10 resultados para Frequency domain

em CaltechTHESIS


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Optical Coherence Tomography(OCT) is a popular, rapidly growing imaging technique with an increasing number of bio-medical applications due to its noninvasive nature. However, there are three major challenges in understanding and improving an OCT system: (1) Obtaining an OCT image is not easy. It either takes a real medical experiment or requires days of computer simulation. Without much data, it is difficult to study the physical processes underlying OCT imaging of different objects simply because there aren't many imaged objects. (2) Interpretation of an OCT image is also hard. This challenge is more profound than it appears. For instance, it would require a trained expert to tell from an OCT image of human skin whether there is a lesion or not. This is expensive in its own right, but even the expert cannot be sure about the exact size of the lesion or the width of the various skin layers. The take-away message is that analyzing an OCT image even from a high level would usually require a trained expert, and pixel-level interpretation is simply unrealistic. The reason is simple: we have OCT images but not their underlying ground-truth structure, so there is nothing to learn from. (3) The imaging depth of OCT is very limited (millimeter or sub-millimeter on human tissues). While OCT utilizes infrared light for illumination to stay noninvasive, the downside of this is that photons at such long wavelengths can only penetrate a limited depth into the tissue before getting back-scattered. To image a particular region of a tissue, photons first need to reach that region. As a result, OCT signals from deeper regions of the tissue are both weak (since few photons reached there) and distorted (due to multiple scatterings of the contributing photons). This fact alone makes OCT images very hard to interpret.

This thesis addresses the above challenges by successfully developing an advanced Monte Carlo simulation platform which is 10000 times faster than the state-of-the-art simulator in the literature, bringing down the simulation time from 360 hours to a single minute. This powerful simulation tool not only enables us to efficiently generate as many OCT images of objects with arbitrary structure and shape as we want on a common desktop computer, but it also provides us the underlying ground-truth of the simulated images at the same time because we dictate them at the beginning of the simulation. This is one of the key contributions of this thesis. What allows us to build such a powerful simulation tool includes a thorough understanding of the signal formation process, clever implementation of the importance sampling/photon splitting procedure, efficient use of a voxel-based mesh system in determining photon-mesh interception, and a parallel computation of different A-scans that consist a full OCT image, among other programming and mathematical tricks, which will be explained in detail later in the thesis.

Next we aim at the inverse problem: given an OCT image, predict/reconstruct its ground-truth structure on a pixel level. By solving this problem we would be able to interpret an OCT image completely and precisely without the help from a trained expert. It turns out that we can do much better. For simple structures we are able to reconstruct the ground-truth of an OCT image more than 98% correctly, and for more complicated structures (e.g., a multi-layered brain structure) we are looking at 93%. We achieved this through extensive uses of Machine Learning. The success of the Monte Carlo simulation already puts us in a great position by providing us with a great deal of data (effectively unlimited), in the form of (image, truth) pairs. Through a transformation of the high-dimensional response variable, we convert the learning task into a multi-output multi-class classification problem and a multi-output regression problem. We then build a hierarchy architecture of machine learning models (committee of experts) and train different parts of the architecture with specifically designed data sets. In prediction, an unseen OCT image first goes through a classification model to determine its structure (e.g., the number and the types of layers present in the image); then the image is handed to a regression model that is trained specifically for that particular structure to predict the length of the different layers and by doing so reconstruct the ground-truth of the image. We also demonstrate that ideas from Deep Learning can be useful to further improve the performance.

It is worth pointing out that solving the inverse problem automatically improves the imaging depth, since previously the lower half of an OCT image (i.e., greater depth) can be hardly seen but now becomes fully resolved. Interestingly, although OCT signals consisting the lower half of the image are weak, messy, and uninterpretable to human eyes, they still carry enough information which when fed into a well-trained machine learning model spits out precisely the true structure of the object being imaged. This is just another case where Artificial Intelligence (AI) outperforms human. To the best knowledge of the author, this thesis is not only a success but also the first attempt to reconstruct an OCT image at a pixel level. To even give a try on this kind of task, it would require fully annotated OCT images and a lot of them (hundreds or even thousands). This is clearly impossible without a powerful simulation tool like the one developed in this thesis.


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The temporal structure of neuronal spike trains in the visual cortex can provide detailed information about the stimulus and about the neuronal implementation of visual processing. Spike trains recorded from the macaque motion area MT in previous studies (Newsome et al., 1989a; Britten et al., 1992; Zohary et al., 1994) are analyzed here in the context of the dynamic random dot stimulus which was used to evoke them. If the stimulus is incoherent, the spike trains can be highly modulated and precisely locked in time to the stimulus. In contrast, the coherent motion stimulus creates little or no temporal modulation and allows us to study patterns in the spike train that may be intrinsic to the cortical circuitry in area MT. Long gaps in the spike train evoked by the preferred direction motion stimulus are found, and they appear to be symmetrical to bursts in the response to the anti-preferred direction of motion. A novel cross-correlation technique is used to establish that the gaps are correlated between pairs of neurons. Temporal modulation is also found in psychophysical experiments using a modified stimulus. A model is made that can account for the temporal modulation in terms of the computational theory of biological image motion processing. A frequency domain analysis of the stimulus reveals that it contains a repeated power spectrum that may account for psychophysical and electrophysiological observations.

Some neurons tend to fire bursts of action potentials while others avoid burst firing. Using numerical and analytical models of spike trains as Poisson processes with the addition of refractory periods and bursting, we are able to account for peaks in the power spectrum near 40 Hz without assuming the existence of an underlying oscillatory signal. A preliminary examination of the local field potential reveals that stimulus-locked oscillation appears briefly at the beginning of the trial.


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Cells in the lateral intraparietal cortex (LIP) of rhesus macaques respond vigorously and in spatially-tuned fashion to briefly memorized visual stimuli. Responses to stimulus presentation, memory maintenance, and task completion are seen, in varying combination from neuron to neuron. To help elucidate this functional segmentation a new system for simultaneous recording from multiple neighboring neurons was developed. The two parts of this dissertation discuss the technical achievements and scientific discoveries, respectively.

Technology. Simultanous recordings from multiple neighboring neurons were made with four-wire bundle electrodes, or tetrodes, which were adapted to the awake behaving primate preparation. Signals from these electrodes were partitionable into a background process with a 1/f-like spectrum and foreground spiking activity spanning 300-6000 Hz. Continuous voltage recordings were sorted into spike trains using a state-of-the-art clustering algorithm, producing a mean of 3 cells per site. The algorithm classified 96% of spikes correctly when tetrode recordings were confirmed with simultaneous intracellular signals. Recording locations were verified with a new technique that creates electrolytic lesions visible in magnetic resonance imaging, eliminating the need for histological processing. In anticipation of future multi-tetrode work, the chronic chamber microdrive, a device for long-term tetrode delivery, was developed.

Science. Simultaneously recorded neighboring LIP neurons were found to have similar preferred targets in the memory saccade paradigm, but dissimilar peristimulus time histograms, PSTH). A majority of neighboring cell pairs had a difference in preferred directions of under 45° while the trial time of maximal response showed a broader distribution, suggesting homogeneity of tuning with het erogeneity of function. A continuum of response characteristics was present, rather than a set of specific response types; however, a mapping experiment suggests this may be because a given cell's PSTH changes shape as well as amplitude through the response field. Spike train autocovariance was tuned over target and changed through trial epoch, suggesting different mechanisms during memory versus background periods. Mean frequency-domain spike-to-spike coherence was concentrated below 50 Hz with a significant maximum of 0.08; mean time-domain coherence had a narrow peak in the range ±10 ms with a significant maximum of 0.03. Time-domain coherence was found to be untuned for short lags (10 ms), but significantly tuned at larger lags (50 ms).


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This study addresses the problem of obtaining reliable velocities and displacements from accelerograms, a concern which often arises in earthquake engineering. A closed-form acceleration expression with random parameters is developed to test any strong-motion accelerogram processing method. Integration of this analytical time history yields the exact velocities, displacements and Fourier spectra. Noise and truncation can also be added. A two-step testing procedure is proposed and the original Volume II routine is used as an illustration. The main sources of error are identified and discussed. Although these errors may be reduced, it is impossible to extract the true time histories from an analog or digital accelerogram because of the uncertain noise level and missing data. Based on these uncertainties, a probabilistic approach is proposed as a new accelerogram processing method. A most probable record is presented as well as a reliability interval which reflects the level of error-uncertainty introduced by the recording and digitization process. The data is processed in the frequency domain, under assumptions governing either the initial value or the temporal mean of the time histories. This new processing approach is tested on synthetic records. It induces little error and the digitization noise is adequately bounded. Filtering is intended to be kept to a minimum and two optimal error-reduction methods are proposed. The "noise filters" reduce the noise level at each harmonic of the spectrum as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio. However, the correction at low frequencies is not sufficient to significantly reduce the drifts in the integrated time histories. The "spectral substitution method" uses optimization techniques to fit spectral models of near-field, far-field or structural motions to the amplitude spectrum of the measured data. The extremes of the spectrum of the recorded data where noise and error prevail are then partly altered, but not removed, and statistical criteria provide the choice of the appropriate cutoff frequencies. This correction method has been applied to existing strong-motion far-field, near-field and structural data with promising results. Since this correction method maintains the whole frequency range of the record, it should prove to be very useful in studying the long-period dynamics of local geology and structures.


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Part I: The dynamic response of an elastic half space to an explosion in a buried spherical cavity is investigated by two methods. The first is implicit, and the final expressions for the displacements at the free surface are given as a series of spherical wave functions whose coefficients are solutions of an infinite set of linear equations. The second method is based on Schwarz's technique to solve boundary value problems, and leads to an iterative solution, starting with the known expression for the point source in a half space as first term. The iterative series is transformed into a system of two integral equations, and into an equivalent set of linear equations. In this way, a dual interpretation of the physical phenomena is achieved. The systems are treated numerically and the Rayleigh wave part of the displacements is given in the frequency domain. Several comparisons with simpler cases are analyzed to show the effect of the cavity radius-depth ratio on the spectra of the displacements.

Part II: A high speed, large capacity, hypocenter location program has been written for an IBM 7094 computer. Important modifications to the standard method of least squares have been incorporated in it. Among them are a new way to obtain the depth of shocks from the normal equations, and the computation of variable travel times for the local shocks in order to account automatically for crustal variations. The multiregional travel times, largely based upon the investigations of the United States Geological Survey, are confronted with actual traverses to test their validity.

It is shown that several crustal phases provide control enough to obtain good solutions in depth for nuclear explosions, though not all the recording stations are in the region where crustal corrections are considered. The use of the European travel times, to locate the French nuclear explosion of May 1962 in the Sahara, proved to be more adequate than previous work.

A simpler program, with manual crustal corrections, is used to process the Kern County series of aftershocks, and a clearer picture of tectonic mechanism of the White Wolf fault is obtained.

Shocks in the California region are processed automatically and statistical frequency-depth and energy depth curves are discussed in relation to the tectonics of the area.


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Fast radio bursts (FRBs), a novel type of radio pulse, whose physics is not yet understood at all. Only a handful of FRBs had been detected when we started this project. Taking account of the scant observations, we put physical constraints on FRBs. We excluded proposals of a galactic origin for their extraordinarily high dispersion measures (DM), in particular stellar coronas and HII regions. Therefore our work supports an extragalactic origin for FRBs. We show that the resolved scattering tail of FRB 110220 is unlikely to be due to propagation through the intergalactic plasma. Instead the scattering is probably caused by the interstellar medium in the FRB's host galaxy, and indicates that this burst sits in the central region of that galaxy. Pulse durations of order $\ms$ constrain source sizes of FRBs implying enormous brightness temperatures and thus coherent emission. Electric fields near FRBs at cosmological distances would be so strong that they could accelerate free electrons from rest to relativistic energies in a single wave period. When we worked on FRBs, it was unclear whether they were genuine astronomical signals as distinct from `perytons', clearly terrestrial radio bursts, sharing some common properties with FRBs. Recently, in April 2015, astronomers discovered that perytons were emitted by microwave ovens. Radio chirps similar to FRBs were emitted when their doors opened while they were still heating. Evidence for the astronomical nature of FRBs has strengthened since our paper was published. Some bursts have been found to show linear and circular polarizations and Faraday rotation of the linear polarization has also been detected. I hope to resume working on FRBs in the near future. But after we completed our FRB paper, I decided to pause this project because of the lack of observational constraints.

The pulsar triple system, J0733+1715, has its orbital parameters fitted to high accuracy owing to the precise timing of the central $\ms$ pulsar. The two orbits are highly hierarchical, namely $P_{\mathrm{orb,1}}\ll P_{\mathrm{orb,2}}$, where 1 and 2 label the inner and outer white dwarf (WD) companions respectively. Moreover, their orbital planes almost coincide, providing a unique opportunity to study secular interaction associated purely with eccentricity beyond the solar system. Secular interaction only involves effect averaged over many orbits. Thus each companion can be represented by an elliptical wire with its mass distributed inversely proportional to its local orbital speed. Generally there exists a mutual torque, which vanishes only when their apsidal lines are parallel or anti-parallel. To maintain either mode, the eccentricity ratio, $e_1/e_2$, must be of the proper value, so that both apsidal lines precess together. For J0733+1715, $e_1\ll e_2$ for the parallel mode, while $e_1\gg e_2$ for the anti-parallel one. We show that the former precesses $\sim 10$ times slower than the latter. Currently the system is dominated by the parallel mode. Although only a little anti-parallel mode survives, both eccentricities especially $e_1$ oscillate on $\sim 10^3\yr$ timescale. Detectable changes would occur within $\sim 1\yr$. We demonstrate that the anti-parallel mode gets damped $\sim 10^4$ times faster than its parallel brother by any dissipative process diminishing $e_1$. If it is the tidal damping in the inner WD, we proceed to estimate its tidal quantity parameter ($Q$) to be $\sim 10^6$, which was poorly constrained by observations. However, tidal damping may also happen during the preceding low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) phase or hydrogen thermal nuclear flashes. But, in both cases, the inner companion fills its Roche lobe and probably suffers mass/angular momentum loss, which might cause $e_1$ to grow rather than decay.

Several pairs of solar system satellites occupy mean motion resonances (MMRs). We divide these into two groups according to their proximity to exact resonance. Proximity is measured by the existence of a separatrix in phase space. MMRs between Io-Europa, Europa-Ganymede and Enceladus-Dione are too distant from exact resonance for a separatrix to appear. A separatrix is present only in the phase spaces of the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs and their resonant arguments are the only ones to exhibit substantial librations. When a separatrix is present, tidal damping of eccentricity or inclination excites overstable librations that can lead to passage through resonance on the damping timescale. However, after investigation, we conclude that the librations in the Mimas-Tethys and Titan-Hyperion MMRs are fossils and do not result from overstability.

Rubble piles are common in the solar system. Monolithic elements touch their neighbors in small localized areas. Voids occupy a significant fraction of the volume. In a fluid-free environment, heat cannot conduct through voids; only radiation can transfer energy across them. We model the effective thermal conductivity of a rubble pile and show that it is proportional the square root of the pressure, $P$, for $P\leq \epsy^3\mu$ where $\epsy$ is the material's yield strain and $\mu$ its shear modulus. Our model provides an excellent fit to the depth dependence of the thermal conductivity in the top $140\,\mathrm{cm}$ of the lunar regolith. It also offers an explanation for the low thermal inertias of rocky asteroids and icy satellites. Lastly, we discuss how rubble piles slow down the cooling of small bodies such as asteroids.

Electromagnetic (EM) follow-up observations of gravitational wave (GW) events will help shed light on the nature of the sources, and more can be learned if the EM follow-ups can start as soon as the GW event becomes observable. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient time-domain algorithm capable of detecting gravitational waves (GWs) from coalescing binaries of compact objects with nearly zero time delay. In case when the signal is strong enough, our algorithm also has the flexibility to trigger EM observation {\it before} the merger. The key to the efficiency of our algorithm arises from the use of chains of so-called Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) filters, which filter time-series data recursively. Computational cost is further reduced by a template interpolation technique that requires filtering to be done only for a much coarser template bank than otherwise required to sufficiently recover optimal signal-to-noise ratio. Towards future detectors with sensitivity extending to lower frequencies, our algorithm's computational cost is shown to increase rather insignificantly compared to the conventional time-domain correlation method. Moreover, at latencies of less than hundreds to thousands of seconds, this method is expected to be computationally more efficient than the straightforward frequency-domain method.


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The first part of this thesis combines Bolocam observations of the thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect at 140 GHz with X-ray observations from Chandra, strong lensing data from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), and weak lensing data from HST and Subaru to constrain parametric models for the distribution of dark and baryonic matter in a sample of six massive, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. For five of the six clusters, the full multiwavelength dataset is well described by a relatively simple model that assumes spherical symmetry, hydrostatic equilibrium, and entirely thermal pressure support. The multiwavelength analysis yields considerably better constraints on the total mass and concentration compared to analysis of any one dataset individually. The subsample of five galaxy clusters is used to place an upper limit on the fraction of pressure support in the intracluster medium (ICM) due to nonthermal processes, such as turbulent and bulk flow of the gas. We constrain the nonthermal pressure fraction at r500c to be less than 0.11 at 95% confidence, where r500c refers to radius at which the average enclosed density is 500 times the critical density of the Universe. This is in tension with state-of-the-art hydrodynamical simulations, which predict a nonthermal pressure fraction of approximately 0.25 at r500c for the clusters in this sample.

The second part of this thesis focuses on the characterization of the Multiwavelength Sub/millimeter Inductance Camera (MUSIC), a photometric imaging camera that was commissioned at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) in 2012. MUSIC is designed to have a 14 arcminute, diffraction-limited field of view populated with 576 spatial pixels that are simultaneously sensitive to four bands at 150, 220, 290, and 350 GHz. It is well-suited for studies of dusty star forming galaxies, galaxy clusters via the SZ Effect, and galactic star formation. MUSIC employs a number of novel detector technologies: broadband phased-arrays of slot dipole antennas for beam formation, on-chip lumped element filters for band definition, and Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors (MKIDs) for transduction of incoming light to electric signal. MKIDs are superconducting micro-resonators coupled to a feedline. Incoming light breaks apart Cooper pairs in the superconductor, causing a change in the quality factor and frequency of the resonator. This is read out as amplitude and phase modulation of a microwave probe signal centered on the resonant frequency. By tuning each resonator to a slightly different frequency and sending out a superposition of probe signals, hundreds of detectors can be read out on a single feedline. This natural capability for large scale, frequency domain multiplexing combined with relatively simple fabrication makes MKIDs a promising low temperature detector for future kilopixel sub/millimeter instruments. There is also considerable interest in using MKIDs for optical through near-infrared spectrophotometry due to their fast microsecond response time and modest energy resolution. In order to optimize the MKID design to obtain suitable performance for any particular application, it is critical to have a well-understood physical model for the detectors and the sources of noise to which they are susceptible. MUSIC has collected many hours of on-sky data with over 1000 MKIDs. This work studies the performance of the detectors in the context of one such physical model. Chapter 2 describes the theoretical model for the responsivity and noise of MKIDs. Chapter 3 outlines the set of measurements used to calibrate this model for the MUSIC detectors. Chapter 4 presents the resulting estimates of the spectral response, optical efficiency, and on-sky loading. The measured detector response to Uranus is compared to the calibrated model prediction in order to determine how well the model describes the propagation of signal through the full instrument. Chapter 5 examines the noise present in the detector timestreams during recent science observations. Noise due to fluctuations in atmospheric emission dominate at long timescales (less than 0.5 Hz). Fluctuations in the amplitude and phase of the microwave probe signal due to the readout electronics contribute significant 1/f and drift-type noise at shorter timescales. The atmospheric noise is removed by creating a template for the fluctuations in atmospheric emission from weighted averages of the detector timestreams. The electronics noise is removed by using probe signals centered off-resonance to construct templates for the amplitude and phase fluctuations. The algorithms that perform the atmospheric and electronic noise removal are described. After removal, we find good agreement between the observed residual noise and our expectation for intrinsic detector noise over a significant fraction of the signal bandwidth.


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A time-domain spectrometer for use in the terahertz (THz) spectral range was designed and constructed. Due to there being few existing methods of generating and detecting THz radiation, the spectrometer is expected to have vast applications to solid, liquid, and gas phase samples. In particular, knowledge of complex organic chemistry and chemical abundances in the interstellar medium (ISM) can be obtained when compared to astronomical data. The THz spectral region is of particular interest due to reduced line density when compared to the millimeter wave spectrum, the existence of high resolution observatories, and potentially strong transitions resulting from the lowest-lying vibrational modes of large molecules.

The heart of the THz time-domain spectrometer (THz-TDS) is the ultrafast laser. Due to the femtosecond duration of ultrafast laser pulses and an energy-time uncertainty relationship, the pulses typically have a several-THz bandwidth. By various means of optical rectification, the optical pulse carrier envelope shape, i.e. intensity-time profile, can be transferred to the phase of the resulting THz pulse. As a consequence, optical pump-THz probe spectroscopy is readily achieved, as was demonstrated in studies of dye-sensitized TiO2, as discussed in chapter 4. Detection of the terahertz radiation is commonly based on electro-optic sampling and provides full phase information. This allows for accurate determination of both the real and imaginary index of refraction, the so-called optical constants, without additional analysis. A suite of amino acids and sugars, all of which have been found in meteorites, were studied in crystalline form embedded in a polyethylene matrix. As the temperature was varied between 10 and 310 K, various strong vibrational modes were found to shift in spectral intensity and frequency. Such modes can be attributed to intramolecular, intermolecular, or phonon modes, or to some combination of the three.


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Much of the chemistry that affects life on planet Earth occurs in the condensed phase. The TeraHertz (THz) or far-infrared (far-IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 0.1 THz to 10 THz, 3 cm-1 to 300 cm-1, or 3000 μm to 30 μm) has been shown to provide unique possibilities in the study of condensed-phase processes. The goal of this work is to expand the possibilities available in the THz region and undertake new investigations of fundamental interest to chemistry. Since we are fundamentally interested in condensed-phase processes, this thesis focuses on two areas where THz spectroscopy can provide new understanding: astrochemistry and solvation science. To advance these fields, we had to develop new instrumentation that would enable the experiments necessary to answer new questions in either astrochemistry or solvation science. We first developed a new experimental setup capable of studying astrochemical ice analogs in both the TeraHertz (THz), or far-Infrared (far-IR), region (0.3 - 7.5 THz; 10 - 250 cm-1) and the mid-IR (400 - 4000 cm-1). The importance of astrochemical ices lies in their key role in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as amino acids and sugars in space. Thus, the instruments are capable of performing variety of spectroscopic studies that can provide especially relevant laboratory data to support astronomical observations from telescopes such as the Herschel Space Telescope, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The experimental apparatus uses a THz time-domain spectrometer, with a 1750/875 nm plasma source and a GaP detector crystal, to cover the bandwidth mentioned above with ~10 GHz (~0.3 cm-1) resolution.

Using the above instrumentation, experimental spectra of astrochemical ice analogs of water and carbon dioxide in pure, mixed, and layered ices were collected at different temperatures under high vacuum conditions with the goal of investigating the structure of the ice. We tentatively observe a new feature in both amorphous solid water and crystalline water at 33 cm-1 (1 THz). In addition, our studies of mixed and layered ices show how it is possible to identify the location of carbon dioxide as it segregates within the ice by observing its effect on the THz spectrum of water ice. The THz spectra of mixed and layered ices are further analyzed by fitting their spectra features to those of pure amorphous solid water and crystalline water ice to quantify the effects of temperature changes on structure. From the results of this work, it appears that THz spectroscopy is potentially well suited to study thermal transformations within the ice.

To advance the study of liquids with THz spectroscopy, we developed a new ultrafast nonlinear THz spectroscopic technique: heterodyne-detected, ultrafast THz Kerr effect (TKE) spectroscopy. We implemented a heterodyne-detection scheme into a TKE spectrometer that uses a stilbazoiumbased THz emitter, 4-N,N-dimethylamino-4-N-methyl-stilbazolium 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonate (DSTMS), and high numerical aperture optics which generates THz electric field in excess of 300 kV/cm, in the sample. This allows us to report the first measurement of quantum beats at terahertz (THz) frequencies that result from vibrational coherences initiated by the nonlinear, dipolar interaction of a broadband, high-energy, (sub)picosecond THz pulse with the sample. Our instrument improves on both the frequency coverage, and sensitivity previously reported; it also ensures a backgroundless measurement of the THz Kerr effect in pure liquids. For liquid diiodomethane, we observe a quantum beat at 3.66 THz (122 cm-1), in exact agreement with the fundamental transition frequency of the υ4 vibration of the molecule. This result provides new insight into dipolar vs. Raman selection rules at terahertz frequencies.

To conclude we discuss future directions for the nonlinear THz spectroscopy in the Blake lab. We report the first results from an experiment using a plasma-based THz source for nonlinear spectroscopy that has the potential to enable nonlinear THz spectra with a sub-100 fs temporal resolution, and how the optics involved in the plasma mechanism can enable THz pulse shaping. Finally, we discuss how a single-shot THz detection scheme could improve the acquisition of THz data and how such a scheme could be implemented in the Blake lab. The instruments developed herein will hopefully remain a part of the groups core competencies and serve as building blocks for the next generation of THz instrumentation that pushes the frontiers of both chemistry and the scientific enterprise as a whole.


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This thesis reports on the design, construction, and initial applications of a high-resolution terahertz time-domain ASOPS spectrometer. The instrument employs asynchronous optical sampling (ASOPS) between two Ti:sapphire ultrafast lasers operating at a repetition rate of approximately 80 MHz, and we thus demonstrate a THz frequency resolution approaching the limit of that repetition rate. This is an order of magnitude improvement in resolution over typical THz time-domain spectrometers. The improved resolution is important for our primary effort of collecting THz spectra for far-infrared astronomy. We report on various spectroscopic applications including the THz rotational spectrum of water, where we achieve a mean frequency error, relative to established line centers, of 27.0 MHz. We also demonstrate application of the THz system to the long-duration observation of a coherent magnon mode in a anti-ferromagnetic yttrium iron oxide (YFeO3) crystal. Furthermore, we apply the all-optical virtual delay line of ASOPS to a transient thermoreflectance experiment for quickly measuring the thermal conductivity of semiconductors.