6 resultados para Occupation Woolen mills

em CaltechTHESIS


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The superspace approach provides a manifestly supersymmetric formulation of supersymmetric theories. For N= 1 supersymmetry one can use either constrained or unconstrained superfields for such a formulation. Only the unconstrained formulation is suitable for quantum calculations. Until now, all interacting N>1 theories have been written using constrained superfields. No solutions of the nonlinear constraint equations were known.

In this work, we first review the superspace approach and its relation to conventional component methods. The difference between constrained and unconstrained formulations is explained, and the origin of the nonlinear constraints in supersymmetric gauge theories is discussed. It is then shown that these nonlinear constraint equations can be solved by transforming them into linear equations. The method is shown to work for N=1 Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions.

N=2 Yang-Mills theory is formulated in constrained form in six-dimensional superspace, which can be dimensionally reduced to four-dimensional N=2 extended superspace. We construct a superfield calculus for six-dimensional superspace, and show that known matter multiplets can be described very simply. Our method for solving constraints is then applied to the constrained N=2 Yang-Mills theory, and we obtain an explicit solution in terms of an unconstrained superfield. The solution of the constraints can easily be expanded in powers of the unconstrained superfield, and a similar expansion of the action is also given. A background-field expansion is provided for any gauge theory in which the constraints can be solved by our methods. Some implications of this for superspace gauge theories are briefly discussed.


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Over the last several decades there have been significant advances in the study and understanding of light behavior in nanoscale geometries. Entire fields such as those based on photonic crystals, plasmonics and metamaterials have been developed, accelerating the growth of knowledge related to nanoscale light manipulation. Coupled with recent interest in cheap, reliable renewable energy, a new field has blossomed, that of nanophotonic solar cells.

In this thesis, we examine important properties of thin-film solar cells from a nanophotonics perspective. We identify key differences between nanophotonic devices and traditional, thick solar cells. We propose a new way of understanding and describing limits to light trapping and show that certain nanophotonic solar cell designs can have light trapping limits above the so called ray-optic or ergodic limit. We propose that a necessary requisite to exceed the traditional light trapping limit is that the active region of the solar cell must possess a local density of optical states (LDOS) higher than that of the corresponding, bulk material. Additionally, we show that in addition to having an increased density of states, the absorber must have an appropriate incoupling mechanism to transfer light from free space into the optical modes of the device. We outline a portfolio of new solar cell designs that have potential to exceed the traditional light trapping limit and numerically validate our predictions for select cases.

We emphasize the importance of thinking about light trapping in terms of maximizing the optical modes of the device and efficiently coupling light into them from free space. To further explore these two concepts, we optimize patterns of superlattices of air holes in thin slabs of Si and show that by adding a roughened incoupling layer the total absorbed current can be increased synergistically. We suggest that the addition of a random scattering surface to a periodic patterning can increase incoupling by lifting the constraint of selective mode occupation associated with periodic systems.

Lastly, through experiment and simulation, we investigate a potential high efficiency solar cell architecture that can be improved with the nanophotonic light trapping concepts described in this thesis. Optically thin GaAs solar cells are prepared by the epitaxial liftoff process by removal from their growth substrate and addition of a metallic back reflector. A process of depositing large area nano patterns on the surface of the cells is developed using nano imprint lithography and implemented on the thin GaAs cells.


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Light has long been used for the precise measurement of moving bodies, but the burgeoning field of optomechanics is concerned with the interaction of light and matter in a regime where the typically weak radiation pressure force of light is able to push back on the moving object. This field began with the realization in the late 1960's that the momentum imparted by a recoiling photon on a mirror would place fundamental limits on the smallest measurable displacement of that mirror. This coupling between the frequency of light and the motion of a mechanical object does much more than simply add noise, however. It has been used to cool objects to their quantum ground state, demonstrate electromagnetically-induced-transparency, and modify the damping and spring constant of the resonator. Amazingly, these radiation pressure effects have now been demonstrated in systems ranging 18 orders of magnitude in mass (kg to fg).

In this work we will focus on three diverse experiments in three different optomechanical devices which span the fields of inertial sensors, closed-loop feedback, and nonlinear dynamics. The mechanical elements presented cover 6 orders of magnitude in mass (ng to fg), but they all employ nano-scale photonic crystals to trap light and resonantly enhance the light-matter interaction. In the first experiment we take advantage of the sub-femtometer displacement resolution of our photonic crystals to demonstrate a sensitive chip-scale optical accelerometer with a kHz-frequency mechanical resonator. This sensor has a noise density of approximately 10 micro-g/rt-Hz over a useable bandwidth of approximately 20 kHz and we demonstrate at least 50 dB of linear dynamic sensor range. We also discuss methods to further improve performance of this device by a factor of 10.

In the second experiment, we used a closed-loop measurement and feedback system to damp and cool a room-temperature MHz-frequency mechanical oscillator from a phonon occupation of 6.5 million down to just 66. At the time of the experiment, this represented a world-record result for the laser cooling of a macroscopic mechanical element without the aid of cryogenic pre-cooling. Furthermore, this closed-loop damping yields a high-resolution force sensor with a practical bandwidth of 200 kHZ and the method has applications to other optomechanical sensors.

The final experiment contains results from a GHz-frequency mechanical resonator in a regime where the nonlinearity of the radiation-pressure interaction dominates the system dynamics. In this device we show self-oscillations of the mechanical element that are driven by multi-photon-phonon scattering. Control of the system allows us to initialize the mechanical oscillator into a stable high-amplitude attractor which would otherwise be inaccessible. To provide context, we begin this work by first presenting an intuitive overview of optomechanical systems and then providing an extended discussion of the principles underlying the design and fabrication of our optomechanical devices.


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Quantum mechanics places limits on the minimum energy of a harmonic oscillator via the ever-present "zero-point" fluctuations of the quantum ground state. Through squeezing, however, it is possible to decrease the noise of a single motional quadrature below the zero-point level as long as noise is added to the orthogonal quadrature. While squeezing below the quantum noise level was achieved decades ago with light, quantum squeezing of the motion of a mechanical resonator is a more difficult prospect due to the large thermal occupations of megahertz-frequency mechanical devices even at typical dilution refrigerator temperatures of ~ 10 mK.

Kronwald, Marquardt, and Clerk (2013) propose a method of squeezing a single quadrature of mechanical motion below the level of its zero-point fluctuations, even when the mechanics starts out with a large thermal occupation. The scheme operates under the framework of cavity optomechanics, where an optical or microwave cavity is coupled to the mechanics in order to control and read out the mechanical state. In the proposal, two pump tones are applied to the cavity, each detuned from the cavity resonance by the mechanical frequency. The pump tones establish and couple the mechanics to a squeezed reservoir, producing arbitrarily-large, steady-state squeezing of the mechanical motion. In this dissertation, I describe two experiments related to the implementation of this proposal in an electromechanical system. I also expand on the theory presented in Kronwald et. al. to include the effects of squeezing in the presence of classical microwave noise, and without assumptions of perfect alignment of the pump frequencies.

In the first experiment, we produce a squeezed thermal state using the method of Kronwald et. al.. We perform back-action evading measurements of the mechanical squeezed state in order to probe the noise in both quadratures of the mechanics. Using this method, we detect single-quadrature fluctuations at the level of 1.09 +/- 0.06 times the quantum zero-point motion.

In the second experiment, we measure the spectral noise of the microwave cavity in the presence of the squeezing tones and fit a full model to the spectrum in order to deduce a quadrature variance of 0.80 +/- 0.03 times the zero-point level. These measurements provide the first evidence of quantum squeezing of motion in a mechanical resonator.


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This dissertation primarily describes chemical-scale studies of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in order to better understand ligand-receptor selectivity and allosteric modulation influences during receptor activation. Electrophysiology coupled with canonical and non-canonical amino acids mutagenesis is used to probe subtle changes in receptor function.

The first half of this dissertation focuses on differential agonist selectivity of α4β2-containing nAChRs. The α4β2 nAChR can assemble in alternative stoichiometries as well as assemble with other accessory subunits. Chapter 2 identifies key structural residues that dictate binding and activation of three stoichiometry-dependent α4β2 receptor ligands: sazetidine-A, cytisine, and NS9283. These do not follow previously suggested hydrogen-bonding patterns of selectivity. Instead, three residues on the complementary subunit strongly influence binding ability of a ligand and receptor activation. Chapter 3 involves isolation of a α5α4β2 receptor-enriched population to test for a potential alternative agonist binding location at the α5 α4 interface. Results strongly suggest that agonist occupation of this site is not necessary for receptor activation and that the α5 subunit only incorporates at the accessory subunit location.

The second half of this dissertation seeks to identify residue interactions with positive allosteric modulators (PAMs) of the α7 nAChR. Chapter 4 focuses on methods development to study loss of potentiation of Type I PAMs, which indicate residues vital to propagation of PAM effects and/or binding. Chapter 5 investigates α7 receptor modulation by a Type II PAM (PNU 120596). These results show that PNU 120596 does not alter the agonist binding site, thus is relegated to influencing only the gating component of activation. From this, we were able to map a potential network of residues from the agonist binding site to the proposed PNU 120596 binding site that are essential for receptor potentiation.


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The optomechanical interaction is an extremely powerful tool with which to measure mechanical motion. The displacement resolution of chip-scale optomechanical systems has been measured on the order of 1⁄10th of a proton radius. So strong is this optomechanical interaction that it has recently been used to remove almost all thermal noise from a mechanical resonator and observe its quantum ground-state of motion starting from cryogenic temperatures.

In this work, chapter 1 describes the basic physics of the canonical optomechanical system, optical measurement techniques, and how the optomechanical interaction affects the coupled mechanical resonator. In chapter 2, we describe our techniques for realizing this canonical optomechanical system in a chip-scale form factor.

In chapter 3, we describe an experiment where we used radiation pressure feedback to cool a mesoscopic mechanical resonator near its quantum ground-state from room-temperature. We cooled the resonator from a room temperature phonon occupation of <n> = 6.5 million to an occupation of <n> = 66, which means the resonator is in its ground state approximately 2% of the time, while being coupled to a room-temperature thermal environment. At the time of this work, this is the closest a mesoscopic mechanical resonator has been to its ground-state of motion at room temperature, and this work begins to open the door to room-temperature quantum control of mechanical objects.

Chapter 4 begins with the realization that the displacement resolutions achieved by optomechanical systems can surpass those of conventional MEMS sensors by an order of magnitude or more. This provides the motivation to develop and calibrate an optomechanical accelerometer with a resolution of approximately 10 micro-g/rt-Hz over a bandwidth of approximately 30 kHz. In chapter 5, we improve upon the performance and practicality of this sensor by greatly increasing the test mass size, investigating and reducing low-frequency noise, and incorporating more robust optical coupling techniques and capacitive wavelength tuning. Finally, in chapter 6 we present our progress towards developing another optomechanical inertial sensor - a gyroscope.