em CaltechTHESIS


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Lipid bilayer membranes are models for cell membranes--the structure that helps regulate cell function. Cell membranes are heterogeneous, and the coupling between composition and shape gives rise to complex behaviors that are important to regulation. This thesis seeks to systematically build and analyze complete models to understand the behavior of multi-component membranes.

We propose a model and use it to derive the equilibrium and stability conditions for a general class of closed multi-component biological membranes. Our analysis shows that the critical modes of these membranes have high frequencies, unlike single-component vesicles, and their stability depends on system size, unlike in systems undergoing spinodal decomposition in flat space. An important implication is that small perturbations may nucleate localized but very large deformations. We compare these results with experimental observations.

We also study open membranes to gain insight into long tubular membranes that arise for example in nerve cells. We derive a complete system of equations for open membranes by using the principle of virtual work. Our linear stability analysis predicts that the tubular membranes tend to have coiling shapes if the tension is small, cylindrical shapes if the tension is moderate, and beading shapes if the tension is large. This is consistent with experimental observations reported in the literature in nerve fibers. Further, we provide numerical solutions to the fully nonlinear equilibrium equations in some problems, and show that the observed mode shapes are consistent with those suggested by linear stability. Our work also proves that beadings of nerve fibers can appear purely as a mechanical response of the membrane.


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Cooperative director fluctuations in lipid bilayers have been postulated for many years. ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements have been used identify these motions and to determine the origin of increased slow bilayer motion upon addition of unlike lipids or proteins to a pure lipid bilayer.

The contribution of cooperative director fluctuations to NMR relaxation in lipid bilayers has been expressed mathematically using the approach of Doane et al.^1 and Pace and Chan.^2 The T_2^(-1)’s of pure dimyristoyllecithin (DML) bilayers deuterated at the 2, 9 and 10, and all positions on both lipid hydrocarbon chains have been measured. Several characteristics of these measurements indicate the presence of cooperative director fluctuations. First of all, T_2^(-1) exhibits a linear dependence on S2/CD. Secondly, T_2^(-1) varies across the ^2H-NMR powder pattern as sin^2 (2, β), where , β is the angle between the average bilayer director and the external magnetic field. Furthermore, these fluctuations are restricted near the lecithin head group suggesting that the head group does not participate in these motions but, rather, anchors the hydrocarbon chains in the bilayer.

T_2^(-1)has been measured for selectively deuterated liquid crystalline DML hilayers to which a host of other lipids and proteins have been added. The T_2^(-1) of the DML bilayer is found to increase drastically when chlorophyll a (chl a) and Gramicidin A' (GA') are added to the bilayer. Both these molecules interfere with the lecithin head group spacing in the bilayer. Molecules such as myristic acid, distearoyllecithin (DSL), phytol, and cholesterol, whose hydrocarbon regions are quite different from DML but which have small,neutral polar head groups, leave cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer unchanged.

The effect of chl a on cooperative fluctuations in the DML bilayer has been examined in detail using ^2H-NMR T_1^(-1), T_(1P)^(-1) , and T_2^(-1); measurements. Cooperative fluctuations have been modelled using the continuum theory of the nematic state of liquid crystals. Chl a is found to decrease both the correlation length and the elastic constants in the DML bilayer.

A mismatch between the hydrophobic length of a lipid bilayer and that of an added protein has also been found to change the cooperative properties of the lecithin bilayer. Hydrophobic mismatch has been studied in a series GA' / lecithin bilayers. The dependence of 2H-NMR order parameters and relaxation rates on GA' concentration has been measured in selectively deuterated DML, dipalmitoyllecithin (DPL), and DSL systems. Order parameters, cooperative lengths, and elastic constants of the DML bilayer are most disrupted by GA', while the DSL bilayer is the least perturbed by GA'. Thus, it is concluded that the hydrophobic length of GA' best matches that of the DSL bilayer. Preliminary Raman spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry experiments of GA' /lecithin systems support this conclusion. Accommodation of hydrophobic mismatch is used to rationalize the absence of H_(II) phase formation in GA' /DML systems and the observation of H_(II) phase in GA' /DPL and GA' /DSL systems.

1. J. W. Doane and D. L. Johnson, Chem. Phy3. Lett., 6, 291-295 (1970). 2. R. J. Pace and S. I. Chan, J. Chem. Phy3., 16, 4217-4227 (1982).


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Viruses possess very specific methods of targeting and entering cells. These methods would be extremely useful if they could also be applied to drug delivery, but little is known about the molecular mechanisms of the viral entry process. In order to gain further insight into mechanisms of viral entry, chemical and spectroscopic studies in two systems were conducted, examining hydrophobic protein-lipid interactions during Sendai virus membrane fusion, and the kinetics of bacteriophage λ DNA injection.

Sendai virus glycoprotein interactions with target membranes during the early stages of fusion were examined using time-resolved hydrophobic photoaffinity labeling with the lipid-soluble carbene generator3-(trifluoromethyl)-3-(m-^(125 )I] iodophenyl)diazirine (TID). The probe was incorporated in target membranes prior to virus addition and photolysis. During Sendai virus fusion with liposomes composed of cardiolipin (CL) or phosphatidylserine (PS), the viral fusion (F) protein is preferentially labeled at early time points, supporting the hypothesis that hydrophobic interaction of the fusion peptide at the N-terminus of the F_1 subunit with the target membrane is an initiating event in fusion. Correlation of the hydrophobic interactions with independently monitored fusion kinetics further supports this conclusion. Separation of proteins after labeling shows that the F_1 subunit, containing the putative hydrophobic fusion sequence, is exclusively labeled, and that the F_2 subunit does not participate in fusion. Labeling shows temperature and pH dependence consistent with a need for protein conformational mobility and fusion at neutral pH. Higher amounts of labeling during fusion with CL vesicles than during virus-PS vesicle fusion reflects membrane packing regulation of peptide insertion into target membranes. Labeling of the viral hemagglutinin/neuraminidase (HN) at low pH indicates that HN-mediated fusion is triggered by hydrophobic interactions, after titration of acidic amino acids. HN labeling under nonfusogenic conditions reveals that viral binding may involve hydrophobic as well as electrostatic interactions. Controls for diffusional labeling exclude a major contribution from this source. Labeling during reconstituted Sendai virus envelope-liposome fusion shows that functional reconstitution involves protein retention of the ability to undergo hydrophobic interactions.

Examination of Sendai virus fusion with erythrocyte membranes indicates that hydrophobic interactions also trigger fusion between biological membranes, and that HN binding may involve hydrophobic interactions as well. Labeling of the erythrocyte membranes revealed close membrane association of spectrin, which may play a role in regulating membrane fusion. The data show that hydrophobic fusion protein interaction with both artificial and biological membranes is a triggering event in fusion. Correlation of these results with earlier studies of membrane hydration and fusion kinetics provides a more detailed view of the mechanism of fusion.

The kinetics of DNA injection by bacteriophage λ. into liposomes bearing reconstituted receptors were measured using fluorescence spectroscopy. LamB, the bacteriophage receptor, was extracted from bacteria and reconstituted into liposomes by detergent removal dialysis. The DNA binding fluorophore ethidium bromide was encapsulated in the liposomes during dialysis. Enhanced fluorescence of ethidium bromide upon binding to injected DNA was monitored, and showed that injection is a rapid, one-step process. The bimolecular rate law, determined by the method of initial rates, revealed that injection occurs several times faster than indicated by earlier studies employing indirect assays.

It is hoped that these studies will increase the understanding of the mechanisms of virus entry into cells, and to facilitate the development of virus-mimetic drug delivery strategies.


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Proton transfer reactions at the interface of water with hydrophobic media, such as air or lipids, are ubiquitous on our planet. These reactions orchestrate a host of vital phenomena in the environment including, for example, acidification of clouds, enzymatic catalysis, chemistries of aerosol and atmospheric gases, and bioenergetic transduction. Despite their importance, however, quantitative details underlying these interactions have remained unclear. Deeper insight into these interfacial reactions is also required in addressing challenges in green chemistry, improved water quality, self-assembly of materials, the next generation of micro-nanofluidics, adhesives, coatings, catalysts, and electrodes. This thesis describes experimental and theoretical investigation of proton transfer reactions at the air-water interface as a function of hydration gradients, electrochemical potential, and electrostatics. Since emerging insights hold at the lipid-water interface as well, this work is also expected to aid understanding of complex biological phenomena associated with proton migration across membranes.

Based on our current understanding, it is known that the physicochemical properties of the gas-phase water are drastically different from those of bulk water. For example, the gas-phase hydronium ion, H3O+(g), can protonate most (non-alkane) organic species, whereas H3O+(aq) can neutralize only relatively strong bases. Thus, to be able to understand and engineer water-hydrophobe interfaces, it is imperative to investigate this fluctuating region of molecular thickness wherein the ‘function’ of chemical species transitions from one phase to another via steep gradients in hydration, dielectric constant, and density. Aqueous interfaces are difficult to approach by current experimental techniques because designing experiments to specifically sample interfacial layers (< 1 nm thick) is an arduous task. While recent advances in surface-specific spectroscopies have provided valuable information regarding the structure of aqueous interfaces, but structure alone is inadequate to decipher the function. By similar analogy, theoretical predictions based on classical molecular dynamics have remained limited in their scope.

Recently, we have adapted an analytical electrospray ionization mass spectrometer (ESIMS) for probing reactions at the gas-liquid interface in real time. This technique is direct, surface-specific,and provides unambiguous mass-to-charge ratios of interfacial species. With this innovation, we have been able to investigate the following:

1. How do anions mediate proton transfers at the air-water interface?

2. What is the basis for the negative surface potential at the air-water interface?

3. What is the mechanism for catalysis ‘on-water’?

In addition to our experiments with the ESIMS, we applied quantum mechanics and molecular dynamics to simulate our experiments toward gaining insight at the molecular scale. Our results unambiguously demonstrated the role of electrostatic-reorganization of interfacial water during proton transfer events. With our experimental and theoretical results on the ‘superacidity’ of the surface of mildly acidic water, we also explored implications on atmospheric chemistry and green chemistry. Our most recent results explained the basis for the negative charge of the air-water interface and showed that the water-hydrophobe interface could serve as a site for enhanced autodissociation of water compared to the condensed phase.


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Cdc48/p97 is an essential, highly abundant hexameric member of the AAA (ATPase associated with various cellular activities) family. It has been linked to a variety of processes throughout the cell but it is best known for its role in the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. In this system it is believed that Cdc48 behaves as a segregase, transducing the chemical energy of ATP hydrolysis into mechanical force to separate ubiquitin-conjugated proteins from their tightly-bound partners.

Current models posit that Cdc48 is linked to its substrates through a variety of adaptor proteins, including a family of seven proteins (13 in humans) that contain a Cdc48-binding UBX domain. As such, due to the complexity of the network of adaptor proteins for which it serves as the hub, Cdc48/p97 has the potential to exert a profound influence on the ubiquitin proteasome pathway. However, the number of known substrates of Cdc48/p97 remains relatively small, and smaller still is the number of substrates that have been linked to a specific UBX domain protein. As such, the goal of this dissertation research has been to discover new substrates and better understand the functions of the Cdc48 network. With this objective in mind, we established a proteomic screen to assemble a catalog of candidate substrate/targets of the Ubx adaptor system.

Here we describe the implementation and optimization of a cutting-edge quantitative mass spectrometry method to measure relative changes in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteome. Utilizing this technology, and in order to better understand the breadth of function of Cdc48 and its adaptors, we then performed a global screen to identify accumulating ubiquitin conjugates in cdc48-3 and ubxΔ mutants. In this screen different ubx mutants exhibited reproducible patterns of conjugate accumulation that differed greatly from each other, pointing to various unexpected functional specializations of the individual Ubx proteins.

As validation of our mass spectrometry findings, we then examined in detail the endoplasmic-reticulum bound transcription factor Spt23, which we identified as a putative Ubx2 substrate. In these studies ubx2Δ cells were deficient in processing of Spt23 to its active p90 form, and in localizing p90 to the nucleus. Additionally, consistent with reduced processing of Spt23, ubx2Δ cells demonstrated a defect in expression of their target gene OLE1, a fatty acid desaturase. Overall, this work demonstrates the power of proteomics as a tool to identify new targets of various pathways and reveals Ubx2 as a key regulator lipid membrane biosynthesis.


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Signal recognition particle (SRP) and signal recognition particle receptor (SR) are evolutionarily conserved GTPases that deliver secretory and membrane proteins to the protein-conducting channel Sec61 complex in the lipid bilayer of the endoplasmic reticulum in eukaryotes or the SecYEG complex in the inner membrane of bacteria. Unlike the canonical Ras-type GTPases, SRP and SR are activated via nucleotide-dependent heterodimerization. Upon formation of the SR•SRP targeting complex, SRP and SR undergo a series of discrete conformational changes that culminate in their reciprocal activation and hydrolysis of GTP. How the SR•SRP GTPase cycle is regulated and coupled to the delivery of the cargo protein to the protein-conducting channel at the target membrane is not well-understood. Here we examine the role of the lipid bilayer and SecYEG in regulation of the SRP-mediated protein targeting pathway and show that they serve as important biological cues that spatially control the targeting reaction.

In the first chapter, we show that anionic phospholipids of the inner membrane activate the bacterial SR, FtsY, and favor the late conformational states of the targeting complex conducive to efficient unloading of the cargo. The results of our studies suggest that the lipid bilayer acts as a spatial cue that weakens the interaction of the cargo protein with SRP and primes the complex for unloading its cargo onto SecYEG.

In the second chapter, we focus on the effect of SecYEG on the conformational states and activity of the targeting complex. While phospholipids prime the complex for unloading its cargo, they are insufficient to trigger hydrolysis of GTP and the release of the cargo from the complex. SecYEG modulates the conformation of the targeting complex and triggers the GTP hydrolysis from the complex, thus driving the targeting reaction to completion. The results of this study suggest that SecYEG is not a passive recipient of the cargo protein; rather, it actively releases the cargo from the targeting complex. Together, anionic phospholipids and SecYEG serve distinct yet complementary roles. They spatially control the targeting reaction in a sequential manner, ensuring efficient delivery and unloading of the cargo protein.

In the third chapter, we reconstitute the transfer reaction in vitro and visualize it in real time. We show that the ribosome-nascent chain complex is transferred to SecYEG via a stepwise mechanism with gradual dissolution and formation of the contacts with SRP and SecYEG, respectively, explaining how the cargo is kept tethered to the membrane during the transfer and how its loss to the cytosol is avoided.

In the fourth chapter, we examine interaction of SecYEG with secretory and membrane proteins and attempt to address the role of a novel insertase YidC in this interaction. We show that detergent-solubilized SecYEG is capable of discriminating between the nascent chains of various lengths and engages a signal sequence in a well-defined conformation in the absence of accessory factors. Further, YidC alters the conformation of the signal peptide bound to SecYEG. The results described in this chapter show that YidC affects the SecYEG-nascent chain interaction at early stages of translocation/insertion and suggest a YidC-facilitated mechanism for lateral exit of transmembrane domains from SecYEG into the lipid bilayer.


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The ability to sense mechanical force is vital to all organisms to interact with and respond to stimuli in their environment. Mechanosensation is critical to many physiological functions such as the senses of hearing and touch in animals, gravitropism in plants and osmoregulation in bacteria. Of these processes, the best understood at the molecular level involve bacterial mechanosensitive channels. Under hypo-osmotic stress, bacteria are able to alleviate turgor pressure through mechanosensitive channels that gate directly in response to tension in the membrane lipid bilayer. A key participant in this response is the mechanosensitive channel of large conductance (MscL), a non-selective channel with a high conductance of ~3 nS that gates at tensions close to the membrane lytic tension.

It has been appreciated since the original discovery by C. Kung that the small subunit size (~130 to 160 residues) and the high conductance necessitate that MscL forms a homo-oligomeric channel. Over the past 20 years of study, the proposed oligomeric state of MscL has ranged from monomer to hexamer. Oligomeric state has been shown to vary between MscL homologues and is influenced by lipid/detergent environment. In this thesis, we report the creation of a chimera library to systematically survey the correlation between MscL sequence and oligomeric state to identify the sequence determinants of oligomeric state. Our results demonstrate that although there is no combination of sequences uniquely associated with a given oligomeric state (or mixture of oligomeric states), there are significant correlations. In the quest to characterize the oligomeric state of MscL, an exciting discovery was made about the dynamic nature of the MscL complex. We found that in detergent solution, under mild heating conditions (37 °C – 60 °C), subunits of MscL can exchange between complexes, and the dynamics of this process are sensitive to the protein sequence.

Extensive efforts were made to produce high diffraction quality crystals of MscL for the determination of a high resolution X-ray crystal structure of a full length channel. The surface entropy reduction strategy was applied to the design of S. aureus MscL variants and while the strategy appears to have improved the crystallizability of S. aureus MscL, unfortunately the diffraction qualities of these crystals were not significantly improved. MscL chimeras were also screened for crystallization in various solubilization detergents, but also failed to yield high quality crystals.

MscL is a fascinating protein and continues to serve as a model system for the study of the structural and functional properties of mechanosensitive channels. Further characterization of the MscL chimera library will offer more insight into the characteristics of the channel. Of particular interest are the functional characterization of the chimeras and the exploration of the physiological relevance of intercomplex subunit exchange.