20 resultados para NO CO O-2

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis presents composition measurements for atmospherically relevant inorganic and organic aerosol from laboratory and ambient measurements using the Aerodyne aerosol mass spectrometer. Studies include the oxidation of dodecane in the Caltech environmental chambers, and several aircraft- and ground-based field studies, which include the quantification of wildfire emissions off the coast of California, and Los Angeles urban emissions.

The oxidation of dodecane by OH under low NO conditions and the formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) was explored using a gas-phase chemical model, gas-phase CIMS measurements, and high molecular weight ion traces from particle- phase HR-TOF-AMS mass spectra. The combination of these measurements support the hypothesis that particle-phase chemistry leading to peroxyhemiacetal formation is important. Positive matrix factorization (PMF) was applied to the AMS mass spectra which revealed three factors representing a combination of gas-particle partitioning, chemical conversion in the aerosol, and wall deposition.

Airborne measurements of biomass burning emissions from a chaparral fire on the central Californian coast were carried out in November 2009. Physical and chemical changes were reported for smoke ages 0 – 4 h old. CO2 normalized ammonium, nitrate, and sulfate increased, whereas the normalized OA decreased sharply in the first 1.5 - 2 h, and then slowly increased for the remaining 2 h (net decrease in normalized OA). Comparison to wildfire samples from the Yucatan revealed that factors such as relative humidity, incident UV radiation, age of smoke, and concentration of emissions are important for wildfire evolution.

Ground-based aerosol composition is reported for Pasadena, CA during the summer of 2009. The OA component, which dominated the submicron aerosol mass, was deconvolved into hydrocarbon-like organic aerosol (HOA), semi-volatile oxidized organic aerosol (SVOOA), and low-volatility oxidized organic aerosol (LVOOA). The HOA/OA was only 0.08–0.23, indicating that most of Pasadena OA in the summer months is dominated by oxidized OA resulting from transported emissions that have undergone photochemistry and/or moisture-influenced processing, as apposed to only primary organic aerosol emissions. Airborne measurements and model predictions of aerosol composition are reported for the 2010 CalNex field campaign.


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The interactions of N2, formic acid and acetone on the Ru(001) surface are studied using thermal desorption mass spectrometry (TDMS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and computer modeling.

Low energy electron diffraction (LEED), EELS and TDMS were used to study chemisorption of N2 on Ru(001). Adsorption at 75 K produces two desorption states. Adsorption at 95 K fills only the higher energy desorption state and produces a (√3 x √3)R30° LEED pattern. EEL spectra indicate both desorption states are populated by N2 molecules bonded "on-top" of Ru atoms.

Monte Carlo simulation results are presented on Ru(001) using a kinetic lattice gas model with precursor mediated adsorption, desorption and migration. The model gives good agreement with experimental data. The island growth rate was computed using the same model and is well fit by R(t)m - R(t0)m = At, with m approximately 8. The island size was determined from the width of the superlattice diffraction feature.

The techniques, algorithms and computer programs used for simulations are documented. Coordinate schemes for indexing sites on a 2-D hexagonal lattice, programs for simulation of adsorption and desorption, techniques for analysis of ordering, and computer graphics routines are discussed.

The adsorption of formic acid on Ru(001) has been studied by EELS and TDMS. Large exposures produce a molecular multilayer species. A monodentate formate, bidentate formate, and a hydroxyl species are stable intermediates in formic acid decomposition. The monodentate formate species is converted to the bidentate species by heating. Formic acid decomposition products are CO2, CO, H2, H2O and oxygen adatoms. The ratio of desorbed CO with respect to CO2 increases both with slower heating rates and with lower coverages.

The existence of two different forms of adsorbed acetone, side-on, bonded through the oxygen and acyl carbon, and end-on, bonded through the oxygen, have been verified by EELS. On Pt(111), only the end-on species is observed. On dean Ru(001) and p(2 x 2)O precovered Ru(001), both forms coexist. The side-on species is dominant on clean Ru(001), while O stabilizes the end-on form. The end-on form desorbs molecularly. Bonding geometry stability is explained by surface Lewis acidity and by comparison to organometallic coordination complexes.


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The synthesis and X-ray diffraction study of bis(pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) ethylene titanium (I) are reported. This complex represents the first example of an isolable ethylene adduct of a group IV metal, a key intermediate in Ziegler-Natta olefin polymerization schemes. While treatment of I with ethylene leads to only traces of polymer after months, I participates in a wide range of stoichiometric and catalytic reactions. These include the catalytic conversion of ethylene specifically to butadiene and ethane and the catalytic isomerization of alkenes. Detailed studies have been carried out on the stoichiometric reactions of I with nitriles and alkynes. At low temperatures, nitriles react to form metallacycloimine species which more slowly undergo a formal 1,3-hydrogen shift to generate metallacycloeneamines. The lowest energy pathway for this rearrangement is an intramolecular hydrogen shift which is sensitive to the steric bulk of the R substituent. The reactions of I with alkynes yield metallacyclopentene complexes with high regioisomer selectivity. Carbonylation of the metallacyclopentene (η-C5Me55)2TiC(CH3)=C(CH3)CH2 under relatively mild conditions cleanly produces the corresponding cyclopentenone and [C5(CH3)5]2Ti(CO)2. Compounds derived from CO2 and acetaldehyde have also been isolated.

The synthesis and characterization of bis-(η-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl) niobium(III) tetrahydroborate (II) are described and a study of its temperature-dependent proton NMR spectroscopic behavior is reported. The complex is observed to undergo a rapid intramolecular averaging process at elevated temperatures. The free energy of activation, ΔG = 16.4 ± 0.4 kcal/mol, is calculated. The reinvestigation of a related compound, bis(η-cyclopentadienyl)niobium(III) tetrahydroborate, established ΔG = 14.6 ± 0.2 kcal/mol for the hydrogen exchange process. The tetrahydroborate complex, II reacts with pyridine and dihydrogen to yield (η-C5Me55)2NbH3 (III). The reactivity of III with CO and ethylene is reported.


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Part A

A problem restricting the development of the CuCl laser has been the decrease in output power with increases of tube temperature above 400°C. At that temperature the CuCl vapor pressure is about .1 torr. This is a small fraction of the buffer gas pressure (He at 10 torr).

The aim of the project was to measure the peak radiation temperature (assumed related to the mean energy of electrons) in the laser discharge as a function of the tube temperature. A 24 gHz gated microwave radiometer was used.

It was found that at the tube temperatures at which the output power began to deteriorate, the electron radiation temperature showed a sharp increase (compared with radiation temperature in pure buffer).

Using the above result, we have postulated that this sudden increase is a result of Penning ionization of the Cu atoms. As a consequence of this process the number of Cu atoms available for lasing decrease.


The aim of the project was to study the dissociation of CO2 in the glow discharge of flowing CO2 lasers.

A TM011 microwave (3 gHz) cavity was used to measure the radially averaged electron density ne and the electron-neutral collision frequency in the laser discharge. An estimate of the electric field is made from these two measurements. A gas chromatograph was used to measure the chemical composition of the gases after going through the discharge. This instrument was checked against a mass spectrometer for accuracy and sensitivity.

Several typical laser mixtures were .used: CO2-N2-He (1,3,16), (1,3,0), (1,0,16), (1,2,10), (1,2,0), (1,0,10), (2,3,15), (2,3,0), (2,0,15), (1,3,16)+ H2O and pure CO2. Results show that for the conditions studied the dissociation as a function of the electron density is uniquely determined by the STP partial flow rate of CO2, regardless of the amount of N2 and/or He present. The presence of water vapor in the discharge decreased the degree of dissociation.

A simple theoretical model was developed using thermodynamic equilibrium. The electrons were replaced in the calculations by a distributed heat source.

The results are analyzed with a simple kinetic model.


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The O18/O16, C13/C12, and D/H ratios have been determined for rocks and coexisting minerals from several granitic plutons and their contact metamorphic aureoles in northern Nevada, eastern California, central Colorado, and Texas, with emphasis on oxygen isotopes. A consistent order of O18/O16, C13/C12, and D/H enrichment in coexisting minerals, and a correlation between isotopic fractionations among coexisting mineral pairs are in general observed, suggesting that mineral assemblages tend to approach isotopic equilibrium during contact metamorphism. In certain cases, a correlation is observed between oxygen isotopic fractionations of a mineral pair and sample distance from intrusive contacts. Isotopic temperatures generally show good agreement with heat flow considerations. Based on the experimentally determined quartz-muscovite O18/O16 fractionation calibration curve, temperatures are estimated to be 525 to 625°C at the contacts of the granitic stocks studied.

Small-scale oxygen isotope exchange effects between intrusive and country rock are observed over distances of 0.5 to 3 feet on both sides of the contacts; the isotopic gradients are typically 2 to 3 per mil per foot. The degree of oxygen isotopic exchange is essentially identical for different coexisting minerals. This presumably occurred through a diffusion-controlled recrystallization process. The size of the oxygen isotope equilibrium systems in the small-scale exchanged zones vary from about 1.5 cm to 30 cm. A xenolith and a re-entrant of country rock projecting into on intrusive hove both undergone much more extensive isotopic exchange (to hundreds of feet); they also show abnormally high isotopic temperatures. The marginal portions of most plutons have unusually high O18/O16 ratios compared to "normal" igneous rocks, presumably due to large-scale isotopic exchange with meta-sedimentary country rocks when the igneous rocks were essentially in a molten state. The isotopic data suggest that outward horizontal movement of H2O into the contact metamorphic aureoles is almost negligible, but upward movement of H2O may be important. Also, direct influx and absorption of water from the country rock may be significant in certain intrusive stocks.

Except in the exchanged zones, the O18/O16 ratios of pelitic rocks do not change appreciably during contact metamorphism, even in the cordierite and sillimanite grades; this is in contrast to regional metamorphic rocks which commonly decrease in O18 with increasing grade. Low O18/O16 and C13/C12 ratios of the contact metamorphic marbles generally correlate well with the presence of calc-silicate minerals, indicating that the CO2 liberated during metamorphic decarbonation reactions is enriched in both O18 and C13 relative to the carbonates.

The D/H ratios of biotites in the contact metamorphic rocks and their associated intrusions show a geographic correlation that is similar to that shown by the D/H ratios of meteoric surface waters, perhaps indicating that meteoric waters were present in the rocks during crystallization of the biotites.


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A composite stock of alkaline gabbro and syenite is intrusive into limestone of the Del Carmen, Sue Peake and Santa Elena Formations at the northwest end of the Christmas Mountains. There is abundant evidence of solution of wallrock by magma but nowhere are gabbro and limestone in direct contact. The sequence of lithologies developed across the intrusive contact and across xenoliths is gabbro, pyroxenite, calc-silicate skarn, marble. Pyroxenite is made up of euhedral crystals of titanaugite and sphene in a leucocratic matrix of nepheline, Wollastonite and alkali feldspar. The uneven modal distribution of phases in pyroxenite and the occurrence' of nepheline syenite dikes, intrusive into pyroxenite and skarn, suggest that pyroxenite represents an accumulation of clinopyroxene "cemented" together by late-solidifying residual magma of nepheline syenite composition. Assimilation of limestone by gabbroic magma involves reactions between calcite and magma and/or crystals in equilibrium with magma and crystallization of phases in which the magma is saturated, to supply energy for the solution reaction. Gabbroic magma was saturated with plagioclase and clinopyroxene at the time of emplacement. The textural and mineralogic features of pyroxenite can be produced by the reaction 2( 1-X) CALCITE + ANXABl-X = (1-X) NEPHELINE+ 2(1-X) WOLLASTONITE+ X ANORTHITE+ 2(1-X) CO2. Plagioclase in pyroxenite has corroded margins and is rimmed by nepheline, suggestive of resorption by magma. Anorthite and wollastonite enter solid solution in titanaugite. For each mole of calcite dissolved, approximately one mole of clinopyroxene was crystallized. Thus the amount of limestone that may be assimilated is limited by the concentration of potential clinopyroxene in the magma. Wollastonite appears as a phase when magma has been depleted in iron and magnesium by crystallization of titanaugite. The predominance of mafic and ultramafic compositions among contaminated rocks and their restriction to a narrow zone along the intrusive contact provides little evidence for the generation of a significant volume of desilicated magma as a result of limestone assimilation.

Within 60 m of the intrusive contact with the gabbro, nodular chert in the Santa Elena Limestone reacted with the enveloping marble to form spherical nodules of high-temperature calc-silicate minerals. The phases wollastonite, rankinite, spurrite, tilleyite and calcite, form a series of sharply-bounded, concentric monomineralic and two-phase shells which record a step-wise decrease in silica content from the core of a nodule to its rim. Mineral zones in the nodules vary 'with distance from the gabbro as follows:


The mineral of a one-phase zone is compatible with the phases bounding it on either side but these phases are incompatible in the same volume of P-T-XCO2.

Growth of a monomineralio zone is initiated by reaction between minerals of adjacent one-phase zones which become unstable with rising temperature to form a thin layer of a new single phase that separates the reactants and is compatible with both of them. Because the mineral of the new zone is in equilibrium with the phases at both of its contacts, gradients in the chemical potentials of the exchangeable components are established across it. Although zone boundaries mark discontinuities in the gradients of bulk composition, two-phase equilibria at the contacts demonstrate that the chemical potentials are continuous. Hence, Ca, Si and CO2 were redistributed in the growing nodule by diffusion. A monomineralic zone grows at the expense of an adjacent zone by reaction between diffusing components and the mineral of the adjacent zone. Equilibria between two phases at zone boundaries buffers the chemical potentials of the diffusing species. Thus, within a monomineralic zone, the chemical potentials of the diffusing components are controlled external to the local assemblage by the two-phase equilibria at the zone boundaries.

Mineralogically zoned calc-silicate skarn occurs as a narrow band that separates pyroxenite and marble along the intrusive contact and forms a rim on marble xenoliths in gabbro. Skarn consists of melilite or idocrase pseudomorphs of melili te, one or two . stoichiometric calcsilicate phases and accessory Ti-Zr garnet, perovskite and magnetite. The sequence of mineral zones from pyroxenite to marble, defined by a characteristic calc-silicate, is wollastonite, rankinite, spurrite, calcite. Mineral assemblages of adjacent skarn zones are compatible and the set of zones in a skarn band defines a facies type, indicating that the different mineral assemblages represent different bulk compositions recrystallized under identical conditions. The number of phases in each zone is less than the number that might be expected to result from metamorphism of a general bulk composition under conditions of equilibrium, trivariant in P, T and uCO2. The "special" bulk composition of each zone is controlled by reaction between phases of the zones bounding it on either side. The continuity of the gradients of composition of melilite and garnet solid solutions across the skarn is consistent with the local equilibrium hypothesis and verifies that diffusion was the mechanism of mass transport. The formula proportions of Ti and Zr in garnet from skarn vary antithetically with that of Si Which systematically decreases from pyroxenite to marble. The chemical potential of Si in each skarn zone was controlled by the coexisting stoichiometric calc-silicate phases in the assemblage. Thus the formula proportion of Si in garnet is a direct measure of the chemical potential of Si from point to point in skarn. Reaction between gabbroic magma saturated with plagioclase and clinopyroxene produced nepheline pyroxenite and melilite-wollastonite skarn. The calcsilicate zones result from reaction between calcite and wollastonite to form spurrite and rankinite.


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Using density functional theory, we studied the fundamental steps of olefin polymerization for zwitterionic and cationic Group IV ansa-zirconocenes and a neutral ansa- yttrocene. Complexes [H2E(C5H4)2ZrMe]n (n = 0: E = BH2 (1), BF2 (2), AlH2(3); n = +: E = CH2(4), SiH2(5)) and H2Si(C5H4)2YMe were used as computational models. The largest differences among these three classes of compounds were the strength of olefin binding and the stability of the β-agostic alkyl intermediate towards β-hydrogen elimination. We investigated the effect of solvent on the reaction energetics for land 5. We found that in benzene the energetics became very similar except that a higher olefin insertion barrier was calculated for 1. The calculated anion affinity of [CH3BF3]- was weaker towards 1 than 5. The calculated olefin binding depended primarily on the charge of the ansa linker, and the olefin insertion barrier was found to decrease steadily in the following order: [H2C(C5H4)2ZrMe]+ > [F2B(C5H4)2ZrMe] ≈ [H2B(C5H4)2ZrMe] > [H2Si(C5H4)2ZrMe]+ > [H2Al(C5H4)2ZrMe].

We prepared ansa-zirconocene dicarbonyl complexes Me2ECp2Zr(CO)2 (E = Si, C), and t-butyl substituted complexes (t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2, Me2E(t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2 (E = Si, C), (Me2Si)2(t-BuCp)2Zr(CO)2 as well as analogous zirconocene complexes. Both the reduction potentials and carbonyl stretching frequencies follow the same order: Me2SiCp2ZrCl2> Me2CCp2ZrCl2> Cp2ZrCl2> (Me2Si)2Cp2ZrCl2. This ordering is a result of both the donating abilities of the cyclopentadienyl substituents and the orientation of the cyclopentadiene rings. Additionally, we prepared a series of analogous cationic zirconocene complexes [LZrOCMe3][MeB(C6F5)3] (L = CP2, Me2SiCp2, Me2CCP2, (Me2Si)2Cp2) and studied the kinetics of anion dissociation. We found that the enthalpy of anion dissociation increased from 10.3 kcal•mol-1 to 17.6 kcal•mol-1 as exposure of the zirconium center increased.

We also prepared series of zirconocene complexes bearing 2,2-dimethyl-2-sila-4-pentenyl substituents (and methyl-substituted olefin variants). Methide abstraction with B(C6F5) results in reversible coordination of the tethered olefin to the cationic zirconium center. The kinetics of olefin dissociation have been examined using NMR methods, and the effects of ligand variation for unlinked, singly [SiMe2]-linked and doubly [SiMe2]-linked bis(cyclopentadienyl) arrangements has been compared (ΔG‡ for olefin dissociation varies from 12.8 to 15.6 kcal•mol-1). Methide abstraction from 1,2-(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2Zr(CH3)-(CH2CMe2CH2CH = CH2) results in rapid β-allyl elimination with loss of isobutene yielding the allyl cation [{1,2-(SiMe2)25-C5H3)2Zr(η3-CH2CH=CH2)]+.


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The laminar to turbulent transition process in boundary layer flows in thermochemical nonequilibrium at high enthalpy is measured and characterized. Experiments are performed in the T5 Hypervelocity Reflected Shock Tunnel at Caltech, using a 1 m length 5-degree half angle axisymmetric cone instrumented with 80 fast-response annular thermocouples, complemented by boundary layer stability computations using the STABL software suite. A new mixing tank is added to the shock tube fill apparatus for premixed freestream gas experiments, and a new cleaning procedure results in more consistent transition measurements. Transition location is nondimensionalized using a scaling with the boundary layer thickness, which is correlated with the acoustic properties of the boundary layer, and compared with parabolized stability equation (PSE) analysis. In these nondimensionalized terms, transition delay with increasing CO2 concentration is observed: tests in 100% and 50% CO2, by mass, transition up to 25% and 15% later, respectively, than air experiments. These results are consistent with previous work indicating that CO2 molecules at elevated temperatures absorb acoustic instabilities in the MHz range, which is the expected frequency of the Mack second-mode instability at these conditions, and also consistent with predictions from PSE analysis. A strong unit Reynolds number effect is observed, which is believed to arise from tunnel noise. NTr for air from 5.4 to 13.2 is computed, substantially higher than previously reported for noisy facilities. Time- and spatially-resolved heat transfer traces are used to track the propagation of turbulent spots, and convection rates at 90%, 76%, and 63% of the boundary layer edge velocity, respectively, are observed for the leading edge, centroid, and trailing edge of the spots. A model constructed with these spot propagation parameters is used to infer spot generation rates from measured transition onset to completion distance. Finally, a novel method to control transition location with boundary layer gas injection is investigated. An appropriate porous-metal injector section for the cone is designed and fabricated, and the efficacy of injected CO2 for delaying transition is gauged at various mass flow rates, and compared with both no injection and chemically inert argon injection cases. While CO2 injection seems to delay transition, and argon injection seems to promote it, the experimental results are inconclusive and matching computations do not predict a reduction in N factor from any CO2 injection condition computed.


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An experimental investigation of low frequency floating potential fluctuations (f ≤ 200 kHz) in a research tokamak plasma using two spatially separated electrostatic probes has been performed. The spectra, correlation length, and the phase velocity of the fluctuations in both the radial and azimuthal direction have been determined. The propagation velocity in the toroidal direction was also measured and was found to be in the direction of electron current flow. The waves traveled azimuthally in the ion diamagnetic drift direction, even after the usual E x B rotation was taken into account. The electron density fluctuations associated with these oscillations were large, δn/n ≃ 0.35 - 0.50.

The spectra were found to have regularly spaced peaks which seemed to be related to specific azimuthal modes (m =1,2,3,...,etc. ) A parametric study was made to determine what effect plasma parameters had on these peaks. During periods of high electron density in the first 2 msec of the plasma lifetime, strong sawtooth type oscillations were observed. These oscillations typically had frequencies of approximately 10 kHz and were also present when large amounts of neutral gas were added during the discharge by a process called "gas puffing."

The results are compared with experimental observations made on other plasma devices with electric and magnetic probes and with microwave and CO2 laser scattering techniques. (The scattering measurements are complimentary to the probe measurements since, in the former case, the wavelength is fixed by the scattering angle, but the oscillations could not be spatially localized.) The oscillations in the Caltech torus were probably related to a drift-tearing type instability which is thought to play a major role in the anomalous particle and energy flux observed in tokamaks. Comparisons are made between current theory and the experimental results. However, the theory for the observed oscillations is still in a rudimentary stage of development, and it is hoped that the present investigation will stimulate future analytical work.


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This study proposes a wastewater electrolysis cell (WEC) for on-site treatment of human waste coupled with decentralized molecular H2 production. The core of the WEC includes mixed metal oxides anodes functionalized with bismuth doped TiO2 (BiOx/TiO2). The BiOx/TiO2 anode shows reliable electro-catalytic activity to oxidize Cl- to reactive chlorine species (RCS), which degrades environmental pollutants including chemical oxygen demand (COD), protein, NH4+, urea, and total coliforms. The WEC experiments for treatment of various kinds of synthetic and real wastewater demonstrate sufficient water quality of effluent for reuse for toilet flushing and environmental purposes. Cathodic reduction of water and proton on stainless steel cathodes produced molecular H2 with moderate levels of current and energy efficiency. This thesis presents a comprehensive environmental analysis together with kinetic models to provide an in-depth understanding of reaction pathways mediated by the RCS and the effects of key operating parameters. The latter part of this thesis is dedicated to bilayer hetero-junction anodes which show enhanced generation efficiency of RCS and long-term stability.

Chapter 2 describes the reaction pathway and kinetics of urea degradation mediated by electrochemically generated RCS. The urea oxidation involves chloramines and chlorinated urea as reaction intermediates, for which the mass/charge balance analysis reveals that N2 and CO2 are the primary products. Chapter 3 investigates direct-current and photovoltaic powered WEC for domestic wastewater treatment, while Chapter 4 demonstrates the feasibility of the WEC to treat model septic tank effluents. The results in Chapter 2 and 3 corroborate the active roles of chlorine radicals (Cl•/Cl2-•) based on iR-compensated anodic potential (thermodynamic basis) and enhanced pseudo-first-order rate constants (kinetic basis). The effects of operating parameters (anodic potential and [Cl-] in Chapter 3; influent dilution and anaerobic pretreatment in Chapter 4) on the rate and current/energy efficiency of pollutants degradation and H2 production are thoroughly discussed based on robust kinetic models. Chapter 5 reports the generation of RCS on Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy/BixTi1-xOz hetero-junction anodes with enhanced rate, current efficiency, and long-term stability compared to the Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy anode. The effects of surficial Bi concentration are interrogated, focusing on relative distributions between surface-bound hydroxyl radical and higher oxide.


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The quality of a thermoelectric material is judged by the size of its temperature de- pendent thermoeletric-figure-of-merit (zT ). Superionic materials, particularly Zn4Sb3 and Cu2Se, are of current interest for the high zT and low thermal conductivity of their disordered, superionic phase. In this work it is reported that the super-ionic materials Ag2Se, Cu2Se and Cu1.97Ag0.03Se show enhanced zT in their ordered, normal ion-conducting phases. The zT of Ag2Se is increased by 30% in its ordered phase as compared to its disordered phase, as measured just below and above its first order phase transition. The zT ’s of Cu2Se and Cu1.97Ag0.03Se both increase by more than 100% over a 30 K temperatures range just below their super-ionic phase transitions. The peak zT of Cu2Se is 0.7 at 406 K and of Cu1.97Ag0.03Se is 1.0 at 400 K. In all three materials these enhancements are due to anomalous increases in their Seebeck coefficients, beyond that predicted by carrier concentration measurements and band structure modeling. As the Seebeck coefficient is the entropy transported per carrier, this suggests that there is an additional quantity of entropy co-transported with charge carriers. Such co-transport has been previously observed via co-transport of vibrational entropy in bipolaron conductors and spin-state entropy in NaxCo2O4. The correlation of the temperature profile of the increases in each material with the nature of their phase transitions indicates that the entropy is associated with the thermodynamcis of ion-ordering. This suggests a new mechanism by which high thermoelectric performance may be understood and engineered.


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This dissertation is mainly divided into two sub-parts: organometallic and bioinorganic/materials projects. The approach for the projects involves the use of two different multinucleating ligands to synthesize mono- and multinuclear complexes. Chapter 2 describes the synthesis of a multinucleating tris(phosphinoaryl)benzene ligand used to support mono-nickel and palladium complexes. The isolated mononuclear complexes were observed to undergo intramolecular arene C¬–H to C–P functionalization. The transformation was studied by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography, and represents a rare type of C–H functionalization mechanism, facilitated by the interactions of the group 10 metal with the arene π–system.

Chapter 3 describes the construction of multinickel complexes supported by the same triphosphine ligand from Chapter 2. This chapter shows how the central arene in the ligand’s triarylbenzene framework can interact with dinickel and trinickel moieties in various binding modes. X-ray diffraction studies indicated that all compounds display strong metal–arene interactions. A cofacial triangulo nickel(0) complex supported by this ligand scaffold was also isolated and characterized. This chapter demonstrates the use of an arene as versatile ligand design element for small molecular clusters.

Chapter 4 presents the syntheses of a series of discrete mixed transition metal Mn oxido clusters and their characterization. The synthesis of these oxide clusters displaying two types of transition metals were targeted for systematic metal composition-property studies relevant to mixed transition metal oxides employed in electrocatalysis. A series of heterometallic trimanganese tetraoxido cubanes capped with a redox-active metal [MMn3O4] (M = Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) was synthesized starting from a [CaMn3O4] precursor and structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography and anomalous diffraction to conclusively determine that M is incorporated at a single position in the cluster. The electrochemical properties of these complexes were studied via cyclic voltammetry. The redox chemistry of the series of complexes was investigated by the addition of a reductant and oxidant. X-ray absorption and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies were also employed to evaluate the product of the oxidation/reduction reaction to determine the site of electron transfer given the presence of two types of redox-active metals. Additional studies on oxygen atom transfer reactivities of [MMn3O4] and [MMn3O2] series were performed to investigate the effect of the heterometal M in the reaction rates.

Chapter 5 focuses on the use of [CoMn3O4] and [NiMn3O4] cubane complexes discussed in Chapter 4 as precursors to heterogeneous oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrocatalysts. These well-defined complexes were dropcasted on electrodes with/without heat treatment, and the OER activities of the resulting films were evaluated. Multiple spectroscopic techniques were performed on the surface of the electrocatalysts to gain insight into the structure-function relationships based on the heterometallic composition. Depending on film preparation, the Co-Mn-oxide was found to change metal composition during catalysis, while the Ni-Mn oxide maintained the NiMn3 ratio. These studies represent the use of discrete heterometallic-oxide clusters as precursors for heterogeneous water oxidation catalysts.

Appendix A describes the ongoing effort to synthesize a series of heteromultimetallic [MMn3X] clusters (X = O, S, F). Complexes such as [ZnMn3O], [CoMn3O], [Mn3S], and [Mn4F] have been synthesized and structurally characterized. An amino-bis-oxime ligand (PRABO) has been installed on the [ZnMn3O] cluster. Upon the addition of O2, the desymmetrized [ZnMn3O] cluster only underwent an outer-sphere, one-electron oxidation. Efforts to build and manipulate other heterometallic [MMn3X] clusters are still ongoing, targeting O2 binding and reduction. Appendix B summarizes the multiple synthetic approaches to build a [Co4O4]-cubane complex relevant to heterogeneous OER electrocatalysis. Starting with the tricobalt cluster [LCo3(O2CR)3] and treatment various strong oxidants that can serve as oxygen atom source in the presence Co2+ salt only yielded tricobalt mono–oxo complexes. Appendix C presents the efforts to model the H-cluster framework of [FeFe]-hydrogenase by incorporating a synthetic diiron complex onto a protein-supported or a synthetic ligand-supported [Fe4S4]-cluster. The mutant ferredoxin with a [Fe4S4]-cluster and triscarbene ligand have been characterized by multiple spectroscopic techniques. The reconstruction of an H-cluster mimic has not yet been achieved, due to the difficulty of obtaining crystallographic evidence and the ambiguity of the EPR results.


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The E‒H bond activation chemistry of tris-phosophino-iron and -cobalt metallaboratranes is discussed. The ferraboratrane complex (TPB)Fe(N2) heterolytically activates H‒H and the C‒H bonds of formaldehyde and arylacetylenes across an Fe‒B bond. In particular, H‒H bond cleavage at (TPB)Fe(N2) is reversible and affords the iron-hydride-borohydride complex (TPB)(μ‒H)Fe(L)(H) (L = H2, N2). (TPB)(μ‒H)Fe(L)(H) and (TPB)Fe(N2) are competent olefin and arylacetylene hydrogenation catalysts. Stoichiometric studies indicate that the B‒H unit is capable of acting as a hydride shuttle in the hydrogenation of olefin and arylacetylene substrates. The heterolytic cleavage of H2 by the (TPB)Fe system is distinct from the previously reported (TPB)Co(H2) complex, where H2 coordinates as a non-classical H2 adduct based on X-ray, spectroscopic, and reactivity data. The non-classical H2 ligand in (TPB)Co(H2) is confirmed in this work by single crystal neutron diffraction, which unequivocally shows an intact H‒H bond of 0.83 Å in the solid state. The neutron structure also shows that the H2 ligand is localized at two orientations on cobalt trans to the boron. This localization in the solid state contrasts with the results from ENDOR spectroscopy that show that the H2 ligand freely rotates about the Co‒H2 axis in frozen solution. Finally, the (TPB)Fe system, as well as related tris-phosphino-iron complexes that contain a different apical ligand unit (Si, PhB, C, and N) in place of the boron in (TPB)Fe, were studied for CO2 hydrogenation chemistry. The (TPB)Fe system is not catalytically competent, while the silicon, borate, carbon variants, (SiPR3)Fe, (PhBPiPr3)Fe, and (CPiPr3)Fe, respectively, are catalysts for the hydrogenation of CO2 to formate and methylformate. The hydricity of the CO2 reactive species in the silatrane system (SiPiPr3)Fe(N2)(H) has been experimentally estimated.


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In the first part of this thesis (Chapters I and II), the synthesis, characterization, reactivity and photophysics of per(difluoroborated) tetrakis(pyrophosphito)diplatinate(II) (Pt(POPBF2)) are discussed. Pt(POP-BF2) was obtained by reaction of [Pt2(POP)4]4- with neat boron trifluoride diethyl etherate (BF3·Et2O). While Pt(POP-BF2) and [Pt2(POP)4]4- have similar structures and absorption spectra, they differ in significant ways. Firstly, as discussed in Chapter I, the former is less susceptible to oxidation, as evidenced by the reversibility of its oxidation by I2. Secondly, while the first excited triplet states (T1) of both Pt(POP-BF2) and [Pt2(POP)4]4- exhibit long lifetimes (ca. 0.01 ms at room temperature) and substantial zero-field splitting (40 cm-1), Pt(POP-BF2) also has a remarkably long-lived (1.6 ns at room temperature) singlet excited state (S1), indicating slow intersystem crossing (ISC). Fluorescence lifetime and quantum yield (QY) of Pt(POP-BF2) were measured over a range of temperatures, providing insight into the slow ISC process. The remarkable spectroscopic and photophysical properties of Pt(POP-BF2), both in solution and as a microcrystalline powder, form the theme of Chapter II.

In the second part of the thesis (Chapters III and IV), the electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO by [(L)Mn(CO)3]- catalysts is investigated using density functional theory (DFT). As discussed in Chapter III, the turnover frequency (TOF)-limiting step is the dehydroxylation of [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]0/- (bpy = bipyridine) by trifluoroethanol (TFEH) to form [(bpy)Mn(CO)4]+/0. Because the dehydroxylation of [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]- is faster, maximum TOF (TOFmax) is achieved at potentials sufficient to completely reduce [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]0 to [(bpy)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]-. Substitution of bipyridine with bipyrimidine reduces the overpotential needed, but at the expense of TOFmax. In Chapter IV, the decoration of the bipyrimidine ligand with a pendant alcohol is discussed as a strategy to increase CO2 reduction activity. Our calculations predict that the pendant alcohol acts in concert with an external TFEH molecule, the latter acidifying the former, resulting in a ~ 80,000-fold improvement in the rate of TOF-limiting dehydroxylation of [(L)Mn(CO)3(CO2H)]-.

An interesting strategy for the co-upgrading of light olefins and alkanes into heavier alkanes is the subject of Appendix B. The proposed scheme involves dimerization of the light olefin, operating in tandem with transfer hydrogenation between the olefin dimer and the light alkane. The work presented therein involved a Ta olefin dimerization catalyst and a silica-supported Ir transfer hydrogenation catalyst. Olefin dimer was formed under reaction conditions; however, this did not undergo transfer hydrogenation with the light alkane. A significant challenge is that the Ta catalyst selectively produces highly branched dimers, which are unable to undergo transfer hydrogenation.


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This thesis describes applications of cavity enhanced spectroscopy towards applications of remote sensing, chemical kinetics and detection of transient radical molecular species. Both direct absorption spectroscopy and cavity ring-down spectroscopy are used in this work. Frequency-stabilized cavity ring-down spectroscopy (FS-CRDS) was utilized for measurements of spectral lineshapes of O2 and CO2 for obtaining laboratory reference data in support of NASA’s OCO-2 mission. FS-CRDS is highly sensitive (> 10 km absorption path length) and precise (> 10000:1 SNR), making it ideal to study subtle non-Voigt lineshape effects. In addition, these advantages of FS-CRDS were further extended for measuring kinetic isotope effects: A dual-wavelength variation of FS-CRDS was used for measuring precise D/H and 13C/12C methane isotope ratios (sigma>0.026%) for the purpose of measuring the temperature dependent kinetic isotope effects of methane oxidation with O(1D) and OH radicals. Finally, direct absorption spectroscopic detection of the trans-DOCO radical via a frequency combs spectrometer was conducted in collaboration with professor Jun Ye at JILA/University of Colorado.