51 resultados para Neutral pH buffer

em CaltechTHESIS


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Viruses possess very specific methods of targeting and entering cells. These methods would be extremely useful if they could also be applied to drug delivery, but little is known about the molecular mechanisms of the viral entry process. In order to gain further insight into mechanisms of viral entry, chemical and spectroscopic studies in two systems were conducted, examining hydrophobic protein-lipid interactions during Sendai virus membrane fusion, and the kinetics of bacteriophage λ DNA injection.

Sendai virus glycoprotein interactions with target membranes during the early stages of fusion were examined using time-resolved hydrophobic photoaffinity labeling with the lipid-soluble carbene generator3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-^(125 )I] iodophenyl)diazirine (TID). The probe was incorporated in target membranes prior to virus addition and photolysis. During Sendai virus fusion with liposomes composed of cardiolipin (CL) or phosphatidylserine (PS), the viral fusion (F) protein is preferentially labeled at early time points, supporting the hypothesis that hydrophobic interaction of the fusion peptide at the N-terminus of the F_1 subunit with the target membrane is an initiating event in fusion. Correlation of the hydrophobic interactions with independently monitored fusion kinetics further supports this conclusion. Separation of proteins after labeling shows that the F_1 subunit, containing the putative hydrophobic fusion sequence, is exclusively labeled, and that the F_2 subunit does not participate in fusion. Labeling shows temperature and pH dependence consistent with a need for protein conformational mobility and fusion at neutral pH. Higher amounts of labeling during fusion with CL vesicles than during virus-PS vesicle fusion reflects membrane packing regulation of peptide insertion into target membranes. Labeling of the viral hemagglutinin/neuraminidase (HN) at low pH indicates that HN-mediated fusion is triggered by hydrophobic interactions, after titration of acidic amino acids. HN labeling under nonfusogenic conditions reveals that viral binding may involve hydrophobic as well as electrostatic interactions. Controls for diffusional labeling exclude a major contribution from this source. Labeling during reconstituted Sendai virus envelope-liposome fusion shows that functional reconstitution involves protein retention of the ability to undergo hydrophobic interactions.

Examination of Sendai virus fusion with erythrocyte membranes indicates that hydrophobic interactions also trigger fusion between biological membranes, and that HN binding may involve hydrophobic interactions as well. Labeling of the erythrocyte membranes revealed close membrane association of spectrin, which may play a role in regulating membrane fusion. The data show that hydrophobic fusion protein interaction with both artificial and biological membranes is a triggering event in fusion. Correlation of these results with earlier studies of membrane hydration and fusion kinetics provides a more detailed view of the mechanism of fusion.

The kinetics of DNA injection by bacteriophage λ. into liposomes bearing reconstituted receptors were measured using fluorescence spectroscopy. LamB, the bacteriophage receptor, was extracted from bacteria and reconstituted into liposomes by detergent removal dialysis. The DNA binding fluorophore ethidium bromide was encapsulated in the liposomes during dialysis. Enhanced fluorescence of ethidium bromide upon binding to injected DNA was monitored, and showed that injection is a rapid, one-step process. The bimolecular rate law, determined by the method of initial rates, revealed that injection occurs several times faster than indicated by earlier studies employing indirect assays.

It is hoped that these studies will increase the understanding of the mechanisms of virus entry into cells, and to facilitate the development of virus-mimetic drug delivery strategies.


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A search for dielectron decays of heavy neutral resonances has been performed using proton-proton collision data collected at √s = 7 TeV by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2011. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb−1. The dielectron mass distribution is consistent with Standard Model (SM) predictions. An upper limit on the ratio of the cross section times branching fraction of new bosons, normalized to the cross section times branching fraction of the Z boson, is set at the 95 % confidence level. This result is translated into limits on the mass of new neutral particles at the level of 2120 GeV for the Z′ in the Sequential Standard Model, 1810 GeV for the superstring-inspired Z′ψ resonance, and 1940 (1640) GeV for Kaluza-Klein gravitons with the coupling parameter k/MPl of 0.10 (0.05).


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Part A

A problem restricting the development of the CuCl laser has been the decrease in output power with increases of tube temperature above 400°C. At that temperature the CuCl vapor pressure is about .1 torr. This is a small fraction of the buffer gas pressure (He at 10 torr).

The aim of the project was to measure the peak radiation temperature (assumed related to the mean energy of electrons) in the laser discharge as a function of the tube temperature. A 24 gHz gated microwave radiometer was used.

It was found that at the tube temperatures at which the output power began to deteriorate, the electron radiation temperature showed a sharp increase (compared with radiation temperature in pure buffer).

Using the above result, we have postulated that this sudden increase is a result of Penning ionization of the Cu atoms. As a consequence of this process the number of Cu atoms available for lasing decrease.


The aim of the project was to study the dissociation of CO2 in the glow discharge of flowing CO2 lasers.

A TM011 microwave (3 gHz) cavity was used to measure the radially averaged electron density ne and the electron-neutral collision frequency in the laser discharge. An estimate of the electric field is made from these two measurements. A gas chromatograph was used to measure the chemical composition of the gases after going through the discharge. This instrument was checked against a mass spectrometer for accuracy and sensitivity.

Several typical laser mixtures were .used: CO2-N2-He (1,3,16), (1,3,0), (1,0,16), (1,2,10), (1,2,0), (1,0,10), (2,3,15), (2,3,0), (2,0,15), (1,3,16)+ H2O and pure CO2. Results show that for the conditions studied the dissociation as a function of the electron density is uniquely determined by the STP partial flow rate of CO2, regardless of the amount of N2 and/or He present. The presence of water vapor in the discharge decreased the degree of dissociation.

A simple theoretical model was developed using thermodynamic equilibrium. The electrons were replaced in the calculations by a distributed heat source.

The results are analyzed with a simple kinetic model.


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Cross sections for the photoproduction of neutral pi, eta, rho and phi mesons on hydrogen have been measured at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center using a missing mass spectrometer technique. The data cover photon energies between 5.0 and 17.8 GeV and four momentum transfer squared t between -.12 and -1.38 (GeV/c)2.

Pion differential cross sections at lower energies show a peak at low momentum transfers, a distinctive dip and secondary maximum for t in the region -.4 to -.9 (GeV /c)2, and a smooth decrease at higher momentum transfers. As photon energy increases, the dip becomes less pronounced, in contradiction to the expectations of simple Regge theories based on the exchange of omega and B trajectories only.

Eta photoproduction was measured only below 10 GeV. The cross section has about the same magnitude as the pion production cross section, but decreases exponentially with t, showing no dip.

Rho mesons appear to be diffractively produced. The differential cross section varies approximately as exp(8.5t + 2t2). It falls slowly with energy, decreasing about 35 percent from 6 GeV to 17.8 GeV. A simple quark model relation appears to describe the data well.

Phi meson cross sections are also consistent with diffraction production. The differential cross section varies approximately as exp(4t). The cross section tends to decrease slightly with photon energy.


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This thesis describes the preparation, characterization, and application of welldefined single-component group ten salicylaldimine complexes for the polymerization of ethylene to high molecular weight materials as well as the copolymerization of ethylene and functionalized olefins. After an initial introduction to the field, Chapter 2 describes the preparation of PPh3 complexes that contain a series of modified salicylaldimine and naphthaldimine ligands. Such complexes were activated for polymerization by the addition of cocatalysts such as Ni(COD)2 or B(C6F5)3. As the steric demand of the ligand set increased-the molecular weight, polymerization activity, and lifetime of the catalyst was observed to increase. In fact, complexes containing "bulky" ligands, such as the [Anthr,HSal] ligand (2.5), were found to be highly-active single component complexes for the polymerization of ethylene. Model hydrido compound were prepared-allowing for a better understanding of both the mechanism of polymerization and one mode of decomposition.

Chapter 3 describes the effect which additives play on neutral NiII polymerization catalysts such as 2.5. The addition of excess ethers, esters, ketones, anhydrides, alcohols, and water do not deactivate the catalysts for polymerization. However, the addition of excess acid, thiols, and phosphines was observed to shut-down catalysis. Since excess phosphine was found to inhibit catalysis, "phosphine-free" complexes, such as the acetonittile complex (3.26), were prepared. The acetonitrile complex was found to be the most active neutral polymerization catalyst prepared to date.

Chapter 4 outlines the use of catalyst 2.5 and 3.26 for the preparation of linear functionalized copolymers containing alcohols, esters, anhydrides, and ethers. Copolymers can be prepared with γ-functionalized-α-olefins, functionalized norbornenes, and functionalized tricyclononenes, with up to 30 mol% comonomer incorporation.

Chapter 5 outlines the preparation of a series of PtII alkyl/olefin salicylaldimine complexes which serve as models for the active species in the NiII-catalyzed polymerization process. Understanding the nature of the M-olefin interaction as a the electronic and steric properties of the salicylaldimine ligand is varied has allowed for a number of predictions about the design of future polymerization systems.


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This dissertation consists of three parts. In Part I, it is shown that looping trajectories cannot exist in finite amplitude stationary hydromagnetic waves propagating across a magnetic field in a quasi-neutral cold collision-free plasma. In Part II, time-dependent solutions in series expansion are presented for the magnetic piston problem, which describes waves propagating into a quasi-neutral cold collision-free plasma, ensuing from magnetic disturbances on the boundary of the plasma. The expansion is equivalent to Picard's successive approximations. It is then shown that orbit crossings of plasma particles occur on the boundary for strong disturbances and inside the plasma for weak disturbances. In Part III, the existence of periodic waves propagating at an arbitrary angle to the magnetic field in a plasma is demonstrated by Stokes expansions in amplitude. Then stability analysis is made for such periodic waves with respect to side-band frequency disturbances. It is shown that waves of slow mode are unstable whereas waves of fast mode are stable if the frequency is below the cutoff frequency. The cutoff frequency depends on the propagation angle. For longitudinal propagation the cutoff frequency is equal to one-fourth of the electron's gyrofrequency. For transverse propagation the cutoff frequency is so high that waves of all frequencies are stable.


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Galaxies evolve throughout the history of the universe from the first star-forming sources, through gas-rich asymmetric structures with rapid star formation rates, to the massive symmetrical stellar systems observed at the present day. Determining the physical processes which drive galaxy formation and evolution is one of the most important questions in observational astrophysics. This thesis presents four projects aimed at improving our understanding of galaxy evolution from detailed measurements of star forming galaxies at high redshift.

We use resolved spectroscopy of gravitationally lensed z ≃ 2 - 3 star forming galaxies to measure their kinematic and star formation properties. The combination of lensing with adaptive optics yields physical resolution of ≃ 100 pc, sufficient to resolve giant Hii regions. We find that ~ 70 % of galaxies in our sample display ordered rotation with high local velocity dispersion indicating turbulent thick disks. The rotating galaxies are gravitationally unstable and are expected to fragment into giant clumps. The size and dynamical mass of giant Hii regions are in agreement with predictions for such clumps indicating that gravitational instability drives the rapid star formation. The remainder of our sample is comprised of ongoing major mergers. Merging galaxies display similar star formation rate, morphology, and local velocity dispersion as isolated sources, but their velocity fields are more chaotic with no coherent rotation.

We measure resolved metallicity in four lensed galaxies at z = 2.0 − 2.4 from optical emission line diagnostics. Three rotating galaxies display radial gradients with higher metallicity at smaller radii, while the fourth is undergoing a merger and has an inverted gradient with lower metallicity at the center. Strong gradients in the rotating galaxies indicate that they are growing inside-out with star formation fueled by accretion of metal-poor gas at large radii. By comparing measured gradients with an appropriate comparison sample at z = 0, we demonstrate that metallicity gradients in isolated galaxies must flatten at later times. The amount of size growth inferred by the gradients is in rough agreement with direct measurements of massive galaxies. We develop a chemical evolution model to interpret these data and conclude that metallicity gradients are established by a gradient in the outflow mass loading factor, combined with radial inflow of metal-enriched gas.

We present the first rest-frame optical spectroscopic survey of a large sample of low-luminosity galaxies at high redshift (L < L*, 1.5 < z < 3.5). This population dominates the star formation density of the universe at high redshifts, yet such galaxies are normally too faint to be studied spectroscopically. We take advantage of strong gravitational lensing magnification to compile observations for a sample of 29 galaxies using modest integration times with the Keck and Palomar telescopes. Balmer emission lines confirm that the sample has a median SFR ∼ 10 M_sun yr^−1 and extends to lower SFR than has been probed by other surveys at similar redshift. We derive the metallicity, dust extinction, SFR, ionization parameter, and dynamical mass from the spectroscopic data, providing the first accurate characterization of the star-forming environment in low-luminosity galaxies at high redshift. For the first time, we directly test the proposal that the relation between galaxy stellar mass, star formation rate, and gas phase metallicity does not evolve. We find lower gas phase metallicity in the high redshift galaxies than in local sources with equivalent stellar mass and star formation rate, arguing against a time-invariant relation. While our result is preliminary and may be biased by measurement errors, this represents an important first measurement that will be further constrained by ongoing analysis of the full data set and by future observations.

We present a study of composite rest-frame ultraviolet spectra of Lyman break galaxies at z = 4 and discuss implications for the distribution of neutral outflowing gas in the circumgalactic medium. In general we find similar spectroscopic trends to those found at z = 3 by earlier surveys. In particular, absorption lines which trace neutral gas are weaker in less evolved galaxies with lower stellar masses, smaller radii, lower luminosity, less dust, and stronger Lyα emission. Typical galaxies are thus expected to have stronger Lyα emission and weaker low-ionization absorption at earlier times, and we indeed find somewhat weaker low-ionization absorption at higher redshifts. In conjunction with earlier results, we argue that the reduced low-ionization absorption is likely caused by lower covering fraction and/or velocity range of outflowing neutral gas at earlier epochs. This result has important implications for the hypothesis that early galaxies were responsible for cosmic reionization. We additionally show that fine structure emission lines are sensitive to the spatial extent of neutral gas, and demonstrate that neutral gas is concentrated at smaller galactocentric radii in higher redshift galaxies.

The results of this thesis present a coherent picture of galaxy evolution at high redshifts 2 ≲ z ≲ 4. Roughly 1/3 of massive star forming galaxies at this period are undergoing major mergers, while the rest are growing inside-out with star formation occurring in gravitationally unstable thick disks. Star formation, stellar mass, and metallicity are limited by outflows which create a circumgalactic medium of metal-enriched material. We conclude by describing some remaining open questions and prospects for improving our understanding of galaxy evolution with future observations of gravitationally lensed galaxies.


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We perform a measurement of direct CP violation in b to s+gamma Acp, and the measurement of a difference between Acp for neutral B and charged B mesons, Delta A_{X_s\gamma}, using 429 inverse femtobarn of data recorded at the Upsilon(4S) resonance with the BABAR detector. B mesons are reconstructed from 16 exclusive final states. Particle identification is done using an algorithm based on Error Correcting Output Code with an exhaustive matrix. Background rejection and best candidate selection are done using two decision tree-based classifiers. We found $\acp = 1.73%+-1.93%+-1.02% and Delta A_X_sgamma = 4.97%+-3.90%+-1.45% where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic respectively. Based on the measured value of Delta A_X_sgamma, we determine a 90% confidence interval for Im C_8g/C_7gamma, where C_7gamma and C_8g are Wilson coefficients for New Physics amplitudes, at -1.64 < Im C_8g/C_7gamma < 6.52.


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In this thesis we investigate atomic scale imperfections and fluctuations in the quantum transport properties of novel semiconductor nanostructures. For this purpose, we have developed a numerically efficient supercell model of quantum transport capable of representing potential variations in three dimensions. This flexibility allows us to examine new quantum device structures made possible through state-of-the-art semiconductor fabrication techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy and nanolithography. These structures, with characteristic dimensions on the order of a few nanometers, hold promise for much smaller, faster and more efficient devices than those in present operation, yet they are highly sensitive to structural and compositional variations such as defect impurities, interface roughness and alloy disorder. If these quantum structures are to serve as components of reliable, mass-produced devices, these issues must be addressed.

In Chapter 1 we discuss some of the important issues in resonant tunneling devices and mention some of thier applications. In Chapters 2 and 3, we describe our supercell model of quantum transport and an efficient numerical implementation. In the remaining chapters, we present applications.

In Chapter 4, we examine transport in single and double barrier tunneling structures with neutral impurities. We find that an isolated attractive impurity in a single barrier can produce a transmission resonance whose position and strength are sensitive to the location of the impurity within the barrier. Multiple impurities can lead to a complex resonance structure that fluctuates widely with impurity configuration. In addition, impurity resonances can give rise to negative differential resistance. In Chapter 5, we study interface roughness and alloy disorder in double barrier structures. We find that interface roughness and alloy disorder can shift and broaden the n = 1 transmission resonance and give rise to new resonance peaks, especially in the presence of clusters comparable in size to the electron deBroglie wavelength. In Chapter 6 we examine the effects of interface roughness and impurities on transmission in a quantum dot electron waveguide. We find that variation in the configuration and stoichiometry of the interface roughness leads to substantial fluctuations in the transmission properties. These fluctuations are reduced by an attractive impurity placed near the center of the dot.


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The anionic tripod ligand NaLoMe (L_(oMe) - = [(η^5-C_5H_5)Co{P(O)(OCH_3)_2}_3]^-) reacts with RuO_4 in a biphasic reaction mixture of 1% H_2SO_4 and CCI_4 to afford [(L_(oMe) (HO)Ru^(IV) (µ-O)_2Ru ^(IV)(OH)(L_(oMe)] (1), which is treated with aqueous CF_3S0_3H to generate [(L_(oMe)(H_2O)Ru^(IV) (µ-O)_2R^(IV) (OH_2)(L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3]_2 ([H_21][CF_3SO_3]_2). Addition of iodosobenzene to an acetonitrile solution of this salt yields [(L_(oMe)(O)Ru^v(µ-0)2Ru^v-(O)(_(LoMe)] (2). The dimer 1 can be reduced chemically or electrochemically to the Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) dimers [(L_(oMe)(H_20)Ru^(III) (µ-OH)_2Ru^(III) (OH_2)(L_(oMe)) ]^2+ and [(L_(oMe)) ^(III) (µ-0Hh(µ-0H2)Ru^(III) (L_(oMe)]^2+ which interconvert in aqueous media. Two electron processes dominate both the bulk chemistry and the electrochemistry of 1. Among these processes are the quasi-reversible Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV)/Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) and Ru^(III)- Ru^(III)/ Ru^(II)- Ru^(II) reductions and a largely irreversible Ru^(V) - Ru^(V)/ Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV)/oxidation. The dioxo dimer 2 oxidizes alcohols and aldehydes in organic media to afford 1 and the corresponding aldehydes and acids. Analogously, the Ru^(V) - Ru^(V)/ Ru^(IV)- Ru^(IV) redox wave mediates the electrooxidation of alcohols and aldehydes in aqueous buffer. In this system, substrates can be oxidized completely to CO_2. The kinetic behavior of these oxidations was examined by UV-vis and chronoamperometry, respectively, and the chemistry is typical of metal-oxo complexes, indicating that electronic coupling between two metal centers does not dramatically affect the metal-oxo chemistry. Dimer [H_21]^(2+) also reacts with alcohols, aldehydes, and triphenylphosphine in CH_3CN to afford Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) products including [(L_(oMe))CH_3CN) Ru^(III) (µ-OH)_2 Ru^(III) (NCCH_3)( L_(oMe))][CF_3SO_3]2 (characterized by X-ray crystallography) and the corresponding organic products. Reaction of 1 with formaldehyde in aqueous buffer quantitatively affords the triply bridged dimer [(L_(oMe)Ru^(III) (µ-OH)2- (µ-HCOO) Ru^(III) (L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3] (characterized by X-ray crystallography). This reaction evidently proceeds by two parallel inner-sphere pathways, one of which is autocatalytic. Neither pathway exhibits a primary isotope effect suggesting the rate determining process could be the formation of an intermediate, perhaps a Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV) formate adduct. The Ru^(III)- Ru^(III)formate adduct is easily oxidized to the Ru^(IV) - Ru^(IV) analog [(L_(oMe)Ru^(IV)(µ-OH)_2-(µ-HCOO) Ru^(IV) (L_(oMe)][CF_3SO_3], which, after isolation, reacts slowly with aqueous formaldehyde to generate free formate and the Ru^(III)- Ru^(III) formate adduct. These dimers function as catalysts for the electrooxidation of formaldehyde at low anodic potentials (+0.0 V versus SCE in aqueous buffer, pH 8.5) and enhance the activity of Nafion treated palladium/carbon heterogeneous fuel cell catalysts.


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The behaviors of six new cyclophane receptors for organic guest molecules in aqueous media are reported. These new hosts are modifications of more basic parent structures, and the main goal of their examination has been to determine how the modifications affect host selectivity for cationic guests. In particular, we have been interested in determining how additional non-covalent binding interactions can complement the cation-π interactions active in the parent systems. Three types of modifications were made to these systems. Firstly, neutral methoxy and bromine substituents were added to produce four of the six new macrocycles. Secondly, two additional aromatic rings (relative to the parent host) capable of making cation-π interactions with charged guest species were appended. Thirdly, a negatively charged carboxyl group was attached to produce a cavity in which electrostatic interactions should enhance cationic guest binding. ^1H-NMR and circular dichroic techniques were employed to determine the binding affinities of a wide variety of organic guests for the parent and modified structures in aqueous media.

Bromination of the parent host greatly enhances its binding in a general fashion, primarily as the result of hydrophobic interactions. The addition of methoxy groups does not enhance binding, apparently as a result of a collapse of the hosts into a conformation that is not suitable for binding. The appendage of extra aromatic rings enhances the binding of positively charged guests, most likely in response to more complete encapsulation of guest species. The addition of a negatively charged carboxylate enhances the binding to only selective groups of cationic guests. AM1 calculations of the electrostatic potentials of several guests molecules suggests that the enhancements seen with the modified receptor compared to the parent are most likely the result of close contact between regions of highest potential on the guest and the appended carboxylate.


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Chlorine oxide species have received considerable attention in recent years due to their central role in the balance of stratospheric ozone. Many questions pertaining to the behavior of such species still remain unanswered and plague the ability of researchers to develop accurate chemical models of the stratosphere. Presented in this thesis are three experiments that study various properties of some specific chlorine oxide species.

In the first chapter, the reaction between ClONO_2 and protonated water clusters is investigated to elucidate a possible reaction mechanism for the heterogeneous reaction of chlorine nitrate on ice. The ionic products were various forms of protonated nitric acid, NO_2 +(H_20)_m, m = 0, 1, 2. These products are analogous to products previously reported in the literature for the neutral reaction occurring on ice surfaces. Our results support the hypothesis that the heterogeneous reaction is acid-catalyzed.

In the second chapter, the photochemistry of ClONO_2 was investigated at two wavelengths, 193 and 248 nm, using the technique of photofragmentation translational spectroscopy. At both wavelengths, the predominant dissociation pathways were Cl + NO_3 and ClO + NO_2. Channel assignments were confirmed by momentum matching the counterfragments from each channel. A one-dimensional stratospheric model using the new 248 nm branching ratio determined how our results would affect the predicted Cl_x and NO_x partitioning in the stratosphere.

Chapter three explores the photodissociation dynamics of Cl_2O at 193, 248 and 308 nm. At 193 nm, we found evidence for the concerted reaction channel, Cl_2 + O. The ClO + Cl channel was also accessed, however, the majority of the ClO fragments were formed with sufficient internal energies for spontaneous secondary dissociation to occur. At 248 and 308 nm, we only observed only the ClO + Cl channel. . Some of the ClO formed at 248 nm was formed internally hot and spontaneously dissociated. Bimodal translational energy distributions of the ClO and Cl products indicate two pathways leading to the same product exist.

Appendix A, B and C discuss the details of data analysis techniques used in Chapters 1 and 2. The development of a molecular beam source of ClO dimer is presented in Appendix D.


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Part I

Particles are a key feature of planetary atmospheres. On Earth they represent the greatest source of uncertainty in the global energy budget. This uncertainty can be addressed by making more measurement, by improving the theoretical analysis of measurements, and by better modeling basic particle nucleation and initial particle growth within an atmosphere. This work will focus on the latter two methods of improvement.

Uncertainty in measurements is largely due to particle charging. Accurate descriptions of particle charging are challenging because one deals with particles in a gas as opposed to a vacuum, so different length scales come into play. Previous studies have considered the effects of transition between the continuum and kinetic regime and the effects of two and three body interactions within the kinetic regime. These studies, however, use questionable assumptions about the charging process which resulted in skewed observations, and bias in the proposed dynamics of aerosol particles. These assumptions affect both the ions and particles in the system. Ions are assumed to be point monopoles that have a single characteristic speed rather than follow a distribution. Particles are assumed to be perfect conductors that have up to five elementary charges on them. The effects of three body interaction, ion-molecule-particle, are also overestimated. By revising this theory so that the basic physical attributes of both ions and particles and their interactions are better represented, we are able to make more accurate predictions of particle charging in both the kinetic and continuum regimes.

The same revised theory that was used above to model ion charging can also be applied to the flux of neutral vapor phase molecules to a particle or initial cluster. Using these results we can model the vapor flux to a neutral or charged particle due to diffusion and electromagnetic interactions. In many classical theories currently applied to these models, the finite size of the molecule and the electromagnetic interaction between the molecule and particle, especially for the neutral particle case, are completely ignored, or, as is often the case for a permanent dipole vapor species, strongly underestimated. Comparing our model to these classical models we determine an “enhancement factor” to characterize how important the addition of these physical parameters and processes is to the understanding of particle nucleation and growth.

Part II

Whispering gallery mode (WGM) optical biosensors are capable of extraordinarily sensitive specific and non-specific detection of species suspended in a gas or fluid. Recent experimental results suggest that these devices may attain single-molecule sensitivity to protein solutions in the form of stepwise shifts in their resonance wavelength, \lambda_{R}, but present sensor models predict much smaller steps than were reported. This study examines the physical interaction between a WGM sensor and a molecule adsorbed to its surface, exploring assumptions made in previous efforts to model WGM sensor behavior, and describing computational schemes that model the experiments for which single protein sensitivity was reported. The resulting model is used to simulate sensor performance, within constraints imposed by the limited material property data. On this basis, we conclude that nonlinear optical effects would be needed to attain the reported sensitivity, and that, in the experiments for which extreme sensitivity was reported, a bound protein experiences optical energy fluxes too high for such effects to be ignored.


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We present measurements of the spatial distribution, kinematics, and physical properties of gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) of 2.0<z<2.8 UV color-selected galaxies as well as within the 2<z<3 intergalactic medium (IGM). These measurements are derived from Voigt profile decomposition of the full Lyα and Lyβ forest in 15 high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio QSO spectra resulting in a catalog of ∼6000 HI absorbers.

Chapter 2 of this thesis focuses on HI surrounding high-z star-forming galaxies drawn from the Keck Baryonic Structure Survey (KBSS). The KBSS is a unique spectroscopic survey of the distant universe designed to explore the details of the connection between galaxies and intergalactic baryons within the same survey volumes. The KBSS combines high-quality background QSO spectroscopy with large densely-sampled galaxy redshift surveys to probe the CGM at scales of ∼50 kpc to a few Mpc. Based on these data, Chapter 2 presents the first quantitative measurements of the distribution, column density, kinematics, and absorber line widths of neutral hydrogen surrounding high-z star-forming galaxies.

Chapter 3 focuses on the thermal properties of the diffuse IGM. This analysis relies on measurements of the ∼6000 absorber line widths to constrain the thermal and turbulent velocities of absorbing "clouds." A positive correlation between the column density of HI and the minimum line width is recovered and implies a temperature-density relation within the low-density IGM for which higher-density regions are hotter, as is predicted by simple theoretical arguments.

Chapter 4 presents new measurements of the opacity of the IGM and CGM to hydrogen-ionizing photons. The chapter begins with a revised measurement of the HI column density distribution based on this new absorption line catalog that, due to the inclusion of high-order Lyman lines, provides the first statistically robust measurement of the frequency of absorbers with HI column densities 14 ≲ log(NHI/cm-2) ≲ 17.2. Also presented are the first measurements of the column density distribution of HI within the CGM (50 <d < 300 pkpc) of high-z galaxies. These distributions are used to calculate the total opacity of the IGM and IGM+CGM and to revise previous measurements of the mean free path of hydrogen-ionizing photons within the IGM. This chapter also considers the effect of the surrounding CGM on the transmission of ionizing photons out of the sites of active star-formation and into the IGM.

This thesis concludes with a brief discussion of work in progress focused on understanding the distribution of metals within the CGM of KBSS galaxies. Appendix B discusses my contributions to the MOSFIRE instrumentation project.


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The study of exoplanets is rapidly evolving into an important and exciting field of its own. My investigations over the past half-decade have focused on understanding just a small sliver of what they are trying to tell us. That small sliver is their atmospheres. Atmospheres are the buffer between the bulk planet and the vacuum of space. The atmosphere is an important component of a planet as it is the most readily observable and contains the most information about the physical processes that can occur in a planet. I have focused on two aspects of exoplanetary atmospheres. First, I aimed to understand the chemical mechanisms that control the atmospheric abundances. Second, I focused on interpreting exoplanet atmospheric spectra and what they tell us about the temperatures and compositions through inverse modeling. Finally, I interpreted the retrieved temperature and abundances from inverse modeling in the context of chemical disequilibrium in the planetary atmospheres.