9 resultados para Profiles across Mediterranean Sedimentary Systems
em CaltechTHESIS
Sedimentary rocks on Mars provide insight into past aqueous and atmospheric processes, climate regimes, and potential habitability. The stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary rocks on Mars is similar to that of Earth, indicating that the processes that govern deposition and erosion on Mars can be reasonably inferred through reference to analogous terrestrial systems. This dissertation aims to understand Martian surface processes through the use of (1) ground-based observations from the Mars Exploration Rovers, (2) orbital data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and (3) the use of terrestrial field analogs to understand bedforms and sediment transport on Mars. Chapters 1 and 2 trace the history of aqueous activity at Meridiani Planum, through the reconstruction of eolian bedforms at Victoria crater, and the identification of a potential mudstone facies at Santa Maria crater. Chapter 3 uses Terrestrial Laser Scanning to study cross-bedding in pyroclastic surge deposits on Earth in order to understand sediment transport in these events and to establish criteria for their identification on Mars. The final chapter analyzes stratal geometries in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits using tools for sequence stratigraphic analysis, to better constrain past surface processes and past climate conditions on Mars.
One of the greatest challenges in science lies in disentangling causality in complex, coupled systems. This is illustrated no better than in the dynamic interplay between the Earth and life. The early evolution and diversification of animals occurred within a backdrop of global change, yet reconstructing the potential role of the environment in this evolutionary transition is challenging. In the 200 million years from the end-Cryogenian to the Ordovician, enigmatic Ediacaran fauna explored body plans, animals diversified and began to biomineralize, forever changing the ocean's chemical cycles, and the biological community in shallow marine ecosystems transitioned from a microbial one to an animal one.
In the following dissertation, a multi-faceted approach combining macro- and micro-scale analyses is presented that draws on the sedimentology, geochemistry and paleontology of the rocks that span this transition to better constrain the potential environmental changes during this interval.
In Chapter 1, the potential of clumped isotope thermometry in deep time is explored by assessing the importance of burial and diagenesis on the thermometer. Eocene- to Precambrian-aged carbonates from the Sultanate of Oman were analyzed from current burial depths of 350-5850 meters. Two end-member styles of diagenesis independent of burial depth were observed.
Chapters 2, 3 and 4 explore the fallibility of the Ediacaran carbon isotope record and aspects of the sedimentology and geochemistry of the rocks preserving the largest negative carbon isotope excursion on record---the Shuram Excursion. Chapter 2 documents the importance of temperature, fluid composition and mineralogy on the delta 18-O min record and interrogates the bulk trace metal signal. Chapter 3 explores the spatial variability in delta 13-C recorded in the transgressive Johnnie Oolite and finds a north-to-south trend recording the onset of the excursion. Chapter 4 investigates the nature of seafloor precipitation during this excursion and more broadly. We document the potential importance of microbial respiratory reactions on the carbonate chemistry of the sediment-water interface through time.
Chapter 5 investigates the latest Precambrian sedimentary record in carbonates from the Sultanate of Oman, including how delta 13-C and delta 34-S CAS vary across depositional and depth gradients. A new model for the correlation of the Buah and Ara formations across Oman is presented. Isotopic results indicate delta 13-C varies with relative eustatic change and delta 34-S CAS may vary in absolute magnitude across Oman.
Chapter 6 investigates the secular rise in delta 18-Omin in the early Paleozoic by using clumped isotope geochemistry on calcitic and phosphatic fossils from the Cambrian and Ordovician. Results do not indicate extreme delta 18-O seawater depletion and instead suggest warmer equatorial temperatures across the early Paleozoic.
Cooperative director fluctuations in lipid bilayers have been postulated for many years. ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements have been used identify these motions and to determine the origin of increased slow bilayer motion upon addition of unlike lipids or proteins to a pure lipid bilayer.
The contribution of cooperative director fluctuations to NMR relaxation in lipid bilayers has been expressed mathematically using the approach of Doane et al.^1 and Pace and Chan.^2 The T_2^(-1)’s of pure dimyristoyllecithin (DML) bilayers deuterated at the 2, 9 and 10, and all positions on both lipid hydrocarbon chains have been measured. Several characteristics of these measurements indicate the presence of cooperative director fluctuations. First of all, T_2^(-1) exhibits a linear dependence on S2/CD. Secondly, T_2^(-1) varies across the ^2H-NMR powder pattern as sin^2 (2, β), where , β is the angle between the average bilayer director and the external magnetic field. Furthermore, these fluctuations are restricted near the lecithin head group suggesting that the head group does not participate in these motions but, rather, anchors the hydrocarbon chains in the bilayer.
T_2^(-1)has been measured for selectively deuterated liquid crystalline DML hilayers to which a host of other lipids and proteins have been added. The T_2^(-1) of the DML bilayer is found to increase drastically when chlorophyll a (chl a) and Gramicidin A' (GA') are added to the bilayer. Both these molecules interfere with the lecithin head group spacing in the bilayer. Molecules such as myristic acid, distearoyllecithin (DSL), phytol, and cholesterol, whose hydrocarbon regions are quite different from DML but which have small,neutral polar head groups, leave cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer unchanged.
The effect of chl a on cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer has been examined in detail using ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements. Cooperative fluctuations have been modelled using the continuum theory of the nematic state of liquid crystals. Chl a is found to decrease both the correlation length and the elastic constants in the DML bilayer.
A mismatch between the hydrophobic length of a lipid bilayer and that of an added protein has also been found to change the cooperative properties of the lecithin bilayer. Hydrophobic mismatch has been studied in a series GA' / lecithin bilayers. The dependence of 2H-NMR order parameters and relaxation rates on GA' concentration has been measured in selectively deuterated DML, dipalmitoyllecithin (DPL), and DSL systems. Order parameters, cooperative lengths, and elastic constants of the DML bilayer are most disrupted by GA', while the DSL bilayer is the least perturbed by GA'. Thus, it is concluded that the hydrophobic length of GA' best matches that of the DSL bilayer. Preliminary Raman spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry experiments of GA' /lecithin systems support this conclusion. Accommodation of hydrophobic mismatch is used to rationalize the absence of H_(II) phase formation in GA' /DML systems and the observation of H_(II) phase in GA' /DPL and GA' /DSL systems.
1. J. W. Doane and D. L. Johnson, Chem. Phy3. Lett., 6, 291-295 (1970). 2. R. J. Pace and S. I. Chan, J. Chem. Phy3., 16, 4217-4227 (1982).
This thesis describes the use of multiply-substituted stable isotopologues of carbonate minerals and methane gas to better understand how these environmentally significant minerals and gases form and are modified throughout their geological histories. Stable isotopes have a long tradition in earth science as a tool for providing quantitative constraints on how molecules, in or on the earth, formed in both the present and past. Nearly all studies, until recently, have only measured the bulk concentrations of stable isotopes in a phase or species. However, the abundance of various isotopologues within a phase, for example the concentration of isotopologues with multiple rare isotopes (multiply substituted or 'clumped' isotopologues) also carries potentially useful information. Specifically, the abundances of clumped isotopologues in an equilibrated system are a function of temperature and thus knowledge of their abundances can be used to calculate a sample’s formation temperature. In this thesis, measurements of clumped isotopologues are made on both carbonate-bearing minerals and methane gas in order to better constrain the environmental and geological histories of various samples.
Clumped-isotope-based measurements of ancient carbonate-bearing minerals, including apatites, have opened up paleotemperature reconstructions to a variety of systems and time periods. However, a critical issue when using clumped-isotope based measurements to reconstruct ancient mineral formation temperatures is whether the samples being measured have faithfully recorded their original internal isotopic distributions. These original distributions can be altered, for example, by diffusion of atoms in the mineral lattice or through diagenetic reactions. Understanding these processes quantitatively is critical for the use of clumped isotopes to reconstruct past temperatures, quantify diagenesis, and calculate time-temperature burial histories of carbonate minerals. In order to help orient this part of the thesis, Chapter 2 provides a broad overview and history of clumped-isotope based measurements in carbonate minerals.
In Chapter 3, the effects of elevated temperatures on a sample’s clumped-isotope composition are probed in both natural and experimental apatites (which contain structural carbonate groups) and calcites. A quantitative model is created that is calibrated by the experiments and consistent with the natural samples. The model allows for calculations of the change in a sample’s clumped isotope abundances as a function of any time-temperature history.
In Chapter 4, the effects of diagenesis on the stable isotopic compositions of apatites are explored on samples from a variety of sedimentary phosphorite deposits. Clumped isotope temperatures and bulk isotopic measurements from carbonate and phosphate groups are compared for all samples. These results demonstrate that samples have experienced isotopic exchange of oxygen atoms in both the carbonate and phosphate groups. A kinetic model is developed that allows for the calculation of the amount of diagenesis each sample has experienced and yields insight into the physical and chemical processes of diagenesis.
The thesis then switches gear and turns its attention to clumped isotope measurements of methane. Methane is critical greenhouse gas, energy resource, and microbial metabolic product and substrate. Despite its importance both environmentally and economically, much about methane’s formational mechanisms and the relative sources of methane to various environments remains poorly constrained. In order to add new constraints to our understanding of the formation of methane in nature, I describe the development and application of methane clumped isotope measurements to environmental deposits of methane. To help orient the reader, a brief overview of the formation of methane in both high and low temperature settings is given in Chapter 5.
In Chapter 6, a method for the measurement of methane clumped isotopologues via mass spectrometry is described. This chapter demonstrates that the measurement is precise and accurate. Additionally, the measurement is calibrated experimentally such that measurements of methane clumped isotope abundances can be converted into equivalent formational temperatures. This study represents the first time that methane clumped isotope abundances have been measured at useful precisions.
In Chapter 7, the methane clumped isotope method is applied to natural samples from a variety of settings. These settings include thermogenic gases formed and reservoired in shales, migrated thermogenic gases, biogenic gases, mixed biogenic and thermogenic gas deposits, and experimentally generated gases. In all cases, calculated clumped isotope temperatures make geological sense as formation temperatures or mixtures of high and low temperature gases. Based on these observations, we propose that the clumped isotope temperature of an unmixed gas represents its formation temperature — this was neither an obvious nor expected result and has important implications for how methane forms in nature. Additionally, these results demonstrate that methane-clumped isotope compositions provided valuable additional constraints to studying natural methane deposits.
Planetary atmospheres exist in a seemingly endless variety of physical and chemical environments. There are an equally diverse number of methods by which we can study and characterize atmospheric composition. In order to better understand the fundamental chemistry and physical processes underlying all planetary atmospheres, my research of the past four years has focused on two distinct topics. First, I focused on the data analysis and spectral retrieval of observations obtained by the Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) instrument onboard the Cassini spacecraft while in orbit around Saturn. These observations consisted of stellar occultation measurements of Titan's upper atmosphere, probing the chemical composition in the region 300 to 1500 km above Titan's surface. I examined the relative abundances of Titan's two most prevalent chemical species, nitrogen and methane. I also focused on the aerosols that are formed through chemistry involving these two major species, and determined the vertical profiles of aerosol particles as a function of time and latitude. Moving beyond our own solar system, my second topic of investigation involved analysis of infra-red light curves from the Spitzer space telescope, obtained as it measured the light from stars hosting planets of their own. I focused on both transit and eclipse modeling during Spitzer data reduction and analysis. In my initial work, I utilized the data to search for transits of planets a few Earth masses in size. In more recent research, I analyzed secondary eclipses of three exoplanets and constrained the range of possible temperatures and compositions of their atmospheres.
We study the behavior of granular materials at three length scales. At the smallest length scale, the grain-scale, we study inter-particle forces and "force chains". Inter-particle forces are the natural building blocks of constitutive laws for granular materials. Force chains are a key signature of the heterogeneity of granular systems. Despite their fundamental importance for calibrating grain-scale numerical models and elucidating constitutive laws, inter-particle forces have not been fully quantified in natural granular materials. We present a numerical force inference technique for determining inter-particle forces from experimental data and apply the technique to two-dimensional and three-dimensional systems under quasi-static and dynamic load. These experiments validate the technique and provide insight into the quasi-static and dynamic behavior of granular materials.
At a larger length scale, the mesoscale, we study the emergent frictional behavior of a collection of grains. Properties of granular materials at this intermediate scale are crucial inputs for macro-scale continuum models. We derive friction laws for granular materials at the mesoscale by applying averaging techniques to grain-scale quantities. These laws portray the nature of steady-state frictional strength as a competition between steady-state dilation and grain-scale dissipation rates. The laws also directly link the rate of dilation to the non-steady-state frictional strength.
At the macro-scale, we investigate continuum modeling techniques capable of simulating the distinct solid-like, liquid-like, and gas-like behaviors exhibited by granular materials in a single computational domain. We propose a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) approach for granular materials with a viscoplastic constitutive law. The constitutive law uses a rate-dependent and dilation-dependent friction law. We provide a theoretical basis for a dilation-dependent friction law using similar analysis to that performed at the mesoscale. We provide several qualitative and quantitative validations of the technique and discuss ongoing work aiming to couple the granular flow with gas and fluid flows.
We are at the cusp of a historic transformation of both communication system and electricity system. This creates challenges as well as opportunities for the study of networked systems. Problems of these systems typically involve a huge number of end points that require intelligent coordination in a distributed manner. In this thesis, we develop models, theories, and scalable distributed optimization and control algorithms to overcome these challenges.
This thesis focuses on two specific areas: multi-path TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and electricity distribution system operation and control. Multi-path TCP (MP-TCP) is a TCP extension that allows a single data stream to be split across multiple paths. MP-TCP has the potential to greatly improve reliability as well as efficiency of communication devices. We propose a fluid model for a large class of MP-TCP algorithms and identify design criteria that guarantee the existence, uniqueness, and stability of system equilibrium. We clarify how algorithm parameters impact TCP-friendliness, responsiveness, and window oscillation and demonstrate an inevitable tradeoff among these properties. We discuss the implications of these properties on the behavior of existing algorithms and motivate a new algorithm Balia (balanced linked adaptation) which generalizes existing algorithms and strikes a good balance among TCP-friendliness, responsiveness, and window oscillation. We have implemented Balia in the Linux kernel. We use our prototype to compare the new proposed algorithm Balia with existing MP-TCP algorithms.
Our second focus is on designing computationally efficient algorithms for electricity distribution system operation and control. First, we develop efficient algorithms for feeder reconfiguration in distribution networks. The feeder reconfiguration problem chooses the on/off status of the switches in a distribution network in order to minimize a certain cost such as power loss. It is a mixed integer nonlinear program and hence hard to solve. We propose a heuristic algorithm that is based on the recently developed convex relaxation of the optimal power flow problem. The algorithm is efficient and can successfully computes an optimal configuration on all networks that we have tested. Moreover we prove that the algorithm solves the feeder reconfiguration problem optimally under certain conditions. We also propose a more efficient algorithm and it incurs a loss in optimality of less than 3% on the test networks.
Second, we develop efficient distributed algorithms that solve the optimal power flow (OPF) problem on distribution networks. The OPF problem determines a network operating point that minimizes a certain objective such as generation cost or power loss. Traditionally OPF is solved in a centralized manner. With increasing penetration of volatile renewable energy resources in distribution systems, we need faster and distributed solutions for real-time feedback control. This is difficult because power flow equations are nonlinear and kirchhoff's law is global. We propose solutions for both balanced and unbalanced radial distribution networks. They exploit recent results that suggest solving for a globally optimal solution of OPF over a radial network through a second-order cone program (SOCP) or semi-definite program (SDP) relaxation. Our distributed algorithms are based on the alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM), but unlike standard ADMM-based distributed OPF algorithms that require solving optimization subproblems using iterative methods, the proposed solutions exploit the problem structure that greatly reduce the computation time. Specifically, for balanced networks, our decomposition allows us to derive closed form solutions for these subproblems and it speeds up the convergence by 1000x times in simulations. For unbalanced networks, the subproblems reduce to either closed form solutions or eigenvalue problems whose size remains constant as the network scales up and computation time is reduced by 100x compared with iterative methods.
Techniques are developed for estimating activity profiles in fixed bed reactors and catalyst deactivation parameters from operating reactor data. These techniques are applicable, in general, to most industrial catalytic processes. The catalytic reforming of naphthas is taken as a broad example to illustrate the estimation schemes and to signify the physical meaning of the kinetic parameters of the estimation equations. The work is described in two parts. Part I deals with the modeling of kinetic rate expressions and the derivation of the working equations for estimation. Part II concentrates on developing various estimation techniques.
Part I: The reactions used to describe naphtha reforming are dehydrogenation and dehydroisomerization of cycloparaffins; isomerization, dehydrocyclization and hydrocracking of paraffins; and the catalyst deactivation reactions, namely coking on alumina sites and sintering of platinum crystallites. The rate expressions for the above reactions are formulated, and the effects of transport limitations on the overall reaction rates are discussed in the appendices. Moreover, various types of interaction between the metallic and acidic active centers of reforming catalysts are discussed as characterizing the different types of reforming reactions.
Part II: In catalytic reactor operation, the activity distribution along the reactor determines the kinetics of the main reaction and is needed for predicting the effect of changes in the feed state and the operating conditions on the reactor output. In the case of a monofunctional catalyst and of bifunctional catalysts in limiting conditions, the cumulative activity is sufficient for predicting steady reactor output. The estimation of this cumulative activity can be carried out easily from measurements at the reactor exit. For a general bifunctional catalytic system, the detailed activity distribution is needed for describing the reactor operation, and some approximation must be made to obtain practicable estimation schemes. This is accomplished by parametrization techniques using measurements at a few points along the reactor. Such parametrization techniques are illustrated numerically with a simplified model of naphtha reforming.
To determine long term catalyst utilization and regeneration policies, it is necessary to estimate catalyst deactivation parameters from the the current operating data. For a first order deactivation model with a monofunctional catalyst or with a bifunctional catalyst in special limiting circumstances, analytical techniques are presented to transform the partial differential equations to ordinary differential equations which admit more feasible estimation schemes. Numerical examples include the catalytic oxidation of butene to butadiene and a simplified model of naphtha reforming. For a general bifunctional system or in the case of a monofunctional catalyst subject to general power law deactivation, the estimation can only be accomplished approximately. The basic feature of an appropriate estimation scheme involves approximating the activity profile by certain polynomials and then estimating the deactivation parameters from the integrated form of the deactivation equation by regression techniques. Different bifunctional systems must be treated by different estimation algorithms, which are illustrated by several cases of naphtha reforming with different feed or catalyst composition.
Chronic diseases of the central nervous system are poorly treated due to the inability of most therapeutics to cross the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is an anatomical and physiological barrier that severely restricts solute influx, including most drugs, from the blood to the brain. One promising method to overcome this obstacle is to use endogenous solute influx systems at the blood-brain barrier to transport drugs. Therapeutics designed to enter the brain through transcytosis by binding the transferrin receptor, however, are restricted within endothelial cells. The focus of this work was to develop a method to increase uptake of transferrin-containing nanoparticles into the brain by overcoming these restrictive processes.
To accomplish this goal, nanoparticles were prepared with surface transferrin molecules bound through various liable chemical bonds. These nanoparticles were designed to shed the targeting molecule during transcytosis to allow increased accumulation of nanoparticles within the brain.
Transferrin was added to the surface of nanoparticles through either redox or pH sensitive chemistry. First, nanoparticles with transferrin bound through disulfide bonds were prepared. These nanoparticles showed decreased avidity for the transferrin receptor after exposure to reducing agents and increased ability to enter the brain in vivo compared to those lacking the disulfide link.
Next, transferrin was attached through a chemical bond that cleaves at mildly acidic pH. Nanoparticles containing a cleavable link between transferrin and gold nanoparticle cores were found to both cross an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier and accumulate within the brain in significantly higher numbers than similar nanoparticles lacking the cleavable bond. Also, this increased accumulation was not seen when using this same strategy with an antibody to transferrin receptor, indicating that behavior of nanoparticles at the blood-brain barrier varies depending on what type of targeting ligand is used.
Finally, polymeric nanoparticles loaded with dopamine and utilizing a superior acid-cleavable targeting chemistry were investigated as a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease. These nanoparticles were capable of increasing dopamine quantities in the brains of healthy mice, highlighting the therapeutic potential of this design. Overall, this work describes a novel method to increase targeted nanoparticle accumulation in the brain.