3 resultados para Aluminum oxides

em CaltechTHESIS


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Titanocene metallacyclobutanes show a wide variety of reactivites with organic and inorganic reagents. Their reactions include methylene transfer to organic carbonyls, formation of enolates, electron transfer from activated alkyl chlorides, olefin metathesis, ring opening polymerization. Recently, preparations of heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes were reported. In this thesis, mechanistic, synthetic, and structural studies of the heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes will be described. Also, the reaction of titanocene methylidene trimethylphosphine complex with alkene sulfide and styrene sulfide will be presented.

Heterobinuclear µ-methylene-µ-methyl complexes C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_2)( µ-CH_3)M(1,5-COD) have been prepared (M = Rh, Ir). X-ray crystallography showed that the methyl group of the complex was bonded to the rhodium and bridges to the titanium through an agostic bond. The ^(1)H,^(13)CNMR, IR spectra along with partial deuteration studies supported the structure in both solution and solid state. Activation of the agostic bond is demonstrated by the equilibration of the µ-CH_3 and µ-CH_2 groups. A nonlinear Arrhenius plot, an unusually large kinetic isotope effect (24(5)), and a large negative activation entropy (-64(3)eu) can be explained by the quantum-mechanical tunneling. Calculated rate constants with Bell-type barrier fitted well with the observed one. This equilibration was best explained by a 4e-4c mechanism (or σ bond metathesis) with the character of quantum-mechanical tunneling.

Heterobinuclear µ-methylene-µ-phenyl complexes were synthesized. Structural study of C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ-p-Me_(2)NC_(6)H_(4))Rh(l,5-COD) showed that the two metal atoms are bridged by the methylene carbon and the ipso carbon of the p-N,N-dimethylarninophenyl group. The analogous structure of C_(p2))Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ-o-MeOC_(6)H_(4))Rh(1,5-COD) has been verified by the differential NOE. The aromaticity of the phenyl group observed by ^(1)H NMR, was confirmed by the comparison of the C-C bond lengths in the crystallographic structure. The unusual downfield shifts of the ipso carbon in the ^(13)C NMR are assumed to be an indication of the interaction between the ipso carbon and electron-deficient titanium.

Titanium-platinum heterobinuclear µ-methylene complexes C_(p2)Ti(µ-CH_(2))(µ -X)Pt(Me)(PM_(2)Ph) have been prepared (X= Cl, Me). Structural studies indicate the following:(1) the Ti-CH2 bond possesses residual double bond character, (2) there is a dative Pt→Ti interaction which may be regarded as a π back donation from the platinum atom to the 'Ti=CH_(2)'' group, and (3) the µ-CH_3 group is bound to the titanium atom through a three-center, two-electron agostic bond.

Titanocene (η^(2)-thioformaldehyde)•PMe_3 was prepared from C_(p2)Ti=CH_(2)•PMe_3 and sulfur-containing organic compounds (e.g. alkene sulfide, triphenylphosphine sulfide) including elemental sulfur. Mechanistic studies utilizing trans-styrene sulfide-d_1 suggested the stepwise reaction to explain equimolar mixture of trans- and cis-styrene-d_1 as by-products. The product reacted with methyl iodide to produce cationic titanocene (η_(2)-thiomethoxymethyl) complex. Complexes having less coordinating anion like BF_4 or BPh_4 could be obtained through metathesis. Together with structural analyses, the further reactivities of the complexes have been explored.

The complex C_(p2)TiOCH_(2)CH(Ph)CH_2 was prepared from the compound C_(p2)Ti=CH_(2)-PMe_3 and styrene oxide. The product was characterized with ^(1)H-^(1)H correlated 2-dimensional NMR, selective decoupling of ^(1)H NMR, and differential NOE. Stereospecificity of deuterium in the product was lost when trans-styrene oxide-d_1 was allowed to react. Relative rates of the reaction were measured with varying substituents on the phenyl ring. Better linearity (r = -0.98, p^(+) = -0.79) was observed with σ_(p)^(+)than σ(r = -0.87, p = -1.26). The small magnitude of p^+ value and stereospecificity loss during the formation of product were best explained by the generation of biradicals, but partial generation of charge cannot be excluded. Carbonylation of the product followed by exposure to iodine yields the corresponding β-phenyl γ-lactone.


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The thermal decomposition of Cp*Ti(CH_3)_2 (Cp*≡ ƞ^5-C_5Me_5) toluene solution follows cleanly first-order kinetics and produces a single titanium product Cp*(C_5Me_4CH_2)Ti(CH_3) concurrent with the evolution of one equivalent of methane. Labeling studies using Cp*_2Ti- (CD_3)_2 and (Cp*-d_(15))_2Ti(CH_3)_2 show the decomposition to be intramolecular and the methane to be produced by the coupling of a methyl group with a hydrogen from the other TiCH_3 group. Activation parameters, ΔH^‡ and ΔS^‡, and kinetic deuterium isotope effects have been measured. The alternative decomposition pathways of α-hydrogen abstraction and a-hydrogen elimination, both leading to a titanium-methylidene intermediate, are discussed.

The insertion of unactivated acetylenes into the metal-hydride bonds of Cp*_2MH_2 (M = Zr, Hf) proceeds rapidly at low temperature to form monoand/ or bisinsertion products, dependent upon the steric bulk of the acetylene substituents. Cp*_2M(H)(C(Me)=CHMe), Cp*_2M(H)(CH=CHCMe_3), Cp*_2M(H)-(CH=CHPh), Cp*_2M(CH=CHPh)_2, Cp*_2M(CH=CHCH_3)_2 and Cp*_2Zr- (CH=CHCH_2CH_3)_2 have been isolated and characterized. To extend the study of unsaturated-carbon ligands, Cp*_2M(C≡CCH_3)_2 have been prepared by treating Cp*_2MCl_2 with LiC≡CCH_3. The reactivity of many of these complexes with carbon monoxide and dihydrogen is surveyed. The mono(2- butenyl) complexes Cp*_2M(H)(C(Me)=CHMe) rearrange at room temperature, forming the crotyl-hydride species Cp*_2M(H)(ƞ^3-C_4H_7). The bis(propenyl) and bis(l-butenyl) zirconium complexes Cp*_2Zr(CH=CHR)_2 (R = CH_3, CH_2CH_3) also rearrange, forming zirconacyclopentenes. Labeling studies, reaction chemistry, and kinetic measurements, including deuterium isotope effects, demonstrate that the unusual 6-hydrogen elimination from an sp^2-hybridized carbon is the first step in these latter rearrangements but is not observed in the former. Details of these mechanisms and the differences in reactivity of the zirconium and hafnium complexes are discussed.

The reactions of hydride- and alkyl-carbonyl derivatives of permethylniobocene with equimolar amounts of trialkylaluminum reagents occur rapidly producing the carbonyl adducts Cp*_2Nb(R)(COAlR'_3) (R = H, CH_3, CH_2CH_3, CH_2CH_2Ph, C(Me)=CHMe; R' = Me, Et). The hydride adduct Cp*_2NbH_3•AlEt_3 has also been formed. In solution, each of these compounds exists in equilibrium with the uncomplexed species. The formation constants for Cp*_2Nb(H)(COA1R'_R) have been measured. They indicate the steric bulk of the Cp* ligands plays a deciding factor in the isolation of the first example of an aluminum Lewis acid bound to a carbonyl-oxygen in preference to a metalhydride. Reactions of Cp*_2Nb(H)CO with other Lewis acids and of the one:one adducts with H_2, CO and C_2H_4 are also discussed.

Cp*_2Nb(H)(C_2H_4) also reacts with equimolar amounts of trialkylaluminum reagents, forming a one:one complex that ^1H NMR spectroscopy indicates contains a Nb-CH_2CH_2-Al bridge. This adduct also exists in equilibrium with the uncomplexed species in solution. The formation constant for Cp*_2N+/b(H)(CH_2CH_2ĀlEt_3) has been measured. Reactions of Cp*_2Nb(H)(C_2H_4) with other Lewis acids and the reactions of Cp*_2N+b(H)- (CH_2CH_2ĀlEt_3) with CO and C_2H_4 are described, as are the reactions of Cp_*2Nb(H)(CH_2=CHR) (R = Me, Ph), Cp*_2Nb(H)(CH_3C≡CCH_3) and Cp*_2Ti-(C_2H_4) with AlEt_3.


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In order to develop better catalysts for the cleavage of aryl-X bonds fundamental studies of the mechanism and individual steps of the mechanism have been investigated in detail. As the described studies are difficult at best in catalytic systems, model systems are frequently used. To study aryl-oxygen bond activation, a terphenyl diphosphine scaffold containing an ether moiety in the central arene was designed. The first three chapters of this dissertation focus on the studies of the nickel complexes supported by this diphosphine backbone and the research efforts in regards to aryl-oxygen bond activation.

Chapter 2 outlines the synthesis of a variety of diphosphine terphenyl ether ligand scaffolds. The metallation of these scaffolds with nickel is described. The reactivity of these nickel(0) systems is also outlined. The systems were found to typically undergo a reductive cleavage of the aryl oxygen bond. The mechanism was found to be a subsequent oxidative addition, β-H elimination, reductive elimination and (or) decarbonylation.

Chapter 3 presents kinetic studies of the aryl oxygen bond in the systems outlined in Chapter 2. Using a series of nickel(0) diphosphine terphenyl ether complexes the kinetics of aryl oxygen bond activation was studied. The activation parameters of oxidative addition for the model systems were determined. Little variation was observed in the rate and activation parameters of oxidative addition with varying electronics in the model system. The cause of the lack of variation is due to the ground state and oxidative addition transition state being affected similarly. Attempts were made to extend this study to catalytic systems.

Chapter 4 investigates aryl oxygen bond activation in the presence of additives. It was found that the addition of certain metal alkyls to the nickel(0) model system lead to an increase in the rate of aryl oxygen bond activation. The addition of excess Grignard reagent led to an order of magnitude increase in the rate of aryl oxygen bond activation. Similarly the addition of AlMe3 led to a three order of magnitude rate increase. Addition of AlMe3 at -80 °C led to the formation of an intermediate which was identified by NOESY correlations as a system in which the AlMe3 is coordinated to the ether moiety of the backbone. The rates and activation parameters of aryl oxygen bond activation in the presence of AlMe3 were investigated.

The last two chapters involve the study of metalla-macrocycles as ligands. Chapter 5 details the synthesis of a variety of glyoxime backbones and diphenol precursors and their metallation with aluminum. The coordination chemistry of iron on the aluminum scaffolds was investigated. Varying the electronics of the aluminum macrocycle was found to affect the observed electrochemistry of the iron center.

Chapter 6 extends the studies of chapter 5 to cobalt complexes. The synthesis of cobalt dialuminum glyoxime metal complexes is described. The electrochemistry of the cobalt complexes was investigated. The electrochemistry was compared to the observed electrochemistry of a zinc analog to identify the redox activity of the ligand. In the presence of acid the cobalt complexes were found to electrochemically reduce protons to dihydrogen. The electronics of the ancillary aluminum ligands were found to affect the potential of proton reduction in the cobalt complexes. These potentials were compared to other diglyoximate complexes.