7 resultados para Integrin-binding Ligand

em CaltechTHESIS


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Semisynthesis of horse heart cytochrome c and site-directed mutagenesis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. c.) iso-1-cytochrome c have been utilized to substitute Ala for the cytochrome c heme axial ligand Met80 to yield ligand-binding proteins (horse heart Ala80cyt c and S.c. Ala80cyt c) with spectroscopic properties remarkably similar to those of myoglobin. Both species of Fe(II)Ala80cyt c form exceptionally stable dioxygen complexes with autoxidation rates 10-30x smaller and O2 binding constants ~ 3x greater than those of myoglobin. The resistance of O2-Fe(II)Ala80cyt c to autoxidation is attributed in part to protection of the heme site from solvent as exhibited by the exceptionally slow rate of CO binding to the heme as well as the low quantum yield of CO photodissociation.

UV/vis, EPR, and paramagnetic NMR spectroscopy indicate that at pH 7 the Fe(III)Ala80cyt c heme is low-spin with axial His-OH- coordination and that below pH ~6.5, Fe(III)Ala80cyt cis high-spin with His-H2O heme ligation. Significant differences in the pH dependence of the 1H NMR spectra of S.c. Fe(III)Ala80cyt c compared to wild-type demonstrate that the axial ligands influence the conformational energetics of cytochrome c.

1H NMR spectroscopy has been utilized to determine the solution structure of the cyanide derivative of S.c. Fe(III)Ala80cyt c. 82% of the resonances in the 1H NMR spectrum of S.c. CN-Fe(III)Ala80cyt c have been assigned through 1D and 2D experiments. The RMSD values after restrained energy minimization of the family of 17 structures obtained from distance geometry calculations are 0.68 ± 0.11 Å for the backbone and 1.32 ± 0.14 Å for all heavy atoms. The solution structure indicates that a tyrosine in the "distal" pocket of CN-Fe(III)Ala80cyt c forms a hydrogen bond with the Fe(III)-CN unit, suggesting that it may play a role analogous to that of the distal histidine in myoglobin in stabilizing the dioxygen adduct.


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This study examines binding of α- and β-D-glucose in their equilibrium mixture to the glucose transporter (GLUT1) in human erythrocyte membrane preparations by an ^1H NMR method, the transferred NOE (TRNOE). This method is shown theoretically and experimentally to be a sensitive probe of weak ligand-macromolecule interactions. The TRNOEs observed are shown to arise solely from glucose binding to GLUT1. Sites at both membrane faces contribute to the TRNOEs. Binding curves obtained are consistent with a homogeneous class of sugar sites, with an apparent KD which varies (from ~30 mM to ~70 mM for both anomers) depending on the membrane preparation examined. Preparations with a higher proportion of the cytoplasmic membrane face exposed to bulk solution yield higher apparent KKDs. The glucose transport inhibitor cytochalasin B essentially eliminates the TRNOE. Nonlinearity was found in the dependence on sugar concentration of the apparent inhibition constant for cytochalasin B reversal of the TRNOE observed in the α anomer (and probably the β anomer); such nonlinearity implies the existence of ternary complexes of sugar, inhibitor and transporter. The inhibition results furthermore imply the presence of a class of relatively high-affinity (KD < 2mM) sugar sites specific for the α anomer which do not contribute to NMR-observable binding. The presence of two classes of sugar-sensitive cytochalasin B sites is also indicated. These results are compared with predictions of the alternating conformer model of glucose transport. Variation of apparent KD in the NMR-observable sites, the formation of ternary complexes and the presence of an anomer-specific site are shown to be inconsistent with this model. An alternate model is developed which reconciles these results with the known transport behavior of GLUT1. In this model, the transporter possesses (at minimum) three classes of sugar sites: (i) transport sites, which are alternately exposed to the cytoplasmic or the extracellular compartment, but never to both simultaneously, (ii) a class of sites (probably relatively low-affinity) which are confined to one compartment, and (iii) the high-affinity α anomer-specific sites, which are confined to the cytoplasmic compartment.


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This dissertation describes studies of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) and ligand-gated ion channels (LGICs) using unnatural amino acid mutagenesis to gain high precision insights into the function of these important membrane proteins.

Chapter 2 considers the functional role of highly conserved proline residues within the transmembrane helices of the D2 dopamine GPCR. Through mutagenesis employing unnatural α-hydroxy acids, proline analogs, and N-methyl amino acids, we find that lack of backbone hydrogen bond donor ability is important to proline function. At one proline site we additionally find that a substituent on the proline backbone N is important to receptor function.

In Chapter 3, side chain conformation is probed by mutagenesis of GPCRs and the muscle-type nAChR. Specific side chain rearrangements of highly conserved residues have been proposed to accompany activation of these receptors. These rearrangements were probed using conformationally-biased β-substituted analogs of Trp and Phe and unnatural stereoisomers of Thr and Ile. We also modeled the conformational bias of the unnatural Trp and Phe analogs employed.

Chapters 4 and 5 examine details of ligand binding to nAChRs. Chapter 4 describes a study investigating the importance of hydrogen bonds between ligands and the complementary face of muscle-type and α4β4 nAChRs. A hydrogen bond involving the agonist appears to be important for ligand binding in the muscle-type receptor but not the α4β4 receptor.

Chapter 5 describes a study characterizing the binding of varenicline, an actively prescribed smoking cessation therapeutic, to the α7 nAChR. Additionally, binding interactions to the complementary face of the α7 binding site were examined for a small panel of agonists. We identified side chains important for binding large agonists such as varenicline, but dispensable for binding the small agonist ACh.

Chapter 6 describes efforts to image nAChRs site-specifically modified with a fluorophore by unnatural amino acid mutagenesis. While progress was hampered by high levels of fluorescent background, improvements to sample preparation and alternative strategies for fluorophore incorporation are described.

Chapter 7 describes efforts toward a fluorescence assay for G protein association with a GPCR, with the ultimate goal of probing key protein-protein interactions along the G protein/receptor interface. A wide range of fluorescent protein fusions were generated, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, and evaluated for their ability to associate with each other.


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Understanding and catalyzing chemical reactions requiring multiple electron transfers is an endeavor relevant to many outstanding challenges in the field of chemistry. To study multi-electron reactions, a terphenyl diphosphine framework was designed to support one or more metals in multiple redox states via stabilizing interactions with the central arene of the terphenyl backbone. A variety of unusual compounds and reactions and their relevance toward prominent research efforts in chemistry are the subject of this dissertation.

Chapter 2 introduces the para-terphenyl diphosphine framework and its coordination chemistry with group 10 transition metal centers. Both mononuclear and dinuclear compounds are characterized. In many cases, the metal center(s) are stabilized by the terphenyl central arene. These metal–arene interactions are characterized both statically, in the solid state, and fluxionally, in solution. As a proof-of-principle, a dinickel framework is shown to span multiple redox states, showing that multielectron chemistry can be supported by the coordinatively flexible terphenyl diphosphine.

Chapter 3 presents reactivity of the terphenyl diphosphine when bound to a metal center. Because of the dearomatizing effect of the metal center, the central arene of the ligand is susceptible to reactions that do not normally affect arenes. In particular, Ni-to-arene H-transfer and arene dihydrogenation reactions are presented. Additionally, evidence for reversibility of the Ni-to-arene H-transfer is discussed.

Chapter 4 expands beyond the chelated metal-arene interactions of the previous chapters. A dipalladium(I) terphenyl diphosphine framework is used to bind a variety of exogenous organic ligands including arenes, dienes, heteroarenes, thioethers, and anionic ligands. The compounds are structurally characterized, and many ligands exhibit unprecedented bindng modes across two metal centers. The relative binding affinities are evaluated spectroscopically, and equilibrium binding constants for the examined ligands are determined to span over 13 orders of magnitude. As an application of this framework, mild hydrogenation conditions of bound thiophene are presented.

Chapter 5 studies nickel-mediated C–O bond cleavage of aryl alkyl ethers, a transformation with emerging applications in fields such as lignin biofuels and organic methodology. Other group members have shown the mechanism of C–O bond cleavage of an aryl methyl ether incorporated into a meta-terphenyl diphosphine framework to proceed through β-H elimination of an alkoxide. First, the electronic selectivity of the model system is examined computationally and compared with catalytic systems. The lessons learned from the model system are then applied to isotopic labeling studies for catalytic aryl alkyl ether cleavage under dihydrogen. Results from selective deuteration experiments and mass spectrometry draw a clear analogy between the mechanisms of the model and catalytic systems that does not require dihydrogen for C–O bond cleavage, although dihydrogen is proposed to play a role in catalyst activation and catalytic turnover.

Appendix A presents initial efforts toward heterodinuclear complexes as models for CO dehydrogenase and Fischer Tropsch chemistry. A catechol-incorporating terphenyl diphosphine is reported, and metal complexes thereof are discussed.

Appendix B highlights some structurally characterized terphenyl diphosphine complexes that either do not thematically belong in the research chapters or proved to be difficult to reproduce. These compounds show unusual coordination modes of the terphenyl diphosphine from which other researchers may glean insights.


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This dissertation primarily describes studies of serotonin type 3 (5-HT3) receptors of the Cys-loop super-family of ligand gated ion channels. The first chapter provides a general introduction to these important proteins and the methods used to interrogate their structure and function. The second chapter details the delineation of a structural unit of the ligand binding site of homomeric 5-HT3A receptors on which the ligands serotonin (5-HT) and m-chlorophenyl biguanide (mCPBG) are reliant for effective receptor activation. Unnatural amino acid mutagenesis results show that the details of each ligand’s interaction with this organizing feature of the binding site differ, providing insights into general principles of receptor activation.

The third chapter describes a study in which florescent protein fusions of the A and B subunits of the heteromeric 5-HT3AB receptor are employed to determine the subunit stoichiometry and order within functional receptors. Strong evidence is found for an A3B2 stoichiometry with A-A-B-A-B order. The fourth chapter investigates the potential for ligand binding across heteromeric binding sites in the 5-HT3AB receptor. Unlike serotonin, mCPBG is found to bind the receptor at heteromeric binding sites. Further mCPBG is capable of allosterically modulating the response of serotonin on the 5-HT3AB receptor from these heteromeric sites.

Finally, the fifth chapter describes progress towards the application of unnatural amino acid mutagenesis to an important new class of proteins, transcription factors. Experiments optimizing novel methods for the detection of function are described, using RARα of the nuclear receptor family of transcription factors.


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Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are pentameric ligand-gated ion channels mediating fast synaptic transmission throughout the peripheral and central nervous systems. They have been implicated in various processes related to cognitive functions, learning and memory, arousal, reward, motor control and analgesia. Therefore, these receptors present alluring potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of pain, epilepsy, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, Tourette’s syndrome, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression and nicotine addiction. The work detailed in this thesis focuses on binding studies of neuronal nicotinic receptors and aims to further our knowledge of subtype specific functional and structural information.

Chapter 1 is an introductory chapter describing the structure and function of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors as well as the methodologies used for the dissertation work described herein. There are several different subtypes of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors known to date and the subtle variations in their structure and function present a challenging area of study. The work presented in this thesis deals specifically with the α4β2 subtype of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor. This subtype assembles into 2 closely related stoichiometries, termed throughout this thesis as A3B2 and A2B3 after their respective subunit composition. Chapter 2 describes binding studies of select nicotinic agonists on A3B2 and A2B3 receptors determined by whole-cell recording. Three key binding interactions, a cation-π and two hydrogen bonds, were probed for four nicotinic agonists, acetylcholine, nicotine, smoking cessation drug varenicline (Chantix®) and the related natural product cytisine.

Results from the binding studies presented in Chapter 2 show that the major difference in binding of these four agonists to A3B2 and A2B3 receptors lies in one of the two hydrogen bond interactions where the agonist acts as the hydrogen bond acceptor and the backbone NH of a conserved leucine residue in the receptor acts as the hydrogen bond donor. Chapter 3 focuses on studying the effect of modulating the hydrogen bond acceptor ability of nicotine and epibatidine on A3B2 receptor function determined by whole-cell recording. Finally, Chapter 4 describes single-channel recording studies of varenicline binding to A2B3 and A3B2 receptors.


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Chronic diseases of the central nervous system are poorly treated due to the inability of most therapeutics to cross the blood-brain barrier. The blood-brain barrier is an anatomical and physiological barrier that severely restricts solute influx, including most drugs, from the blood to the brain. One promising method to overcome this obstacle is to use endogenous solute influx systems at the blood-brain barrier to transport drugs. Therapeutics designed to enter the brain through transcytosis by binding the transferrin receptor, however, are restricted within endothelial cells. The focus of this work was to develop a method to increase uptake of transferrin-containing nanoparticles into the brain by overcoming these restrictive processes.

To accomplish this goal, nanoparticles were prepared with surface transferrin molecules bound through various liable chemical bonds. These nanoparticles were designed to shed the targeting molecule during transcytosis to allow increased accumulation of nanoparticles within the brain.

Transferrin was added to the surface of nanoparticles through either redox or pH sensitive chemistry. First, nanoparticles with transferrin bound through disulfide bonds were prepared. These nanoparticles showed decreased avidity for the transferrin receptor after exposure to reducing agents and increased ability to enter the brain in vivo compared to those lacking the disulfide link.

Next, transferrin was attached through a chemical bond that cleaves at mildly acidic pH. Nanoparticles containing a cleavable link between transferrin and gold nanoparticle cores were found to both cross an in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier and accumulate within the brain in significantly higher numbers than similar nanoparticles lacking the cleavable bond. Also, this increased accumulation was not seen when using this same strategy with an antibody to transferrin receptor, indicating that behavior of nanoparticles at the blood-brain barrier varies depending on what type of targeting ligand is used.

Finally, polymeric nanoparticles loaded with dopamine and utilizing a superior acid-cleavable targeting chemistry were investigated as a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease. These nanoparticles were capable of increasing dopamine quantities in the brains of healthy mice, highlighting the therapeutic potential of this design. Overall, this work describes a novel method to increase targeted nanoparticle accumulation in the brain.