3 resultados para Fraunhofer diffraction

em CaltechTHESIS


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I. Trimesic acid (1, 3, 5-benzenetricarboxylic acid) crystallizes with a monoclinic unit cell of dimensions a = 26.52 A, b = 16.42 A, c = 26.55 A, and β = 91.53° with 48 molecules /unit cell. Extinctions indicated a space group of Cc or C2/c; a satisfactory structure was obtained in the latter with 6 molecules/asymmetric unit - C54O36H36 with a formula weight of 1261 g. Of approximately 12,000 independent reflections within the CuKα sphere, intensities of 11,563 were recorded visually from equi-inclination Weissenberg photographs.

The structure was solved by packing considerations aided by molecular transforms and two- and three-dimensional Patterson functions. Hydrogen positions were found on difference maps. A total of 978 parameters were refined by least squares; these included hydrogen parameters and anisotropic temperature factors for the C and O atoms. The final R factor was 0.0675; the final "goodness of fit" was 1.49. All calculations were carried out on the Caltech IBM 7040-7094 computer using the CRYRM Crystallographic Computing System.

The six independent molecules fall into two groups of three nearly parallel molecules. All molecules are connected by carboxylto- carboxyl hydrogen bond pairs to form a continuous array of sixmolecule rings with a chicken-wire appearance. These arrays bend to assume two orientations, forming pleated sheets. Arrays in different orientations interpenetrate - three molecules in one orientation passing through the holes of three parallel arrays in the alternate orientation - to produce a completely interlocking network. One third of the carboxyl hydrogen atoms were found to be disordered.

II. Optical transforms as related to x-ray diffraction patterns are discussed with reference to the theory of Fraunhofer diffraction.

The use of a systems approach in crystallographic computing is discussed with special emphasis on the way in which this has been done at the California Institute of Technology.

An efficient manner of calculating Fourier and Patterson maps on a digital computer is presented. Expressions for the calculation of to-scale maps for standard sections and for general-plane sections are developed; space-group-specific expressions in a form suitable for computers are given for all space groups except the hexagonal ones.

Expressions for the calculation of settings for an Eulerian-cradle diffractometer are developed for both the general triclinic case and the orthogonal case.

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We have used the technique of non-redundant masking at the Palomar 200-inch telescope and radio VLBI imaging software to make optical aperture synthesis maps of two binary stars, β Corona Borealis and σ Herculis. The dynamic range of the map of β CrB, a binary star with a separation of 230 milliarcseconds is 50:1. For σ Her, we find a separation of 70 milliarcseconds and the dynamic range of our image is 30:1. These demonstrate the potential of the non-redundant masking technique for diffraction-limited imaging of astronomical objects with high dynamic range.

We find that the optimal integration time for measuring the closure phase is longer than that for measuring the fringe amplitude. There is not a close relationship between amplitude errors and phase errors, as is found in radio interferometry. Amplitude self calibration is less effective at optical wavelengths than at radio wavelengths. Primary beam sensitivity correction made in radio aperture synthesis is not necessary in optical aperture synthesis.

The effects of atmospheric disturbances on optical aperture synthesis have been studied by Monte Carlo simulations based on the Kolmogorov theory of refractive-index fluctuations. For the non-redundant masking with τ_c-sized apertures, the simulated fringe amplitude gives an upper bound of the observed fringe amplitude. A smooth transition is seen from the non-redundant masking regime to the speckle regime with increasing aperture size. The fractional reduction of the fringe amplitude according to the bandwidth is nearly independent of the aperture size. The limiting magnitude of optical aperture synthesis with τ_c-sized apertures and that with apertures larger than τ_c are derived.

Monte Carlo simulations are also made to study the sensitivity and resolution of the bispectral analysis of speckle interferometry. We present the bispectral modulation transfer function and its signal-to-noise ratio at high light levels. The results confirm the validity of the heuristic interferometric view of image-forming process in the mid-spatial-frequency range. The signal-to- noise ratio of the bispectrum at arbitrary light levels is derived in the mid-spatial-frequency range.

The non-redundant masking technique is suitable for imaging bright objects with high resolution and high dynamic range, while the faintest limit will be better pursued by speckle imaging.


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X-ray diffraction measurements and subsequent data analyses have been carried out on liquid argon at five states in the density range of 0.91 to 1.135 gm/cc and temperature range of 127 to 143°K. Duplicate measurements were made on all states. These data yielded radial distribution and direct correlation functions which were then used to compute the pair potential using the Percus-Yevick equation. The potential minima are in the range of -105 to -120°K and appear to substantiate current theoretical estimates of the effective pair potential in the presence of a weak three-body force.

The data analysis procedure used was new and does not distinguish between the coherent and incoherent absorption factors for the cell scattering which were essentially equal. With this simplification, the argon scattering estimate was compared to the gas scattering estimate on the laboratory frame of reference and the two estimates coincided, indicating the data normalized. The argon scattering on the laboratory frame of reference was examined for the existence of the peaks in the structure factor and the existence of an observable third peak was considered doubtful.

Numerical studies of the effect of truncation, normalization, the subsidiary peak phenomenon in the radial distribution function, uncertainties in the low angle data relative to errors in the direct correlation function and the distortion phenomenon are presented.

The distortion phenomenon for this experiment explains why the Mikolaj-Pings argon data yielded pair potential well depths from the Percus-Yevick equation that were too shallow and an apparent slope with respect to density that was too steep compared to theoretical estimates.

The data presented for each measurement are: empty cell and cell plus argon intensity, absorption factors, argon intensity, smoothed argon intensity, smoothed argon intensity corrected for distortion, structure factor, radial distribution function, direct correlation function and the pair potential from the Percus-Yevick equation.