18 resultados para HEAVY-NUCLEI

em CaltechTHESIS


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Nuclear weak interaction rates, including electron and positron emission rates, and continuum electron and positron capture rates , as well as the associated v and –/v energy loss rates are calculated on a detailed grid of temperature and density for the free nucleons and 226 nuclei with masses between A = 21 and 60. Gamow-Teller and Fermi discrete-state transition matrix element systematics and the Gamow-Teller T^< →/← T^> resonance transitions are discussed in depth and are implemented in the stellar rate calculations. Results of the calculations are presented on an abbreviated grid of temperature and density and comparison is made to terrestrial weak transition rates where possible. Neutron shell blocking of allowed electron capture on heavy nuclei during stellar core collapse is discussed along with several unblocking mechanisms operative at high temperature and density. The results of one-zone collapse calculations are presented which suggest that the effect of neutron shell blocking is to produce a larger core lepton fraction at neutrino trapping which leads to a larger inner-core mass and hence a stronger post-bounce shock.


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Elements with even atomic number (Z) in the interval 50 ≤ Z ≤ 58 have been resolved in the cosmic radiation using the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO-3 satellite. Their relative abundances have been compared with the results expected from pure r-process material, pure s-process material, and solar system material, both with and without a modification due to possible first ionization potential effects. Such effects may be the result of the preferential acceleration, and hence enhancement in the cosmic rays, or those elements having low first ionization potentials. We find that our measurements are inconsistent with pure r-process material at the greater than 98% confidence level whether or not the first ionization potential adjustments are made.

In addition, we have compared our results with mixtures having varying ratios of pure r-process material to pure s-process material. We find that, if no first ionization potential effects are included,

(r/s)CRS/(r/s)SS = 0.20+0.18-0.14

where CRS refers to the cosmic ray source and SS refers to the solar system, consistent with having an almost pure s-process source. If the first ionization potential adjustments are applied

(r/s)CRS/(r/s)SS = 1.5+1.1-0.7

consistent with a solar system mixture.


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Analysis of the data from the Heavy Nuclei Experiment on the HEAO-3 spacecraft has yielded the cosmic ray abundances of odd-even element pairs with atomic number, Z, in the range 33 ≤ Z ≤60, and the abundances of broad element groups in the range 62 ≤ Z ≤83, relative to iron. These data show that the cosmic ray source composition in this charge range is quite similar to that of the solar system provided an allowance is made for a source fractionation based on first ionization potential. The observations are inconsistent with a source composition which is dominated by either r-process or s-process material, whether or not an allowance is made for first ionization potential. Although the observations do not exclude a source containing the same mixture of r- and s-process material as in the solar system. the data are best fit by a source having an r- to s-process ratio of 1.22^(+0.25)_(0.21), relative to the solar system The abundances of secondary elements are consistent with the leaky box model of galactic propagation, implying a pathlength distribution similar to that which explains the abundances of nuclei with Z<29.

The energy spectra of the even elements in the range 38 ≤ Z ≤ 60 are found to have a deficiency of particles in the range ~1.5 to 3 GeV/amu, compared to iron. This deficiency may result from ionization energy loss in the interstellar medium, and is not predicted by propagation models which ignore such losses. ln addition, the energy spectra of secondary elements are found to be different to those of the primary elements. Such effects are consistent with observations of lighter nuclei, and are in qualitative agreement with galactic propagation models using a rigidity dependent escape length. The energy spectra of secondaries arising from the platinum group are found to be much steeper than those of lower Z. This effect may result from energy dependent fragmentation cross sections.


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Various studies designed to elucidate the electronic structure of the arsenic donor ligand, o-phenylenebisdimethylarsine (diarsine), have been carried out. The electronic spectrum of diarsine has been measured at 300 and 77˚K. Electronic spectra of the molecular complexes of various substituted organoarsines and phosphines with tetracyanoethylene have been measured and used to estimate the relative ionization potentials of these molecules.

Uv photolysis of arsines in frozen solution (96˚K) has yielded thermally labile, paramagnetic products. These include the molecular cations of the photolyzed compounds. The species (diars)+ exhibits hyper-fine splitting due to two equivalent 75As(I=3/2) nuclei. Resonances due to secondary products are reported and assignments discussed.

Evidence is presented for the involvement of d-orbitals in the bonding of arsines. In (diars)+ there is mixing of arsenic “lone-pair” orbitals with benzene ring π-orbitals.


Detailed electronic spectral measurements at 300 and 77˚K have been carried out on five-coordinate complexes of low-spin nickel(II), including complexes of both trigonal bipyramidal (TBP) and square pyramidal (SPY) geometry. TBP complexes are of the form NiLX+ (X=halide or cyanide,

L = Qƭ(CH2)3As(CH3)2]3 or

P [hexagon - Q'CH3] , Q = P, As,

Q’=S, Se).

The electronic spectra of these compounds exhibit a novel feature at low temperature. The first ligand field band, which is asymmetric in the room temperature solution spectrum, is considerably more symmetrical at 77˚K. This effect is interpreted in terms of changes in the structure of the complex.

The SPY complexes are of the form Ni(diars)2Xz (X=CL, Br, CNS, CN, thiourea, NO2, As). On the basis of the spectral results, the d-level ordering is concluded to be xy ˂ xz, yz ˂ z2 ˂˂ x2 - y2. Central to this interpretation is identification of the symmetry-allowed 1A11E (xz, yz → x2 - y2) transition. This assignment was facilitated by the low temperature measurements.

An assignment of the charge-transfer spectra of the five-coordinate complexes is reported, and electronic spectral criteria for distinguishing the two limiting geometries are discussed.


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In Part I of this thesis, a new magnetic spectrometer experiment which measured the β spectrum of ^(35)S is described. New limits on heavy neutrino emission in nuclear β decay were set, for a heavy neutrino mass range between 12 and 22 keV. In particular, this measurement rejects the hypothesis that a 17 keV neutrino is emitted, with sin^2 θ = 0.0085, at the 6δ statistical level. In addition, an auxiliary experiment was performed, in which an artificial kink was induced in the β spectrum by means of an absorber foil which masked a fraction of the source area. In this measurement, the sensitivity of the magnetic spectrometer to the spectral features of heavy neutrino emission was demonstrated.

In Part II, a measurement of the neutron spallation yield and multiplicity by the Cosmic-ray Underground Background Experiment is described. The production of fast neutrons by muons was investigated at an underground depth of 20 meters water equivalent, with a 200 liter detector filled with 0.09% Gd-loaded liquid scintillator. We measured a neutron production yield of (3.4 ± 0.7) x 10^(-5) neutrons per muon-g/cm^2, in agreement with other experiments. A single-to-double neutron multiplicity ratio of 4:1 was observed. In addition, stopped π^+ decays to µ^+ and then e^+ were observed as was the associated production of pions and neutrons, by the muon spallation interaction. It was seen that practically all of the π^+ produced by muons were also accompanied by at least one neutron. These measurements serve as the basis for neutron background estimates for the San Onofre neutrino detector.


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The roles of the folate receptor and an anion carrier in the uptake of 5- methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MeH_4folate) were studied in cultured human (KB) cells using radioactive 5-MeH_4folate. Binding of the 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by folic acid, but not by probenecid, an anion carrier inhibitor. The internalization of 5-MeH_4folate was inhibited by low temperature, folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. Prolonged incubation of cells in the presence of high concentrations of probenecid appeared to inhibit endocytosis of folatereceptors as well as the anion carrier. The V_(max) and K_M values for the carrier were 8.65 ± 0.55 pmol/min/mg cell protein and 3.74 ± 0.54µM, respectively. The transport of 5-MeH4folate was competitively inhibited by folic acid, probenecid and methotrexate. The carrier dissociation constants for folic acid, probenecid and methotreate were 641 µM, 2.23 mM and 13.8 µM, respectively. Kinetic analysis suggests that 5-MeH_4folate at physiological concentration is transported through an anion carrier with the characteristics of the reduced-folate carrier after 5-MeH_4folate is endocytosed by folate receptors in KB cells. Our data with KB cells suggest that folate receptors and probenecid-sensitive carriers work in tandem to transport 5-MeH_4folate to the cytoplasm of cells, based upon the assumption that 1 mM probenecid does not interfere with the acidification of the vesicle where the folate receptors are endocytosed.

Oligodeoxynucleotides designed to hybridize to specific mRNA sequences (antisense oligonucleotides) or double stranded DNA sequences have been used to inhibit the synthesis of a number of cellular and viral proteins (Crooke, S. T. (1993) FASEB J. 7, 533-539; Carter, G. and Lemoine, N. R. (1993) Br. J. Cacer 67, 869-876; Stein, C. A. and cohen, J. S. (1988) Cancer Res. 48, 2659-2668). However, the distribution of the delivered oligonucleotides in the cell, i.e., in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus has not been clearly defined. We studied the kinetics of oligonucleotide transport into the cell nucleus using reconstituted cell nuclei as a model system. We present evidences here that oligonucleotides can freely diffuse into reconstituted nuclei. Our results are consistent with the reports by Leonetti et al. (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 88, pp. 2702-2706, April 1991), which were published while we were carrying this research independently. We also investigated whether a synthetic nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide of SV40 T antigen could be used for the nuclear targeting of oligonucleotides. We synthesized a nuclear localization signal peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide to see if a nuclear localization signal peptide can enhance the uptake of oligonucleotides into reconstituted nuclei of Xenopus. Uptake of the NLS peptide-conjugated oligonucleotide was comparable to the control oligonucleotide at similar concentrations, suggesting that the NLS signal peptide does not significantly enhance the nuclear accumulation of oligonucleotides. This result is probably due to the small size of the oligonucleotide.


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A search for dielectron decays of heavy neutral resonances has been performed using proton-proton collision data collected at √s = 7 TeV by the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in 2011. The data sample corresponds to an integrated luminosity of 5 fb−1. The dielectron mass distribution is consistent with Standard Model (SM) predictions. An upper limit on the ratio of the cross section times branching fraction of new bosons, normalized to the cross section times branching fraction of the Z boson, is set at the 95 % confidence level. This result is translated into limits on the mass of new neutral particles at the level of 2120 GeV for the Z′ in the Sequential Standard Model, 1810 GeV for the superstring-inspired Z′ψ resonance, and 1940 (1640) GeV for Kaluza-Klein gravitons with the coupling parameter k/MPl of 0.10 (0.05).


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The influence upon the basic viscous flow about two axisymmetric bodies of (i) freestream turbulence level and (ii) the injection of small amounts of a drag-reducing polymer (Polyox WSR 301) into the test model boundary layer was investigated by the schlieren flow visualization technique. The changes in the type and occurrence of cavitation inception caused by the subsequent modifications in the viscous flow were studied. A nuclei counter using the holographic technique was built to monitor freestream nuclei populations and a few preliminary tests investigating the consequences of different populations on cavitation inception were carried out.

Both test models were observed to have a laminar separation over their respective test Reynolds number ranges. The separation on one test model was found to be insensitive to freestream turbulence levels of up to 3.75 percent. The second model was found to be very susceptible having its critical velocity reduced from 30 feet per second at a 0.04 percent turbulence level to 10 feet per second at a 3.75 percent turbulence level. Cavitation tests on both models at the lowest turbulence level showed the value of the incipient cavitation number and the type of cavitation were controlled by the presence of the laminar separation. Cavitation tests on the second model at 0.65 percent turbulence level showed no change in the inception index, but the appearance of the developed cavitation was altered.

The presence of Polyox in the boundary layer resulted in a cavitation suppression comparable to that found by other investigators. The elimination of the normally occurring laminar separation on these bodies by a polymer-induced instability in the laminar boundary layer was found to be responsible for the suppression of inception.

Freestream nuclei populations at test conditions were measured and it was found that if there were many freestream gas bubbles the normally present laminar separation was elminated and travelling bubble type cavitation occurred - the value of the inception index then depended upon the nuclei population. In cases where the laminar separation was present it was found that the value of the inception index was insensitive to the free stream nuclei populations.


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We report measurements of isotope abundance ratios for 5-50 MeV/nuc nuclei from a large solar flare that occurred on September 23, 1978. The measurements were made by the Heavy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HIST) on the ISEE-3 satellite orbiting the Sun near an Earth-Sun libration point approximately one million miles sunward of the Earth. We report finite values for the isotope abundance ratios 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O, 22Ne/ 20Ne, 25Mg/24Mg, and 26Mg/24Mg, and upper limits for the isotope abundance ratios 3He/4He, 14C/12C, 17O/16O, and 21Ne/20Ne.

We measured element abundances and spectra to compare the September 23, 1978 flare with other flares reported in the literature. The flare is a typical large flare with "low" Fe/O abundance (≤ 0.1).

For 13C/12C, 15N/14N, 18O/16O, 25Mg/ 24Mg, and 26Mg/24Mg, our measured isotope abundance ratios agree with the solar system abundance ratios of Cameron (1981). For neon we measure 22Ne/20Ne = 0.109 + 0.026 - 0.019, a value that is different with confidence 97.5% from the abundance measured in the solar wind by Geiss at al. (1972) of 22Ne/20Ne = 0.073 ± 0.001. Our measurement for 22Ne/20Ne agrees with the isotopic composition of the meteoritic component neon-A.

Separate arguments appear to rule out simple mass fractionation in the solar wind and in our solar energetic particle measurements as the cause of the discrepancy in the comparison of the apparent compositions of these two sources of solar material.


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This thesis has two major parts. The first part of the thesis will describe a high energy cosmic ray detector -- the High Energy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HEIST). HEIST is a large area (0.25 m2sr) balloon-borne isotope spectrometer designed to make high-resolution measurements of isotopes in the element range from neon to nickel (10 ≤ Z ≤ 28) at energies of about 2 GeV/nucleon. The instrument consists of a stack of 12 NaI(Tl) scintilla tors, two Cerenkov counters, and two plastic scintillators. Each of the 2-cm thick NaI disks is viewed by six 1.5-inch photomultipliers whose combined outputs measure the energy deposition in that layer. In addition, the six outputs from each disk are compared to determine the position at which incident nuclei traverse each layer to an accuracy of ~2 mm. The Cerenkov counters, which measure particle velocity, are each viewed by twelve 5-inch photomultipliers using light integration boxes.

HEIST-2 determines the mass of individual nuclei by measuring both the change in the Lorentz factor (Δγ) that results from traversing the NaI stack, and the energy loss (ΔΕ) in the stack. Since the total energy of an isotope is given by Ε = γM, the mass M can be determined by M = ΔΕ/Δγ. The instrument is designed to achieve a typical mass resolution of 0.2 amu.

The second part of this thesis presents an experimental measurement of the isotopic composition of the fragments from the breakup of high energy 40Ar and 56Fe nuclei. Cosmic ray composition studies rely heavily on semi-empirical estimates of the cross-sections for the nuclear fragmentation reactions which alter the composition during propagation through the interstellar medium. Experimentally measured yields of isotopes from the fragmentation of 40Ar and 56Fe are compared with calculated yields based on semi-empirical cross-section formulae. There are two sets of measurements. The first set of measurements, made at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bevalac using a beam of 287 MeV/nucleon 40Ar incident on a CH2 target, achieves excellent mass resolution (σm ≤ 0.2 amu) for isotopes of Mg through K using a Si(Li) detector telescope. The second set of measurements, also made at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Bevalac, using a beam of 583 MeV/nucleon 56FeFe incident on a CH2 target, resolved Cr, Mn, and Fe fragments with a typical mass resolution of ~ 0.25 amu, through the use of the Heavy Isotope Spectrometer Telescope (HIST) which was later carried into space on ISEE-3 in 1978. The general agreement between calculation and experiment is good, but some significant differences are reported here.


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The differential energy spectra of cosmic-ray protons and He nuclei have been measured at energies up to 315 MeV/nucleon using balloon- and satellite-borne instruments. These spectra are presented for solar quiet times for the years 1966 through 1970. The data analysis is verified by extensive accelerator calibrations of the detector systems and by calculations and measurements of the production of secondary protons in the atmosphere.

The spectra of protons and He nuclei in this energy range are dominated by the solar modulation of the local interstellar spectra. The transport equation governing this process includes as parameters the solar-wind velocity, V, and a diffusion coefficient, K(r,R), which is assumed to be a scalar function of heliocentric radius, r, and magnetic rigidity, R. The interstellar spectra, jD, enter as boundary conditions on the solutions to the transport equation. Solutions to the transport equation have been calculated for a broad range of assumed values for K(r,R) and jD and have been compared with the measured spectra.

It is found that the solutions may be characterized in terms of a dimensionless parameter, ψ(r,R) = r V dr'/(K(r',R). The amount of modulation is roughly proportional to ψ. At high energies or far from the Sun, where the modulation is weak, the solution is determined primarily by the value of ψ (and the interstellar spectrum) and is not sensitive to the radial dependence of the diffusion coefficient. At low energies and for small r, where the effects of adiabatic deceleration are found to be large, the spectra are largely determined by the radial dependence of the diffusion coefficient and are not very sensitive to the magnitude of ψ or to the interstellar spectra. This lack of sensitivity to jD implies that the shape of the spectra at Earth cannot be used to determine the interstellar intensities at low energies.

Values of ψ determined from electron data were used to calculate the spectra of protons and He nuclei near Earth. Interstellar spectra of the form jD α (W - 0.25m)-2.65 for both protons and He nuclei were found to yield the best fits to the measured spectra for these values of ψ, where W is the total energy and m is the rest energy. A simple model for the diffusion coefficient was used in which the radial and rigidity dependence are separable and K is independent of radius inside a modulation region which has a boundary at a distance D. Good agreement was found between the measured and calculated spectra for the years 1965 through 1968, using typical boundary distances of 2.7 and 6.1 A.U. The proton spectra observed in 1969 and 1970 were flatter than in previous years. This flattening could be explained in part by an increase in D, but also seemed to require that a noticeable fraction of the observed protons at energies as high at 50 to 100 MeV be attributed to quiet-time solar emission. The turnup in the spectra at low energies observed in all years was also attributed to solar emission. The diffusion coefficient used to fit the 1965 spectra is in reasonable agreement with that determined from the power spectra of the interplanetary magnetic field (Jokipii and Coleman, 1968). We find a factor of roughly 3 increase in ψ from 1965 to 1970, corresponding to the roughly order of magnitude decrease in the proton intensity at 250 MeV. The change in ψ might be attributed to a decrease in the diffusion coefficient, or, if the diffusion coefficient is essentially unchanged over that period (Mathews et al., 1971), might be attributed to an increase in the boundary distance, D.


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Transcription factor p53 is the most commonly altered gene in human cancer. As a redox-active protein in direct contact with DNA, p53 can directly sense oxidative stress through DNA-mediated charge transport. Electron hole transport occurs with a shallow distance dependence over long distances through the π-stacked DNA bases, leading to the oxidation and dissociation of DNA-bound p53. The extent of p53 dissociation depends upon the redox potential of the response element DNA in direct contact with each p53 monomer. The DNA sequence dependence of p53 oxidative dissociation was examined by electrophoretic mobility shift assays using radiolabeled oligonucleotides containing both synthetic and human p53 response elements with an appended anthraquinone photooxidant. Greater p53 dissociation is observed from DNA sequences containing low redox potential purine regions, particularly guanine triplets, within the p53 response element. Using denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of irradiated anthraquinone-modified DNA, the DNA damage sites, which correspond to locations of preferred electron hole localization, were determined. The resulting DNA damage preferentially localizes to guanine doublets and triplets within the response element. Oxidative DNA damage is inhibited in the presence of p53, however, only at DNA sites within the response element, and therefore in direct contact with p53. From these data, predictions about the sensitivity of human p53-binding sites to oxidative stress, as well as possible biological implications, have been made. On the basis of our data, the guanine pattern within the purine region of each p53-binding site determines the response of p53 to DNA-mediated oxidation, yielding for some sequences the oxidative dissociation of p53 from a distance and thereby providing another potential role for DNA charge transport chemistry within the cell.

To determine whether the change in p53 response element occupancy observed in vitro also correlates in cellulo, chromatin immunoprecipition (ChIP) and quantitative PCR (qPCR) were used to directly quantify p53 binding to certain response elements in HCT116N cells. The HCT116N cells containing a wild type p53 were treated with the photooxidant [Rh(phi)2bpy]3+, Nutlin-3 to upregulate p53, and subsequently irradiated to induce oxidative genomic stress. To covalently tether p53 interacting with DNA, the cells were fixed with disuccinimidyl glutarate and formaldehyde. The nuclei of the harvested cells were isolated, sonicated, and immunoprecipitated using magnetic beads conjugated with a monoclonal p53 antibody. The purified immounoprecipiated DNA was then quantified via qPCR and genomic sequencing. Overall, the ChIP results were significantly varied over ten experimental trials, but one trend is observed overall: greater variation of p53 occupancy is observed in response elements from which oxidative dissociation would be expected, while significantly less change in p53 occupancy occurs for response elements from which oxidative dissociation would not be anticipated.

The chemical oxidation of transcription factor p53 via DNA CT was also investigated with respect to the protein at the amino acid level. Transcription factor p53 plays a critical role in the cellular response to stress stimuli, which may be modulated through the redox modulation of conserved cysteine residues within the DNA-binding domain. Residues within p53 that enable oxidative dissociation are herein investigated. Of the 8 mutants studied by electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), only the C275S mutation significantly decreased the protein affinity (KD) for the Gadd45 response element. EMSA assays of p53 oxidative dissociation promoted by photoexcitation of anthraquinone-tethered Gadd45 oligonucleotides were used to determine the influence of p53 mutations on oxidative dissociation; mutation to C275S severely attenuates oxidative dissociation while C277S substantially attenuates dissociation. Differential thiol labeling was used to determine the oxidation states of cysteine residues within p53 after DNA-mediated oxidation. Reduced cysteines were iodoacetamide labeled, while oxidized cysteines participating in disulfide bonds were 13C2D2-iodoacetamide labeled. Intensities of respective iodoacetamide-modified peptide fragments were analyzed using a QTRAP 6500 LC-MS/MS system, quantified with Skyline, and directly compared. A distinct shift in peptide labeling toward 13C2D2-iodoacetamide labeled cysteines is observed in oxidized samples as compared to the respective controls. All of the observable cysteine residues trend toward the heavy label under conditions of DNA CT, indicating the formation of multiple disulfide bonds potentially among the C124, C135, C141, C182, C275, and C277. Based on these data it is proposed that disulfide formation involving C275 is critical for inducing oxidative dissociation of p53 from DNA.


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Pulse-height and time-of-flight methods have been used to measure the electronic stopping cross sections for projectiles of 12C, 16O, 19F, 23Na, 24Mg, and 27Al, slowing in helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon. The ion energies were in the range 185 keV ≤ E ≤ 2560 keV.

A semiempirical calculation of the electronic stopping cross section for projectiles with atomic numbers between 6 and 13 passing through the inert gases has been performed using a modification of the Firsov model. Using Hartree-Slater-Fock orbitals, and summing over the losses for the individual charge states of the projectiles, good agreement has been obtained with the experimental data. The main features of the stopping cross section seen in the data, such as the Z1 oscillation and the variation of the velocity dependence on Z1 and Z2, are present in the calculation. The inclusion of a modified form of the Bethe-Bloch formula as an additional term allows the increase of the velocity dependence for projectile velocities above vo to be reproduced in the calculation.


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This thesis is the culmination of field and laboratory studies aimed at assessing processes that affect the composition and distribution of atmospheric organic aerosol. An emphasis is placed on measurements conducted using compact and high-resolution Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (AMS). The first three chapters summarize results from aircraft campaigns designed to evaluate anthropogenic and biogenic impacts on marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of California. Subsequent chapters describe laboratory studies intended to evaluate gas and particle-phase mechanisms of organic aerosol oxidation.

The 2013 Nucleation in California Experiment (NiCE) was a campaign designed to study environments impacted by nucleated and/or freshly formed aerosol particles. Terrestrial biogenic aerosol with > 85% organic mass was observed to reside in the free troposphere above marine stratocumulus. This biogenic organic aerosol (BOA) originated from the Northwestern United States and was transported to the marine atmosphere during periodic cloud-clearing events. Spectra recorded by a cloud condensation nuclei counter demonstrated that BOA is CCN active. BOA enhancements at latitudes north of San Francisco, CA coincided with enhanced cloud water concentrations of organic species such as acetate and formate.

Airborne measurements conducted during the 2011 Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) were aimed at evaluating the contribution of ship emissions to the properties of marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of central California. In one study, analysis of organic aerosol mass spectra during periods of enhanced shipping activity yielded unique tracers indicative of cloud-processed ship emissions (m/z 42 and 99). The variation of their organic fraction (f42 and f99) was found to coincide with periods of heavy (f42 > 0.15; f99 > 0.04), moderate (0.05 < f42 < 0.15; 0.01 < f99 < 0.04), and negligible (f42 < 0.05; f99 < 0.01) ship influence. Application of these conditions to all measurements conducted during E-PEACE demonstrated that a large fraction of cloud droplet (72%) and dry aerosol mass (12%) sampled in the California coastal study region was heavily or moderately influenced by ship emissions. Another study investigated the chemical and physical evolution of a controlled organic plume emitted from the R/V Point Sur. Under sunny conditions, nucleated particles composed of oxidized organic compounds contributed nearly an order of magnitude more cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) than less oxidized particles formed under cloudy conditions. The processing time necessary for particles to become CCN active was short ( < 1 hr) compared to the time needed for particles to become hygroscopic at sub-saturated humidity ( > 4 hr).

Laboratory chamber experiments were also conducted to evaluate particle-phase processes influencing aerosol phase and composition. In one study, ammonium sulfate seed was coated with a layer of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from toluene oxidation followed by a layer of SOA from α-pinene oxidation. The system exhibited different evaporative properties than ammonium sulfate seed initially coated with α-pinene SOA followed by a layer of toluene SOA. This behavior is consistent with a shell-and-core model and suggests limited mixing among different SOA types. Another study investigated the reactive uptake of isoprene epoxy diols (IEPOX) onto non-acidified aerosol. It was demonstrated that particle acidity has limited influence on organic aerosol formation onto ammonium sulfate seed, and that the chemical system is limited by the availability of nucleophiles such as sulfate.

Flow tube experiments were conducted to examine the role of iron in the reactive uptake and chemical oxidation of glycolaldehyde. Aerosol particles doped with iron and hydrogen peroxide were mixed with gas-phase glycolaldehyde and photochemically aged in a custom-built flow reactor. Compared to particles free of iron, iron-doped aerosols significantly enhanced the oxygen to carbon (O/C) ratio of accumulated organic mass. The primary oxidation mechanism is suggested to be a combination of Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions which enhance particle-phase OH radical concentrations.


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The Q values and 0o cross sections of (He3, n) reactions forming seven proton-rich nuclei have been measured with accuracies varying from 6 to 18 keV. The Q values (in keV) are: Si26 (85), S30 (-573), Ar34 (-759), Ti42 (-2865), Cr48 (5550), Ni56 (4513) and Zn60 (818). At least one excited state was found for all but Ti42. The first four nuclei complete isotopic spin triplets; the results obtained agree well with charge-symmetry predictions. The last three, all multiples of the α particle, are important in the α and e-process theories of nucleo-synthesis in stars. The energy available for β decay of these three was found by magnetic spectrometer measurements of the (He3, p) Q values of reactions leading to V48, Co56, and Cu60. Many excited states were seen: V48 (3), Co56 (15), Cu60 (23). The first two states of S30 are probably 0+ and 2+ from (He3, n) angular distribution measurements. Two NaI γ-ray measurements are described: the decay of Ar34 (measured Ƭ1/2 = 1.2 ± 0.3s) and the prompt γ-ray spectrum from Fe54(He3, nγ)Ni56. Possible collective structure in Ni56 and Ca40, both doubly magic, is discussed.

The (He3, n) neutron energy and yield measurements utilized neutron-induced nuclear reactions in a silicon semiconductor detector. Cross sections for the most important detection processes, Si28 (n, α) Mg25 and Si28 (n, p) Al28, are presented for reactions leading to the first four states of both residual nuclei for neutron energies from 7.3 to 16.4 MeV. Resolution and pulse-height anomalies associated with recoil Mg25 and Al28 ions are discussed. The 0o cross section for Be9 (α, n) C12, used to provide calibration neutrons, has been measured with a stilbene spectrometer for no (5.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 12 MeV), n1 (4.3 ≤ Eα ≤ 12.0 MeV) and n2 (6.0 ≤ Eα ≤ 10.1 MeV). Resonances seen in the no yield may correspond to nine new levels in C13.