4 resultados para LEE-YANG THEOREM

em CaltechTHESIS


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The simplest multiplicative systems in which arithmetical ideas can be defined are semigroups. For such systems irreducible (prime) elements can be introduced and conditions under which the fundamental theorem of arithmetic holds have been investigated (Clifford (3)). After identifying associates, the elements of the semigroup form a partially ordered set with respect to the ordinary division relation. This suggests the possibility of an analogous arithmetical result for abstract partially ordered sets. Although nothing corresponding to product exists in a partially ordered set, there is a notion similar to g.c.d. This is the meet operation, defined as greatest lower bound. Thus irreducible elements, namely those elements not expressible as meets of proper divisors can be introduced. The assumption of the ascending chain condition then implies that each element is representable as a reduced meet of irreducibles. The central problem of this thesis is to determine conditions on the structure of the partially ordered set in order that each element have a unique such representation.

Part I contains preliminary results and introduces the principal tools of the investigation. In the second part, basic properties of the lattice of ideals and the connection between its structure and the irreducible decompositions of elements are developed. The proofs of these results are identical with the corresponding ones for the lattice case (Dilworth (2)). The last part contains those results whose proofs are peculiar to partially ordered sets and also contains the proof of the main theorem.


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The superspace approach provides a manifestly supersymmetric formulation of supersymmetric theories. For N= 1 supersymmetry one can use either constrained or unconstrained superfields for such a formulation. Only the unconstrained formulation is suitable for quantum calculations. Until now, all interacting N>1 theories have been written using constrained superfields. No solutions of the nonlinear constraint equations were known.

In this work, we first review the superspace approach and its relation to conventional component methods. The difference between constrained and unconstrained formulations is explained, and the origin of the nonlinear constraints in supersymmetric gauge theories is discussed. It is then shown that these nonlinear constraint equations can be solved by transforming them into linear equations. The method is shown to work for N=1 Yang-Mills theory in four dimensions.

N=2 Yang-Mills theory is formulated in constrained form in six-dimensional superspace, which can be dimensionally reduced to four-dimensional N=2 extended superspace. We construct a superfield calculus for six-dimensional superspace, and show that known matter multiplets can be described very simply. Our method for solving constraints is then applied to the constrained N=2 Yang-Mills theory, and we obtain an explicit solution in terms of an unconstrained superfield. The solution of the constraints can easily be expanded in powers of the unconstrained superfield, and a similar expansion of the action is also given. A background-field expansion is provided for any gauge theory in which the constraints can be solved by our methods. Some implications of this for superspace gauge theories are briefly discussed.


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The structure of the set ϐ(A) of all eigenvalues of all complex matrices (elementwise) equimodular with a given n x n non-negative matrix A is studied. The problem was suggested by O. Taussky and some aspects have been studied by R. S. Varga and B.W. Levinger.

If every matrix equimodular with A is non-singular, then A is called regular. A new proof of the P. Camion-A.J. Hoffman characterization of regular matrices is given.

The set ϐ(A) consists of m ≤ n closed annuli centered at the origin. Each gap, ɤ, in this set can be associated with a class of regular matrices with a (unique) permutation, π(ɤ). The association depends on both the combinatorial structure of A and the size of the aii. Let A be associated with the set of r permutations, π1, π2,…, πr, where each gap in ϐ(A) is associated with one of the πk. Then r ≤ n, even when the complement of ϐ(A) has n+1 components. Further, if π(ɤ) is the identity, the real boundary points of ɤ are eigenvalues of real matrices equimodular with A. In particular, if A is essentially diagonally dominant, every real boundary point of ϐ(A) is an eigenvalues of a real matrix equimodular with A.

Several conjectures based on these results are made which if verified would constitute an extension of the Perron-Frobenius Theorem, and an algebraic method is introduced which unites the study of regular matrices with that of ϐ(A).


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Let F = Ǫ(ζ + ζ –1) be the maximal real subfield of the cyclotomic field Ǫ(ζ) where ζ is a primitive qth root of unity and q is an odd rational prime. The numbers u1=-1, uk=(ζk-k)/(ζ-ζ-1), k=2,…,p, p=(q-1)/2, are units in F and are called the cyclotomic units. In this thesis the sign distribution of the conjugates in F of the cyclotomic units is studied.

Let G(F/Ǫ) denote the Galoi's group of F over Ǫ, and let V denote the units in F. For each σϵ G(F/Ǫ) and μϵV define a mapping sgnσ: V→GF(2) by sgnσ(μ) = 1 iff σ(μ) ˂ 0 and sgnσ(μ) = 0 iff σ(μ) ˃ 0. Let {σ1, ... , σp} be a fixed ordering of G(F/Ǫ). The matrix Mq=(sgnσj(vi) ) , i, j = 1, ... , p is called the matrix of cyclotomic signatures. The rank of this matrix determines the sign distribution of the conjugates of the cyclotomic units. The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is associated with an ideal in the ring GF(2) [x] / (xp+ 1) in such a way that the rank of the matrix equals the GF(2)-dimension of the ideal. It is shown that if p = (q-1)/ 2 is a prime and if 2 is a primitive root mod p, then Mq is non-singular. Also let p be arbitrary, let ℓ be a primitive root mod q and let L = {i | 0 ≤ i ≤ p-1, the least positive residue of defined by ℓi mod q is greater than p}. Let Hq(x) ϵ GF(2)[x] be defined by Hq(x) = g. c. d. ((Σ xi/I ϵ L) (x+1) + 1, xp + 1). It is shown that the rank of Mq equals the difference p - degree Hq(x).

Further results are obtained by using the reciprocity theorem of class field theory. The reciprocity maps for a certain abelian extension of F and for the infinite primes in F are associated with the signs of conjugates. The product formula for the reciprocity maps is used to associate the signs of conjugates with the reciprocity maps at the primes which lie above (2). The case when (2) is a prime in F is studied in detail. Let T denote the group of totally positive units in F. Let U be the group generated by the cyclotomic units. Assume that (2) is a prime in F and that p is odd. Let F(2) denote the completion of F at (2) and let V(2) denote the units in F(2). The following statements are shown to be equivalent. 1) The matrix of cyclotomic signatures is non-singular. 2) U∩T = U2. 3) U∩F2(2) = U2. 4) V(2)/ V(2)2 = ˂v1 V(2)2˃ ʘ…ʘ˂vp V(2)2˃ ʘ ˂3V(2)2˃.

The rank of Mq was computed for 5≤q≤929 and the results appear in tables. On the basis of these results and additional calculations the following conjecture is made: If q and p = (q -1)/ 2 are both primes, then Mq is non-singular.