4 resultados para Design Factors
em CaltechTHESIS
A dilution refrigerator has been constructed capable of producing steady state temperatures less than .075°K. The first part of this work is concerned with the design and construction of this machine. Enough theory is presented to allow one to understand the operation and critical design factors of a dilution refrigerator. The performance of our refrigerator is compared with the operating characteristics of three other dilution refrigerators appearing in the present literature.
The dilution refrigerator constructed was used to measure the nuclear contribution to the low temperature specific heat of a pure, single-crystalline sample of rhenium metal. Measurements were made in magnetic fields from 0 to 12.5 kOe for the temperature range .13°K - .52°K. The second part of this work discusses the results of these experiments. The expected nuclear contribution is not found when the sample is in the superconducting state. This is believed to be due to the long spin-lattice relaxation times in superconductors. In the normal state, for the temperature range studied, the nuclear contribution is given by A/T2 where A = .061 ± .002 millijoules-K/mole. The value of A is found to increase to A = .077 ± .004 millijoules-K/mole when the sample is located in a magnetic field of 12.5 kOe.
From the measured value of A the splitting of the energy levels of the nuclear spin system due to the interaction of the internal crystalline electric field gradients with the nuclear quadrupole moments is calculated. A comparison is made between the predicted and measured magnetic dependence of the specific heat. Finally, predictions are made of future nuclear magnetic resonance experiments which may be performed to check the results obtained by calorimetery here and further, to investigate existing theories concerning the sources of electric field gradients in metals.
A general framework for multi-criteria optimal design is presented which is well-suited for automated design of structural systems. A systematic computer-aided optimal design decision process is developed which allows the designer to rapidly evaluate and improve a proposed design by taking into account the major factors of interest related to different aspects such as design, construction, and operation.
The proposed optimal design process requires the selection of the most promising choice of design parameters taken from a large design space, based on an evaluation using specified criteria. The design parameters specify a particular design, and so they relate to member sizes, structural configuration, etc. The evaluation of the design uses performance parameters which may include structural response parameters, risks due to uncertain loads and modeling errors, construction and operating costs, etc. Preference functions are used to implement the design criteria in a "soft" form. These preference functions give a measure of the degree of satisfaction of each design criterion. The overall evaluation measure for a design is built up from the individual measures for each criterion through a preference combination rule. The goal of the optimal design process is to obtain a design that has the highest overall evaluation measure - an optimization problem.
Genetic algorithms are stochastic optimization methods that are based on evolutionary theory. They provide the exploration power necessary to explore high-dimensional search spaces to seek these optimal solutions. Two special genetic algorithms, hGA and vGA, are presented here for continuous and discrete optimization problems, respectively.
The methodology is demonstrated with several examples involving the design of truss and frame systems. These examples are solved by using the proposed hGA and vGA.
Power system is at the brink of change. Engineering needs, economic forces and environmental factors are the main drivers of this change. The vision is to build a smart electrical grid and a smarter market mechanism around it to fulfill mandates on clean energy. Looking at engineering and economic issues in isolation is no longer an option today; it needs an integrated design approach. In this thesis, I shall revisit some of the classical questions on the engineering operation of power systems that deals with the nonconvexity of power flow equations. Then I shall explore some issues of the interaction of these power flow equations on the electricity markets to address the fundamental issue of market power in a deregulated market environment. Finally, motivated by the emergence of new storage technologies, I present an interesting result on the investment decision problem of placing storage over a power network. The goal of this study is to demonstrate that modern optimization and game theory can provide unique insights into this complex system. Some of the ideas carry over to applications beyond power systems.
The overarching theme of this thesis is mesoscale optical and optoelectronic design of photovoltaic and photoelectrochemical devices. In a photovoltaic device, light absorption and charge carrier transport are coupled together on the mesoscale, and in a photoelectrochemical device, light absorption, charge carrier transport, catalysis, and solution species transport are all coupled together on the mesoscale. The work discussed herein demonstrates that simulation-based mesoscale optical and optoelectronic modeling can lead to detailed understanding of the operation and performance of these complex mesostructured devices, serve as a powerful tool for device optimization, and efficiently guide device design and experimental fabrication efforts. In-depth studies of two mesoscale wire-based device designs illustrate these principles—(i) an optoelectronic study of a tandem Si|WO3 microwire photoelectrochemical device, and (ii) an optical study of III-V nanowire arrays.
The study of the monolithic, tandem, Si|WO3 microwire photoelectrochemical device begins with development and validation of an optoelectronic model with experiment. This study capitalizes on synergy between experiment and simulation to demonstrate the model’s predictive power for extractable device voltage and light-limited current density. The developed model is then used to understand the limiting factors of the device and optimize its optoelectronic performance. The results of this work reveal that high fidelity modeling can facilitate unequivocal identification of limiting phenomena, such as parasitic absorption via excitation of a surface plasmon-polariton mode, and quick design optimization, achieving over a 300% enhancement in optoelectronic performance over a nominal design for this device architecture, which would be time-consuming and challenging to do via experiment.
The work on III-V nanowire arrays also starts as a collaboration of experiment and simulation aimed at gaining understanding of unprecedented, experimentally observed absorption enhancements in sparse arrays of vertically-oriented GaAs nanowires. To explain this resonant absorption in periodic arrays of high index semiconductor nanowires, a unified framework that combines a leaky waveguide theory perspective and that of photonic crystals supporting Bloch modes is developed in the context of silicon, using both analytic theory and electromagnetic simulations. This detailed theoretical understanding is then applied to a simulation-based optimization of light absorption in sparse arrays of GaAs nanowires. Near-unity absorption in sparse, 5% fill fraction arrays is demonstrated via tapering of nanowires and multiple wire radii in a single array. Finally, experimental efforts are presented towards fabrication of the optimized array geometries. A hybrid self-catalyzed and selective area MOCVD growth method is used to establish morphology control of GaP nanowire arrays. Similarly, morphology and pattern control of nanowires is demonstrated with ICP-RIE of InP. Optical characterization of the InP nanowire arrays gives proof of principle that tapering and multiple wire radii can lead to near-unity absorption in sparse arrays of InP nanowires.