24 resultados para Hydrogen Adsorption

em CaltechTHESIS


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The organometallic chemistry of the hexagonally close-packed Ru(001) surface has been studied using electron energy loss spectroscopy and thermal desorption mass spectrometry. The molecules that have been studied are acetylene, formamide and ammonia. The chemistry of acetylene and formamide has also been investigated in the presence of coadsorbed hydrogen and oxygen adatoms.

Acetylene is adsorbed molecularly on Ru(001) below approximately 230 K, with rehybridization of the molecule to nearly sp^3 occurring. The principal decomposition products at higher temperatures are ethylidyne (CCH_3) and acetylide (CCH) between 230 and 350 K, and methylidyne (CH) and surface carbon at higher temperatures. Some methylidyne is stable to approximately 700 K. The preadsorption of hydrogen does not alter the decomposition products of acetylene, but reduces the saturation coverage and also leads to the formation of a small amount of ethylene (via an η^2-CHCH_2 species) which desorbs molecularly near 175 K. Preadsorbed oxygen also reduces the saturation coverage of acetylene but has virtually no effect on the nature of the molecularly chemisorbed acetylene. It does, however, lead to the formation of an sp^2-hybridized vinylidene (CCH_2) species in the decomposition of acetylene, in addition to the decomposition products that are formed on the clean surface. There is no molecular desorption of chemisorbed acetylene from clean Ru(001), hydrogen-presaturated Ru(001), or oxygen-presaturated Ru(001).

The adsorption and decomposition of formamide has been studied on clean Ru(001), hydrogen-presaturated Ru(001), and Ru(001)-p(1x2)-O (oxygen adatom coverage = 0.5). On clean Ru(001), the adsorption of low coverages of formamide at 80 K results in CH bond cleavage and rehybridization of the carbonyl double bond to produce an η^2 (C,O)-NH_2CO species. This species is stable to approximately 250 K at which point it decomposes to yield a mixture of coadsorbed carbon monoxide, ammonia, an NH species and hydrogen adatoms. The decomposition of NH to hydrogen and nitrogen adatoms occurs between 350 and 400 K, and the thermal desorption products are NH_3 (-315 K), H_2 (-420 K), CO (-480 K) and N_2 (-770 K). At higher formamide coverages, some formamide is adsorbed molecularly at 80 K, leading both to molecular desorption and to the formation of a new surface intermediate between 300 and 375 K that is identified tentatively as η^1(N)-NCHO. On Ru(001)- p(1x2)-O and hydrogen-presaturated Ru(001), formamide adsorbs molecularly at 80 K in an η^1(O)- NH_2CHO configuration. On the oxygen-precovered surface, the molecularly adsorbed formamide undergoes competing desorption and decomposition, resulting in the formation of an η^2(N,O)-NHCHO species (analogous to a bidentate formate) at approximately 265 K. This species decomposes near 420 K with the evolution of CO and H_2 into the gas phase. On the hydrogen precovered surface, the Η^1(O)-NH_2CHO converts below 200 K to η^2(C,O)-NH_2CHO and η^2(C,O)-NH^2CO, with some molecular desorption occurring also at high coverage. The η^2(C,O)-bonded species decompose in a manner similar to the decomposition of η^2(C,O)-NH_2CO on the clean surface, although the formation of ammonia is not detected.

Ammonia adsorbs reversibly on Ru(001) at 80 K, with negligible dissociation occurring as the surface is annealed The EEL spectra of ammonia on Ru(001) are very similar to those of ammonia on other metal surfaces. Off-specular EEL spectra of chemisorbed ammonia allow the v(Ru-NH_3) and ρ(NH_3) vibrational loss features to be resolved near 340 and 625 cm^(-1), respectively. The intense δ_g (NH_3) loss feature shifts downward in frequency with increasing ammonia coverage, from approximately 1160 cm^(-1) in the low coverage limit to 1070 cm^(-1) at saturation. In coordination compounds of ammonia, the frequency of this mode shifts downward with decreasing charge on the metal atom, and its downshift on Ru(001) can be correlated with the large work function decrease that the surface has previously been shown to undergo when ammonia is adsorbed. The EELS data are consistent with ammonia adsorption in on-top sites. Second-layer and multilayer ammonia on Ru(001) have also been characterized vibrationally, and the results are similar to those obtained for other metal surfaces.


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Microbes have profoundly influenced the Earth’s environments through time. Records of these interactions come primarily from the development and implementation of proxies that relate known modern processes to chemical signatures in the sedimentary record. This thesis is presented in two parts, focusing first on novel proxy development in the modern and second on interpretation of past environments using well-established methods. Part 1, presented in two chapters, builds on previous observations that different microbial metabolisms produce vastly different lipid hydrogen isotopic compositions. Chapter 1 evaluates the potential environmental expression of metabolism-based fractionation differences by exploiting the natural microbial community gradients in hydrothermal springs. We find a very large range in isotopic composition that can be demonstrably linked to the microbial source(s) of the fatty acids at each sample site. In Chapter 2, anaerobic culturing techniques are used to evaluate the hydrogen isotopic fractionations produced by anaerobic microbial metabolisms. Although the observed fractionation patterns are similar to those reported for aerobic cultures for some organisms, others show large differences. Part 2 changes focus from the modern to the ancient and uses classical stratigraphic methods combined with isotope stratigraphy to interpret microbial and environmental changes during the latest Precambrian Era. Chapter 3 presents a detailed characterization of the facies, parasequence development, and stratigraphic architecture of the Ediacaran Khufai Formation. Chapter 4 presents measurements of carbon, oxygen, and sulfur isotopic ratios in stratigraphic context. Large oscillations in the isotopic composition of sulfate constrain the size of the marine sulfate reservoir and suggest incorporation of an enriched isotopic source. Because this data was measured in stratigraphic context, we can assert with confidence that these isotopic shifts are not related to stratigraphic surfaces or facies type but instead reflect the evolution of the ocean through time. This data integrates into the chemostratigraphic global record and contributes to the emerging picture of changing marine chemistry during the latest Precambrian Era.


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Synthetic biology promises to transform organic synthesis by enabling artificial catalysis in living cells. I start by reviewing the state of the art in this young field and recognizing that new approaches are required for designing enzymes that catalyze nonnatural reactions, in order to expand the scope of biocatalytic transformations. Carbene and nitrene transfers to C=C and C-H bonds are reactions of tremendous synthetic utility that lack biological counterparts. I show that various heme proteins, including cytochrome P450BM3, will catalyze promiscuous levels of olefin cyclopropanation when provided with the appropriate synthetic reagents (e.g., diazoesters and styrene). Only a few amino acid substitutions are required to install synthetically useful levels of stereoselective cyclopropanation activity in P450BM3. Understanding that the ferrous-heme is the active species for catalysis and that the artificial reagents are unable to induce a spin-shift-dependent increase in the redox potential of the ferric P450, I design a high-potential serine-heme ligated P450 (P411) that can efficiently catalyze cyclopropanation using NAD(P)H. Intact E. coli whole-cells expressing P411 are highly efficient asymmetric catalysts for olefin cyclopropanation. I also show that engineered P450s can catalyze intramolecular amination of benzylic C-H bonds from arylsulfonyl azides. Finally, I review other examples of where synthetic reagents have been used to drive the evolution of novel enzymatic activity in the environment and in the laboratory. I invoke preadaptation to explain these observations and propose that other man-invented reactions may also be transferrable to natural enzymes by using a mechanism-based approach for choosing the enzymes and the reagents. Overall, this work shows that existing enzymes can be readily adapted for catalysis of synthetically important reactions not previously observed in nature.


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A critical challenge for the 21st century is shifting from the predominant use of fossil fuels to renewables for energy. Among many options, sunlight is the only single renewable resource with sufficient abundance to replace most or all of our current fossil energy use. However, existing photovoltaic and solar thermal technologies cannot be scaled infinitely due to the temporal and geographic intermittency of sunlight. Therefore efficient and inexpensive methods for storage of solar energy in a dense medium are needed in order to greatly increase utilization of the sun as a primary resource. For this purpose we have proposed an artificial photosynthetic system consisting of semiconductors, electrocatalysts, and polymer membranes to carry out photoelectrochemical water splitting as a method for solar fuel generation.

This dissertation describes efforts over the last five years to develop critical semiconductor and catalyst components for efficient and scalable photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution, one of the half reactions for water splitting. We identified and developed Ni–Mo alloy and Ni2P nanoparticles as promising earth-abundant electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution. We thoroughly characterized Ni–Mo alloys alongside Ni and Pt catalysts deposited onto planar and structured Si light absorbers for solar hydrogen generation. We sought to address several key challenges that emerged in the use of non-noble catalysts for solar fuels generation, resulting in the synthesis and characterization of Ni–Mo nanopowder for use in a new photocathode device architecture. To address the mismatch in stability between non-noble metal alloys and Si absorbers, we also synthesized and characterized p-type WSe2 as a candidate light absorber alternative to Si that is stable under acidic and alkaline conditions.


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The interaction of SO_2 with γ - Al_2O_3 and the deposition of H_2 permselective SiO_2 films have been investigated. The adsorption and oxidative adsorption of SO_2 on γ - Al_2O_3 have been examined at temperatures 500-700°C by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). At temperatures above 500°C most of SO_2 adsorbed on the strong sites on alumina. The adsorbed SO_2 species was characterized by an IR band at 1065 cm^(-1). The equilibrium coverage and initial rate of adsorption decreased with temperature suggesting a two-step adsorption. When γ - Al_2O_3 was contacted with a mixture of SO_2 and O_2, adsorption of SO_2 and oxidation of the adsorbed SO_2 to a surface sulfate characterized by broad IR bands at 1070 cm^(-1), 1390 cm^(-1) took place. The results of a series of TGA experiments under different atmospheres strongly suggest that surface SO_2 and surface sulfate involve the same active sites such that SO_2 adsorption is inhibited by already formed sulfate. The results also indicate a broad range of site strengths.

The desorption of adsorbed SO_2 and the reductive desorption of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 have been investigated by microreactor experiments and thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Temperature programmed reduction (TPR) of adsorbed SO_2 showed that SO_2 was desorbed without significant reaction with H_2 when H_2 concentration was low while considerable reaction occurred when 100% H_2 was used. SO_2 adsorbed on the strong sites on alumina was reduced to sulfur and H_2S. The isothermal reduction experiments of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 reveal that the rate of reduction is very slow below 550°C even with 100% H_2. The reduction product is mainly composed of SO_2. TPR experiments of oxidatively adsorbed SO_2 showed that H_2S arose from a sulfate strongly chemisorbed on the surface.

Films of amorphous SiO_2 were deposited within the walls of porous Vycor tubes by SiH_4 oxidation in an opposing reactants geometry : SiH_4 was passed inside the tube while O_2 was passed outside the tube. The two reactants diffused opposite to each other and reacted within a narrow front inside the tube wall to form a thin SiO_2 film. Once the pores were plugged the reactants could not reach each other and the reaction stopped. At 450°C and 0.1 and 0.33 atm of SiH_4 and O_2, the reaction was complete within 15 minutes. The thickness of the SiO_2 film was estimated to be about 0.1 µm. Measurements of H_2 and N_2 permeation rates showed that the SiO_2 film was highly selective to H_2 permeation. The H_2:N_2 flux at 450°C varied between 2000-3000.

Thin SiO_2 films were heat treated in different gas mixtures to determine their stability in functioning as high-temperature hydrogen-permselective membranes. The films were heat-treated at 450-700°C in dry N_2, dry O_2, N_2-H_2O, and O_2-H_2O mixtures. The permeation rates of H_2 and N_2 changed depending on the original conditions of film formation as well as on the heat treatment. Heating in dry N_2 slowly reduced the permeation rates of both H_2 and N_2. Heating in a N_2-H_2O atmosphere led to a steeper decline of H_2 permeability. But the permeation rate of N_2 increased or decreased according to whether the film deposition had been carried out in the absence or presence of H_2O vapor, respectively. Thermal treatment in O_2 caused rapid decline of the permeation rates of H_2 and N_2 in films that were deposited under dry conditions. The decline was moderate in films deposited under wet conditions.


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The work described in this dissertation includes fundamental investigations into three surface processes, namely inorganic film growth, water-induced oxidation, and organic functionalization/passivation, on the GaP and GaAs(001) surfaces. The techniques used to carry out this work include scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and density functional theory (DFT) calculations. Atomic structure, electronic structure, reaction mechanisms, and energetics related to these surface processes are discussed at atomic or molecular levels.

First, we investigate epitaxial Zn3P2 films grown on the Ga-rich GaAs(001)(6×6) surface. The film growth mechanism, electronic properties, and atomic structure of the Zn3P2/GaAs(001) system are discussed based on experimental and theoretical observations. We discover that a P-rich amorphous layer covers the crystalline Zn3P2 film during and after growth. We also propose more accurate picture of the GaP interfacial layer between Zn3P2 and GaAs, based on the atomic structure, chemical bonding, band diagram, and P-replacement energetics, than was previously anticipated.

Second, DFT calculations are carried out in order to understand water-induced oxidation mechanisms on the Ga-rich GaP(001)(2×4) surface. Structural and energetic information of every step in the gaseous water-induced GaP oxidation reactions are elucidated at the atomic level in great detail. We explore all reasonable ground states involved in most of the possible adsorption and decomposition pathways. We also investigate structures and energies of the transition states in the first hydrogen dissociation of a water molecule on the (2×4) surface.

Finally, adsorption structures and thermal decomposition reactions of 1-propanethiol on the Ga-rich GaP(001)(2×4) surface are investigated using high resolution STM, XPS, and DFT simulations. We elucidate adsorption locations and their associated atomic structures of a single 1-propanethiol molecule on the (2×4) surface as a function of annealing temperature. DFT calculations are carried out to optimize ground state structures and search transition states. XPS is used to investigate variations of the chemical bonding nature and coverage of the adsorbate species.


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The thermal decomposition of Cp*Ti(CH_3)_2 (Cp*≡ ƞ^5-C_5Me_5) toluene solution follows cleanly first-order kinetics and produces a single titanium product Cp*(C_5Me_4CH_2)Ti(CH_3) concurrent with the evolution of one equivalent of methane. Labeling studies using Cp*_2Ti- (CD_3)_2 and (Cp*-d_(15))_2Ti(CH_3)_2 show the decomposition to be intramolecular and the methane to be produced by the coupling of a methyl group with a hydrogen from the other TiCH_3 group. Activation parameters, ΔH^‡ and ΔS^‡, and kinetic deuterium isotope effects have been measured. The alternative decomposition pathways of α-hydrogen abstraction and a-hydrogen elimination, both leading to a titanium-methylidene intermediate, are discussed.

The insertion of unactivated acetylenes into the metal-hydride bonds of Cp*_2MH_2 (M = Zr, Hf) proceeds rapidly at low temperature to form monoand/ or bisinsertion products, dependent upon the steric bulk of the acetylene substituents. Cp*_2M(H)(C(Me)=CHMe), Cp*_2M(H)(CH=CHCMe_3), Cp*_2M(H)-(CH=CHPh), Cp*_2M(CH=CHPh)_2, Cp*_2M(CH=CHCH_3)_2 and Cp*_2Zr- (CH=CHCH_2CH_3)_2 have been isolated and characterized. To extend the study of unsaturated-carbon ligands, Cp*_2M(C≡CCH_3)_2 have been prepared by treating Cp*_2MCl_2 with LiC≡CCH_3. The reactivity of many of these complexes with carbon monoxide and dihydrogen is surveyed. The mono(2- butenyl) complexes Cp*_2M(H)(C(Me)=CHMe) rearrange at room temperature, forming the crotyl-hydride species Cp*_2M(H)(ƞ^3-C_4H_7). The bis(propenyl) and bis(l-butenyl) zirconium complexes Cp*_2Zr(CH=CHR)_2 (R = CH_3, CH_2CH_3) also rearrange, forming zirconacyclopentenes. Labeling studies, reaction chemistry, and kinetic measurements, including deuterium isotope effects, demonstrate that the unusual 6-hydrogen elimination from an sp^2-hybridized carbon is the first step in these latter rearrangements but is not observed in the former. Details of these mechanisms and the differences in reactivity of the zirconium and hafnium complexes are discussed.

The reactions of hydride- and alkyl-carbonyl derivatives of permethylniobocene with equimolar amounts of trialkylaluminum reagents occur rapidly producing the carbonyl adducts Cp*_2Nb(R)(COAlR'_3) (R = H, CH_3, CH_2CH_3, CH_2CH_2Ph, C(Me)=CHMe; R' = Me, Et). The hydride adduct Cp*_2NbH_3•AlEt_3 has also been formed. In solution, each of these compounds exists in equilibrium with the uncomplexed species. The formation constants for Cp*_2Nb(H)(COA1R'_R) have been measured. They indicate the steric bulk of the Cp* ligands plays a deciding factor in the isolation of the first example of an aluminum Lewis acid bound to a carbonyl-oxygen in preference to a metalhydride. Reactions of Cp*_2Nb(H)CO with other Lewis acids and of the one:one adducts with H_2, CO and C_2H_4 are also discussed.

Cp*_2Nb(H)(C_2H_4) also reacts with equimolar amounts of trialkylaluminum reagents, forming a one:one complex that ^1H NMR spectroscopy indicates contains a Nb-CH_2CH_2-Al bridge. This adduct also exists in equilibrium with the uncomplexed species in solution. The formation constant for Cp*_2N+/b(H)(CH_2CH_2ĀlEt_3) has been measured. Reactions of Cp*_2Nb(H)(C_2H_4) with other Lewis acids and the reactions of Cp*_2N+b(H)- (CH_2CH_2ĀlEt_3) with CO and C_2H_4 are described, as are the reactions of Cp_*2Nb(H)(CH_2=CHR) (R = Me, Ph), Cp*_2Nb(H)(CH_3C≡CCH_3) and Cp*_2Ti-(C_2H_4) with AlEt_3.


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The O18/O16, C13/C12, and D/H ratios have been determined for rocks and coexisting minerals from several granitic plutons and their contact metamorphic aureoles in northern Nevada, eastern California, central Colorado, and Texas, with emphasis on oxygen isotopes. A consistent order of O18/O16, C13/C12, and D/H enrichment in coexisting minerals, and a correlation between isotopic fractionations among coexisting mineral pairs are in general observed, suggesting that mineral assemblages tend to approach isotopic equilibrium during contact metamorphism. In certain cases, a correlation is observed between oxygen isotopic fractionations of a mineral pair and sample distance from intrusive contacts. Isotopic temperatures generally show good agreement with heat flow considerations. Based on the experimentally determined quartz-muscovite O18/O16 fractionation calibration curve, temperatures are estimated to be 525 to 625°C at the contacts of the granitic stocks studied.

Small-scale oxygen isotope exchange effects between intrusive and country rock are observed over distances of 0.5 to 3 feet on both sides of the contacts; the isotopic gradients are typically 2 to 3 per mil per foot. The degree of oxygen isotopic exchange is essentially identical for different coexisting minerals. This presumably occurred through a diffusion-controlled recrystallization process. The size of the oxygen isotope equilibrium systems in the small-scale exchanged zones vary from about 1.5 cm to 30 cm. A xenolith and a re-entrant of country rock projecting into on intrusive hove both undergone much more extensive isotopic exchange (to hundreds of feet); they also show abnormally high isotopic temperatures. The marginal portions of most plutons have unusually high O18/O16 ratios compared to "normal" igneous rocks, presumably due to large-scale isotopic exchange with meta-sedimentary country rocks when the igneous rocks were essentially in a molten state. The isotopic data suggest that outward horizontal movement of H2O into the contact metamorphic aureoles is almost negligible, but upward movement of H2O may be important. Also, direct influx and absorption of water from the country rock may be significant in certain intrusive stocks.

Except in the exchanged zones, the O18/O16 ratios of pelitic rocks do not change appreciably during contact metamorphism, even in the cordierite and sillimanite grades; this is in contrast to regional metamorphic rocks which commonly decrease in O18 with increasing grade. Low O18/O16 and C13/C12 ratios of the contact metamorphic marbles generally correlate well with the presence of calc-silicate minerals, indicating that the CO2 liberated during metamorphic decarbonation reactions is enriched in both O18 and C13 relative to the carbonates.

The D/H ratios of biotites in the contact metamorphic rocks and their associated intrusions show a geographic correlation that is similar to that shown by the D/H ratios of meteoric surface waters, perhaps indicating that meteoric waters were present in the rocks during crystallization of the biotites.


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A summary of previous research is presented that indicates that the purpose of a blue copper protein's fold and hydrogen bond network, aka, the rack effect, enforce a copper(II) geometry around the copper(I) ion in the metal site. In several blue copper proteins, the C-terminal histidine ligand becomes protonated and detaches from the copper in the reduced forms. Mutants of amicyanin from Paracoccus denitrificans were made to alter the hydrogen bond network and quantify the rack effect by pKa shifts.

The pKa's of mutant amicyanins have been measured by pH-dependent electrochemistry. P94F and P94A mutations loosen the Northern loop, allowing the reduced copper to adopt a relaxed conformation: the ability to relax drives the reduction potentials up. The measured potentials are 265 (wild type), 380 (P94A), and 415 (P94F) mV vs. NHE. The measured pKa's are 7.0 (wild type), 6.3 (P94A), and 5.0 (P94F). The additional hydrogen bond to the thiolate in the mutants is indicated by a red-shift in the blue copper absorption and an increase in the parallel hyperfine splitting in the EPR spectrum. This hydrogen bond is invoked as the cause for the increased stability of the C-terminal imidazole.

Melting curves give a measure of the thermal stability of the protein. A thermodynamic intermediate with pH-dependent reversibility is revealed. Comparisons with the electrochemistry and apoamicyanin suggest that the intermediate involves the region of the protein near the metal site. This region is destabilized in the P94F mutant; coupled with the evidence that the imidazole is stabilized under the same conditions confirms an original concept of the rack effect: a high energy configuration is stabilized at a cost to the rest of the protein.


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Adsorption of aqueous Pb(II) and Cu(II) on α-quartz was studied as a function of time, system surface area, and chemical speciation. Experimental systems contained sodium as a major cation, hydroxide, carbonate, and chloride as major anions, and covered the pH range 4 to 8. In some cases citrate and EDTA were added as representative organic complexing agents. The adsorption equilibria were reached quickly, regardless of the system surface area. The positions of the adsorption equilibria were found to be strongly dependent on pH, ionic strength and concentration of citrate and EDTA. The addition of these non-adsorbing ligands resulted in a competition between chelation and adsorption. The experimental work also included the examination of the adsorption behavior of the doubly charged major cations Ca(II) and Mg(II) as a function of pH.

The theoretical description of the experimental systems was obtained by means of chemical equilibrium-plus-adsorption computations using two adsorption models: one mainly electrostatic (the James-Healy Model), and the other mainly chemical (the Ion Exchange-Surface Complex Formation Model). Comparisons were made between these two models.

The main difficulty in the theoretical predictions of the adsorption behavior of Cu(II) was the lack of the reliable data for the second hydrolysis constant(*β_2) The choice of the constant was made on the basis of potentiometric titratlons of Cu^(2+)

The experimental data obtained and the resulting theoretical observations were applied in models of the chemical behavior of trace metals in fresh oxic waters, with emphasis on Pb(II) and Cu(II).


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In many senses, the hydrogen-atom transfer reactions observed with the triplet excited state of pyrophosphito-bridged platinum(II) dimers resemble the reactions of organic ketone nπ* states. The first two chapters describe our attempts to understand the reactivity differences between these two chromophores. Reactivity of the metal dimers is strongly regulated by the detailed nature of the ligands that ring the axial site, the hydrogen-abstraction center. A hydrogen-bonded network linking the ligands facilitates H-atom transfer quenching with alcohols through the formation of a hydrogen-bonded complex between the alcohol and a dimer. For substrates of equal C-H bond strength that lack a hydroxyl group (e.g., benzyl hydrocarbons), the quenching rate is several orders of magnitude slower.

The shape and size of the axial site, as determined by the ligands, also discriminate among quenchers by their steric characteristics. Very small quenchers quench slowly because of high entropies of activation, while very large ones have large enthalpic barriers. The two effects find a balance with quenchers of "just the right size."

The third chapter discusses the design of a mass spectrometer that uses positron annihilation to ionize neutral molecules. The mass spectrometer creates positron-molecule adducts whose annihilation produces fragmentation products that may yield information on the bonding of positrons in such complexes.


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The initial probabilities of activated, dissociative chemisorption of methane and ethane on Pt(110)-(1 x 2) have been measured. The surface temperature was varied from 450 to 900 K with the reactant gas temperature constant at 300 K. Under these conditions, we probe the kinetics of dissociation via trapping-mediated (as opposed to 'direct') mechanism. It was found that the probabilities of dissociation of both methane and ethane were strong functions of the surface temperature with an apparent activation energies of 14.4 kcal/mol for methane and 2.8 kcal/mol for ethane, which implys that the methane and ethane molecules have fully accommodated to the surface temperature. Kinetic isotope effects were observed for both reactions, indicating that the C-H bond cleavage was involved in the rate-limiting step. A mechanistic model based on the trapping-mediated mechanism is used to explain the observed kinetic behavior. The activation energies for C-H bond dissociation of the thermally accommodated methane and ethane on the surface extracted from the model are 18.4 and 10.3 kcal/mol, respectively.

The studies of the catalytic decomposition of formic acid on the Ru(001) surface with thermal desorption mass spectrometry following the adsorption of DCOOH and HCOOH on the surface at 130 and 310 K are described. Formic acid (DCOOH) chemisorbs dissociatively on the surface via both the cleavage of its O-H bond to form a formate and a hydrogen adatom, and the cleavage of its C-O bond to form a carbon monoxide, a deuterium adatom and an hydroxyl (OH). The former is the predominant reaction. The rate of desorption of carbon dioxide is a direct measure of the kinetics of decomposition of the surface formate. It is characterized by a kinetic isotope effect, an increasingly narrow FWHM, and an upward shift in peak temperature with Ɵ_T, the coverage of the dissociatively adsorbed formic acid. The FWHM and the peak temperature change from 18 K and 326 K at Ɵ_T = 0.04 to 8 K and 395 K at Ɵ_T = 0.89. The increase in the apparent activation energy of the C-D bond cleavage is largely a result of self-poisoning by the formate, the presence of which on the surface alters the electronic properties of the surface such that the activation energy of the decomposition of formate is increased. The variation of the activation energy for carbon dioxide formation with Ɵ_T accounts for the observed sharp carbon dioxide peak. The coverage of surface formate can be adjusted over a relatively wide range so that the activation energy for C-D bond cleavage in the case of DCOOH can be adjusted to be below, approximately equal to, or well above the activation energy for the recombinative desorption of the deuterium adatoms. Accordingly, the desorption of deuterium was observed to be governed completely by the desorption kinetics of the deuterium adatoms at low Ɵ_T, jointly by the kinetics of deuterium desorption and C-D bond cleavage at intermediate Ɵ_T, and solely by the kinetics of C-D bond cleavage at high Ɵ_T. The overall branching ratio of the formate to carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide is approximately unity, regardless the initial coverage Ɵ_T, even though the activation energy for the production of carbon dioxide varies with Ɵ_T. The desorption of water, which implies C-O bond cleavage of the formate, appears at approximately the same temperature as that of carbon dioxide. These observations suggest that the cleavage of the C-D bond and that of the C-O bond of two surface formates are coupled, possibly via the formation of a short-lived surface complex that is the precursor to to the decomposition.

The measurement of steady-state rate is demonstrated here to be valuable in determining kinetics associated with short-lived, molecularly adsorbed precursor to further reactions on the surface, by determining the kinetic parameters of the molecular precursor of formaldehyde to its dissociation on the Pt(110)-(1 x 2) surface.

Overlayers of nitrogen adatoms on Ru(001) have been characterized both by thermal desorption mass spectrometry and low-energy electron diffraction, as well as chemically via the postadsorption and desorption of ammonia and carbon monoxide.

The nitrogen-adatom overlayer was prepared by decomposing ammonia thermally on the surface at a pressure of 2.8 x 10^(-6) Torr and a temperature of 480 K. The saturated overlayer prepared under these conditions has associated with it a (√247/10 x √247/10)R22.7° LEED pattern, has two peaks in its thermal desorption spectrum, and has a fractional surface coverage of 0.40. Annealing the overlayer to approximately 535 K results in a rather sharp (√3 x √3)R30° LEED pattern with an associated fractional surface coverage of one-third. Annealing the overlayer further to 620 K results in the disappearance of the low-temperature thermal desorption peak and the appearance of a rather fuzzy p(2x2) LEED pattern with an associated fractional surface coverage of approximately one-fourth. In the low coverage limit, the presence of the (√3 x √3)R30° N overlayer alters the surface in such a way that the binding energy of ammonia is increased by 20% relative to the clean surface, whereas that of carbon monoxide is reduced by 15%.

A general methodology for the indirect relative determination of the absolute fractional surface coverages has been developed and was utilized to determine the saturation fractional coverage of hydrogen on Ru(001). Formaldehyde was employed as a bridge to lead us from the known reference point of the saturation fractional coverage of carbon monoxide to unknown reference point of the fractional coverage of hydrogen on Ru(001), which is then used to determine accurately the saturation fractional coverage of hydrogen. We find that ƟSAT/H = 1.02 (±0.05), i.e., the surface stoichiometry is Ru : H = 1 : 1. The relative nature of the method, which cancels systematic errors, together with the utilization of a glass envelope around the mass spectrometer, which reduces spurious contributions in the thermal desorption spectra, results in high accuracy in the determination of absolute fractional coverages.


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This study proposes a wastewater electrolysis cell (WEC) for on-site treatment of human waste coupled with decentralized molecular H2 production. The core of the WEC includes mixed metal oxides anodes functionalized with bismuth doped TiO2 (BiOx/TiO2). The BiOx/TiO2 anode shows reliable electro-catalytic activity to oxidize Cl- to reactive chlorine species (RCS), which degrades environmental pollutants including chemical oxygen demand (COD), protein, NH4+, urea, and total coliforms. The WEC experiments for treatment of various kinds of synthetic and real wastewater demonstrate sufficient water quality of effluent for reuse for toilet flushing and environmental purposes. Cathodic reduction of water and proton on stainless steel cathodes produced molecular H2 with moderate levels of current and energy efficiency. This thesis presents a comprehensive environmental analysis together with kinetic models to provide an in-depth understanding of reaction pathways mediated by the RCS and the effects of key operating parameters. The latter part of this thesis is dedicated to bilayer hetero-junction anodes which show enhanced generation efficiency of RCS and long-term stability.

Chapter 2 describes the reaction pathway and kinetics of urea degradation mediated by electrochemically generated RCS. The urea oxidation involves chloramines and chlorinated urea as reaction intermediates, for which the mass/charge balance analysis reveals that N2 and CO2 are the primary products. Chapter 3 investigates direct-current and photovoltaic powered WEC for domestic wastewater treatment, while Chapter 4 demonstrates the feasibility of the WEC to treat model septic tank effluents. The results in Chapter 2 and 3 corroborate the active roles of chlorine radicals (Cl•/Cl2-•) based on iR-compensated anodic potential (thermodynamic basis) and enhanced pseudo-first-order rate constants (kinetic basis). The effects of operating parameters (anodic potential and [Cl-] in Chapter 3; influent dilution and anaerobic pretreatment in Chapter 4) on the rate and current/energy efficiency of pollutants degradation and H2 production are thoroughly discussed based on robust kinetic models. Chapter 5 reports the generation of RCS on Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy/BixTi1-xOz hetero-junction anodes with enhanced rate, current efficiency, and long-term stability compared to the Ir0.7Ta0.3Oy anode. The effects of surficial Bi concentration are interrogated, focusing on relative distributions between surface-bound hydroxyl radical and higher oxide.


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The σD values of nitrated cellulose from a variety of trees covering a wide geographic range have been measured. These measurements have been used to ascertain which factors are likely to cause σD variations in cellulose C-H hydrogen.

It is found that a primary source of tree σD variation is the σD variation of the environmental precipitation. Superimposed on this are isotopic variations caused by the transpiration of the leaf water incorporated by the tree. The magnitude of this transpiration effect appears to be related to relative humidity.

Within a single tree, it is found that the hydrogen isotope variations which occur for a ring sequence in one radial direction may not be exactly the same as those which occur in a different direction. Such heterogeneities appear most likely to occur in trees with asymmetric ring patterns that contain reaction wood. In the absence of reaction wood such heterogeneities do not seem to occur. Thus, hydrogen isotope analyses of tree ring sequences should be performed on trees which do not contain reaction wood.

Comparisons of tree σD variations with variations in local climate are performed on two levels: spatial and temporal. It is found that the σD values of 20 North American trees from a wide geographic range are reasonably well-correlated with the corresponding average annual temperature. The correlation is similar to that observed for a comparison of the σD values of annual precipitation of 11 North American sites with annual temperature. However, it appears that this correlation is significantly disrupted by trees which grew on poorly drained sites such as those in stagnant marshes. Therefore, site selection may be important in choosing trees for climatic interpretation of σD values, although proper sites do not seem to be uncommon.

The measurement of σD values in 5-year samples from the tree ring sequences of 13 trees from 11 North American sites reveals a variety of relationships with local climate. As it was for the spatial σD vs climate comparison, site selection is also apparently important for temporal tree σD vs climate comparisons. Again, it seems that poorly-drained sites are to be avoided. For nine trees from different "well-behaved" sites, it was found that the local climatic variable best related to the σD variations was not the same for all sites.

Two of these trees showed a strong negative correlation with the amount of local summer precipitation. Consideration of factors likely to influence the isotopic composition of summer rain suggests that rainfall intensity may be important. The higher the intensity, the lower the σD value. Such an effect might explain the negative correlation of σD vs summer precipitation amount for these two trees. A third tree also exhibited a strong correlation with summer climate, but in this instance it was a positive correlation of σD with summer temperature.

The remaining six trees exhibited the best correlation between σD values and local annual climate. However, in none of these six cases was it annual temperature that was the most important variable. In fact annual temperature commonly showed no relationship at all with tree σD values. Instead, it was found that a simple mass balance model incorporating two basic assumptions yielded parameters which produced the best relationships with tree σD values. First, it was assumed that the σD values of these six trees reflected the σD values of annual precipitation incorporated by these trees. Second, it was assumed that the σD value of the annual precipitation was a weighted average of two seasonal isotopic components: summer and winter. Mass balance equations derived from these assumptions yielded combinations of variables that commonly showed a relationship with tree σD values where none had previously been discerned.

It was found for these "well-behaved" trees that not all sample intervals in a σD vs local climate plot fell along a well-defined trend. These departures from the local σD VS climate norm were defined as "anomalous". Some of these anomalous intervals were common to trees from different locales. When such widespread commonalty of an anomalous interval occurred, it was observed that the interval corresponded to an interval in which drought had existed in the North American Great Plains.

Consequently, there appears to be a combination of both local and large scale climatic information in the σD variations of tree cellulose C-H hydrogen.


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The isotopic composition of hydrogen and helium in solar cosmic rays provides a means of studying solar flare particle acceleration mechanisms since the enhanced relative abundance of rare isotopes, such as 2H, 3H and 3He, is due to their production by inelastic nuclear collisions in the solar atmosphere during the flare. In this work the Caltech Electron/Isotope Spectrometer on the IMP-7 spacecraft has been used to measure this isotopic composition. The response of the dE/dx-E particle telescope is discussed and alpha particle channeling in thin detectors is identified as an important background source affecting measurement of low values of (3He/4He).

The following flare-averaged results are obtained for the period, October, 1972 - November, 1973: (2H/1H) = 7+10-6 X 10-6 (1.6 - 8.6 MeV/nuc), (3H/1H) less than 3.4 x 10-6 (1.2 - 6.8 MeV/nuc), (3He/4He) = (9 ± 4) x 10-3, (3He/1H) = (1.7 ± 0.7) x 10-4 (3.1 - 15.0 MeV/nuc). The deuterium and tritium ratios are significantly lower than the same ratios at higher energies, suggesting that the deuterium and tritium spectra are harder than that of the protons. They are, however, consistent with the same thin target model relativistic path length of ~ 1 g/cm2 (or equivalently ~ 0.3 g/cm2 at 30 MeV/nuc) which is implied by the higher energy results. The 3He results, consistent with previous observations, would imply a path length at least 3 times as long, but the observations may be contaminated by small 3He rich solar events.

During 1973 three "3He rich events," containing much more 3He than 2H or 3H were observed on 14 February, 29 June and 5 September. Although the total production cross sections for 2H,3H and 3He are comparable, an upper limit to (2H/3He) and (3H/3He) was 0.053 (2.9-6.8 MeV/nuc), summing over the three events. This upper limit is marginally consistent with Ramaty and Kozlovsky's thick target model which accounts for such events by the nuclear reaction kinematics and directional properties of the flare acceleration process. The 5 September event was particularly significant in that much more 3He was observed than 4He and the fluxes of 3He and 1H were about equal. The range of (3He/4He) for such events reported to date is 0.2 to ~ 6 while (3He/1H) extends from 10-3 to ~ 1. The role of backscattered and mirroring protons and alphas in accounting for such variations is discussed.