12 resultados para Penning traps, quantum electrodynamic, electron
em CaltechTHESIS
The 0.2% experimental accuracy of the 1968 Beers and Hughes measurement of the annihilation lifetime of ortho-positronium motivates the attempt to compute the first order quantum electrodynamic corrections to this lifetime. The theoretical problems arising in this computation are here studied in detail up to the point of preparing the necessary computer programs and using them to carry out some of the less demanding steps -- but the computation has not yet been completed. Analytic evaluation of the contributing Feynman diagrams is superior to numerical evaluation, and for this process can be carried out with the aid of the Reduce algebra manipulation computer program.
The relation of the positronium decay rate to the electronpositron annihilation-in-flight amplitude is derived in detail, and it is shown that at threshold annihilation-in-flight, Coulomb divergences appear while infrared divergences vanish. The threshold Coulomb divergences in the amplitude cancel against like divergences in the modulating continuum wave function.
Using the lowest order diagrams of electron-positron annihilation into three photons as a test case, various pitfalls of computer algebraic manipulation are discussed along with ways of avoiding them. The computer manipulation of artificial polynomial expressions is preferable to the direct treatment of rational expressions, even though redundant variables may have to be introduced.
Special properties of the contributing Feynman diagrams are discussed, including the need to restore gauge invariance to the sum of the virtual photon-photon scattering box diagrams by means of a finite subtraction.
A systematic approach to the Feynman-Brown method of Decomposition of single loop diagram integrals with spin-related tensor numerators is developed in detail. This approach allows the Feynman-Brown method to be straightforwardly programmed in the Reduce algebra manipulation language.
The fundamental integrals needed in the wake of the application of the Feynman-Brown decomposition are exhibited and the methods which were used to evaluate them -- primarily dis persion techniques are briefly discussed.
Finally, it is pointed out that while the techniques discussed have permitted the computation of a fair number of the simpler integrals and diagrams contributing to the first order correction of the ortho-positronium annihilation rate, further progress with the more complicated diagrams and with the evaluation of traces is heavily contingent on obtaining access to adequate computer time and core capacity.
Proton-coupled electron transfer (PCET) reactions are ubiquitous throughout chemistry and biology. However, challenges arise in both the the experimental and theoretical investigation of PCET reactions; the rare-event nature of the reactions and the coupling between quantum mechanical electron- and proton-transfer with the slower classical dynamics of the surrounding environment necessitates the development of robust simulation methodology. In the following dissertation, novel path-integral based methods are developed and employed for the direct simulation of the reaction dynamics and mechanisms of condensed-phase PCET.
In this thesis we investigate atomic scale imperfections and fluctuations in the quantum transport properties of novel semiconductor nanostructures. For this purpose, we have developed a numerically efficient supercell model of quantum transport capable of representing potential variations in three dimensions. This flexibility allows us to examine new quantum device structures made possible through state-of-the-art semiconductor fabrication techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy and nanolithography. These structures, with characteristic dimensions on the order of a few nanometers, hold promise for much smaller, faster and more efficient devices than those in present operation, yet they are highly sensitive to structural and compositional variations such as defect impurities, interface roughness and alloy disorder. If these quantum structures are to serve as components of reliable, mass-produced devices, these issues must be addressed.
In Chapter 1 we discuss some of the important issues in resonant tunneling devices and mention some of thier applications. In Chapters 2 and 3, we describe our supercell model of quantum transport and an efficient numerical implementation. In the remaining chapters, we present applications.
In Chapter 4, we examine transport in single and double barrier tunneling structures with neutral impurities. We find that an isolated attractive impurity in a single barrier can produce a transmission resonance whose position and strength are sensitive to the location of the impurity within the barrier. Multiple impurities can lead to a complex resonance structure that fluctuates widely with impurity configuration. In addition, impurity resonances can give rise to negative differential resistance. In Chapter 5, we study interface roughness and alloy disorder in double barrier structures. We find that interface roughness and alloy disorder can shift and broaden the n = 1 transmission resonance and give rise to new resonance peaks, especially in the presence of clusters comparable in size to the electron deBroglie wavelength. In Chapter 6 we examine the effects of interface roughness and impurities on transmission in a quantum dot electron waveguide. We find that variation in the configuration and stoichiometry of the interface roughness leads to substantial fluctuations in the transmission properties. These fluctuations are reduced by an attractive impurity placed near the center of the dot.
In the first part of this thesis a study of the effect of the longitudinal distribution of optical intensity and electron density on the static and dynamic behavior of semiconductor lasers is performed. A static model for above threshold operation of a single mode laser, consisting of multiple active and passive sections, is developed by calculating the longitudinal optical intensity distribution and electron density distribution in a self-consistent manner. Feedback from an index and gain Bragg grating is included, as well as feedback from discrete reflections at interfaces and facets. Longitudinal spatial holeburning is analyzed by including the dependence of the gain and the refractive index on the electron density. The mechanisms of spatial holeburning in quarter wave shifted DFB lasers are analyzed. A new laser structure with a uniform optical intensity distribution is introduced and an implementation is simulated, resulting in a large reduction of the longitudinal spatial holeburning effect.
A dynamic small-signal model is then developed by including the optical intensity and electron density distribution, as well as the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density. Expressions are derived for the intensity and frequency noise spectrum, the spontaneous emission rate into the lasing mode, the linewidth enhancement factor, and the AM and FM modulation response. Different chirp components are identified in the FM response, and a new adiabatic chirp component is discovered. This new adiabatic chirp component is caused by the nonuniform longitudinal distributions, and is found to dominate at low frequencies. Distributed feedback lasers with partial gain coupling are analyzed, and it is shown how the dependence of the grating coupling coefficients on the electron density can result in an enhancement of the differential gain with an associated enhancement in modulation bandwidth and a reduction in chirp.
In the second part, spectral characteristics of passively mode-locked two-section multiple quantum well laser coupled to an external cavity are studied. Broad-band wavelength tuning using an external grating is demonstrated for the first time in passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers. A record tuning range of 26 nm is measured, with pulse widths of typically a few picosecond and time-bandwidth products of more than 10 times the transform limit. It is then demonstrated that these large time-bandwidth products are due to a strong linear upchirp, by performing pulse compression by a factor of 15 to a record pulse widths as low 320 fs.
A model for pulse propagation through a saturable medium with self-phase-modulation, due to the a-parameter, is developed for quantum well material, including the frequency dependence of the gain medium. This model is used to simulate two-section devices coupled to an external cavity. When no self-phase-modulation is present, it is found that the pulses are asymmetric with a sharper rising edge, that the pulse tails have an exponential behavior, and that the transform limit is 0.3. Inclusion of self-phase-modulation results in a linear upchirp imprinted on the pulse after each round-trip. This linear upchirp is due to a combination of self-phase-modulation in a gain section and absorption of the leading edge of the pulse in the saturable absorber.
Disorder and interactions both play crucial roles in quantum transport. Decades ago, Mott showed that electron-electron interactions can lead to insulating behavior in materials that conventional band theory predicts to be conducting. Soon thereafter, Anderson demonstrated that disorder can localize a quantum particle through the wave interference phenomenon of Anderson localization. Although interactions and disorder both separately induce insulating behavior, the interplay of these two ingredients is subtle and often leads to surprising behavior at the periphery of our current understanding. Modern experiments probe these phenomena in a variety of contexts (e.g. disordered superconductors, cold atoms, photonic waveguides, etc.); thus, theoretical and numerical advancements are urgently needed. In this thesis, we report progress on understanding two contexts in which the interplay of disorder and interactions is especially important.
The first is the so-called “dirty” or random boson problem. In the past decade, a strong-disorder renormalization group (SDRG) treatment by Altman, Kafri, Polkovnikov, and Refael has raised the possibility of a new unstable fixed point governing the superfluid-insulator transition in the one-dimensional dirty boson problem. This new critical behavior may take over from the weak-disorder criticality of Giamarchi and Schulz when disorder is sufficiently strong. We analytically determine the scaling of the superfluid susceptibility at the strong-disorder fixed point and connect our analysis to recent Monte Carlo simulations by Hrahsheh and Vojta. We then shift our attention to two dimensions and use a numerical implementation of the SDRG to locate the fixed point governing the superfluid-insulator transition there. We identify several universal properties of this transition, which are fully independent of the microscopic features of the disorder.
The second focus of this thesis is the interplay of localization and interactions in systems with high energy density (i.e., far from the usual low energy limit of condensed matter physics). Recent theoretical and numerical work indicates that localization can survive in this regime, provided that interactions are sufficiently weak. Stronger interactions can destroy localization, leading to a so-called many-body localization transition. This dynamical phase transition is relevant to questions of thermalization in isolated quantum systems: it separates a many-body localized phase, in which localization prevents transport and thermalization, from a conducting (“ergodic”) phase in which the usual assumptions of quantum statistical mechanics hold. Here, we present evidence that many-body localization also occurs in quasiperiodic systems that lack true disorder.
The rate of electron transport between distant sites was studied. The rate depends crucially on the chemical details of the donor, acceptor, and surrounding medium. These reactions involve electron tunneling through the intervening medium and are, therefore, profoundly influenced by the geometry and energetics of the intervening molecules. The dependence of rate on distance was considered for several rigid donor-acceptor "linkers" of experimental importance. Interpretation of existing experiments and predictions for new experiments were made.
The electronic and nuclear motion in molecules is correlated. A Born-Oppenheimer separation is usually employed in quantum chemistry to separate this motion. Long distance electron transfer rate calculations require the total donor wave function when the electron is very far from its binding nuclei. The Born-Oppenheimer wave functions at large electronic distance are shown to be qualitatively wrong. A model which correctly treats the coupling was proposed. The distance and energy dependence of the electron transfer rate was determined for such a model.
Microwave noise emission at the harmonics of the electron cyclotron frequency from the magnetized plasma column of a Penning discharge is investigated experimentally. The harmonic emission spectrum is observed using oxygen gas in a variety of discharge configurations. It is found that grid stabilization of the plasma column has very little effect on the emission spectrum. Measurements of the shape and location of the harmonic emission lines are described in detail. On the basis of a microwave interferometer measurement of the electron density, it is concluded that the existence of a hybrid layer somewhere on the plasma column is a necessary condition for the observation of harmonic emission. The relaxation time and the cathode voltage dependence of the harmonic emission are investigated using a pulse modulation technique. It is found that the emission intensity increases rapidly with the magnitude of the cathode voltage and that the relaxation time decreases with increasing neutral gas pressure. High intensity nonharmonic radiation is observed and identified as resulting from a beam-plasma wave instability thereby eliminating the same instability as a possible source of the harmonic emission. It is found that the collective experimental results are in reasonable agreement with the single particle electrostatic radiation theory of Canobbio and Croci.
The subject of this thesis is electronic coupling in donor-bridge-acceptor systems. In Chapter 2, ET properties of cyanide-bridged dinuclear ruthenium complexes were investigated. The strong interaction between the mixed-valent ruthenium centers leads to intense metal-to-metal charge transfer bands (MMCT). Hush analysis of the MMCT absorption bands yields the electronic-coupling strength between the metal centers (H_(AB)) and the total reorganization energy (λ). Comparison of ET kinetics to calculated rates shows that classical ET models fail to account for the observed kinetics and nuclear tunneling must be considered.
In Chapter 3, ET rates were measured in four ruthenium-modified highpotential iron-sulfur proteins (HiPIP), which were modified at position His50, His81, His42 and His18, respectively. ET kinetics for the His50 and His81 mutants are a factor of 300 different, while the donor-acceptor separation is nearly identical. PATHWAY calculations corroborate these measurements and highlight the importance of structural detail of the intervening protein matrix.
In Chapter 4, the distance dependence of ET through water bridges was measured. Photoinduced ET measurements in aqueous glasses at 77 K show that water is a poor medium for ET. Luminescence decay and quantum yield data were analyzed in the context of a quenching model that accounts for the exponential distance dependence of ET, the distance distribution of donors and acceptors embedded in the glass and the excluded volumes generated by the finite sizes of the donors and acceptors.
In Chapter 5, the pH-dependent excited state dynamics of ruthenium-modified amino acids were measured. The [Ru(bpy)_(3)] ^(2+) chromophore was linked to amino acids via an amide linkage. Protonation of the amide oxygen effectively quenches the excited state. In addition. time-resolved and steady-state luminescence data reveal that nonradiative rates are very sensitive to the protonation state and the structure of the amino acid moiety.
The bilayer quantum Hall state at total filling factor νT=1, where the total electron density matches the degeneracy of the lowest Landau level, is a prominent example of Bose-Einstein condensation of excitons. A macroscopically ordered state is realized where an electron in one layer is tightly bound to a "hole" in the other layer. If exciton transport were the only bulk transportmechanism, a current driven in one layer would spontaneously generate a current of equal magnitude and opposite sign in the other layer. The Corbino Coulomb drag measurements presented in this thesis demonstrate precisely this phenomenon.
Excitonic superfluidity has been long sought in the νT=1 state. The tunneling between the two electron gas layers exihibit a dc Josephson-like effect. A simple model of an overdamped voltage biased Josephson junction is in reasonable agreement with the observed tunneling I-V. At small tunneling biases, it exhibits a tunneling "supercurrent". The dissipation is carefully studied in this tunneling "supercurrent" and found to remain small but finite.
The subject of this thesis is the measurement and interpretation of thermopower in high-mobility two-dimensional electron systems (2DESs). These 2DESs are realized within state-of-the-art GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures that are cooled to temperatures as low as T = 20 mK. Much of this work takes place within strong magnetic fields where the single-particle density of states quantizes into discrete Landau levels (LLs), a regime best known for the quantum Hall effect (QHE). In addition, we review a novel hot-electron technique for measuring thermopower of 2DESs that dramatically reduces the influence of phonon drag.
Early chapters concentrate on experimental materials and methods. A brief overview of GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures and device fabrication is followed by details of our cryogenic setup. Next, we provide a primer on thermopower that focuses on 2DESs at low temperatures. We then review our experimental devices, temperature calibration methods, as well as measurement circuits and protocols.
Latter chapters focus on the physics and thermopower results in the QHE regime. After reviewing the basic phenomena associated with the QHE, we discuss thermopower in this regime. Emphasis is given to the relationship between diffusion thermopower and entropy. Experimental results demonstrate this relationship persists well into the fractional quantum Hall (FQH) regime.
Several experimental results are reviewed. Unprecedented observations of the diffusion thermopower of a high-mobility 2DES at temperatures as high as T = 2 K are achieved using our hot-electron technique. The composite fermion (CF) effective mass is extracted from measurements of thermopower at LL filling factor ν = 3/2. The thermopower versus magnetic field in the FQH regime is shown to be qualitatively consistent with a simple entropic model of CFs. The thermopower at ν = 5/2 is shown to be quantitatively consistent with the presence of non-Abelian anyons. An abrupt collapse of thermopower is observed at the onset of the reentrant integer quantum Hall effect (RIQHE). And the thermopower at temperatures just above the RIQHE transition suggests the existence of an unconventional conducting phase.
Part I
Solutions of Schrödinger’s equation for system of two particles bound in various stationary one-dimensional potential wells and repelling each other with a Coulomb force are obtained by the method of finite differences. The general properties of such systems are worked out in detail for the case of two electrons in an infinite square well. For small well widths (1-10 a.u.) the energy levels lie above those of the noninteresting particle model by as much as a factor of 4, although excitation energies are only half again as great. The analytical form of the solutions is obtained and it is shown that every eigenstate is doubly degenerate due to the “pathological” nature of the one-dimensional Coulomb potential. This degeneracy is verified numerically by the finite-difference method. The properties of the square-well system are compared with those of the free-electron and hard-sphere models; perturbation and variational treatments are also carried out using the hard-sphere Hamiltonian as a zeroth-order approximation. The lowest several finite-difference eigenvalues converge from below with decreasing mesh size to energies below those of the “best” linear variational function consisting of hard-sphere eigenfunctions. The finite-difference solutions in general yield expectation values and matrix elements as accurate as those obtained using the “best” variational function.
The system of two electrons in a parabolic well is also treated by finite differences. In this system it is possible to separate the center-of-mass motion and hence to effect a considerable numerical simplification. It is shown that the pathological one-dimensional Coulomb potential gives rise to doubly degenerate eigenstates for the parabolic well in exactly the same manner as for the infinite square well.
Part II
A general method of treating inelastic collisions quantum mechanically is developed and applied to several one-dimensional models. The formalism is first developed for nonreactive “vibrational” excitations of a bound system by an incident free particle. It is then extended to treat simple exchange reactions of the form A + BC →AB + C. The method consists essentially of finding a set of linearly independent solutions of the Schrödinger equation such that each solution of the set satisfies a distinct, yet arbitrary boundary condition specified in the asymptotic region. These linearly independent solutions are then combined to form a total scattering wavefunction having the correct asymptotic form. The method of finite differences is used to determine the linearly independent functions.
The theory is applied to the impulsive collision of a free particle with a particle bound in (1) an infinite square well and (2) a parabolic well. Calculated transition probabilities agree well with previously obtained values.
Several models for the exchange reaction involving three identical particles are also treated: (1) infinite-square-well potential surface, in which all three particles interact as hard spheres and each two-particle subsystem (i.e. BC and AB) is bound by an attractive infinite-square-well potential; (2) truncated parabolic potential surface, in which the two-particle subsystems are bound by a harmonic oscillator potential which becomes infinite for interparticle separations greater than a certain value; (3) parabolic (untruncated) surface. Although there are no published values with which to compare our reaction probabilities, several independent checks on internal consistency indicate that the results are reliable.
The field of plasmonics exploits the unique optical properties of metallic nanostructures to concentrate and manipulate light at subwavelength length scales. Metallic nanostructures get their unique properties from their ability to support surface plasmons– coherent wave-like oscillations of the free electrons at the interface between a conductive and dielectric medium. Recent advancements in the ability to fabricate metallic nanostructures with subwavelength length scales have created new possibilities in technology and research in a broad range of applications.
In the first part of this thesis, we present two investigations of the relationship between the charge state and optical state of plasmonic metal nanoparticles. Using experimental bias-dependent extinction measurements, we derive a potential- dependent dielectric function for Au nanoparticles that accounts for changes in the physical properties due to an applied bias that contribute to the optical extinction. We also present theory and experiment for the reverse effect– the manipulation of the carrier density of Au nanoparticles via controlled optical excitation. This plasmoelectric effect takes advantage of the strong resonant properties of plasmonic materials and the relationship between charge state and optical properties to eluci- date a new avenue for conversion of optical power to electrical potential.
The second topic of this thesis is the non-radiative decay of plasmons to a hot-carrier distribution, and the distribution’s subsequent relaxation. We present first-principles calculations that capture all of the significant microscopic mechanisms underlying surface plasmon decay and predict the initial excited carrier distributions so generated. We also preform ab initio calculations of the electron-temperature dependent heat capacities and electron-phonon coupling coefficients of plasmonic metals. We extend these first-principle methods to calculate the electron-temperature dependent dielectric response of hot electrons in plasmonic metals, including direct interband and phonon-assisted intraband transitions. Finally, we combine these first-principles calculations of carrier dynamics and optical response to produce a complete theoretical description of ultrafast pump-probe measurements, free of any fitting parameters that are typical in previous analyses.