2 resultados para F16 - Trade and Labor Market Interactions

em CaltechTHESIS


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A common explanation for African current underdevelopment is the extractive character of institutions established during the colonial period. Yet, since colonial extraction is hard to quantify and its exact mechanisms are not well understood, we still do not know precisely how colonial institutions affect economic growth today. In this project, I study this issue by focusing on the peculiar structure of trade and labor policies employed by the French colonizers.

First, I analyze how trade monopsonies and coercive labor institutions reduced African gains from trade during the colonial period. By using new data on prices to agricultural producers and labor institutions in French Africa, I show that (1) the monopsonistic character of colonial trade implied a reduction in prices to producers far below world market prices; (2) coercive labor institutions allowed the colonizers to reduce prices even further; (3) as a consequence, colonial extraction cut African gains from trade by over 60%.

Given the importance of labor institutions, I then focus on their origin by analyzing the colonial governments' incentives to choose between coerced and free labor. I argue that the choice of institutions was affected more by the properties of exported commodities, such as prices and economies of scale, than by the characteristics of colonies, such indigenous population density and ease of settlement for the colonizers.

Finally, I study the long-term effects of colonial trade monopsonies and coercive labor institutions. By combining archival data on prices in the French colonies with maps of crop suitability, I show that the extent to which prices to agricultural producers were reduced with respect to world market prices is strongly negatively correlated with current regional development, as proxied by luminosity data from satellite images. The evidence suggests that colonial extraction affected subsequent growth by reducing development in rural areas in favor of a urban elite. The differential impact in rural and urban areas can be the reason why trade monopsonies and extractive institutions persisted long after independence.


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The nature of the intra- and intermolecular base-stacking interactions involving several dinucleoside monophosphates in aqueous solution have been investigated by proton magnetic resonance spectrosocopy, and this method has been applied to a study of the interaction of polyuridylic acid with purine and adenosine monomers.

The pmr spectra of adenylyl (3' → 5') cytidine (ApC) and cytidylyl (3' → 5') adenosine (CpA) have been studied as a function of concentration and temperature. The results of these studies indicate that the intramolecular base-stacking interactions between the adenine and cytosine bases of these dinucleoside monophosphates are rather strong, and that the stacking tendencies are comparable for the two sequence isomers. The chemical shifts of the cytosine H5 and adenine H2 protons, and their variations with temperature, were shown to be consistent with stacked conformations in which both bases of the dinucleoside monophosphates are preferentially oriented in the anti conformation as in similar dApdC, and dCpdA (dA = deoxyadenosine; dC = deoxycytidine) segments in double helical DNA. The intramolecular stacking interaction was found to have a pronounced effect on the conformations of the ribose moieties, and these conformational changes are discussed. The concentration studies indicate extensive self-association of these dinucleoside monophosphates, and analysis of the concentration data facilitated determination of the dimerization constant for the association process as well as the nature of the intermolecular complexes.

The dependence of the ribose conformation upon the extent of intramolecular base-stacking was used to demonstrate that the base-base interaction in cytidylyl (3' → 5') cytidine (CpC) is rather strong, while there appears to be little interaction between the two uracil bases of uridylyl (3' → 5') uridine (UpU).

Studies of the binding of purine to several ribose and deoxyribose dinucleoside monophosphates show that the mode of interaction is base-stacking, and evidence for the formation of a purine-dinucleoside monophosphate intercalated complex is presented. The purine proton resonances are markedly broadened in this complex, and estimates of the purine linewidths in the complex and the equilibrium constant for purine intercalation are obtained.

A study of the interaction of unsubstitued purine with polyuridylic acid at 29°C by pmr indicated that purine binds to the uracil bases of the polymer by base-stacking. The severe broadening of the purine proton resonances observed provides strong evidence for the intercalation of purine between adjacent uracil bases of poly U. This interaction does not result in a more rigid or ordered structure for the polymer.

Investigation of the interaction between adenosine and polyuridylic acid revealed two modes of interaction between the monomer and the polymer, depending on the temperature. At temperatures above 26°C or so, monomeric adenosine binds to poly U by noncooperative A-U base stacking. Below this temperature, a rigid triple-stranded 1A:2U complex is formed, presumably via cooperative hydrogen-bonding as has previously been reported.

These results clearly illustrate the importance of base-stacking in non-specific interactions between bases, nucleosides and nucleotides, and also reveal the important role of the base-stacking interactions in cooperatively for med structures involving specific base-pairing where both types of interaction are possible.