14 resultados para Atmospheric Transport

em CaltechTHESIS


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This thesis advances our understanding of midlatitude storm tracks and how they respond to perturbations in the climate system. The midlatitude storm tracks are regions of maximal turbulent kinetic energy in the atmosphere. Through them, the bulk of the atmospheric transport of energy, water vapor, and angular momentum occurs in midlatitudes. Therefore, they are important regulators of climate, controlling basic features such as the distribution of surface temperatures, precipitation, and winds in midlatitudes. Storm tracks are robustly projected to shift poleward in global-warming simulations with current climate models. Yet the reasons for this shift have remained unclear. Here we show that this shift occurs even in extremely idealized (but still three-dimensional) simulations of dry atmospheres. We use these simulations to develop an understanding of the processes responsible for the shift and develop a conceptual model that accounts for it.

We demonstrate that changes in the convective static stability in the deep tropics alone can drive remote shifts in the midlatitude storm tracks. Through simulations with a dry idealized general circulation model (GCM), midlatitude storm tracks are shown to be located where the mean available potential energy (MAPE, a measure of the potential energy available to be converted into kinetic energy) is maximal. As the climate varies, even if only driven by tropical static stability changes, the MAPE maximum shifts primarily because of shifts of the maximum of near-surface meridional temperature gradients. The temperature gradients shift in response to changes in the width of the tropical Hadley circulation, whose width is affected by the tropical static stability. Storm tracks generally shift in tandem with shifts of the subtropical terminus of the Hadley circulation.

We develop a one-dimensional diffusive energy-balance model that links changes in the Hadley circulation to midlatitude temperature gradients and so to the storm tracks. It is the first conceptual model to incorporate a dynamical coupling between the tropical Hadley circulation and midlatitude turbulent energy transport. Numerical and analytical solutions of the model elucidate the circumstances of when and how the storm tracks shift in tandem with the terminus of the Hadley circulation. They illustrate how an increase of only the convective static stability in the deep tropics can lead to an expansion of the Hadley circulation and a poleward shift of storm tracks.

The simulations with the idealized GCM and the conceptual energy-balance model demonstrate a clear link between Hadley circulation dynamics and midlatitude storm track position. With the help of the hierarchy of models presented in this thesis, we obtain a closed theory of storm track shifts in dry climates. The relevance of this theory for more realistic moist climates is discussed.


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Pulsars emit radiation over an extremely wide frequency range, from radio through gamma. Recently, systems in which this radiation significantly alters the atmospheres of low-mass pulsar companions have been discovered. These systems, ranging from ones with highly anisotropic heating to those with transient X-ray emissions, represent an exciting opportunity to investigate pulsars through the changes they induce in their companions. In this work, we present both analytic and numerical work investigating these phenomena, with a particular focus on atmospheric heat transport, transient phenomena, and the possibility of deep heating via gamma rays. We find that certain classes of binary systems may explain decadal-timescale X-ray transient phenomena, as well as the formation of so-called redback companion systems. We also posit an explanation for the formation of high-eccentricity millisecond pulsars with white dwarf companions. In addition, we examine the temperature anisotropy induced by the Pulsar in its companion, and demonstrate that this may be used to infer properties of both the companion and the Pulsar wind. Finally, we explore the possibility of spontaneously generated banded winds in rapidly rotating convecting objects.


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This study examines binding of α- and β-D-glucose in their equilibrium mixture to the glucose transporter (GLUT1) in human erythrocyte membrane preparations by an ^1H NMR method, the transferred NOE (TRNOE). This method is shown theoretically and experimentally to be a sensitive probe of weak ligand-macromolecule interactions. The TRNOEs observed are shown to arise solely from glucose binding to GLUT1. Sites at both membrane faces contribute to the TRNOEs. Binding curves obtained are consistent with a homogeneous class of sugar sites, with an apparent KD which varies (from ~30 mM to ~70 mM for both anomers) depending on the membrane preparation examined. Preparations with a higher proportion of the cytoplasmic membrane face exposed to bulk solution yield higher apparent KKDs. The glucose transport inhibitor cytochalasin B essentially eliminates the TRNOE. Nonlinearity was found in the dependence on sugar concentration of the apparent inhibition constant for cytochalasin B reversal of the TRNOE observed in the α anomer (and probably the β anomer); such nonlinearity implies the existence of ternary complexes of sugar, inhibitor and transporter. The inhibition results furthermore imply the presence of a class of relatively high-affinity (KD < 2mM) sugar sites specific for the α anomer which do not contribute to NMR-observable binding. The presence of two classes of sugar-sensitive cytochalasin B sites is also indicated. These results are compared with predictions of the alternating conformer model of glucose transport. Variation of apparent KD in the NMR-observable sites, the formation of ternary complexes and the presence of an anomer-specific site are shown to be inconsistent with this model. An alternate model is developed which reconciles these results with the known transport behavior of GLUT1. In this model, the transporter possesses (at minimum) three classes of sugar sites: (i) transport sites, which are alternately exposed to the cytoplasmic or the extracellular compartment, but never to both simultaneously, (ii) a class of sites (probably relatively low-affinity) which are confined to one compartment, and (iii) the high-affinity α anomer-specific sites, which are confined to the cytoplasmic compartment.


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Sedimentary rocks on Mars provide insight into past aqueous and atmospheric processes, climate regimes, and potential habitability. The stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary rocks on Mars is similar to that of Earth, indicating that the processes that govern deposition and erosion on Mars can be reasonably inferred through reference to analogous terrestrial systems. This dissertation aims to understand Martian surface processes through the use of (1) ground-based observations from the Mars Exploration Rovers, (2) orbital data from the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment onboard the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, and (3) the use of terrestrial field analogs to understand bedforms and sediment transport on Mars. Chapters 1 and 2 trace the history of aqueous activity at Meridiani Planum, through the reconstruction of eolian bedforms at Victoria crater, and the identification of a potential mudstone facies at Santa Maria crater. Chapter 3 uses Terrestrial Laser Scanning to study cross-bedding in pyroclastic surge deposits on Earth in order to understand sediment transport in these events and to establish criteria for their identification on Mars. The final chapter analyzes stratal geometries in the Martian North Polar Layered Deposits using tools for sequence stratigraphic analysis, to better constrain past surface processes and past climate conditions on Mars.


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The negative impacts of ambient aerosol particles, or particulate matter (PM), on human health and climate are well recognized. However, owing to the complexity of aerosol particle formation and chemical evolution, emissions control strategies remain difficult to develop in a cost effective manner. In this work, three studies are presented to address several key issues currently stymieing California's efforts to continue improving its air quality.

Gas-phase organic mass (GPOM) and CO emission factors are used in conjunction with measured enhancements in oxygenated organic aerosol (OOA) relative to CO to quantify the significant lack of closure between expected and observed organic aerosol concentrations attributable to fossil-fuel emissions. Two possible conclusions emerge from the analysis to yield consistency with the ambient organic data: (1) vehicular emissions are not a dominant source of anthropogenic fossil SOA in the Los Angeles Basin, or (2) the ambient SOA mass yields used to determine the SOA formation potential of vehicular emissions are substantially higher than those derived from laboratory chamber studies. Additional laboratory chamber studies confirm that, owing to vapor-phase wall loss, the SOA mass yields currently used in virtually all 3D chemical transport models are biased low by as much as a factor of 4. Furthermore, predictions from the Statistical Oxidation Model suggest that this bias could be as high as a factor of 8 if the influence of the chamber walls could be removed entirely.

Once vapor-phase wall loss has been accounted for in a new suite of laboratory chamber experiments, the SOA parameterizations within atmospheric chemical transport models should also be updated. To address the numerical challenges of implementing the next generation of SOA models in atmospheric chemical transport models, a novel mathematical framework, termed the Moment Method, is designed and presented. Assessment of the Moment Method strengths and weaknesses provide valuable insight that can guide future development of SOA modules for atmospheric CTMs.

Finally, regional inorganic aerosol formation and evolution is investigated via detailed comparison of predictions from the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ version 4.7.1) model against a suite of airborne and ground-based meteorological measurements, gas- and aerosol-phase inorganic measurements, and black carbon (BC) measurements over Southern California during the CalNex field campaign in May/June 2010. Results suggests that continuing to target sulfur emissions with the hopes of reducing ambient PM concentrations may not the most effective strategy for Southern California. Instead, targeting dairy emissions is likely to be an effective strategy for substantially reducing ammonium nitrate concentrations in the eastern part of the Los Angeles Basin.


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Metal complexes that utilize the 9,10-phenanthrene quinone diimine (phi) moiety bind to DNA through the major groove. These metallointercalators can recognize DNA sites and perform reactions on DNA as a substrate. The site-specific metallointercalator Λ-1-Rh(MGP)_2phi^(5+) competitively disrupts the major groove binding of a transcription factor, yAP-1, from an oligonucleotide that contains a common binding site. The demonstration that metal complexes can prevent transcription factor binding to DNA site-specifically is an important step in using metallointercalators as therapeutics.

The distinctive photochemistry of metallointercalators can also be applied to promote long range charge transport in DNA. Experiments using duplexes with regions 4 to 10 nucleotides long containing strictly adenine and thymine sequences of varying order showed that radical migration is more dependent on the sequence of bases, and less dependent on the distance between the guanine doublets. This result suggests that mechanistic proposals of long range charge transport must involve all the bases.

RNA/DNA hybrids show charge migration to guanines from a remote site, thus demonstrating that nucleic acid stacking other than B-form can serve as a radical bridge. Double crossover DNA assemblies also provide a medium for charge transport at distances up to 100 Å from the site of radical introduction by a tethered metal complex. This radical migration was found to be robust to mismatches, and limited to individual, electronically distinct base stacks. In single DNA crossover assemblies, which have considerably greater flexibility, charge migration proceeds to both base stacks due to conformational isomers not present in the rigid and tightly annealed double crossovers.

Finally, a rapid, efficient, gel-based technique was developed to investigate thymine dimer repair. Two oligonucleotides, one radioactively labeled, are photoligated via the bases of a thymine-thymine interface; reversal of this ligation is easily visualized by gel electrophoresis. This assay was used to show that the repair of thymine dimers from a distance through DNA charge transport can be accomplished with different photooxidants.

Thus, nucleic acids that support long range charge transport have been shown to include A-track DNA, RNA/DNA hybrids, and single and double crossovers, and a method for thymine dimer repair detection using charge transport was developed. These observations underscore and extend the remarkable finding that DNA can serve a medium for charge transport via the heteroaromatic base stack.


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This thesis describes a series of experimental studies of lead chalcogenide thermoelectric semiconductors, mainly PbSe. Focusing on a well-studied semiconductor and reporting good but not extraordinary zT, this thesis distinguishes itself by answering the following questions that haven’t been answered: What represents the thermoelectric performance of PbSe? Where does the high zT come from? How (and how much) can we make it better? For the first question, samples were made with highest quality. Each transport property was carefully measured, cross-verified and compared with both historical and contemporary report to overturn commonly believed underestimation of zT. For n- and p-type PbSe zT at 850 K can be 1.1 and 1.0, respectively. For the second question, a systematic approach of quality factor B was used. In n-type PbSe zT is benefited from its high-quality conduction band that combines good degeneracy, low band mass and low deformation potential, whereas zT of p-type is boosted when two mediocre valence bands converge (in band edge energy). In both cases the thermal conductivity from PbSe lattice is inherently low. For the third question, the use of solid solution lead chalcogenide alloys was first evaluated. Simple criteria were proposed to help quickly evaluate the potential of improving zT by introducing atomic disorder. For both PbTe1-xSex and PbSe1-xSx, the impacts in electron and phonon transport compensate each other. Thus, zT in each case was roughly the average of two binary compounds. In p-type Pb1-xSrxSe alloys an improvement of zT from 1.1 to 1.5 at 900 K was achieved, due to the band engineering effect that moves the two valence bands closer in energy. To date, making n-type PbSe better hasn’t been accomplished, but possible strategy is discussed.


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The objective of this thesis is to develop a framework to conduct velocity resolved - scalar modeled (VR-SM) simulations, which will enable accurate simulations at higher Reynolds and Schmidt (Sc) numbers than are currently feasible. The framework established will serve as a first step to enable future simulation studies for practical applications. To achieve this goal, in-depth analyses of the physical, numerical, and modeling aspects related to Sc>>1 are presented, specifically when modeling in the viscous-convective subrange. Transport characteristics are scrutinized by examining scalar-velocity Fourier mode interactions in Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) datasets and suggest that scalar modes in the viscous-convective subrange do not directly affect large-scale transport for high Sc. Further observations confirm that discretization errors inherent in numerical schemes can be sufficiently large to wipe out any meaningful contribution from subfilter models. This provides strong incentive to develop more effective numerical schemes to support high Sc simulations. To lower numerical dissipation while maintaining physically and mathematically appropriate scalar bounds during the convection step, a novel method of enforcing bounds is formulated, specifically for use with cubic Hermite polynomials. Boundedness of the scalar being transported is effected by applying derivative limiting techniques, and physically plausible single sub-cell extrema are allowed to exist to help minimize numerical dissipation. The proposed bounding algorithm results in significant performance gain in DNS of turbulent mixing layers and of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Next, the combined physical/mathematical behavior of the subfilter scalar-flux vector is analyzed in homogeneous isotropic turbulence, by examining vector orientation in the strain-rate eigenframe. The results indicate no discernible dependence on the modeled scalar field, and lead to the identification of the tensor-diffusivity model as a good representation of the subfilter flux. Velocity resolved - scalar modeled simulations of homogeneous isotropic turbulence are conducted to confirm the behavior theorized in these a priori analyses, and suggest that the tensor-diffusivity model is ideal for use in the viscous-convective subrange. Simulations of a turbulent mixing layer are also discussed, with the partial objective of analyzing Schmidt number dependence of a variety of scalar statistics. Large-scale statistics are confirmed to be relatively independent of the Schmidt number for Sc>>1, which is explained by the dominance of subfilter dissipation over resolved molecular dissipation in the simulations. Overall, the VR-SM framework presented is quite effective in predicting large-scale transport characteristics of high Schmidt number scalars, however, it is determined that prediction of subfilter quantities would entail additional modeling intended specifically for this purpose. The VR-SM simulations presented in this thesis provide us with the opportunity to overlap with experimental studies, while at the same time creating an assortment of baseline datasets for future validation of LES models, thereby satisfying the objectives outlined for this work.


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The electrical transport properties and lattice spacings of simple cubic Te-Au, Te-Au-Fe, and Te-Au-Mn alloys, prepared by rapid quenching from the liquid state, hove been measured and correlated with a proposed bond structure. The variations of superconducting transition temperature, absolute thermoelectric power, and lattice spacing with Te concentration all showed related anomalies in the binary Te-Au alloys. The unusual behavior of these properties has been interpreted by using nearly free electron theory to predict the effect of the second Brillouin zone boundary on the area of the Fermi surface, and the electronic density of states. The behavior of the superconducting transition temperature and the lattice parameter as Fe and Mn ore added further supports the proposed interpretation as well as providing information on the existence of localized magnetic states in the ternary alloys. In addition, it was found that a very distinct bond structure effect on the transition temperatures of the Te-Au-Fe alloys could be identified.


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Detection of biologically relevant targets, including small molecules, proteins, DNA, and RNA, is vital for fundamental research as well as clinical diagnostics. Sensors with biological elements provide a natural foundation for such devices because of the inherent recognition capabilities of biomolecules. Electrochemical DNA platforms are simple, sensitive, and do not require complex target labeling or expensive instrumentation. Sensitivity and specificity are added to DNA electrochemical platforms when the physical properties of DNA are harnessed. The inherent structure of DNA, with its stacked core of aromatic bases, enables DNA to act as a wire via DNA-mediated charge transport (DNA CT). DNA CT is not only robust over long molecular distances of at least 34 nm, but is also especially sensitive to anything that perturbs proper base stacking, including DNA mismatches, lesions, or DNA-binding proteins that distort the π-stack. Electrochemical sensors based on DNA CT have previously been used for single-nucleotide polymorphism detection, hybridization assays, and DNA-binding protein detection. Here, improvements to (i) the structure of DNA monolayers and (ii) the signal amplification with DNA CT platforms for improved sensitivity and detection are described.

First, improvements to the control over DNA monolayer formation are reported through the incorporation of copper-free click chemistry into DNA monolayer assembly. As opposed to conventional film formation involving the self-assembly of thiolated DNA, copper-free click chemistry enables DNA to be tethered to a pre-formed mixed alkylthiol monolayer. The total amount of DNA in the final film is directly related to the amount of azide in the underlying alkylthiol monolayer. DNA monolayers formed with this technique are significantly more homogeneous and lower density, with a larger amount of individual helices exposed to the analyte solution. With these improved monolayers, significantly more sensitive detection of the transcription factor TATA binding protein (TBP) is achieved.

Using low-density DNA monolayers, two-electrode DNA arrays were designed and fabricated to enable the placement of multiple DNA sequences onto a single underlying electrode. To pattern DNA onto the primary electrode surface of these arrays, a copper precatalyst for click chemistry was electrochemically activated at the secondary electrode. The location of the secondary electrode relative to the primary electrode enabled the patterning of up to four sequences of DNA onto a single electrode surface. As opposed to conventional electrochemical readout from the primary, DNA-modified electrode, a secondary microelectrode, coupled with electrocatalytic signal amplification, enables more sensitive detection with spatial resolution on the DNA array electrode surface. Using this two-electrode platform, arrays have been formed that facilitate differentiation between well-matched and mismatched sequences, detection of transcription factors, and sequence-selective DNA hybridization, all with the incorporation of internal controls.

For effective clinical detection, the two working electrode platform was multiplexed to contain two complementary arrays, each with fifteen electrodes. This platform, coupled with low density DNA monolayers and electrocatalysis with readout from a secondary electrode, enabled even more sensitive detection from especially small volumes (4 μL per well). This multiplexed platform has enabled the simultaneous detection of two transcription factors, TBP and CopG, with surface dissociation constants comparable to their solution dissociation constants.

With the sensitivity and selectivity obtained from the multiplexed, two working electrode array, an electrochemical signal-on assay for activity of the human methyltransferase DNMT1 was incorporated. DNMT1 is the most abundant human methyltransferase, and its aberrant methylation has been linked to the development of cancer. However, current methods to monitor methyltransferase activity are either ineffective with crude samples or are impractical to develop for clinical applications due to a reliance on radioactivity. Electrochemical detection of methyltransferase activity, in contrast, circumvents these issues. The signal-on detection assay translates methylation events into electrochemical signals via a methylation-specific restriction enzyme. Using the two working electrode platform combined with this assay, DNMT1 activity from tumor and healthy adjacent tissue lysate were evaluated. Our electrochemical measurements revealed significant differences in methyltransferase activity between tumor tissue and healthy adjacent tissue.

As differential activity was observed between colorectal tumor tissue and healthy adjacent tissue, ten tumor sets were subsequently analyzed for DNMT1 activity both electrochemically and by tritium incorporation. These results were compared to expression levels of DNMT1, measured by qPCR, and total DNMT1 protein content, measured by Western blot. The only trend detected was that hyperactivity was observed in the tumor samples as compared to the healthy adjacent tissue when measured electrochemically. These advances in DNA CT-based platforms have propelled this class of sensors from the purely academic realm into the realm of clinically relevant detection.


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DNA possesses the curious ability to conduct charge longitudinally through the π-stacked base pairs that reside within the interior of the double helix. The rate of charge transport (CT) through DNA has a shallow distance dependence. DNA CT can occur over at least 34 nm, a very long molecular distance. Lastly, DNA CT is exquisitely sensitive to disruptions, such as DNA damage, that affect the dynamics of base-pair stacking. Many DNA repair and DNA-processing enzymes are being found to contain 4Fe-4S clusters. These co-factors have been found in glycosylases, helicases, helicase-nucleases, and even enzymes such as DNA polymerase, RNA polymerase, and primase across the phylogeny. The role of these clusters in these enzymes has remained elusive. Generally, iron-sulfur clusters serve redox roles in nature since, formally, the cluster can exist in multiple oxidation states that can be accessed within a biological context. Taken together, these facts were used as a foundation for the hypothesis that DNA-binding proteins with 4Fe-4S clusters utilize DNA-mediated CT as a means to signal one another to scan the genome as a first step in locating the subtle damage that occurs within a sea of undamaged bases within cells.

Herein we describe a role for 4Fe-4S clusters in DNA-mediated charge transport signaling among EndoIII, MutY, and DinG, which are from distinct repair pathways in E. coli. The DinG helicase is an ATP-dependent helicase that contains a 4Fe-4S cluster. To study the DNA-bound redox properties of DinG, DNA-modified electrochemistry was used to show that the 4Fe-4S cluster of DNA-bound DinG is redox-active at cellular potentials, and shares the 80 mV vs. NHE redox potential of EndoIII and MutY. ATP hydrolysis by DinG increases the DNA-mediated redox signal observed electrochemically, likely reflecting better coupling of the 4Fe-4S cluster to DNA while DinG unwinds DNA, which could have interesting biological implications. Atomic force microscopy experiments demonstrate that DinG and EndoIII cooperate at long range using DNA charge transport to redistribute to regions of DNA damage. Genetics experiments, moreover, reveal that this DNA-mediated signaling among proteins also occurs within the cell and, remarkably, is required for cellular viability under conditions of stress. Knocking out DinG in CC104 cells leads to a decrease in MutY activity that is rescued by EndoIII D138A, but not EndoIII Y82A. DinG, thus, appears to help MutY find its substrate using DNA-mediated CT, but do MutY or EndoIII aid DinG in a similar way? The InvA strain of bacteria was used to observe DinG activity, since DinG activity is required within InvA to maintain normal growth. Silencing the gene encoding EndoIII in InvA results in a significant growth defect that is rescued by the overexpression of RNAseH, a protein that dismantles the substrate of DinG, R-loops. This establishes signaling between DinG and EndoIII. Furthermore, rescue of this growth defect by the expression of EndoIII D138A, the catalytically inactive but CT-proficient mutant of EndoIII, is also observed, but expression of EndoIII Y82A, which is CT-deficient but enzymatically active, does not rescue growth. These results provide strong evidence that DinG and EndoIII utilize DNA-mediated signaling to process DNA damage. This work thus expands the scope of DNA-mediated signaling within the cell, as it indicates that DNA-mediated signaling facilitates the activities of DNA repair enzymes across the genome, even for proteins from distinct repair pathways.

In separate work presented here, it is shown that the UvrC protein from E. coli contains a hitherto undiscovered 4Fe-4S cluster. A broad shoulder at 410 nm, characteristic of 4Fe-4S clusters, is observed in the UV-visible absorbance spectrum of UvrC. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy of UvrC incubated with sodium dithionite, reveals a spectrum with the signature features of a reduced, [4Fe-4S]+1, cluster. DNA-modified electrodes were used to show that UvrC has the same DNA-bound redox potential, of ~80 mV vs. NHE, as EndoIII, DinG, and MutY. Again, this means that these proteins are capable of performing inter-protein electron transfer reactions. Does UvrC use DNA-mediated signaling to facilitate the repair of its substrates?

UvrC is part of the nucleotide excision repair (NER) pathway in E. coli and is the protein within the pathway that performs the chemistry required to repair bulky DNA lesions, such as cyclopyrimidine dimers, that form as a product of UV irradiation. We tested if UvrC utilizes DNA-mediated signaling to facilitate the efficient repair of UV-induced DNA damage products by helping UvrC locate DNA damage. The UV sensitivity of E. coli cells lacking DinG, a putative signaling partner of UvrC, was examined. Knocking out DinG in E. coli leads to a sensitivity of the cells to UV irradiation. A 5-10 fold reduction in the amount of cells that survive after irradiation with 90 J/m2 of UV light is observed. This is consistent with the hypothesis that UvrC and DinG are signaling partners, but is this signaling due to DNA-mediated CT? Complementing the knockout cells with EndoIII D138A, which can also serve as a DNA CT signaling partner, rescues cells lacking DinG from UV irradiation, while complementing the cells with EndoIII Y82A shows no rescue of viability. These results indicate that there is cross-talk between the NER pathway and DinG via DNA-mediated signaling. Perhaps more importantly, this work also establishes that DinG, EndoIII, MutY, and UvrC comprise a signaling network that seems to be unified by the ability of these proteins to perform long range DNA-mediated CT signaling via their 4Fe-4S clusters.


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This thesis is the culmination of field and laboratory studies aimed at assessing processes that affect the composition and distribution of atmospheric organic aerosol. An emphasis is placed on measurements conducted using compact and high-resolution Aerodyne Aerosol Mass Spectrometers (AMS). The first three chapters summarize results from aircraft campaigns designed to evaluate anthropogenic and biogenic impacts on marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of California. Subsequent chapters describe laboratory studies intended to evaluate gas and particle-phase mechanisms of organic aerosol oxidation.

The 2013 Nucleation in California Experiment (NiCE) was a campaign designed to study environments impacted by nucleated and/or freshly formed aerosol particles. Terrestrial biogenic aerosol with > 85% organic mass was observed to reside in the free troposphere above marine stratocumulus. This biogenic organic aerosol (BOA) originated from the Northwestern United States and was transported to the marine atmosphere during periodic cloud-clearing events. Spectra recorded by a cloud condensation nuclei counter demonstrated that BOA is CCN active. BOA enhancements at latitudes north of San Francisco, CA coincided with enhanced cloud water concentrations of organic species such as acetate and formate.

Airborne measurements conducted during the 2011 Eastern Pacific Emitted Aerosol Cloud Experiment (E-PEACE) were aimed at evaluating the contribution of ship emissions to the properties of marine aerosol and clouds off the coast of central California. In one study, analysis of organic aerosol mass spectra during periods of enhanced shipping activity yielded unique tracers indicative of cloud-processed ship emissions (m/z 42 and 99). The variation of their organic fraction (f42 and f99) was found to coincide with periods of heavy (f42 > 0.15; f99 > 0.04), moderate (0.05 < f42 < 0.15; 0.01 < f99 < 0.04), and negligible (f42 < 0.05; f99 < 0.01) ship influence. Application of these conditions to all measurements conducted during E-PEACE demonstrated that a large fraction of cloud droplet (72%) and dry aerosol mass (12%) sampled in the California coastal study region was heavily or moderately influenced by ship emissions. Another study investigated the chemical and physical evolution of a controlled organic plume emitted from the R/V Point Sur. Under sunny conditions, nucleated particles composed of oxidized organic compounds contributed nearly an order of magnitude more cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) than less oxidized particles formed under cloudy conditions. The processing time necessary for particles to become CCN active was short ( < 1 hr) compared to the time needed for particles to become hygroscopic at sub-saturated humidity ( > 4 hr).

Laboratory chamber experiments were also conducted to evaluate particle-phase processes influencing aerosol phase and composition. In one study, ammonium sulfate seed was coated with a layer of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) from toluene oxidation followed by a layer of SOA from α-pinene oxidation. The system exhibited different evaporative properties than ammonium sulfate seed initially coated with α-pinene SOA followed by a layer of toluene SOA. This behavior is consistent with a shell-and-core model and suggests limited mixing among different SOA types. Another study investigated the reactive uptake of isoprene epoxy diols (IEPOX) onto non-acidified aerosol. It was demonstrated that particle acidity has limited influence on organic aerosol formation onto ammonium sulfate seed, and that the chemical system is limited by the availability of nucleophiles such as sulfate.

Flow tube experiments were conducted to examine the role of iron in the reactive uptake and chemical oxidation of glycolaldehyde. Aerosol particles doped with iron and hydrogen peroxide were mixed with gas-phase glycolaldehyde and photochemically aged in a custom-built flow reactor. Compared to particles free of iron, iron-doped aerosols significantly enhanced the oxygen to carbon (O/C) ratio of accumulated organic mass. The primary oxidation mechanism is suggested to be a combination of Fenton and photo-Fenton reactions which enhance particle-phase OH radical concentrations.


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An exact solution to the monoenergetic Boltzmann equation is obtained for the case of a plane isotropic burst of neutrons introduced at the interface separating two adjacent, dissimilar, semi-infinite media. The method of solution used is to remove the time dependence by a Laplace transformation, solve the transformed equation by the normal mode expansion method, and then invert to recover the time dependence.

The general result is expressed as a sum of definite, multiple integrals, one of which contains the uncollided wave of neutrons originating at the source plane. It is possible to obtain a simplified form for the solution at the interface, and certain numerical calculations are made there.

The interface flux in two adjacent moderators is calculated and plotted as a function of time for several moderator materials. For each case it is found that the flux decay curve has an asymptotic slope given accurately by diffusion theory. Furthermore, the interface current is observed to change directions when the scattering and absorption cross sections of the two moderator materials are related in a certain manner. More specifically, the reflection process in two adjacent moderators appears to depend initially on the scattering properties and for long times on the absorption properties of the media.

This analysis contains both the single infinite and semi-infinite medium problems as special cases. The results in these two special cases provide a check on the accuracy of the general solution since they agree with solutions of these problems obtained by separate analyses.


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Erosion is concentrated in steep landscapes such that, despite accounting for only a small fraction of Earth’s total surface area, these areas regulate the flux of sediment to downstream basins, and their rugged morphology records transient changes (or lack thereof) in geologic and climatic forcing. Steep landscapes are geomorphically active; large sediment fluxes and rapid landscape evolution rates can create or destroy habitat for humans and wildlife alike, and landslides, debris flows, and floods common in mountainous areas represent a persistent natural and structural hazard. Despite the central role that steep landscapes play in the geosciences and in landscape management, the processes controlling their evolution have been poorly studied compared to lower-gradient areas. This thesis focuses on the basic mechanics of sediment transport and bedrock incision in steep landscapes, as these are the fundamental processes which set the pace and style of landscape evolution. Chapter 1 examines the spatial distribution of slow-moving landslides; these landslides can dominate sediment fluxes to river networks, but the controls on their occurrence are poorly understood. Using a case-study along the San Andreas Fault, California, I show that slow-moving landslides preferentially occur near the fault, suggesting a rock-strength control on landslide distribution. Chapter 2 provides the first field-measurements of incipient sediment motion in streams steeper than 14% and shows a large influence of slope-dependent flow hydraulics and grain-scale roughness on particle motion. Chapter 3 presents experimental evidence for bedrock erosion by suspended sediment, suggesting that, in contrast to prevailing theoretical predictions, suspension-regime transport in steep streams can be the dominant erosion agent. Steep streams are often characterized by the presence of waterfalls and bedrock steps which can have locally high rates of erosion; Chapters 4 and 5 present newly developed, experimentally validated theory on sediment transport through and bedrock erosion in waterfall plunge pools. Finally, Chapter 6 explores the formation of a bedrock slot canyon where interactions between sediment transport and bedrock incision lead to the formation of upstream-propagating bedrock step-pools and waterfalls.