4 resultados para 270205 Genetic Development (incl. Sex Determination)

em CaltechTHESIS


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The cells of the specialized mating structures of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans adult male tail develop from sex-specific divisions of postembryonic blast cells. One male-specific blast cell, B, is the precursor to all the cells of the copulatory spicules. Both cell interactions and autonomous fate specification mechanisms are utilized in the B lineage to specify fate.

During development the anterior daughter of B, B.a, generates four distinct pairs of cells. Cell ablation experiments indicate that the cells of each pair respond to positional cues provided by other male-specific blast cells. F and U promote anterior fates, Y.p promotes some posterior fates, and the B.a progeny promote posterior fates. The cells within each pair may also interact.

The lin-3/let-23 signalling pathway, identified for its function in C. elegans hermaphrodite vulval induction, mediates the signal from F and U. Reduction-of-function mutations in lin-3 (EGF-like signal), let-23 (receptor), sem-5 (adaptor), let-60 (ras), or lin-45 (raf) disrupt the fates of the anterior cells, and mimic F and U ablation. In addition, ectopically expressed lin-3 disrupts the fates of the posterior cells, and can promote anterior fates even in the absence of F and U.

A genetic screen of over 9000 mutagenized gametes recovered 22 mutations in 20 loci that disrupt fate specification in male tail lineages. Seven of these mutations may represent new genes that play a role in male tail development.

The first division of the B cell is asymmetric. The gene vab-3 is required for specification of B.a fates, and it may represent a factor whose activity is localized to the B.a cell via the gene lin-17. lin-17 acts both at the first division of the B cell and at specific other cell divisions in the lineage.


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Computation technology has dramatically changed the world around us; you can hardly find an area where cell phones have not saturated the market, yet there is a significant lack of breakthroughs in the development to integrate the computer with biological environments. This is largely the result of the incompatibility of the materials used in both environments; biological environments and experiments tend to need aqueous environments. To help aid in these development chemists, engineers, physicists and biologists have begun to develop microfluidics to help bridge this divide. Unfortunately, the microfluidic devices required large external support equipment to run the device. This thesis presents a series of several microfluidic methods that can help integrate engineering and biology by exploiting nanotechnology to help push the field of microfluidics back to its intended purpose, small integrated biological and electrical devices. I demonstrate this goal by developing different methods and devices to (1) separate membrane bound proteins with the use of microfluidics, (2) use optical technology to make fiber optic cables into protein sensors, (3) generate new fluidic devices using semiconductor material to manipulate single cells, and (4) develop a new genetic microfluidic based diagnostic assay that works with current PCR methodology to provide faster and cheaper results. All of these methods and systems can be used as components to build a self-contained biomedical device.


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The compound eye of Drosophila melanogaster begins to differentiate during the late third larval instar in the eye-antennal imaginal disc. A wave of morphogenesis crosses the disc from posterior to anterior, leaving behind precisely patterned clusters of photoreceptor cells and accessory cells that will constitute the adult ommatidia of the retina. By the analysis of genetically mosaic eyes, it appears that any cell in the eye disc can adopt the characteristics of any one of the different cell types found in the mature eye, including photoreceptor cells and non-neuronal accessory cells such as cone cells. Therefore, cells within the prospective retinal epithelium assume different fates presumably via information present in the environment. The sevenless^+ (sev^+) gene appears to play a role in the expression of one of the possible fates, since the mutant phenotype is the lack of one of the pattern elements, namely, photoreceptor cell R7. The sev^+ gene product had been shown to be required during development of the eye, and had also been shown in genetic mosaics to be autonomous to presumptive R7. As a means of better understanding the pathway instructing the differentiation R7, the gene and its protein product were characterized.

The sev+ gene was cloned by P-element transposon tagging, and was found to encode an 8.2 kb transcript expressed in developing eye discs and adult heads. By raising monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against a sev^+- β-galactosidase fusion protein, the expression of the protein in the eye disc was localized by immuno-electronmicroscopy. The protein localizes to the apical cell membranes and microvilli of cells in the eye disc epithelium. It appears during development at a time coincident with the initial formation of clusters, and in all the developing photoreceptors and accessory cone cells at a time prior to the overt differentiation of R7. This result is consistent with the pluripotency of cells in the eye disc. Its localization in the membranes suggests that it may receive information directing the development of R7. Its localization in the apical membranes and microvilli is away from the bulk of the cell contacts, which have been cited as a likely regions for information presentation and processing. Biochemical characterization of the sev^+ protein will be necessary to describe further its role in development.

Other mutations in Drosophila have eye phenotypes. These were analyzed to find which ones affected the initial patterning of cells in the eye disc, in order to identify other genes, like sev, whose gene products may be involved in generating the pattern. The adult eye phenotypes ranged from severe reduction of the eye, to variable numbers of photoreceptor cells per ommatidium, to sub de defects in the organization of the supporting cells. Developing eye discs from the different strains were screened using a panel of MAbs, which highlight various developmental stages. Two identified matrix elements in and anterior to the furrow, while others identified the developing ommatidia themselves, like the anti-sev MAb. Mutation phenotypes were shown to appear at many stages of development. Some mutations seem to affect the precursor cells, others, the setting up of the pattern, and still others, the maintenance of the pattern. Thus, additional genes have now been identified that may function to support the development of a complex pattern.


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As evolution progresses, developmental changes occur. Genes lose and gain molecular partners, regulatory sequences, and new functions. As a consequence, tissues evolve alternative methods to develop similar structures, more or less robust. How this occurs is a major question in biology. One method of addressing this question is by examining the developmental and genetic differences between similar species. Several studies of nematodes Pristionchus pacificus and Oscheius CEW1 have revealed various differences in vulval development from the well-studied C. elegans (e.g. gonad induction, competence group specification, and gene function.)

I approached the question of developmental change in a similar manner by using Caenorhabditis briggsae, a close relative of C. elegans. C. briggsae allows the use of transgenic approaches to determine developmental changes between species. We determined subtle changes in the competence group, in 1° cell specification, and vulval lineage.

We also analyzed the let-60 gene in four nematode species. We found conservation in the codon identity and exon-intron boundaries, but lack of an extended 3' untranslated region in Caenorhabditis briggsae.