3 resultados para Drug Detection Tests.

em CaltechTHESIS


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I. It was not possible to produce anti-tetracycline antibody in laboratory animals by any of the methods tried. Tetracycline protein conjugates were prepared and characterized. It was shown that previous reports of the detection of anti-tetracycline antibody by in vitro-methods were in error. Tetracycline precipitates non-specifically with serum proteins. The anaphylactic reaction reported was the result of misinterpretation, since the observations were inconsistent with the known mechanism of anaphylaxis and the supposed antibody would not sensitize guinea pig skin. The hemagglutination reaction was not reproducible and was extremely sensitive to minute amounts of microbial contamination. Both free tetracyclines and the conjugates were found to be poor antigens.

II. Anti-aspiryl antibodies were produced in rabbits using 3 protein carriers. The method of inhibition of precipitation was used to determine the specificity of the antibody produced. ε-Aminocaproate was found to be the most effective inhibitor of the haptens tested, indicating that the combining hapten of the protein is ε-aspiryl-lysyl. Free aspirin and salicylates were poor inhibitors and did not combine with the antibody to a significant extent. The ortho group was found to participate in the binding to antibody. The average binding constants were measured.

Normal rabbit serum was acetylated by aspirin under in vitro conditions, which are similar to physiological conditions. The extent of acetylation was determined by immunochemical tests. The acetylated serum proteins were shown to be potent antigens in rabbits. It was also shown that aspiryl proteins were partially acetylated. The relation of these results to human aspirin intolerance is discussed.

III. Aspirin did not induce contact sensitivity in guinea pigs when they were immunized by techniques that induce sensitivity with other reactive compounds. The acetylation mechanism is not relevant to this type of hypersensitivity, since sensitivity is not produced by potent acetylating agents like acetyl chloride and acetic anhydride. Aspiryl chloride, a totally artificial system, is a good sensitizer. Its specificity was examined.

IV. Protein conjugates were prepared with p-aminosalicylic acid and various carriers using azo, carbodiimide and mixed anhydride coupling. These antigens were injected into rabbits and guinea pigs and no anti-hapten IgG or IgM response was obtained. Delayed hypersensitivity was produced in guinea pigs by immunization with the conjugates, and its specificity was determined. Guinea pigs were not sensitized by either injections or topical application of p-amino-salicylic acid or p-aminosalicylate.


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Being able to detect a single molecule without the use of labels has been a long standing goal of bioengineers and physicists. This would simplify applications ranging from single molecular binding studies to those involving public health and security, improved drug screening, medical diagnostics, and genome sequencing. One promising technique that has the potential to detect single molecules is the microtoroid optical resonator. The main obstacle to detecting single molecules, however, is decreasing the noise level of the measurements such that a single molecule can be distinguished from background. We have used laser frequency locking in combination with balanced detection and data processing techniques to reduce the noise level of these devices and report the detection of a wide range of nanoscale objects ranging from nanoparticles with radii from 100 to 2.5 nm, to exosomes, ribosomes, and single protein molecules (mouse immunoglobulin G and human interleukin-2). We further extend the exosome results towards creating a non-invasive tumor biopsy assay. Our results, covering several orders of magnitude of particle radius (100 nm to 2 nm), agree with the `reactive' model prediction for the frequency shift of the resonator upon particle binding. In addition, we demonstrate that molecular weight may be estimated from the frequency shift through a simple formula, thus providing a basis for an ``optical mass spectrometer'' in solution. We anticipate that our results will enable many applications, including more sensitive medical diagnostics and fundamental studies of single receptor-ligand and protein-protein interactions in real time. The thesis summarizes what we have achieved thus far and shows that the goal of detecting a single molecule without the use of labels can now be realized.


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The first chapter of this thesis deals with automating data gathering for single cell microfluidic tests. The programs developed saved significant amounts of time with no loss in accuracy. The technology from this chapter was applied to experiments in both Chapters 4 and 5.

The second chapter describes the use of statistical learning to prognose if an anti-angiogenic drug (Bevacizumab) would successfully treat a glioblastoma multiforme tumor. This was conducted by first measuring protein levels from 92 blood samples using the DNA-encoded antibody library platform. This allowed the measure of 35 different proteins per sample, with comparable sensitivity to ELISA. Two statistical learning models were developed in order to predict whether the treatment would succeed. The first, logistic regression, predicted with 85% accuracy and an AUC of 0.901 using a five protein panel. These five proteins were statistically significant predictors and gave insight into the mechanism behind anti-angiogenic success/failure. The second model, an ensemble model of logistic regression, kNN, and random forest, predicted with a slightly higher accuracy of 87%.

The third chapter details the development of a photocleavable conjugate that multiplexed cell surface detection in microfluidic devices. The method successfully detected streptavidin on coated beads with 92% positive predictive rate. Furthermore, chambers with 0, 1, 2, and 3+ beads were statistically distinguishable. The method was then used to detect CD3 on Jurkat T cells, yielding a positive predictive rate of 49% and false positive rate of 0%.

The fourth chapter talks about the use of measuring T cell polyfunctionality in order to predict whether a patient will succeed an adoptive T cells transfer therapy. In 15 patients, we measured 10 proteins from individual T cells (~300 cells per patient). The polyfunctional strength index was calculated, which was then correlated with the patient's progress free survival (PFS) time. 52 other parameters measured in the single cell test were correlated with the PFS. No statistical correlator has been determined, however, and more data is necessary to reach a conclusion.

Finally, the fifth chapter talks about the interactions between T cells and how that affects their protein secretion. It was observed that T cells in direct contact selectively enhance their protein secretion, in some cases by over 5 fold. This occurred for Granzyme B, Perforin, CCL4, TNFa, and IFNg. IL- 10 was shown to decrease slightly upon contact. This phenomenon held true for T cells from all patients tested (n=8). Using single cell data, the theoretical protein secretion frequency was calculated for two cells and then compared to the observed rate of secretion for both two cells not in contact, and two cells in contact. In over 90% of cases, the theoretical protein secretion rate matched that of two cells not in contact.