11 resultados para Magnetic-Properties

em CaltechTHESIS


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The amorphous phases of the Pd-Cu-P system has been obtained using the technique of rapidly quenching from the liquid state. Broad maxima in the diffraction pattern were obtained in the X-ray diffraction studies which are indicative of a glass-like structure. The composition range over which the amorphous solid phase is retained for the Pd-Cu-P system is (Pd100-xCux)80P20 with 10 ≤ x ≤ 50 and (Pd65Cu35)100-yPy with 15 ≤ y ≤ 24 and (Pd60Cu40)100-yPy with 15 ≤ y ≤ 24.

The electrical resistivity for the Pd-Cu-P alloys decreases with temperature as T2 at low temperatures and as T at high temperatures up to the crystallization temperature. The structural scattering model of the resistivity proposed by Sinha and the spin-fluctuation resistivity model proposed by Hasegawa are re-examined in the light of the similarity of this result to the Pt-Ni-P and Pd-Ni-P systems. Objections are raised to these interpretations of the resistivity results and an alternate model is proposed consistent with the new results on Pd-Cu-P and the observation of similar effects in crystalline transition metal alloys. The observed negative temperature coefficients of resistivity in these amorphous alloys are thus interpreted as being due to the modification of the density of states with temperature through the electron-phonon interaction. The weak Pauli paramagnetism of the Pd-Cu-P, Pt-Ni-P and Pd-Ni-P alloys is interpreted as being modifications of the transition d-states as a result of the formation of strong transition metal-metalloid bonds rather than a large transfer of electrons from the glass former atoms (P in this case) to the d-band of the transition metal in a rigid band picture.


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The influence of composition on the structure and on the electric and magnetic properties of amorphous Pd-Mn-P and Pd-Co-P prepared by rapid quenching techniques were investigated in terms of (1) the 3d band filling of the first transition metal group, (2) the phosphorus concentration effect which acts as an electron donor and (3) the transition metal concentration.

The structure is essentially characterized by a set of polyhedra subunits essentially inverse to the packing of hard spheres in real space. Examination of computer generated distribution functions using Monte Carlo random statistical distribution of these polyhedra entities demonstrated tile reproducibility of the experimentally calculated atomic distribution function. As a result, several possible "structural parameters" are proposed such as: the number of nearest neighbors, the metal-to-metal distance, the degree of short-range order and the affinity between metal-metal and metal-metalloid. It is shown that the degree of disorder increases from Ni to Mn. Similar behavior is observed with increase in the phosphorus concentration.

The magnetic properties of Pd-Co-P alloys show that they are ferromagnetic with a Curie temperature between 272 and 399°K as the cobalt concentration increases from 15 to 50 at.%. Below 20 at.% Co the short-range exchange interactions which produce the ferromagnetism are unable to establish a long-range magnetic order and a peak in the magnetization shows up at the lowest temperature range . The electric resistivity measurements were performed from liquid helium temperatures up to the vicinity of the melting point (900°K). The thermomagnetic analysis was carried out under an applied field of 6.0 kOe. The electrical resistivity of Pd-Co-P shows the coexistence of a Kondo-like minimum with ferromagnetism. The minimum becomes less important as the transition metal concentration increases and the coefficients of ℓn T and T^2 become smaller and strongly temperature dependent. The negative magnetoresistivity is a strong indication of the existence of localized moment.

The temperature coefficient of resistivity which is positive for Pd- Fe-P, Pd-Ni-P, and Pd-Co-P becomes negative for Pd-Mn-P. It is possible to account for the negative temperature dependence by the localized spin fluctuation model and the high density of states at the Fermi energy which becomes maximum between Mn and Cr. The magnetization curves for Pd-Mn-P are typical of those resulting from the interplay of different exchange forces. The established relationship between susceptibility and resistivity confirms the localized spin fluctuation model. The magnetoresistivity of Pd-Mn-P could be interpreted in tenns of a short-range magnetic ordering that could arise from the Rudennan-Kittel type interactions.


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A theory of the order-disorder transformation is developed in complete generality. The general theory is used to calculate long range order parameters, short range order parameters, energy, and phase diagrams for a face centered cubic binary alloy. The theoretical results are compared to the experimental determination of the copper-gold system, Values for the two adjustable parameters are obtained.

An explanation for the behavior of magnetic alloys is developed, Curie temperatures and magnetic moments of the first transition series elements and their alloys in both the ordered and disordered states are predicted. Experimental agreement is excellent in most cases. It is predicted that the state of order can effect the magnetic properties of an alloy to a considerable extent in alloys such as Ni3Mn. The values of the adjustable parameter used to fix the level of the Curie temperature, and the adjustable parameter that expresses the effect of ordering on the Curie temperature are obtained.


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The superconducting and magnetic properties of splat cooled amorphous alloys of composition (La100-xGdx)80Au20 (0 ≤ x ≤ 100) have been studied. The La80Au20 alloys are ideal type II super-conductors (critical temperature Tc = 3.5° K ). The concentration range (x less than 1) where superconductivity and spin-glass freezing n1ight coexist has been studied in detail. The spin-glass alloys (0 less than x less than 70) exhibit susceptibility maxima and thermomagnetic history effects. In the absence of complications due to crystal field and enhanced matrix effects, a phenomenological model is proposed in which the magnetic clusters are treated as single spin entities interacting via random forces using the molecular field approach. The fundamental parameters (such as the strength of the forces and the size of clusters) can be deduced from magnetization measurements. The remanent magnetization is shown to arise from an interplay of the RKKY and dipolar forces. Magnetoresistivity results are found to be consistent with the aforementioned picture. The nature of magnetic interactions in an amorphous matrix is also discussed. The moment per Gd atom (7µB) is found to be constant and close to that of the crystalline value throughout the concentration range investigated. Finally, a detail study is made of the critical phenomena and magnetic properties of the amorphous ferromagnet: Gd80Au20. The results are compared with recent theories on amorphous magnetism.


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Over the past few decades, ferromagnetic spinwave resonance in magnetic thin films has been used as a tool for studying the properties of magnetic materials. A full understanding of the boundary conditions at the surface of the magnetic material is extremely important. Such an understanding has been the general objective of this thesis. The approach has been to investigate various hypotheses of the surface condition and to compare the results of these models with experimental data. The conclusion is that the boundary conditions are largely due to thin surface regions with magnetic properties different from the bulk. In the calculations these regions were usually approximated by uniform surface layers; the spins were otherwise unconstrained except by the same mechanisms that exist in the bulk (i.e., no special "pinning" at the surface atomic layer is assumed). The variation of the ferromagnetic spinwave resonance spectra in YIG films with frequency, temperature, annealing, and orientation of applied field provided an excellent experimental basis for the study.

This thesis can be divided into two parts. The first part is ferromagnetic resonance theory; the second part is the comparison of calculated with experimental data in YIG films. Both are essential in understanding the conclusion that surface regions with properties different from the bulk are responsible for the resonance phenomena associated with boundary conditions.

The theoretical calculations have been made by finding the wave vectors characteristic of the magnetic fields inside the magnetic medium, and then combining the fields associated with these wave vectors in superposition to match the specified boundary conditions. In addition to magnetic boundary conditions required for the surface layer model, two phenomenological magnetic boundary conditions are discussed in detail. The wave vectors are easily found by combining the Landau-Lifshitz equations with Maxwell's equations. Mode positions are most easily predicted from the magnetic wave vectors obtained by neglecting damping, conductivity, and the displacement current. For an insulator where the driving field is nearly uniform throughout the sample, these approximations permit a simple yet accurate calculation of the mode intensities. For metal films this calculation may be inaccurate but the mode positions are still accurately described. The techniques necessary for calculating the power absorbed by the film under a specific excitation including the effects of conductivity, displacement current and damping are also presented.

In the second part of the thesis the properties of magnetic garnet materials are summarized and the properties believed associated with the two surface regions of a YIG film are presented. Finally, the experimental data and calculated data for the surface layer model and other proposed models are compared. The conclusion of this study is that the remarkable variety of spinwave spectra that arises from various preparation techniques and subsequent treatments can be explained by surface regions with magnetic properties different from the bulk.


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The structure and the electrical and magnetic properties of an amorphous alloy containing approximately 80 at .% iron, 13 at.% phos phorus and 7 at.% carbon (Fe_(80)Fe_(13)C_7) obtained by rapid quenching from the liquid state have been studied. Transmission electron diffraction data confirm the amorphous nature of this alloy. An analysis of the radial distribution function obtained from X-ray diffraction data indicates that the number of nearest neighbors is approximately seven, at a distance of 2.6A. The structure of the alloy can be related to that of silicate glasses and is based on a random arrangement of trigonal prisms of Fe_2P and Fe_3C types in which the iron atoms have an average ligancy of seven. Electrical resistance measurements show that the alloys are metallic. A minimum in the electrical resistivity vs. temperature curve is observed between 10° K to 50° K depending on the specimen, and the temperature at which the minimum occurs is related to the degree of local ordering. The Fe-P-C amorphous alloys are ferromagnetic. The Curie temperature measured by the induction method and by Mossbauer spectroscopy is 315° C. The field dependence of the magneto-resistance at temperatures from liquid helium to room temperature is similar to that found in crystalline iron. The ordinary Hall coefficient is approximately 10^(-11) volt-cm/amp-G. The spontaneous Hall coefficient is about 0.6 x 10^(-9) volt-cm/amp-G and is practically independent of temperature from liquid helium temperature up to 300° c.


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Metallic glass has since its debut been of great research interest due to its profound scientific significance. Magnetic metallic glasses are of special interest because of their promising technological applications. In this thesis, we introduced a novel series of Fe-based alloys and offer a holistic review of the physics and properties of these alloys. A systematic alloy development and optimization method was introduced, with experimental implementation on transition metal based alloying system. A deep understanding on the influencing factors of glass forming ability was brought up and discussed, based on classical nucleation theory. Experimental data of the new Fe-based amorphous alloys were interpreted to further analyze those influencing factors, including reduced glass transition temperature, fragility, and liquid-crystal interface free energy. Various treatments (fluxing, overheating, etc.) were discussed for their impacts on the alloying systems' thermodynamics and glass forming ability. Multiple experimental characterization methods were discussed to measure the alloys' soft magnetic properties. In addition to theoretical and experimental investigation, we also gave a detailed numerical analysis on the rapid-discharge-heating-and-forming platform. It is a novel experimental system which offers extremely fast heating rate for calorimetric characterization and alloy deformation.


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Chapter I

Theories for organic donor-acceptor (DA) complexes in solution and in the solid state are reviewed, and compared with the available experimental data. As shown by McConnell et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S., 53, 46-50 (1965)), the DA crystals fall into two classes, the holoionic class with a fully or almost fully ionic ground state, and the nonionic class with little or no ionic character. If the total lattice binding energy 2ε1 (per DA pair) gained in ionizing a DA lattice exceeds the cost 2εo of ionizing each DA pair, ε1 + εo less than 0, then the lattice is holoionic. The charge-transfer (CT) band in crystals and in solution can be explained, following Mulliken, by a second-order mixing of states, or by any theory that makes the CT transition strongly allowed, and yet due to a small change in the ground state of the non-interacting components D and A (or D+ and A-). The magnetic properties of the DA crystals are discussed.

Chapter II

A computer program, EWALD, was written to calculate by the Ewald fast-convergence method the crystal Coulomb binding energy EC due to classical monopole-monopole interactions for crystals of any symmetry. The precision of EC values obtained is high: the uncertainties, estimated by the effect on EC of changing the Ewald convergence parameter η, ranged from ± 0.00002 eV to ± 0.01 eV in the worst case. The charge distribution for organic ions was idealized as fractional point charges localized at the crystallographic atomic positions: these charges were chosen from available theoretical and experimental estimates. The uncertainty in EC due to different charge distribution models is typically ± 0.1 eV (± 3%): thus, even the simple Hückel model can give decent results.

EC for Wurster's Blue Perchl orate is -4.1 eV/molecule: the crystal is stable under the binding provided by direct Coulomb interactions. EC for N-Methylphenazinium Tetracyanoquino- dimethanide is 0.1 eV: exchange Coulomb interactions, which cannot be estimated classically, must provide the necessary binding.

EWALD was also used to test the McConnell classification of DA crystals. For the holoionic (1:1)-(N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-para- phenylenediamine: 7,7,8,8-Tetracyanoquinodimethan) EC = -4.0 eV while 2εo = 4.65 eV: clearly, exchange forces must provide the balance. For the holoionic (1:1)-(N,N,N',N'-Tetramethyl-para- phenylenediamine:para-Chloranil) EC = -4.4 eV, while 2εo = 5.0 eV: again EC falls short of 2ε1. As a Gedankenexperiment, two nonionic crystals were assumed to be ionized: for (1:1)-(Hexamethyl- benzene:para-Chloranil) EC = -4.5 eV, 2εo = 6.6 eV; for (1:1)- (Napthalene:Tetracyanoethylene) EC = -4.3 eV, 2εo = 6.5 eV. Thus, exchange energies in these nonionic crystals must not exceed 1 eV.

Chapter III

A rapid-convergence quantum-mechanical formalism is derived to calculate the electronic energy of an arbitrary molecular (or molecular-ion) crystal: this provides estimates of crystal binding energies which include the exchange Coulomb inter- actions. Previously obtained LCAO-MO wavefunctions for the isolated molecule(s) ("unit cell spin-orbitals") provide the starting-point. Bloch's theorem is used to construct "crystal spin-orbitals". Overlap between the unit cell orbitals localized in different unit cells is neglected, or is eliminated by Löwdin orthogonalization. Then simple formulas for the total kinetic energy Q^(XT)_λ, nuclear attraction [λ/λ]XT, direct Coulomb [λλ/λ'λ']XT and exchange Coulomb [λλ'/λ'λ]XT integrals are obtained, and direct-space brute-force expansions in atomic wavefunctions are given. Fourier series are obtained for [λ/λ]XT, [λλ/λ'λ']XT, and [λλ/λ'λ]XT with the help of the convolution theorem; the Fourier coefficients require the evaluation of Silverstone's two-center Fourier transform integrals. If the short-range interactions are calculated by brute-force integrations in direct space, and the long-range effects are summed in Fourier space, then rapid convergence is possible for [λ/λ]XT, [λλ/λ'λ']XT and [λλ'/λ'λ]XT. This is achieved, as in the Ewald method, by modifying each atomic wavefunction by a "Gaussian convergence acceleration factor", and evaluating separately in direct and in Fourier space appropriate portions of [λ/λ]XT, etc., where some of the portions contain the Gaussian factor.


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The electrical and magnetic properties of amorphous alloys obtained by rapid quenching from the liquid state have been studied. The composition of these alloys corresponds to the general formula MxPd80-xSi20, in which M stands for a metal of the first transition series between chromium and nickel and x is its atomic concentration. The concentration ranges within which an amorphous structure could be obtained were: from 0 to 7 for Cr, Mn and Fe, from 0 to 11 for Co and from 0 to 15 for Ni. A well-defined minimum in the resistivity vs temperature curve was observed for all alloys except those containing nickel. The alloys for which a resistivity minimum was observed had a negative magnetoresistivity approximately proportional to the square of the magnetization and their susceptibility obeyed the Curie-Weiss law in a wide temperature range. For concentrated Fe and Co alloys the resistivity minimum was found to coexist with ferromagnetism. These observations lead to the conclusion that the present results are due to a s-d exchange interaction. The unusually high resistivity minimum temperature observed in the Cr alloys is interpreted as a result of a high Kondo temperature and a large s-d exchange integral. A low Fermi energy of the amorphous alloys (3.5 eV) is also responsible for the anomalies due to the s-d exchange interaction.


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A new approach to magnetic resonance was introduced in 1992 based upon detection of spin-induced forces by J. Sidles [1]. This technique, now called magnetic resonance force microscopy (MRFM), was first demonstrated that same year via electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) by D. Rugar et al. [2]. This new method combines principles of magnetic resonance with those of scanned probe technology to detect spin resonance through mechanical, rather than inductive, means. In this thesis the development and use of ferromagnetic resonance force microscopy (FMRFM) is described. This variant of MRFM, which allows investigation of ferromagnetic samples, was first demonstrated in 1996 by Z. Zhang et al. [3]. FMRFM enables characterization of (a) the dynamic magnetic properties of microscale magnetic devices, and (b) the spatial dependence of ferromagnetic resonance within a sample. Both are impossible with conventional ferromagnetic resonance techniques.

Ferromagnetically coupled systems, however, pose unique challenges for force detection. In this thesis the attainable spatial resolution - and the underlying physical mechanisms that determine it - are established. We analyze the dependence of the magnetostatic modes upon sample dimensions using a series of microscale yttrium iron garnet (YIG) samples. Mapping of mode amplitudes within these sample is attained with an unprecedented spatial resolution of 15μm. The modes, never before analyzed on this scale, fit simple models developed in this thesis for samples of micron dimensions. The application of stronger gradient fields induces localized perturbation of the ferromagnetic resonance modes. The first demonstrations of this effect are presented in this study, and a simple theoretical model is developed to explain our observations. The results indicate that the characteristics of the locally-detected ferromagnetic modes are still largely determined by the external fields and dimensions of the entire sample, rather than by the localized interaction volume (i.e., the locale most strongly affected by the local gradient field). Establishing this is a crucial first step toward understanding FMRFM in the high gradient field limit where the dispersion relations become locally determined. In this high gradient field regime, FMRFM imaging becomes analogous with that of EPR MRFM.

FMRFM has also been employed to characterize magnetic multilayers, similar to those utilized in giant magnetoresistance (GMR) devices, on a lateral scale 40 x 40μm. This is orders of magnitude smaller than possible via conventional methods. Anisotropy energies, thickness, and interface qualities of individual layers have been resolved.

This initial work clearly demonstrates the immense and unique potential that FMRFM offers for characterizing advanced magnetic nanostructures and magnetic devices.


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The contribution to the magnetic uniaxial perpendicular anisotropy which arises from substrate constraint through magnetostrictive effects has been measured in Ni-Fe and Ni-Co thin films evaporated on substrates at room temperature. This was accomplished by measuring the perpendicular anisotropy before and after removal of the film from the substrate. Data are given for the fcc crystal structure regions of both alloy systems, but data for Ni-Co include compositions with less than 60% Ni which have a small percentage of the hcp phase mixed with the fcc phase. The constraint contribution to the perpendicular anisotropy correlates well with the value of the bulk magnetostriction constant using the equation ∆K˔=3/2λsσ. Measured values of isotropic stress for films thicker than 600 Å were 1.6 x 1010 dyn/cm2. In films less than 600 Å thick the isotropic stress decreased with decreasing thickness. After removal of the films from the substrates, the measured perpendicular anisotropy deviated from the expected geometrical shape anisotropy near pure Ni in both alloys. This indicates that additional significant sources of anisotropy exist at these compositions.

The effect of substrate constraint on the crystalline anisotropy K1 of Ni-Fe epitaxial films has been studied by use of a film removal technique, which involves the evaporation of an epitaxial layer of LiF on MgO, the epitaxial growth of the metallic film on the LiF, and the stripping of the film with water soluble tape. Films ranging in composition from 50% to 100% Ni have been studied. For compositions below 90% Ni the experimental values agree reasonably well with the first order theoretical prediction, ∆K1=[-9/4(C11-C122 100+9/2C44λ2111].

In order to compare the magnetic properties of epitaxial thin films more completely with the properties of bulk single crystals, Ni-Fe films ranging in composition from 60% to 90% Ni, which were evaporated epitaxially on (100) MgO substrates, have been subsequently annealed at 400°C in a vacuum of less than 10-7 Torr to form the ordered Ni3Fe structure near the 75% composition. This ordered structure has been confirmed by electron diffraction.

The saturation magnetization at Ni3Fe increased about 6% with ordering which is in good agreement with previous bulk data. Measurements of the magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy K1 for the epitaxial films show the same large changes with ordering as observed in bulk single crystal samples. In the (001) plane the magnetostriction constants λ100, λ111 are directly related to the induced anisotropy due to a uniform uniaxial strain in the [100] and [110] directions respectively. Assuming that the elastic constants of a film are the same as in bulk material and are unchanged by ordering, the changes in strain sensitivity with ordering for the epitaxial films are found to be in good agreement with values predicted from bulk data. The exchange constant A as measured by ferromagnetic resonance has been measured at the Ni3Fe composition and found to increase 25% with ordering. This seems to indicate a significant increase in the Curie temperature which has only been inferred indirectly for bulk material.