for the non-periodic STFR, which extends the method to tackle problems that former STFR methods could not handle, including stability to noise and non-periodic data analysis. This is a significant improvement since many adaptive and non-adaptive signal processing methods are not fully capable of handling non-periodic signals. Moreover, we propose a new STFR algorithm to study intrawave signals with strong frequency modulation and analyze the convergence of this new algorithm for periodic signals. Such signals have previously remained a bottleneck for all signal processing methods. Furthermore, we propose a modified version of STFR that facilitates the extraction of intrawaves that have overlaping frequency content. We show that the STFR methods can be applied to the realm of dynamical systems and cardiovascular signals. In particular, we present a simplified and modified version of the STFR algorithm that is potentially useful for the diagnosis of some cardiovascular diseases. We further explain some preliminary work on the nature of Intrinsic Mode Functions (IMFs) and how they can have different representations in different phase coordinates. This analysis shows that the uncertainty principle is fundamental to all oscillating signals.