4 resultados para BE-12

em CaltechTHESIS


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The synthesis and direct observation of 1,1-di-tert-butyldiazene (16) at -127°C is described. The absorption spectrum of a red solution of 1,1-diazene 16 reveals a structured absorption band with λ max at 506 run (Me_2O, -125°C). The vibrational spacing in S_1 is about 1200 cm^(-1). The excited state of 16 emits weakly with a single maximum at 715 run observed in the fluorescence spectrum (Me_2O:CD_2Cl_2, -196°C). The proton NMR spectrum of 16 occurs as a singlet at 1.41 ppm. Monitoring this NMR absorption at -94^0 ± 2°C shows that 1,1-diazene 16 decomposes with a first-order rate of 1.8 x 10^(-3) sec(-1) to form isobutane, isobutylene and hexarnethylethane. This rate is 10^8 and 10^(34) times faster than the thermal decomposition of the corresponding cis and trans 1,2-di-tert-butyldiazene isomers. The free energy of activation for decomposition of 1,1-diazene 16 is found to be 12.5 ± 0.2 kcal/mol at -94°C which is much lower than the values of 19.1 and 19.4 kcal/lmole calculated at -94°C for N-(2,2,6,6- tetramethylpiperidyl)nitrene (3) and N-(2,2,5,5- tetrarnethylpyrrolidyl)nitrene (4), respectively. This difference between 16 and the cyclic-1,1-diazenes 3 and 4 can be attributed to a large steric interaction between the tert-butyl groups in 1,1-diazene 16.

In order to investigate the nature of the singlet-triplet gap in 1,1-diazenes, 2,5-di-tert-butyl-N-pyrrolynitrene (22) was generated but was found to be too reactive towards dimerization to be persistent. In the presence of dimethylsulfoxide, however, N-pyrrolynitrene (22) can be trapped as N-(2,5-di-tert-butyl- N'-pyrrolyl)dimethylsulfoxirnine (38). N-(2,5-di-tert-butyl-N'-pyrrolyl)dimethylsulfoximine (38-d^6) exchanges with free dimethylsulfoxide at 50°C in solution, presumably by generation and retrapping of pyrrolynitrene 22.


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The lowest T = 2 states have been identified and studied in the nuclei 12C, 12B, 20F and and 28Al. The first two of these were produced in the reactions 14C(p,t)12C and 14C (p,3He)12B, at 50.5 and 63.4 MeV incident proton energy respectively, at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The T = 2 states in 20F and 28Al were observed in (3He,p) reactions at 12-MeV incident energy, with the Caltech Tandem accelerator.

The results for the four nuclei studied are summarized below:

(1) 12C: the lowest T = 2 state was located at an excitation energy of 27595 ± 20 keV, and has a width less than 35 keV.

(2) 12B: the lowest T = 2 state was found at an excitation energy of 12710 ± 20 keV. The width was determined to be less than 54 keV and the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second 12B state (or doublet) was observed at an excitation energy of 14860 ± 30 keV with a width (if the group corresponds to a single state) of 226 ± 30 keV.

(3) 20F: the lowest T = 2 state was observed at an excitation of 6513 ± 5 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second state, tentatively identified as T = 2 from the level spacing, was located at 8210 ± 6 keV.

(4) 28Al: the lowest T = 2 state was identified at an excitation of 5997 ± 6 keV; the spin and parity were confirmed to be 0+. A second state at an excitation energy of 7491 ± 11 keV is tentatively identified as T = 2, with a corresponding (tentative) spin and parity assignment Jπ = 2+.

The results of the present work and the other known masses of T = 2 states and nuclei for 8 ≤ A ≤ 28 are summarized, and massequation coefficients have been extracted for these multiplets. These coefficients were compared with those from T = 1 multiplets, and then used to predict the mass and stability of each of the unobserved members of the T = 2 multiplets.


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The reaction 7Li(3He, p)9Be has been used to measure excitations and intrinsic widths of levels in 9Be below the 7Li + d threshold. Previously unreported levels have been found at excitations of (13.78 ± .03) MeV and (16.671 ± .008) MeV with widths of (590 ± 60) keV and (41 ± 4) keV respectively. Two overlapping levels have been found at (11.81 ± .02) MeV and (11.29 ± .03) MeV with widths of (400 ± 30) keV and (620 ± 70) keV respectively. Branching ratios from 9Be levels populated in this reaction to the ground and first excited states of 8Be have been measured by observing the associated protons in coincidence with the decay neutrons. Branching ratios were found to be:

Excitation in 9Be .... Branching Ratio.......... Final Nucleus.........

(MeV) .......................... (percent) .....................................

.. 2.43 ........................... 7.5 ± 1.5 .............. 8Be(g.s.)

.. 3.03 ........................... 87 ± 13......................................

.. 4.65 ........................... 13 ± 4.......................................

.. 6.76 .............................. ≤ 2 ......................................

.. 11.29 ...............................≤ 2 ......................................

.. 11.81 ...............................≤ 3 ......................................

.. 6.76 ........................... .41 ≤ B.R. ≤ .69 ....... 8Be(2+)

.. 11.29 ........................... 14 ± 4 .......................................

.. 11.81 ........................... 12 ± 4 .......................................

Corresponding reduced widths for neutron emission are calculated and a comparison of the results with the expectations of current nuclear models is made. In particular the measured branching ratio to 8Be(g.s.) from 9Be(2.43 MeV) corresponds to an f-wave reduced with θ2f = 2.1 x 10-2, in units of ħ2/mR2, with R = 4.35 fm. A comparison of this value with that predicted by a Nilsson model calculation, in which 9Be is taken to be a deformed nucleus, is discussed. The measured value for θ2f is found to be consistent with that expected on the basis of measured E2-transition rates between rotational levels in 9Be.


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The total cross-section for the reaction 21Ne(α, n)24Mg has been measured in the energy range 1.49 Mev ≤ Ecm ≤ 2.6 Mev. The cross-section factor, S(O), for this reaction has been determined, by means of an optical model calculation, to be in the range 1.52 x 1012 mb-Mev to 2.67 x 1012 mb-Mev, for interaction radii in the range 5.0 fm to 6.6 fm. With S(O) ≈ 2 x 1012 mb-Mev, the reaction 21Ne(α, n)24Mg can produce a large enough neutron flux to be a significant astrophysical source of neutrons.


The reaction12C(3He, p)14N has been studied over the energy range 12 Mev ≤ Elab ≤ 18 Mev. Angular distributions of the proton groups leading to the lowest seven levels in 14N were obtained.

Distorted wave calculations, based on two-nucleon transfer theory, were performed, and were found to be reliable for obtaining the value of the orbital angular momentum transferred. The present work shows that such calculations do not yield unambiguous values for the spectroscopic factors.