10 resultados para Hexagonal perovskites

em CaltechTHESIS


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Granular crystals are compact periodic assemblies of elastic particles in Hertzian contact whose dynamic response can be tuned from strongly nonlinear to linear by the addition of a static precompression force. This unique feature allows for a wide range of studies that include the investigation of new fundamental nonlinear phenomena in discrete systems such as solitary waves, shock waves, discrete breathers and other defect modes. In the absence of precompression, a particularly interesting property of these systems is their ability to support the formation and propagation of spatially localized soliton-like waves with highly tunable properties. The wealth of parameters one can modify (particle size, geometry and material properties, periodicity of the crystal, presence of a static force, type of excitation, etc.) makes them ideal candidates for the design of new materials for practical applications. This thesis describes several ways to optimally control and tailor the propagation of stress waves in granular crystals through the use of heterogeneities (interstitial defect particles and material heterogeneities) in otherwise perfectly ordered systems. We focus on uncompressed two-dimensional granular crystals with interstitial spherical intruders and composite hexagonal packings and study their dynamic response using a combination of experimental, numerical and analytical techniques. We first investigate the interaction of defect particles with a solitary wave and utilize this fundamental knowledge in the optimal design of novel composite wave guides, shock or vibration absorbers obtained using gradient-based optimization methods.


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We study the fundamental dynamic behavior of a special class of ordered granular systems in order to design new, structured materials with unique physical properties. The dynamic properties of granular systems are dictated by the nonlinear, Hertzian, potential in compression and zero tensile strength resulting from the discrete material structure. Engineering the underlying particle arrangement of granular systems allows for unique dynamic properties, not observed in natural, disordered granular media. While extensive studies on 1D granular crystals have suggested their usefulness for a variety of engineering applications, considerably less attention has been given to higher-dimensional systems. The extension of these studies in higher dimensions could enable the discovery of richer physical phenomena not possible in 1D, such as spatial redirection and anisotropic energy trapping. We present experiments, numerical simulation (based on a discrete particle model), and in some cases theoretical predictions for several engineered granular systems, studying the effects of particle arrangement on the highly nonlinear transient wave propagation to develop means for controlling the wave propagation pathways. The first component of this thesis studies the stress wave propagation resulting from a localized impulsive loading for three different 2D particle lattice structures: square, centered square, and hexagonal granular crystals. By varying the lattice structure, we observe a wide range of properties for the propagating stress waves: quasi-1D solitary wave propagation, fully 2D wave propagation with tunable wave front shapes, and 2D pulsed wave propagation. Additionally the effects of weak disorder, inevitably present in real granular systems, are investigated. The second half of this thesis studies the solitary wave propagation through 2D and 3D ordered networks of granular chains, reducing the effective density compared to granular crystals by selectively placing wave guiding chains to control the acoustic wave transmission. The rapid wave front amplitude decay exhibited by these granular networks makes them highly attractive for impact mitigation applications. The agreement between experiments, numerical simulations, and applicable theoretical predictions validates the wave guiding capabilities of these engineered granular crystals and networks and opens a wide range of possibilities for the realization of increasingly complex granular material design.


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The interactions of N2, formic acid and acetone on the Ru(001) surface are studied using thermal desorption mass spectrometry (TDMS), electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS), and computer modeling.

Low energy electron diffraction (LEED), EELS and TDMS were used to study chemisorption of N2 on Ru(001). Adsorption at 75 K produces two desorption states. Adsorption at 95 K fills only the higher energy desorption state and produces a (√3 x √3)R30° LEED pattern. EEL spectra indicate both desorption states are populated by N2 molecules bonded "on-top" of Ru atoms.

Monte Carlo simulation results are presented on Ru(001) using a kinetic lattice gas model with precursor mediated adsorption, desorption and migration. The model gives good agreement with experimental data. The island growth rate was computed using the same model and is well fit by R(t)m - R(t0)m = At, with m approximately 8. The island size was determined from the width of the superlattice diffraction feature.

The techniques, algorithms and computer programs used for simulations are documented. Coordinate schemes for indexing sites on a 2-D hexagonal lattice, programs for simulation of adsorption and desorption, techniques for analysis of ordering, and computer graphics routines are discussed.

The adsorption of formic acid on Ru(001) has been studied by EELS and TDMS. Large exposures produce a molecular multilayer species. A monodentate formate, bidentate formate, and a hydroxyl species are stable intermediates in formic acid decomposition. The monodentate formate species is converted to the bidentate species by heating. Formic acid decomposition products are CO2, CO, H2, H2O and oxygen adatoms. The ratio of desorbed CO with respect to CO2 increases both with slower heating rates and with lower coverages.

The existence of two different forms of adsorbed acetone, side-on, bonded through the oxygen and acyl carbon, and end-on, bonded through the oxygen, have been verified by EELS. On Pt(111), only the end-on species is observed. On dean Ru(001) and p(2 x 2)O precovered Ru(001), both forms coexist. The side-on species is dominant on clean Ru(001), while O stabilizes the end-on form. The end-on form desorbs molecularly. Bonding geometry stability is explained by surface Lewis acidity and by comparison to organometallic coordination complexes.


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Part I

Studies of vibrational relaxation in excited electronic states of simple diatomic molecules trapped in solid rare-gas matrices at low temperatures are reported. The relaxation is investigated by monitoring the emission intensity from vibrational levels of the excited electronic state to vibrational levels of the ground electronic state. The emission was in all cases excited by bombardment of the doped rare-gas solid with X-rays.

The diatomics studied and the band systems seen are: N2, Vegard-Kaplan and Second Positive systems; O2, Herzberg system; OH and OD, A 2Σ+ - X2IIi system. The latter has been investigated only in solid Ne, where both emission and absorption spectra were recorded; observed fine structure has been partly interpreted in terms of slightly perturbed rotational motion in the solid. For N2, OH, and OD emission occurred from v' > 0, establishing a vibrational relaxation time in the excited electronic state of the order, of longer than, the electronic radiative lifetime. The relative emission intensity and decay times for different v' progressions in the Vegard-Kaplan system are found to depend on the rare-gas host and the N2 concentration, but are independent of temperature in the range 1.7°K to 30°K.

Part II

Static crystal field effects on the absorption, fluorescence, and phosphorescence spectra of isotopically mixed benzene crystals were investigated. Evidence is presented which demonstrate that in the crystal the ground, lowest excited singlet, and lowest triplet states of the guest deviate from hexagonal symmetry. The deviation appears largest in the lowest triplet state and may be due to an intrinsic instability of the 3B1u state. High resolution absorption and phospho- rescence spectra are reported and analyzed in terms of site-splitting of degenerate vibrations and orientational effects. The guest phosphorescence lifetime for various benzene isotopes in C6D6 and sym-C6H3D3 hosts is presented and discussed.


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Experimental studies were conducted with the goals of 1) determining the origin of Pt- group element (PGE) alloys and associated mineral assemblages in refractory inclusions from meteorites and 2) developing a new ultrasensitive method for the in situ chemical and isotopic analysis of PGE. A general review of the geochemistry and cosmochemistry of the PGE is given, and specific research contributions are presented within the context of this broad framework.

An important step toward understanding the cosmochemistry of the PGE is the determination of the origin of POE-rich metallic phases (most commonly εRu-Fe) that are found in Ca, AJ-rich refractory inclusions (CAI) in C3V meteorites. These metals occur along with γNi-Fe metals, Ni-Fe sulfides and Fe oxides in multiphase opaque assemblages. Laboratory experiments were used to show that the mineral assemblages and textures observed in opaque assemblages could be produced by sulfidation and oxidation of once homogeneous Ni-Fe-PGE metals. Phase equilibria, partitioning and diffusion kinetics were studied in the Ni-Fe-Ru system in order to quantify the conditions of opaque assemblage formation. Phase boundaries and tie lines in the Ni-Fe-Ru system were determined at 1273, 1073 and 873K using an experimental technique that allowed the investigation of a large portion of the Ni-Fe-Ru system with a single experiment at each temperature by establishing a concentration gradient within which local equilibrium between coexisting phases was maintained. A wide miscibility gap was found to be present at each temperature, separating a hexagonal close-packed εRu-Fe phase from a face-centered cubic γNi-Fe phase. Phase equilibria determined here for the Ni-Fe-Ru system, and phase equilibria from the literature for the Ni-Fe-S and Ni-Fe-O systems, were compared with analyses of minerals from opaque assemblages to estimate the temperature and chemical conditions of opaque assemblage formation. It was determined that opaque assemblages equilibrated at a temperature of ~770K, a sulfur fugacity 10 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas, and an oxygen fugacity 106 times higher than an equilibrium solar gas.

Diffusion rates between -γNi-Fe and εRu-Fe metal play a critical role in determining the time (with respect to CAI petrogenesis) and duration of the opaque assemblage equilibration process. The diffusion coefficient for Ru in Ni (DRuNi) was determined as an analog for the Ni-Fe-Ru system by the thin-film diffusion method in the temperature range of 1073 to 1673K and is given by the expression:

DRuNi (cm2 sec-1) = 5.0(±0.7) x 10-3 exp(-2.3(±0.1) x 1012 erg mole-1/RT) where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in K. Based on the rates of dissolution and exsolution of metallic phases in the Ni-Fe-Ru system it is suggested that opaque assemblages equilibrated after the melting and crystallization of host CAI during a metamorphic event of ≥ 103 years duration. It is inferred that opaque assemblages originated as immiscible metallic liquid droplets in the CAI silicate liquid. The bulk compositions of PGE in these precursor alloys reflects an early stage of condensation from the solar nebula and the partitioning of V between the precursor alloys and CAI silicate liquid reflects the reducing nebular conditions under which CAI were melted. The individual mineral phases now observed in opaque assemblages do not preserve an independent history prior to CAI melting and crystallization, but instead provide important information on the post-accretionary history of C3V meteorites and allow the quantification of the temperature, sulfur fugacity and oxygen fugacity of cooling planetary environments. This contrasts with previous models that called upon the formation of opaque assemblages by aggregation of phases that formed independently under highly variable conditions in the solar nebula prior to the crystallization of CAI.

Analytical studies were carried out on PGE-rich phases from meteorites and the products of synthetic experiments using traditional electron microprobe x-ray analytical techniques. The concentrations of PGE in common minerals from meteorites and terrestrial rocks are far below the ~100 ppm detection limit of the electron microprobe. This has limited the scope of analytical studies to the very few cases where PGE are unusually enriched. To study the distribution of PGE in common minerals will require an in situ analytical technique with much lower detection limits than any methods currently in use. To overcome this limitation, resonance ionization of sputtered atoms was investigated for use as an ultrasensitive in situ analytical technique for the analysis of PGE. The mass spectrometric analysis of Os and Re was investigated using a pulsed primary Ar+ ion beam to provide sputtered atoms for resonance ionization mass spectrometry. An ionization scheme for Os that utilizes three resonant energy levels (including an autoionizing energy level) was investigated and found to have superior sensitivity and selectivity compared to nonresonant and one and two energy level resonant ionization schemes. An elemental selectivity for Os over Re of ≥ 103 was demonstrated. It was found that detuning the ionizing laser from the autoionizing energy level to an arbitrary region in the ionization continuum resulted in a five-fold decrease in signal intensity and a ten-fold decrease in elemental selectivity. Osmium concentrations in synthetic metals and iron meteorites were measured to demonstrate the analytical capabilities of the technique. A linear correlation between Os+ signal intensity and the known Os concentration was observed over a range of nearly 104 in Os concentration with an accuracy of ~ ±10%, a millimum detection limit of 7 parts per billion atomic, and a useful yield of 1%. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms samples the dominant neutral-fraction of sputtered atoms and utilizes multiphoton resonance ionization to achieve high sensitivity and to eliminate atomic and molecular interferences. Matrix effects should be small compared to secondary ion mass spectrometry because ionization occurs in the gas phase and is largely independent of the physical properties of the matrix material. Resonance ionization of sputtered atoms can be applied to in situ chemical analysis of most high ionization potential elements (including all of the PGE) in a wide range of natural and synthetic materials. The high useful yield and elemental selectivity of this method should eventually allow the in situ measurement of Os isotope ratios in some natural samples and in sample extracts enriched in PGE by fire assay fusion.

Phase equilibria and diffusion experiments have provided the basis for a reinterpretation of the origin of opaque assemblages in CAI and have yielded quantitative information on conditions in the primitive solar nebula and cooling planetary environments. Development of the method of resonance ionization of sputtered atoms for the analysis of Os has shown that this technique has wide applications in geochemistry and will for the first time allow in situ studies of the distribution of PGE at the low concentration levels at which they occur in common minerals.


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I. Trimesic acid (1, 3, 5-benzenetricarboxylic acid) crystallizes with a monoclinic unit cell of dimensions a = 26.52 A, b = 16.42 A, c = 26.55 A, and β = 91.53° with 48 molecules /unit cell. Extinctions indicated a space group of Cc or C2/c; a satisfactory structure was obtained in the latter with 6 molecules/asymmetric unit - C54O36H36 with a formula weight of 1261 g. Of approximately 12,000 independent reflections within the CuKα sphere, intensities of 11,563 were recorded visually from equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs.

The structure was solved by packing considerations aided by molecular transforms and two- and three-dimensional Patterson functions. Hydrogen positions were found on difference maps. A total of 978 parameters were refined by least squares; these included hydrogen parameters and anisotropic temperature factors for the C and O atoms. The final R factor was 0.0675; the final "goodness of fit" was 1.49. All calculations were carried out on the Caltech IBM 7040-7094 computer using the CRYRM Crystallographic Computing System.

The six independent molecules fall into two groups of three nearly parallel molecules. All molecules are connected by carboxylto- carboxyl hydrogen bond pairs to form a continuous array of sixmolecule rings with a chicken-wire appearance. These arrays bend to assume two orientations, forming pleated sheets. Arrays in different orientations interpenetrate - three molecules in one orientation passing through the holes of three parallel arrays in the alternate orientation - to produce a completely interlocking network. One third of the carboxyl hydrogen atoms were found to be disordered.

II. Optical transforms as related to x-ray diffraction patterns are discussed with reference to the theory of Fraunhofer diffraction.

The use of a systems approach in crystallographic computing is discussed with special emphasis on the way in which this has been done at the California Institute of Technology.

An efficient manner of calculating Fourier and Patterson maps on a digital computer is presented. Expressions for the calculation of to-scale maps for standard sections and for general-plane sections are developed; space-group-specific expressions in a form suitable for computers are given for all space groups except the hexagonal ones.

Expressions for the calculation of settings for an Eulerian-cradle diffractometer are developed for both the general triclinic case and the orthogonal case.

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Advances in nano-scale mechanical testing have brought about progress in the understanding of physical phenomena in materials and a measure of control in the fabrication of novel materials. In contrast to bulk materials that display size-invariant mechanical properties, sub-micron metallic samples show a critical dependence on sample size. The strength of nano-scale single crystalline metals is well-described by a power-law function, σαD-n, where D is a critical sample size and n is a experimentally-fit positive exponent. This relationship is attributed to source-driven plasticity and demonstrates a strengthening as the decreasing sample size begins to limit the size and number of dislocation sources. A full understanding of this size-dependence is complicated by the presence of microstructural features such as interfaces that can compete with the dominant dislocation-based deformation mechanisms. In this thesis, the effects of microstructural features such as grain boundaries and anisotropic crystallinity on nano-scale metals are investigated through uniaxial compression testing. We find that nano-sized Cu covered by a hard coating displays a Bauschinger effect and the emergence of this behavior can be explained through a simple dislocation-based analytic model. Al nano-pillars containing a single vertically-oriented coincident site lattice grain boundary are found to show similar deformation to single-crystalline nano-pillars with slip traces passing through the grain boundary. With increasing tilt angle of the grain boundary from the pillar axis, we observe a transition from dislocation-dominated deformation to grain boundary sliding. Crystallites are observed to shear along the grain boundary and molecular dynamics simulations reveal a mechanism of atomic migration that accommodates boundary sliding. We conclude with an analysis of the effects of inherent crystal anisotropy and alloying on the mechanical behavior of the Mg alloy, AZ31. Through comparison to pure Mg, we show that the size effect dominates the strength of samples below 10 μm, that differences in the size effect between hexagonal slip systems is due to the inherent crystal anisotropy, suggesting that the fundamental mechanism of the size effect in these slip systems is the same.


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I. Introductory Remarks

A brief discussion of the overall organization of the thesis is presented along with a discussion of the relationship between this thesis and previous work on the spectroscopic properties of benzene.

II. Radiationless Transitions and Line broadening

Radiationless rates have been calculated for the 3B1u→1A1g transitions of benzene and perdeuterobenzene as well as for the 1B2u→1A1g transition of benzene. The rates were calculated using a model that considers the radiationless transition as a tunneling process between two multi-demensional potential surfaces and assuming both harmonic and anharmonic vibrational potentials. Whenever possible experimental parameters were used in the calculation. To this end we have obtained experimental values for the anharmonicities of the carbon-carbon and carbon-hydrogen vibrations and the size of the lowest triplet state of benzene. The use of the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation in describing radiationless transitions is critically examined and it is concluded that Herzberg-Teller vibronic coupling is 100 times more efficient at inducing radiationless transitions.

The results of the radiationless transition rate calculation are used to calculate line broadening in several of the excited electronic states of benzene. The calculated line broadening in all cases is in qualitative agreement with experimental line widths.

III. 3B1u1A1g Absorption Spectra

The 3B1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained at high resolution using the phosphorescence photoexcitation method. The spectrum exhibits very clear evidence of a pseudo-Jahn-Teller distortion of the normally hexagonal benzene molecule upon excitation to the triplet state. Factor group splitting of the 0 – 0 and 0 – 0 + v exciton bands have also been observed. The position of the mean of the 0 – 0 exciton band of C6H6 when compared to the phosphorescence origin of a C6H6 guest in a C6D6 host crystal indicates that the “static” intermolecular interactions between guest and hose are different for C6H6 and C6D6. Further investigation of this difference using the currently accepted theory of isotopic mixed crystals indicates that there is a 2cm-1 shift of the ideal mixed crystal level per hot deuterium atom. This shift is observed for both the singlet and triplet states of benzene.

IV. 3E1u1A1g, Absorption Spectra

The 3E1u1A1g absorption spectra of C6H6 and C6D6 at 4.2˚K have been obtained using the phosphorescence photoexcitation technique. In both cases the spectrum is broad and structureless as would be expected from the line broadening calculations.


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Due to their high specific strength and low density, magnesium and magnesium-based alloys have gained great technological importance in recent years. However, their underlying hexagonal crystal structure furnishes Mg and its alloys with a complex mechanical behavior because of their comparably smaller number of energetically favorable slip systems. Besides the commonly studied slip mechanism, another way to accomplish general deformation is through the additional mechanism of deformation-induced twinning. The main aim of this thesis research is to develop an efficient continuum model to understand and ultimately predict the material response resulting from the interaction between these two mechanisms.

The constitutive model we present is based on variational constitutive updates of plastic slips and twin volume fractions and accounts for the related lattice reorientation mechanisms. The model is applied to single- and polycrystalline pure magnesium. We outline the finite-deformation plasticity model combining basal, pyramidal, and prismatic dislocation activity as well as a convexification based approach for deformation twinning. A comparison with experimental data from single-crystal tension-compression experiments validates the model and serves for parameter identification. The extension to polycrystals via both Taylor-type modeling and finite element simulations shows a characteristic stress-strain response that agrees well with experimental observations for polycrystalline magnesium. The presented continuum model does not aim to represent the full details of individual twin-dislocation interactions, yet it is sufficiently efficient to allow for finite element simulations while qualitatively capturing the underlying microstructural deformation mechanisms.


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A bacteriophage (TØ3) which infects the thermophilic bacterium Bacillus stearothermophilus ATCC 8005 was isolated and characterized. Infection of the bacterium by the bacteriophage was carried out at 60°C, the optimum growth temperature of the host. At 60°C the phage has a latent period of 18 minutes and a burst size of about 200. The phage is comparatively thermostable in broth. The half life of the phage is 400 minutes at 60°C, 120 minutes at 65°C, 40 minutes at 70°C and 12 minutes at 75°C. The activation energy for the heat inactivation of TØ3 is 56,000 cal. The buoyant density of TØ3 in a cesium chloride density gradient is 1.526.

Electron micrographs of TØ3 indicate that the phage has a regular hexagonal shaped head 57 mμ long. The morphology of the head is compatible with icosahedral symmetry. Each edge of the head is 29 mμ long, and there are 6 or 7 subunits along each edge. The tail of TØ3 is 125 mμ long and 10 mμ wide. There are about 30 cross striations that are spaced at 3.9 mμ intervals along the tail.

The DNA of phage TØ3 has a melting temperature of 88.5°C. Heat denatured TØ3 DNA can be extensively annealed in a high ionic strength environment. The buoyant density of TØ3 DNA in a cesium chloride density gradient is 1.695. TØ3 DNA contains: 42.7% guanine plus cytosine, as determined from the melting temperature; 43% guanine plus cytosine, as determined from the buoyant density; and 40.2% guanine plus cytosine, as determined by chromatographic separation and spectrophotometric estimation of the bases. The molecular weight of TØ3 DNA is 16.7 X 106 as determined from the band width of the TØ3 DNA concentration distribution in a cesium chloride density gradient. Electron microscopy of TØ3 DNA revealed a single linear molecule that is 11.7 μ long. This corresponds to a molecular weight of 22.5 X 106.

Heat denatured TØ3 DNA forms two bands in a cesium chloride density gradient, one at a density of 1.707 and the other at a density of 1.715. After the separated bands are mixed and annealed in the centrifuge cell, the renatured TØ3 DNA forms a single band at a density of 1.699. These results indicate that the two complementary strands of TØ3 DNA have different buoyant densities in cesium chloride, presumably because they have different base compositions.

The characteristics of TØ3 are compared with those of other phages. A hypothesis is presented for a relationship between the base composition of one strand of TØ3 DNA and the amino acid composition of the proteins of TØ3.