13 resultados para Dynamics of color deconfinement
em CaltechTHESIS
This thesis considers in detail the dynamics of two oscillators with weak nonlinear coupling. There are three classes of such problems: non-resonant, where the Poincaré procedure is valid to the order considered; weakly resonant, where the Poincaré procedure breaks down because small divisors appear (but do not affect the O(1) term) and strongly resonant, where small divisors appear and lead to O(1) corrections. A perturbation method based on Cole's two-timing procedure is introduced. It avoids the small divisor problem in a straightforward manner, gives accurate answers which are valid for long times, and appears capable of handling all three types of problems with no change in the basic approach.
One example of each type is studied with the aid of this procedure: for the nonresonant case the answer is equivalent to the Poincaré result; for the weakly resonant case the analytic form of the answer is found to depend (smoothly) on the difference between the initial energies of the two oscillators; for the strongly resonant case we find that the amplitudes of the two oscillators vary slowly with time as elliptic functions of ϵ t, where ϵ is the (small) coupling parameter.
Our results suggest that, as one might expect, the dynamical behavior of such systems varies smoothly with changes in the ratio of the fundamental frequencies of the two oscillators. Thus the pathological behavior of Whittaker's adelphic integrals as the frequency ratio is varied appears to be due to the fact that Whittaker ignored the small divisor problem. The energy sharing properties of these systems appear to depend strongly on the initial conditions, so that the systems not ergodic.
The perturbation procedure appears to be applicable to a wide variety of other problems in addition to those considered here.
Chlorine oxide species have received considerable attention in recent years due to their central role in the balance of stratospheric ozone. Many questions pertaining to the behavior of such species still remain unanswered and plague the ability of researchers to develop accurate chemical models of the stratosphere. Presented in this thesis are three experiments that study various properties of some specific chlorine oxide species.
In the first chapter, the reaction between ClONO_2 and protonated water clusters is investigated to elucidate a possible reaction mechanism for the heterogeneous reaction of chlorine nitrate on ice. The ionic products were various forms of protonated nitric acid, NO_2 +(H_20)_m, m = 0, 1, 2. These products are analogous to products previously reported in the literature for the neutral reaction occurring on ice surfaces. Our results support the hypothesis that the heterogeneous reaction is acid-catalyzed.
In the second chapter, the photochemistry of ClONO_2 was investigated at two wavelengths, 193 and 248 nm, using the technique of photofragmentation translational spectroscopy. At both wavelengths, the predominant dissociation pathways were Cl + NO_3 and ClO + NO_2. Channel assignments were confirmed by momentum matching the counterfragments from each channel. A one-dimensional stratospheric model using the new 248 nm branching ratio determined how our results would affect the predicted Cl_x and NO_x partitioning in the stratosphere.
Chapter three explores the photodissociation dynamics of Cl_2O at 193, 248 and 308 nm. At 193 nm, we found evidence for the concerted reaction channel, Cl_2 + O. The ClO + Cl channel was also accessed, however, the majority of the ClO fragments were formed with sufficient internal energies for spontaneous secondary dissociation to occur. At 248 and 308 nm, we only observed only the ClO + Cl channel. . Some of the ClO formed at 248 nm was formed internally hot and spontaneously dissociated. Bimodal translational energy distributions of the ClO and Cl products indicate two pathways leading to the same product exist.
Appendix A, B and C discuss the details of data analysis techniques used in Chapters 1 and 2. The development of a molecular beam source of ClO dimer is presented in Appendix D.
The forces cells apply to their surroundings control biological processes such as growth, adhesion, development, and migration. In the past 20 years, a number of experimental techniques have been developed to measure such cell tractions. These approaches have primarily measured the tractions applied by cells to synthetic two-dimensional substrates, which do not mimic in vivo conditions for most cell types. Many cell types live in a fibrous three-dimensional (3D) matrix environment. While studying cell behavior in such 3D matrices will provide valuable insights for the mechanobiology and tissue engineering communities, no experimental approaches have yet measured cell tractions in a fibrous 3D matrix.
This thesis describes the development and application of an experimental technique for quantifying cellular forces in a natural 3D matrix. Cells and their surrounding matrix are imaged in three dimensions with high speed confocal microscopy. The cell-induced matrix displacements are computed from the 3D image volumes using digital volume correlation. The strain tensor in the 3D matrix is computed by differentiating the displacements, and the stress tensor is computed by applying a constitutive law. Finally, tractions applied by the cells to the matrix are computed directly from the stress tensor.
The 3D traction measurement approach is used to investigate how cells mechanically interact with the matrix in biologically relevant processes such as division and invasion. During division, a single mother cell undergoes a drastic morphological change to split into two daughter cells. In a 3D matrix, dividing cells apply tensile force to the matrix through thin, persistent extensions that in turn direct the orientation and location of the daughter cells. Cell invasion into a 3D matrix is the first step required for cell migration in three dimensions. During invasion, cells initially apply minimal tractions to the matrix as they extend thin protrusions into the matrix fiber network. The invading cells anchor themselves to the matrix using these protrusions, and subsequently pull on the matrix to propel themselves forward.
Lastly, this thesis describes a constitutive model for the 3D fibrous matrix that uses a finite element (FE) approach. The FE model simulates the fibrous microstructure of the matrix and matches the cell-induced matrix displacements observed experimentally using digital volume correlation. The model is applied to predict how cells mechanically sense one another in a 3D matrix. It is found that cell-induced matrix displacements localize along linear paths. These linear paths propagate over a long range through the fibrous matrix, and provide a mechanism for cell-cell signaling and mechanosensing. The FE model developed here has the potential to reveal the effects of matrix density, inhomogeneity, and anisotropy in signaling cell behavior through mechanotransduction.
This dissertation presents the results of studies of several rotationally- resolved resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) processes in some simple molecular systems. The objective of these studies is to quantitatively identify the underlying dynamics of this highly state-specific process which utilizes the narrow bandwidth radiation of a laser to ionize a molecule by first preparing an excited state via multiphoton absorption and subsequently ionizing that state before it can decay. Coupled with high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy, REMPI is clearly an important probe of molecular excited states and their photoioniza tion dynamics.
A key feature of our studies is that they are carried out using accurate Hartree-Fock orbitals to describe the photoelectron orbitals of the molecular ions. The use of such photoelectron orbitals is important in rotationally-resolved studies where the angular momentum coupling in the photoelectron orbital plays a significant role in the photoionization dynamics. In these studies the Hartree-Fock molecular molecular photoelectron orbitals are obtained by numerical solution of a Lippmann-Schwinger integral equation.
Studies reported here include investigations of (i) ionic rotational branching ratios and their energy dependence for REMPI via the A^2Σ^+(3sσ) and D^2Σ^+(3pσ)states of NO, (ii) the influence of angular momentum constraints on branching ratios at low photoelectron energies for REMPI via low-J levels of the resonant intermediate state, (iii) the strong dependence of photoelectron angular distributions on final ionic rotational state and on the alignment in REMPI of the A^2Σ^+ state of NO, (iv) vibrational state dependence of ionic rotational branching ratios arising from rapid orbital evolution in resonant states (E'^2Σ^+(3pσ) of CH), (v) the influence of rovibronic interactions on the rotational branching ratios seen in REMPI via the D^2Σ^+(3pσ) state of NO, and (vi) effects of laser intensity on the photoionization dynamics of REMPI.
In the first part of this thesis, experiments utilizing an NMR phase interferometric concept are presented. The spinor character of two-level systems is explicitly demonstrated by using this concept. Following this is the presentation of an experiment which uses this same idea to measure relaxation times of off-diagonal density matrix elements corresponding to magnetic-dipole-forbidden transitions in a ^(13)C-^1H, AX spin system. The theoretical background for these experiments and the spin dynamics of the interferometry are discussed also.
The second part of this thesis deals with NMR dipolar modulated chemical shift spectroscopy, with which internuclear bond lengths and bond angles with respect to the chemical shift principal axis frame are determined from polycrystalline samples. Experiments using benzene and calcium formate verify the validity of the technique in heteronuclear (^(13)C-^1H) systems. Similar experiments on powdered trichloroacetic acid confirm the validity in homonuclear (^1H- ^1H) systems. The theory and spin dynamics are explored in detail, and the effects of a number of multiple pulse sequences are discussed.
The last part deals with an experiment measuring the ^(13)C chemical shift tensor in K_2Pt(CN)_4Br_(0.3) • 3H_2O, a one-dimensional conductor. The ^(13)C spectra are strongly affected by ^(14)N quadrupolar interactions via the ^(13)C - ^(14)N dipolar interaction. Single crystal rotation spectra are shown.
An appendix discussing the design, construction, and performance of a single-coil double resonance NMR sample probe is included.
Soft hierarchical materials often present unique functional properties that are sensitive to the geometry and organization of their micro- and nano-structural features across different lengthscales. Carbon Nanotube (CNT) foams are hierarchical materials with fibrous morphology that are known for their remarkable physical, chemical and electrical properties. Their complex microstructure has led them to exhibit intriguing mechanical responses at different length-scales and in different loading regimes. Even though these materials have been studied for mechanical behavior over the past few years, their response at high-rate finite deformations and the influence of their microstructure on bulk mechanical behavior and energy dissipative characteristics remain elusive.
In this dissertation, we study the response of aligned CNT foams at the high strain-rate regime of 102 - 104 s-1. We investigate their bulk dynamic response and the fundamental deformation mechanisms at different lengthscales, and correlate them to the microstructural characteristics of the foams. We develop an experimental platform, with which to study the mechanics of CNT foams in high-rate deformations, that includes direct measurements of the strain and transmitted forces, and allows for a full field visualization of the sample’s deformation through high-speed microscopy.
We synthesize various CNT foams (e.g., vertically aligned CNT (VACNT) foams, helical CNT foams, micro-architectured VACNT foams and VACNT foams with microscale heterogeneities) and show that the bulk functional properties of these materials are highly tunable either by tailoring their microstructure during synthesis or by designing micro-architectures that exploit the principles of structural mechanics. We also develop numerical models to describe the bulk dynamic response using multiscale mass-spring models and identify the mechanical properties at length scales that are smaller than the sample height.
The ability to control the geometry of microstructural features, and their local interactions, allows the creation of novel hierarchical materials with desired functional properties. The fundamental understanding provided by this work on the key structure-function relations that govern the bulk response of CNT foams can be extended to other fibrous, soft and hierarchical materials. The findings can be used to design materials with tailored properties for different engineering applications, like vibration damping, impact mitigation and packaging.
Much of the chemistry that affects life on planet Earth occurs in the condensed phase. The TeraHertz (THz) or far-infrared (far-IR) region of the electromagnetic spectrum (from 0.1 THz to 10 THz, 3 cm-1 to 300 cm-1, or 3000 μm to 30 μm) has been shown to provide unique possibilities in the study of condensed-phase processes. The goal of this work is to expand the possibilities available in the THz region and undertake new investigations of fundamental interest to chemistry. Since we are fundamentally interested in condensed-phase processes, this thesis focuses on two areas where THz spectroscopy can provide new understanding: astrochemistry and solvation science. To advance these fields, we had to develop new instrumentation that would enable the experiments necessary to answer new questions in either astrochemistry or solvation science. We first developed a new experimental setup capable of studying astrochemical ice analogs in both the TeraHertz (THz), or far-Infrared (far-IR), region (0.3 - 7.5 THz; 10 - 250 cm-1) and the mid-IR (400 - 4000 cm-1). The importance of astrochemical ices lies in their key role in the formation of complex organic molecules, such as amino acids and sugars in space. Thus, the instruments are capable of performing variety of spectroscopic studies that can provide especially relevant laboratory data to support astronomical observations from telescopes such as the Herschel Space Telescope, the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), and the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA). The experimental apparatus uses a THz time-domain spectrometer, with a 1750/875 nm plasma source and a GaP detector crystal, to cover the bandwidth mentioned above with ~10 GHz (~0.3 cm-1) resolution.
Using the above instrumentation, experimental spectra of astrochemical ice analogs of water and carbon dioxide in pure, mixed, and layered ices were collected at different temperatures under high vacuum conditions with the goal of investigating the structure of the ice. We tentatively observe a new feature in both amorphous solid water and crystalline water at 33 cm-1 (1 THz). In addition, our studies of mixed and layered ices show how it is possible to identify the location of carbon dioxide as it segregates within the ice by observing its effect on the THz spectrum of water ice. The THz spectra of mixed and layered ices are further analyzed by fitting their spectra features to those of pure amorphous solid water and crystalline water ice to quantify the effects of temperature changes on structure. From the results of this work, it appears that THz spectroscopy is potentially well suited to study thermal transformations within the ice.
To advance the study of liquids with THz spectroscopy, we developed a new ultrafast nonlinear THz spectroscopic technique: heterodyne-detected, ultrafast THz Kerr effect (TKE) spectroscopy. We implemented a heterodyne-detection scheme into a TKE spectrometer that uses a stilbazoiumbased THz emitter, 4-N,N-dimethylamino-4-N-methyl-stilbazolium 2,4,6-trimethylbenzenesulfonate (DSTMS), and high numerical aperture optics which generates THz electric field in excess of 300 kV/cm, in the sample. This allows us to report the first measurement of quantum beats at terahertz (THz) frequencies that result from vibrational coherences initiated by the nonlinear, dipolar interaction of a broadband, high-energy, (sub)picosecond THz pulse with the sample. Our instrument improves on both the frequency coverage, and sensitivity previously reported; it also ensures a backgroundless measurement of the THz Kerr effect in pure liquids. For liquid diiodomethane, we observe a quantum beat at 3.66 THz (122 cm-1), in exact agreement with the fundamental transition frequency of the υ4 vibration of the molecule. This result provides new insight into dipolar vs. Raman selection rules at terahertz frequencies.
To conclude we discuss future directions for the nonlinear THz spectroscopy in the Blake lab. We report the first results from an experiment using a plasma-based THz source for nonlinear spectroscopy that has the potential to enable nonlinear THz spectra with a sub-100 fs temporal resolution, and how the optics involved in the plasma mechanism can enable THz pulse shaping. Finally, we discuss how a single-shot THz detection scheme could improve the acquisition of THz data and how such a scheme could be implemented in the Blake lab. The instruments developed herein will hopefully remain a part of the groups core competencies and serve as building blocks for the next generation of THz instrumentation that pushes the frontiers of both chemistry and the scientific enterprise as a whole.
Pulsars emit radiation over an extremely wide frequency range, from radio through gamma. Recently, systems in which this radiation significantly alters the atmospheres of low-mass pulsar companions have been discovered. These systems, ranging from ones with highly anisotropic heating to those with transient X-ray emissions, represent an exciting opportunity to investigate pulsars through the changes they induce in their companions. In this work, we present both analytic and numerical work investigating these phenomena, with a particular focus on atmospheric heat transport, transient phenomena, and the possibility of deep heating via gamma rays. We find that certain classes of binary systems may explain decadal-timescale X-ray transient phenomena, as well as the formation of so-called redback companion systems. We also posit an explanation for the formation of high-eccentricity millisecond pulsars with white dwarf companions. In addition, we examine the temperature anisotropy induced by the Pulsar in its companion, and demonstrate that this may be used to infer properties of both the companion and the Pulsar wind. Finally, we explore the possibility of spontaneously generated banded winds in rapidly rotating convecting objects.
Brief introductory remarks, together with a definition of the scope of the material discussed in the thesis, are given.
Phosphorescence spectra of pure crystalline naphthalene at room temperature and at 77˚ K are presented. The lifetime of the lowest triplet 3B1u state of the crystal is determined from measurements of the time-dependence of the phosphorescence decay after termination of the excitation light. The fact that this lifetime is considerably shorter in the pure crystal at room temperature than in isotopic mixed crystals at 4.2˚ K is discussed, with special importance being attached to the mobility of triplet excitons in the pure crystal.
Excitation spectra of the delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence from crystalline naphthalene and anthracene are also presented. The equation governing the time- and spatial-dependence of the triplet exciton concentration in the crystal is discussed, along with several approximate equations obtained from the general equation under certain simplifying assumptions. The influence of triplet exciton diffusion on the observed excitation spectra and the possibility of using the latter to investigate the former is also considered. Calculations of the delayed fluorescence and phosphorescence excitation spectra of crystalline naphthalene are described.
A search for absorption of additional light quanta by triplet excitons in naphthalene and anthracene crystals failed to produce any evidence for the phenomenon. This apparent absence of triplet-triplet absorption in pure crystals is attributed to a low steady-state triplet concentration, due to processes like triplet-triplet annihilation, resulting in an absorption too weak to be detected with the apparatus used in the experiments. A comparison of triplet-triplet absorption by naphthalene in a glass at 77˚ K with that by naphthalene-h8 in naphthalene-d8 at 4.2˚ K is given. A broad absorption in the isotopic mixed crystal triplet-triplet spectrum has been tentatively interpreted in terms of coupling between the guest 3B1u state and the conduction band and charge-transfer states of the host crystal.
An apparatus capable of measuring emission lifetimes in the range 5 X 10-9 sec to 6 X 10-3 sec is described in detail. A cw argon ion laser beam, interrupted periodically by means of an electro-optic shutter, serves as the excitation source. Rapid sampling techniques coupled with signal averaging and digital data acquisition comprise the sensitive detection and readout portion of the apparatus. The capabilities of the equipment are adequately demonstrated by the results of a determination of the fluorescence lifetime of 5, 6, 11, 12-tetraphenyl-naphthacene in benzene solution at room temperature. Details of numerical methods used in the final data reduction are also described.
The results of preliminary measurements of delayed light emission from Chlorella Pyrenoidosa in the range 10-3 sec to 1 sec are presented. Effects on the emission of an inhibitor and of variations in the excitation light intensity have been investigated. Kinetic analysis of the emission decay curves obtained under these various experimental conditions indicate that in the millisecond-to-second time interval the decay is adequately described by the sum of two first-order decay processes. The values of the time constants of these processes appear to be sensitive both to added inhibitor and to excitation light intensity.
This thesis aims at enhancing our fundamental understanding of the East Asian summer monsoon (EASM), and mechanisms implicated in its climatology in present-day and warmer climates. We focus on the most prominent feature of the EASM, i.e., the so-called Meiyu-Baiu (MB), which is characterized by a well-defined, southwest to northeast elongated quasi-stationary rainfall band, spanning from eastern China to Japan and into the northwestern Pacific Ocean in June and July.
We begin with an observational study of the energetics of the MB front in present-day climate. Analyses of the moist static energy (MSE) budget of the MB front indicate that horizontal advection of moist enthalpy, primarily of dry enthalpy, sustains the front in a region of otherwise negative net energy input into the atmospheric column. A decomposition of the horizontal dry enthalpy advection into mean, transient, and stationary eddy fluxes identifies the longitudinal thermal gradient due to zonal asymmetries and the meridional stationary eddy velocity as the most influential factors determining the pattern of horizontal moist enthalpy advection. Numerical simulations in which the Tibetan Plateau (TP) is either retained or removed show that the TP influences the stationary enthalpy flux, and hence the MB front, primarily by changing the meridional stationary eddy velocity, with reinforced southerly wind on the northwestern flank of the north Pacific subtropical high (NPSH) over the MB region and northerly wind to its north. Changes in the longitudinal thermal gradient are mainly confined to the near downstream of the TP, with the resulting changes in zonal warm air advection having a lesser impact on the rainfall in the extended MB region.
Similar mechanisms are shown to be implicated in present climate simulations in the Couple Model Intercomparison Project - Phase 5 (CMIP5) models. We find that the spatial distribution of the EASM precipitation simulated by different models is highly correlated with the meridional stationary eddy velocity. The correlation becomes more robust when energy fluxes into the atmospheric column are considered, consistent with the observational analyses. The spread in the area-averaged rainfall amount can be partially explained by the spread in the simulated globally-averaged precipitation, with the rest primarily due to the lower-level meridional wind convergence. Clear relationships between precipitation and zonal and meridional eddy velocities are observed.
Finally, the response of the EASM to greenhouse gas forcing is investigated at different time scales in CMIP5 model simulations. The reduction of radiative cooling and the increase in continental surface temperature occur much more rapidly than changes in sea surface temperatures (SSTs). Without changes in SSTs, the rainfall in the monsoon region decreases (increases) over ocean (land) in most models. On longer time scales, as SSTs increase, rainfall changes are opposite. The total response to atmospheric CO^2 forcing and subsequent SST warming is a large (modest) increase in rainfall over ocean (land) in the EASM region. Dynamic changes, in spite of significant contributions from the thermodynamic component, play an important role in setting up the spatial pattern of precipitation changes. Rainfall anomalies over East China are a direct consequence of local land-sea contrast, while changes in the larger-scale oceanic rainfall band are closely associated with the displacement of the larger-scale NPSH. Numerical simulations show that topography and SST patterns play an important role in rainfall changes in the EASM region.
This thesis examines several examples of systems in which non-Abelian magnetic flux and non-Abelian forms of the Aharonov-Bohm effect play a role. We consider the dynamical consequences in these systems of some of the exotic phenomena associated with non-Abelian flux, such as Cheshire charge holonomy interactions and non-Abelian braid statistics. First, we use a mean-field approximation to study a model of U(2) non-Abelian anyons near its free-fermion limit. Some self-consistent states are constructed which show a small SU(2)-breaking charge density that vanishes in the fermionic limit. This is contrasted with the bosonic limit where the SU(2) asymmetry of the ground state can be maximal. Second, a global analogue of Chesire charge is described, raising the possibility of observing Cheshire charge in condensedmatter systems. A potential realization in superfluid He-3 is discussed. Finally, we describe in some detail a method for numerically simulating the evolution of a network of non-Abelian (S3) cosmic strings, keeping careful track of all magnetic fluxes and taking full account of their non-commutative nature. I present some preliminary results from this simulation, which is still in progress. The early results are suggestive of a qualitatively new, non-scaling behavior.
The microwave response of the superconducting state in equilibrium and non-equilibrium configurations was examined experimentally and analytically. Thin film superconductors were mostly studied in order to explore spatial effects. The response parameter measured was the surface impedance.
For small microwave intensity the surface impedance at 10 GHz was measured for a variety of samples (mostly Sn) over a wide range of sample thickness and temperature. A detailed analysis based on the BCS theory was developed for calculating the surface impedance for general thickness and other experimental parameters. Experiment and theory agreed with each other to within the experimental accuracy. Thus it was established that the samples, thin films as well as bulk, were well characterised at low microwave powers (near equilibrium).
Thin films were perturbed by a small dc supercurrent and the effect on the superconducting order parameter and the quasiparticle response determined by measuring changes in the surface resistance (still at low microwave intensity and independent of it) due to the induced current. The use of fully superconducting resonators enabled the measurement of very small changes in the surface resistance (< 10-9 Ω/sq.). These experiments yield information regarding the dynamics of the order parameter and quasiparticle systems. For all the films studied the results could be described at temperatures near Tc by the thermodynamic depression of the order parameter due to the static current leading to a quadratic increase of the surface resistance with current.
For the thinnest films the low temperature results were surprising in that the surface resistance decreased with increasing current. An explanation is proposed according to which this decrease occurs due to an additional high frequency quasiparticle current caused by the combined presence of both static and high frequency fields. For frequencies larger than the inverse of the quasiparticle relaxation time this additional current is out of phase (by π) with the microwave electric field and is observed as a decrease of surface resistance. Calculations agree quantitatively with experimental results. This is the first observation and explanation of this non-equilibrium quasiparticle effect.
For thicker films of Sn, the low temperature surface resistance was found to increase with applied static current. It is proposed that due to the spatial non-uniformity of the induced current distribution across the thicker films, the above purely temporal analysis of the local quasiparticle response needs to be generalised to include space and time non-equilibrium effects.
The nonlinear interaction of microwaves arid superconducting films was also examined in a third set of experiments. The surface impedance of thin films was measured as a function of the incident microwave magnetic field. The experiments exploit the ability to measure the absorbed microwave power and applied microwave magnetic field absolutely. It was found that the applied surface microwave field could not be raised above a certain threshold level at which the absorption increased abruptly. This critical field level represents a dynamic critical field and was found to be associated with the penetration of the app1ied field into the film at values well below the thermodynamic critical field for the configuration of a field applied to one side of the film. The penetration occurs despite the thermal stability of the film which was unequivocally demonstrated by experiment. A new mechanism for such penetration via the formation of a vortex-antivortex pair is proposed. The experimental results for the thinnest films agreed with the calculated values of this pair generation field. The observations of increased transmission at the critical field level and suppression of the process by a metallic ground plane further support the proposed model.
Experiments are described using the random dot stereo patterns devised by Julesz, but substituting various colors and luminances for the usual black and white random squares. The ability to perceive the patterns in depth depends on a luminance difference between the colors used. If two colors are the same luminance, then depth is not perceived although each of the individual squares which make up the patterns is easily seen due to the color difference. This is true for any combination of different colors. If different colors are used for corresponding random squares between the left and right eye patterns, stereopsis is possible for all combinations of binocular rivalry in color, provided the luminance difference is large enough. Rivalry in luminance always precludes stereopsis, regardless of the colors involved.