8 resultados para Electric apparatus and appliances

em CaltechTHESIS


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Two trends are emerging from modern electric power systems: the growth of renewable (e.g., solar and wind) generation, and the integration of information technologies and advanced power electronics. The former introduces large, rapid, and random fluctuations in power supply, demand, frequency, and voltage, which become a major challenge for real-time operation of power systems. The latter creates a tremendous number of controllable intelligent endpoints such as smart buildings and appliances, electric vehicles, energy storage devices, and power electronic devices that can sense, compute, communicate, and actuate. Most of these endpoints are distributed on the load side of power systems, in contrast to traditional control resources such as centralized bulk generators. This thesis focuses on controlling power systems in real time, using these load side resources. Specifically, it studies two problems.

(1) Distributed load-side frequency control: We establish a mathematical framework to design distributed frequency control algorithms for flexible electric loads. In this framework, we formulate a category of optimization problems, called optimal load control (OLC), to incorporate the goals of frequency control, such as balancing power supply and demand, restoring frequency to its nominal value, restoring inter-area power flows, etc., in a way that minimizes total disutility for the loads to participate in frequency control by deviating from their nominal power usage. By exploiting distributed algorithms to solve OLC and analyzing convergence of these algorithms, we design distributed load-side controllers and prove stability of closed-loop power systems governed by these controllers. This general framework is adapted and applied to different types of power systems described by different models, or to achieve different levels of control goals under different operation scenarios. We first consider a dynamically coherent power system which can be equivalently modeled with a single synchronous machine. We then extend our framework to a multi-machine power network, where we consider primary and secondary frequency controls, linear and nonlinear power flow models, and the interactions between generator dynamics and load control.

(2) Two-timescale voltage control: The voltage of a power distribution system must be maintained closely around its nominal value in real time, even in the presence of highly volatile power supply or demand. For this purpose, we jointly control two types of reactive power sources: a capacitor operating at a slow timescale, and a power electronic device, such as a smart inverter or a D-STATCOM, operating at a fast timescale. Their control actions are solved from optimal power flow problems at two timescales. Specifically, the slow-timescale problem is a chance-constrained optimization, which minimizes power loss and regulates the voltage at the current time instant while limiting the probability of future voltage violations due to stochastic changes in power supply or demand. This control framework forms the basis of an optimal sizing problem, which determines the installation capacities of the control devices by minimizing the sum of power loss and capital cost. We develop computationally efficient heuristics to solve the optimal sizing problem and implement real-time control. Numerical experiments show that the proposed sizing and control schemes significantly improve the reliability of voltage control with a moderate increase in cost.


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Freshwater fish of the genus Apteronotus (family Gymnotidae) generate a weak, high frequency electric field (< 100 mV/cm, 0.5-10 kHz) which permeates their local environment. These nocturnal fish are acutely sensitive to perturbations in their electric field caused by other electric fish, and nearby objects whose impedance is different from the surrounding water. This thesis presents high temporal and spatial resolution maps of the electric potential and field on and near Apteronotus. The fish's electric field is a complicated and highly stable function of space and time. Its characteristics, such as spectral composition, timing, and rate of attenuation, are examined in terms of physical constraints, and their possible functional roles in electroreception.

Temporal jitter of the periodic field is less than 1 µsec. However, electrocyte activity is not globally synchronous along the fish 's electric organ. The propagation of electrocyte activation down the fish's body produces a rotation of the electric field vector in the caudal part of the fish. This may assist the fish in identifying nonsymmetrical objects, and could also confuse electrosensory predators that try to locate Apteronotus by following its fieldlines. The propagation also results in a complex spatiotemporal pattern of the EOD potential near the fish. Visualizing the potential on the same and different fish over timescales of several months suggests that it is stable and could serve as a unique signature for individual fish.

Measurements of the electric field were used to calculate the effects of simple objects on the fish's electric field. The shape of the perturbation or "electric image" on the fish's skin is relatively independent of a simple object's size, conductivity, and rostrocaudal location, and therefore could unambiguously determine object distance. The range of electrolocation may depend on both the size of objects and their rostrocaudal location. Only objects with very large dielectric constants cause appreciable phase shifts, and these are strongly dependent on the water conductivity.


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The microwave scattering properties of an axially magnetized afterglow plasma column in an S-band waveguide have been investigated experimentally. The column axis is perpendicular to the electric field and the direction of wave propagation in the H_(10)-mode waveguide. Strong absorption is found in the range of upper hybrid frequencies, ω_c ≤ ω ≤ [ω^2_c + ω^2_p(r,t)]^(1/2) where ω_c is the electron cyclotron frequency and ω_p is the locally and temporally varying electron plasma frequency. With the high absorption the noise emission approaches the blackbody limit. A microwave radiometer has been used to measure the noise power and with a comparison and null-technique the electron temperature. As emission and absorption are largely confined to a resonant layer, spatially resolved temperature data are obtained. Time resolution is obtained by gating the radiometer. The peak electron density is derived from the emission or absorption onset at the maximum upper hybrid frequency and confirmed by independent measurements. With this diagnostic technique the electron density and temperature decay has been studied under a variety of experimental conditions. Ambipolar diffusion and collisional cooling essentially account for the plasma decay, but impurities and metastable ions play an important role. The diagnostic method is successfully applied in a microwave heating experiment. The existence of absorbing resonant layers is shown by a peak in the radial temperature profile where the local upper hybrid frequency equals the heating frequency. The knowledge of the plasma parameters is important in the study of hot plasma effects. Buchsbaum-Hasegawa modes are investigated in a wide range of magnetic fields (.5 < ω_c/ω < .985).


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The complex domain structure in ferroelectrics gives rise to electromechanical coupling, and its evolution (via domain switching) results in a time-dependent (i.e. viscoelastic) response. Although ferroelectrics are used in many technological applications, most do not attempt to exploit the viscoelastic response of ferroelectrics, mainly due to a lack of understanding and accurate models for their description and prediction. Thus, the aim of this thesis research is to gain better understanding of the influence of domain evolution in ferroelectrics on their dynamic mechanical response. There have been few studies on the viscoelastic properties of ferroelectrics, mainly due to a lack of experimental methods. Therefore, an apparatus and method called Broadband Electromechanical Spectroscopy (BES) was designed and built. BES allows for the simultaneous application of dynamic mechanical and electrical loading in a vacuum environment. Using BES, the dynamic stiffness and loss tangent in bending and torsion of a particular ferroelectric, viz. lead zirconate titanate (PZT), was characterized for different combinations of electrical and mechanical loading frequencies throughout the entire electric displacement hysteresis. Experimental results showed significant increases in loss tangent (by nearly an order of magnitude) and compliance during domain switching, which shows promise as a new approach to structural damping. A continuum model of the viscoelasticity of ferroelectrics was developed, which incorporates microstructural evolution via internal variables and associated kinetic relations. For the first time, through a new linearization process, the incremental dynamic stiffness and loss tangent of materials were computed throughout the entire electric displacement hysteresis for different combinations of mechanical and electrical loading frequencies. The model accurately captured experimental results. Using the understanding gained from the characterization and modeling of PZT, two applications of domain switching kinetics were explored by using Micro Fiber Composites (MFCs). Proofs of concept of set-and-hold actuation and structural damping using MFCs were demonstrated.


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The microwave response of the superconducting state in equilibrium and non-equilibrium configurations was examined experimentally and analytically. Thin film superconductors were mostly studied in order to explore spatial effects. The response parameter measured was the surface impedance.

For small microwave intensity the surface impedance at 10 GHz was measured for a variety of samples (mostly Sn) over a wide range of sample thickness and temperature. A detailed analysis based on the BCS theory was developed for calculating the surface impedance for general thickness and other experimental parameters. Experiment and theory agreed with each other to within the experimental accuracy. Thus it was established that the samples, thin films as well as bulk, were well characterised at low microwave powers (near equilibrium).

Thin films were perturbed by a small dc supercurrent and the effect on the superconducting order parameter and the quasiparticle response determined by measuring changes in the surface resistance (still at low microwave intensity and independent of it) due to the induced current. The use of fully superconducting resonators enabled the measurement of very small changes in the surface resistance (< 10-9 Ω/sq.). These experiments yield information regarding the dynamics of the order parameter and quasiparticle systems. For all the films studied the results could be described at temperatures near Tc by the thermodynamic depression of the order parameter due to the static current leading to a quadratic increase of the surface resistance with current.

For the thinnest films the low temperature results were surprising in that the surface resistance decreased with increasing current. An explanation is proposed according to which this decrease occurs due to an additional high frequency quasiparticle current caused by the combined presence of both static and high frequency fields. For frequencies larger than the inverse of the quasiparticle relaxation time this additional current is out of phase (by π) with the microwave electric field and is observed as a decrease of surface resistance. Calculations agree quantitatively with experimental results. This is the first observation and explanation of this non-equilibrium quasiparticle effect.

For thicker films of Sn, the low temperature surface resistance was found to increase with applied static current. It is proposed that due to the spatial non-uniformity of the induced current distribution across the thicker films, the above purely temporal analysis of the local quasiparticle response needs to be generalised to include space and time non-equilibrium effects.

The nonlinear interaction of microwaves arid superconducting films was also examined in a third set of experiments. The surface impedance of thin films was measured as a function of the incident microwave magnetic field. The experiments exploit the ability to measure the absorbed microwave power and applied microwave magnetic field absolutely. It was found that the applied surface microwave field could not be raised above a certain threshold level at which the absorption increased abruptly. This critical field level represents a dynamic critical field and was found to be associated with the penetration of the app1ied field into the film at values well below the thermodynamic critical field for the configuration of a field applied to one side of the film. The penetration occurs despite the thermal stability of the film which was unequivocally demonstrated by experiment. A new mechanism for such penetration via the formation of a vortex-antivortex pair is proposed. The experimental results for the thinnest films agreed with the calculated values of this pair generation field. The observations of increased transmission at the critical field level and suppression of the process by a metallic ground plane further support the proposed model.


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Part I

The physical phenomena which will ultimately limit the packing density of planar bipolar and MOS integrated circuits are examined. The maximum packing density is obtained by minimizing the supply voltage and the size of the devices. The minimum size of a bipolar transistor is determined by junction breakdown, punch-through and doping fluctuations. The minimum size of a MOS transistor is determined by gate oxide breakdown and drain-source punch-through. The packing density of fully active bipolar or static non-complementary MOS circuits becomes limited by power dissipation. The packing density of circuits which are not fully active such as read-only memories, becomes limited by the area occupied by the devices, and the frequency is limited by the circuit time constants and by metal migration. The packing density of fully active dynamic or complementary MOS circuits is limited by the area occupied by the devices, and the frequency is limited by power dissipation and metal migration. It is concluded that read-only memories will reach approximately the same performance and packing density with MOS and bipolar technologies, while fully active circuits will reach the highest levels of integration with dynamic MOS or complementary MOS technologies.

Part II

Because the Schottky diode is a one-carrier device, it has both advantages and disadvantages with respect to the junction diode which is a two-carrier device. The advantage is that there are practically no excess minority carriers which must be swept out before the diode blocks current in the reverse direction, i.e. a much faster recovery time. The disadvantage of the Schottky diode is that for a high voltage device it is not possible to use conductivity modulation as in the p i n diode; since charge carriers are of one sign, no charge cancellation can occur and current becomes space charge limited. The Schottky diode design is developed in Section 2 and the characteristics of an optimally designed silicon Schottky diode are summarized in Fig. 9. Design criteria and quantitative comparison of junction and Schottky diodes is given in Table 1 and Fig. 10. Although somewhat approximate, the treatment allows a systematic quantitative comparison of the devices for any given application.

Part III

We interpret measurements of permittivity of perovskite strontium titanate as a function of orientation, temperature, electric field and frequency performed by Dr. Richard Neville. The free energy of the crystal is calculated as a function of polarization. The Curie-Weiss law and the LST relation are verified. A generalized LST relation is used to calculate the permittivity of strontium titanate from zero to optic frequencies. Two active optic modes are important. The lower frequency mode is attributed mainly to motion of the strontium ions with respect to the rest of the lattice, while the higher frequency active mode is attributed to motion of the titanium ions with respect to the oxygen lattice. An anomalous resonance which multi-domain strontium titanate crystals exhibit below 65°K is described and a plausible mechanism which explains the phenomenon is presented.


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This thesis presents a set of novel methods to biaxially package planar structures by folding and wrapping. The structure is divided into strips connected by folds that can slip during wrapping to accommodate material thickness. These packaging schemes are highly efficient, with theoretical packaging efficiencies approaching 100%. Packaging tests on meter-scale physical models have demonstrated packaging efficiencies of up to 83%. These methods avoid permanent deformation of the structure, allowing an initially flat structure to be deployed to a flat state.

Also presented are structural architectures and deployment schemes that are compatible with these packaging methods. These structural architectures use either in-plane pretension -- suitable for membrane structures -- or out-of-plane bending stiffness to resist loading. Physical models are constructed to realize these structural architectures. The deployment of these types of structures is shown to be controllable and repeatable by conducting experiments on lab-scale models.

These packaging methods, structural architectures, and deployment schemes are applicable to a variety of spacecraft structures such as solar power arrays, solar sails, antenna arrays, and drag sails; they have the potential to enable larger variants of these structures while reducing the packaging volume required. In this thesis, these methods are applied to the preliminary structural design of a space solar power satellite. This deployable spacecraft, measuring 60 m x 60 m, can be packaged into a cylinder measuring 1.5 m in height and 1 m in diameter. It can be deployed to a flat configuration, where it acts as a stiff lightweight support framework for multifunctional tiles that collect sunlight, generate electric power, and transmit it to a ground station on Earth.


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An attempt is made to provide a theoretical explanation of the effect of the positive column on the voltage-current characteristic of a glow or an arc discharge. Such theories have been developed before, and all are based on balancing the production and loss of charged particles and accounting for the energy supplied to the plasma by the applied electric field. Differences among the theories arise from the approximations and omissions made in selecting processes that affect the particle and energy balances. This work is primarily concerned with the deviation from the ambipolar description of the positive column caused by space charge, electron-ion volume recombination, and temperature inhomogeneities.

The presentation is divided into three parts, the first of which involved the derivation of the final macroscopic equations from kinetic theory. The final equations are obtained by taking the first three moments of the Boltzmann equation for each of the three species in the plasma. Although the method used and the equations obtained are not novel, the derivation is carried out in detail in order to appraise the validity of numerous approximations and to justify the use of data from other sources. The equations are applied to a molecular hydrogen discharge contained between parallel walls. The applied electric field is parallel to the walls, and the dependent variables—electron and ion flux to the walls, electron and ion densities, transverse electric field, and gas temperature—vary only in the direction perpendicular to the walls. The mathematical description is given by a sixth-order nonlinear two-point boundary value problem which contains the applied field as a parameter. The amount of neutral gas and its temperature at the walls are held fixed, and the relation between the applied field and the electron density at the center of the discharge is obtained in the process of solving the problem. This relation corresponds to that between current and voltage and is used to interpret the effect of space charge, recombination, and temperature inhomogeneities on the voltage-current characteristic of the discharge.

The complete solution of the equations is impractical both numerically and analytically, and in Part II the gas temperature is assumed uniform so as to focus on the combined effects of space charge and recombination. The terms representing these effects are treated as perturbations to equations that would otherwise describe the ambipolar situation. However, the term representing space charge is not negligible in a thin boundary layer or sheath near the walls, and consequently the perturbation problem is singular. Separate solutions must be obtained in the sheath and in the main region of the discharge, and the relation between the electron density and the applied field is not determined until these solutions are matched.

In Part III the electron and ion densities are assumed equal, and the complicated space-charge calculation is thereby replaced by the ambipolar description. Recombination and temperature inhomogeneities are both important at high values of the electron density. However, the formulation of the problem permits a comparison of the relative effects, and temperature inhomogeneities are shown to be important at lower values of the electron density than recombination. The equations are solved by a direct numerical integration and by treating the term representing temperature inhomogeneities as a perturbation.

The conclusions reached in the study are primarily concerned with the association of the relation between electron density and axial field with the voltage-current characteristic. It is known that the effect of space charge can account for the subnormal glow discharge and that the normal glow corresponds to a close approach to an ambipolar situation. The effect of temperature inhomogeneities helps explain the decreasing characteristic of the arc, and the effect of recombination is not expected to appear except at very high electron densities.