3 resultados para Per se laws.

em CaltechTHESIS


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This work is concerned with the derivation of optimal scaling laws, in the sense of matching lower and upper bounds on the energy, for a solid undergoing ductile fracture. The specific problem considered concerns a material sample in the form of an infinite slab of finite thickness subjected to prescribed opening displacements on its two surfaces. The solid is assumed to obey deformation-theory of plasticity and, in order to further simplify the analysis, we assume isotropic rigid-plastic deformations with zero plastic spin. When hardening exponents are given values consistent with observation, the energy is found to exhibit sublinear growth. We regularize the energy through the addition of nonlocal energy terms of the strain-gradient plasticity type. This nonlocal regularization has the effect of introducing an intrinsic length scale into the energy. We also put forth a physical argument that identifies the intrinsic length and suggests a linear growth of the nonlocal energy. Under these assumptions, ductile fracture emerges as the net result of two competing effects: whereas the sublinear growth of the local energy promotes localization of deformation to failure planes, the nonlocal regularization stabilizes this process, thus resulting in an orderly progression towards failure and a well-defined specific fracture energy. The optimal scaling laws derived here show that ductile fracture results from localization of deformations to void sheets, and that it requires a well-defined energy per unit fracture area. In particular, fractal modes of fracture are ruled out under the assumptions of the analysis. The optimal scaling laws additionally show that ductile fracture is cohesive in nature, i.e., it obeys a well-defined relation between tractions and opening displacements. Finally, the scaling laws supply a link between micromechanical properties and macroscopic fracture properties. In particular, they reveal the relative roles that surface energy and microplasticity play as contributors to the specific fracture energy of the material. Next, we present an experimental assessment of the optimal scaling laws. We show that when the specific fracture energy is renormalized in a manner suggested by the optimal scaling laws, the data falls within the bounds predicted by the analysis and, moreover, they ostensibly collapse---with allowances made for experimental scatter---on a master curve dependent on the hardening exponent, but otherwise material independent.


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This thesis aims at a simple one-parameter macroscopic model of distributed damage and fracture of polymers that is amenable to a straightforward and efficient numerical implementation. The failure model is motivated by post-mortem fractographic observations of void nucleation, growth and coalescence in polyurea stretched to failure, and accounts for the specific fracture energy per unit area attendant to rupture of the material.

Furthermore, it is shown that the macroscopic model can be rigorously derived, in the sense of optimal scaling, from a micromechanical model of chain elasticity and failure regularized by means of fractional strain-gradient elasticity. Optimal scaling laws that supply a link between the single parameter of the macroscopic model, namely the critical energy-release rate of the material, and micromechanical parameters pertaining to the elasticity and strength of the polymer chains, and to the strain-gradient elasticity regularization, are derived. Based on optimal scaling laws, it is shown how the critical energy-release rate of specific materials can be determined from test data. In addition, the scope and fidelity of the model is demonstrated by means of an example of application, namely Taylor-impact experiments of polyurea rods. Hereby, optimal transportation meshfree approximation schemes using maximum-entropy interpolation functions are employed.

Finally, a different crazing model using full derivatives of the deformation gradient and a core cut-off is presented, along with a numerical non-local regularization model. The numerical model takes into account higher-order deformation gradients in a finite element framework. It is shown how the introduction of non-locality into the model stabilizes the effect of strain localization to small volumes in materials undergoing softening. From an investigation of craze formation in the limit of large deformations, convergence studies verifying scaling properties of both local- and non-local energy contributions are presented.


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Part I

A study of the thermal reaction of water vapor and parts-per-million concentrations of nitrogen dioxide was carried out at ambient temperature and at atmospheric pressure. Nitric oxide and nitric acid vapor were the principal products. The initial rate of disappearance of nitrogen dioxide was first order with respect to water vapor and second order with respect to nitrogen dioxide. An initial third-order rate constant of 5.5 (± 0.29) x 104 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 was found at 25˚C. The rate of reaction decreased with increasing temperature. In the temperature range of 25˚C to 50˚C, an activation energy of -978 (± 20) calories was found.

The reaction did not go to completion. From measurements as the reaction approached equilibrium, the free energy of nitric acid vapor was calculated. This value was -18.58 (± 0.04) kilocalories at 25˚C.

The initial rate of reaction was unaffected by the presence of oxygen and was retarded by the presence of nitric oxide. There were no appreciable effects due to the surface of the reactor. Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide were monitored by gas chromatography during the reaction.

Part II

The air oxidation of nitric oxide, and the oxidation of nitric oxide in the presence of water vapor, were studied in a glass reactor at ambient temperatures and at atmospheric pressure. The concentration of nitric oxide was less than 100 parts-per-million. The concentration of nitrogen dioxide was monitored by gas chromatography during the reaction.

For the dry oxidation, the third-order rate constant was 1.46 (± 0.03) x 104 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 at 25˚C. The activation energy, obtained from measurements between 25˚C and 50˚C, was -1.197 (±0.02) kilocalories.

The presence of water vapor during the oxidation caused the formation of nitrous acid vapor when nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide and water vapor combined. By measuring the difference between the concentrations of nitrogen dioxide during the wet and dry oxidations, the rate of formation of nitrous acid vapor was found. The third-order rate constant for the formation of nitrous acid vapor was equal to 1.5 (± 0.5) x 105 liter2 mole-2 sec-1 at 40˚C. The reaction rate did not change measurably when the temperature was increased to 50˚C. The formation of nitric acid vapor was prevented by keeping the concentration of nitrogen dioxide low.

Surface effects were appreciable for the wet tests. Below 35˚C, the rate of appearance of nitrogen dioxide increased with increasing surface. Above 40˚C, the effect of surface was small.