2 resultados para Monsoon depression

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis aims at enhancing our fundamental understanding of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and mechanisms implicated in its climatology in present-day and warmer climates. We focus on the most prominent feature of the EASM, i.e., the so-called Meiyu-Baiu (MB), which is characterized by a well-defined, southwest to northeast elongated quasi-stationary rainfall band, spanning from eastern China to Japan and into the northwestern Pacific Ocean in June and July.

We begin with an observational study of the energetics of the MB front in present-day climate. Analyses of the moist static energy (MSE) budget of the MB front indicate that horizontal advection of moist enthalpy, primarily of dry enthalpy, sustains the front in a region of otherwise negative net energy input into the atmospheric column. A decomposition of the horizontal dry enthalpy advection into mean, transient, and stationary eddy fluxes identifies the longitudinal thermal gradient due to zonal asymmetries and the meridional stationary eddy velocity as the most influential factors determining the pattern of horizontal moist enthalpy advection. Numerical simulations in which the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is either retained or removed show that the TP influences the stationary enthalpy flux, and hence the MB front, primarily by changing the meridional stationary eddy velocity, with reinforced southerly wind on the northwestern flank of the north Pacific subtropical high (NPSH) over the MB region and northerly wind to its north. Changes in the longitudinal thermal gradient are mainly confined to the near downstream of the TP, with the resulting changes in zonal warm air advection having a lesser impact on the rainfall in the extended MB region.

Similar mechanisms are shown to be implicated in present climate simulations in the Couple Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. We find that the spatial distribution of the EASM precipitation simulated by different models is highly correlated with the meridional stationary eddy velocity. The correlation becomes more robust when energy fluxes into the atmospheric column are considered, consistent with the observational analyses. The spread in the area-averaged rainfall amount can be partially explained by the spread in the simulated globally-averaged precipitation, with the rest primarily due to the lower-level meridional wind convergence. Clear relationships between precipitation and zonal and meridional eddy velocities are observed.

Finally, the response of the EASM to greenhouse gas forcing is investigated at different time scales in CMIP5 model simulations. The reduction of radiative cooling and the increase in continental surface temperature occur much more rapidly than changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Without changes in SSTs, the rainfall in the monsoon region decreases (increases) over ocean (land) in most models. On longer time scales, as SSTs increase, rainfall changes are opposite. The total response to atmospheric CO^2 forcing and subsequent SST warming is a large (modest) increase in rainfall over ocean (land) in the EASM region. Dynamic changes, in spite of significant contributions from the thermodynamic component, play an important role in setting up the spatial pattern of precipitation changes. Rainfall anomalies over East China are a direct consequence of local land-sea contrast, while changes in the larger-scale oceanic rainfall band are closely associated with the displacement of the larger-scale NPSH. Numerical simulations show that topography and SST patterns play an important role in rainfall changes in the EASM region.


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Spreading depression (SD) is a phenomenon observed in several sections of vertebrate central nervous system. It can occur spontaneously or be evoked by a variety of stimuli, and consists of a wave of depression of the normal electrical activity of the nervous tissue which spreads slowly in all directions in the tissue. This wave of depression is accompanied by several concomitants including ion movements. All the concomitants of SD can be explained by an increase in the sodium permeability of the plasma membranes of cellular elements involved in this phenomenon.

In the chicken retina, SD is accompanied by a transparency change which can be detected with the naked eye. The isolated retina is a thin (0.1 mm) membrane in which the extracellular fluid quickly and completely equilibrates with the incubation solutions. This preparation was therefore used to study the ion movements during SD by measuring and comparing the ion contents and the extracellular space (ECS) of retinas incubated in various solutions of which some inhibited SD, whereas others allowed this phenomenon to occur.

The present study has shown that during SD there is a shift of extracellular sodium into the intracellular compartment of the retina, a release of intracellular K and a decrease in the magnitude of ECS. These results are in agreement with previous postulates about SD, although the in vitro experimental condition makes the ion movements appear larger and the loss of ECS smaller than observed in the intact cortical tissue. The movements of Na and K, in opposite directions, are reversible. The development and magnitudes of SD is very little affected by deprivation of the oxygen supply.

It was established that the inward sodium shift is not a consequence of an arrest of the Na-pump. It can be prevented, together with SD by the membrane stabilizers, magnesium and procaine. Spreading depression and the ion movements are incompletely inhibited by tetrodotoxin, which blocks the sodium influx into nerve fibers during the action potential. The replacement of Na in the bathing solution by Li does not prevent SD, which is accompanied by Li accumulation in the intracellular compartment. From these experiments and others it was concluded that the mechanism underlying SD and the ion shifts is an increase in the sodium permeability of cell membranes.