34 resultados para Stickstoffmonoxyd (NO), endotheliale NO-Synthase (eNOS), NADPH-Oxidase, oxidativer Stress, Herzkreislauferkrankungen

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Superoxide dismutase (SOD) catalyzes the conversion of superoxide radical to hydrogen peroxide. Periplasmic localization of bacterial Cu,Zn-SOD has suggested a role of this enzyme in defense against extracellular phagocyte-derived reactive oxygen species. Sequence analysis of regions flanking the Salmonella typhimurium sodC gene encoding Cu,Zn-SOD demonstrates significant homology to λ phage proteins, reflecting possible bacteriophage-mediated horizontal gene transfer of this determinant among pathogenic bacteria. Salmonella deficient in Cu,Zn-SOD has reduced survival in macrophages and attenuated virulence in mice, which can be restored by abrogation of either the phagocyte respiratory burst or inducible nitric oxide synthase. Moreover, a sodC mutant is extremely susceptible to the combination of superoxide and nitric oxide. These observations suggest that SOD protects periplasmic or inner membrane targets by diverting superoxide and limiting peroxynitrite formation, and they demonstrate the ability of the respiratory burst and nitric oxide synthase to synergistically kill microbial pathogens in vivo.


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Little is known about the potential for engraftment of autologous hematopoietic stem cells in human adults not subjected to myeloablative conditioning regimens. Five adult patients with the p47phox deficiency form of chronic granulomatous disease received intravenous infusions of autologous CD34+ peripheral blood stem cells (PBSCs) that had been transduced ex vivo with a recombinant retrovirus encoding normal p47phox. Although marrow conditioning was not given, functionally corrected granulocytes were detectable in peripheral blood of all five patients. Peak correction occurred 3â6 weeks after infusion and ranged from 0.004 to 0.05% of total peripheral blood granulocytes. Corrected cells were detectable for as long as 6 months after infusion in some individuals. Thus, prolonged engraftment of autologous PBSCs and continued expression of the transduced gene can occur in adults without conditioning. This trial also piloted the use of animal protein-free medium and a blood-bank-compatible closed system of gas-permeable plastic containers for culture and transduction of the PBSCs. These features enhance the safety of PBSCs directed gene therapy.


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Pulmonary neuroepithelial bodies (NEB) are widely distributed throughout the airway mucosa of human and animal lungs. Based on the observation that NEB cells have a candidate oxygen sensor enzyme complex (NADPH oxidase) and an oxygen-sensitive K+ current, it has been suggested that NEB may function as airway chemoreceptors. Here we report that mRNAs for both the hydrogen peroxide sensitive voltage gated potassium channel subunit (KH2O2) KV3.3a and membrane components of NADPH oxidase (gp91phox and p22phox) are coexpressed in the NEB cells of fetal rabbit and neonatal human lungs. Using a microfluorometry and dihydrorhodamine 123 as a probe to assess H2O2 generation, NEB cells exhibited oxidase activity under basal conditions. The oxidase in NEB cells was significantly stimulated by exposure to phorbol esther (0.1 μM) and inhibited by diphenyliodonium (5 μM). Studies using whole-cell voltage clamp showed that the K+ current of cultured fetal rabbit NEB cells exhibited inactivating properties similar to KV3.3a transcripts expressed in Xenopus oocyte model. Exposure of NEB cells to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, the dismuted by-product of the oxidase) under normoxia resulted in an increase of the outward K+ current indicating that H2O2 could be the transmitter modulating the O2-sensitive K+ channel. Expressed mRNAs or orresponding protein products for the NADPH oxidase membrane cytochrome b as well as mRNA encoding KV3.3a were identified in small cell lung carcinoma cell lines. The studies presented here provide strong evidence for an oxidase-O2 sensitive potassium channel molecular complex operating as an O2 sensor in NEB cells, which function as chemoreceptors in airways and in NEB related tumors. Such a complex may represent an evolutionary conserved biochemical link for a membrane bound O2-signaling mechanism proposed for other cells and life forms.


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Superoxide anion (O2âˆ) plays a key role in the endogenous suppression of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) bioactivity and has been implicated in the development of hypertension. In previous studies, we found that O2∠is produced predominantly in the adventitia of isolated rabbit aorta and acts as a barrier to NO. In the present studies, we characterize the enzyme responsible for O2∠production in the adventitia and show that this enzyme is a constitutively active NADPH oxidase with similar composition as the phagocyte NADPH oxidase. Constitutive O2âˆ-generating activity was localized to aortic adventitial fibroblasts and was enhanced by the potent vasoconstrictor angiotensin II. Immunohistochemistry of aortic sections demonstrated the presence of p22phox, gp91phox, p47phox, and p67phox localized exclusively in rabbit aortic adventitia, coincident with the site of staining for O2∠production. Furthermore, immunodepletion of p67phox from adventitial fibroblast particulates resulted in the loss of NADPH oxidase activity, which could be restored by the addition of recombinant p67phox. Further study into the regulation of this adventitial source of O2∠is important in elucidating the mechanisms regulating the bioactivity of NO and may contribute to our understanding of the pathogenesis of hypertension.


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Two monoclonal antibodies, anti-IL8R1 and anti-IL8R2, raised against both interleukin 8 receptors (IL-8R) of human neutrophils, IL-8R1 and IL-8R2, were used to study individual receptor functions after stimulation with IL-8, GRO alpha, or NAP-2. Efficacy and selectivity of the antibodies were tested in Jurkat cells transfected with cDNA coding for one or the other receptor. The binding of 125 I labeled IL-8 and IL-8-induced changes of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration were inhibited by anti-IL8RI in cells expressing IL-8R1 and by anti-IL8R2 in cells expressing IL-8R2. In human neutrophils, release of elastase was observed after stimulation with IL-8 or GRO alpha. The response to IL-8 was inhibited slightly by anti-IL8R1 and more substantially when both monoclonal antibodies were present, while the response to GRO alpha was inhibited by anti-IL8R2 but was not affected by anti-IL8R1. These results indicate that both IL-8 receptors can signal independently for granule enzyme release. Superoxide production, a measure of the respiratory burst, was obtained with increasing concentrations of IL-8 with maximum effects at 25 to 50 nM, but no response was observed upon challenge with GRO alpha or NAP-2 up to 1000 nM. The superoxide production induced by IL-8 was inhibited by anti-IL8R1, but was not affected by anti-IL8R2. Stimulation of neutrophils with IL-8, in contrast to GRO alpha or NAP-2, also elicited phospholipase D activity. The effect of IL-8 was again inhibited by anti-IL-8R1 but not by anti-IL8R2, indicating that this response, like the respiratory burst, was mediated by IL-8R1. Taken together, our results show that IL-8R1 and IL-8R2 are functionally different. Responses, such as cytosolic free Ca2+ changes and the release of granule enzymes, are mediated through both receptors, whereas the respiratory burst and the activation of phospholipase D depend exclusively on stimulation through IL-8R1.


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Reactive oxygen intermediates generated by the phagocyte NADPH oxidase are critically important components of host defense. However, these highly toxic oxidants can cause significant tissue injury during inflammation; thus, it is essential that their generation and inactivation are tightly regulated. We show here that an endogenous proline-arginine (PR)-rich antibacterial peptide, PR-39, inhibits NADPH oxidase activity by blocking assembly of this enzyme through interactions with Src homology 3 domains of a cytosolic component. This neutrophil-derived peptide inhibited oxygen-dependent microbicidal activity of neutrophils in whole cells and in a cell-free assay of NADPH oxidase. Both oxidase inhibitory and direct antimicrobial activities were defined within the amino-terminal 26 residues of PR-39. Oxidase inhibition was attributed to binding of PR-39 to the p47phox cytosolic oxidase component. Its effects involve both a polybasic amino-terminal segment and a proline-rich core region of PR-39 that binds to the p47phox Src homology 3 domains and, thereby, inhibits interaction with the small subunit of cytochrome b558, p22phox. These findings suggest that PR-39, which has been shown to be involved in tissue repair processes, is a multifunctional peptide that can regulate NADPH oxidase production of superoxide anion O2-. thus limiting excessive tissue damage during inflammation.


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The phosphorylation-dependent mechanisms regulating activation of the human neutrophil respiratory-burst enzyme, NADPH oxidase, have not been elucidated. We have shown that phosphatidic acid (PA) and diacylglycerol (DG), products of phospholipase activation, synergize to activate NADPH oxidase in a cell-free system. We now report that activation by PA plus DG involves protein kinase activity, unlike other cell-free system activators. NADPH oxidase activation by PA plus DG is reduced approximately 70% by several protein kinase inhibitors [1-(5-isoquinolinesulfonyl)piperazine, staurosporine, GF-109203X]. Similarly, depletion of ATP by dialysis reduces PA plus DG-mediated NADPH oxidase activation by approximately 70%. Addition of ATP, but not a nonhydrolyzable ATP analog, to the dialyzed system restores activation levels to normal. In contrast, these treatments have little effect on NADPH oxidase activation by arachidonic acid or SDS plus DG. PA plus DG induces the phosphorylation of a number of endogenous proteins. Phosphorylation is largely mediated by PA, not DG. A predominant substrate is p47-phox, a phosphoprotein component of NADPH oxidase. Phosphorylation of p47-phox precedes activation of NADPH oxidase and is markedly reduced by the protein kinase inhibitors. In contrast, arachidonic acid alone or SDS plus DG is a poor activator of protein phosphorylation in the cell-free system. Thus, PA induces activation of one or more protein kinases that regulate NADPH oxidase activation in a cell-free system. This cell-free system will be useful for identifying a functionally important PA-activated protein kinase(s) and for dissecting the phosphorylation-dependent mechanisms responsible for NADPH oxidase activation.


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Tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) p55-knockout (KO) mice are susceptible profoundly to Salmonella infection. One day after peritoneal inoculation, TNFR-KO mice harbor 1,000-fold more bacteria in liver and spleen than wild-type mice despite the formation of well organized granulomas. Macrophages from TNFR-KO mice produce abundant quantities of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species in response to Salmonella but nevertheless exhibit poor bactericidal activity. Treatment with IFN-γ enhances killing by wild-type macrophages but does not restore the killing defect of TNFR-KO cells. Bactericidal activity of macrophages can be abrogated by a deletion in the gene encoding TNFα but not by saturating concentrations of TNF-soluble receptor, suggesting that intracellular TNFα can regulate killing of Salmonella by macrophages. Peritoneal macrophages from TNFR-KO mice fail to localize NADPH oxidase-containing vesicles to Salmonella-containing vacuoles. A TNFR-KO mutation substantially restores virulence to an attenuated mutant bacterial strain lacking the type III secretory system encoded by Salmonella pathogenicity island 2 (SPI2), suggesting that TNFα and SPI2 have opposing actions on a common pathway of vesicular trafficking. TNFαâTNFRp55 signaling plays a critical role in the immediate innate immune response to an intracellular pathogen by optimizing the delivery of toxic reactive oxygen species to the phagosome.


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The endothelial isoform of NO synthase (eNOS) is targeted to sphingolipid-enriched signal-transducing microdomains in the plasma membrane termed caveolae. Among the caveolae-targeted sphingolipids are the ceramides, a class of acylated sphingosine compounds that have been implicated in diverse cellular responses. We have explored the role of ceramide analogues in eNOS signaling in cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAEC). Addition of the ceramide analogue N-acetylsphingosine (C2-ceramide; 5 μM) to intact BAEC leads to a significant increase in NO synthase activity (assayed by using the fluorescent indicator 4,5-diaminofluorescein) and translocation of eNOS from the endothelial cell membrane to intracellular sites (measured by using quantitative immunofluorescence techniques); the biologically inactive ceramide N-acetyldihydrosphingosine is entirely without effect. C2-ceramide-induced eNOS activation and translocation are unaffected by the intracellular calcium chelator 1,2-bis-o-aminophenoxyethane-N,N,Nâ²,Nâ²-tetraacetic acid (BAPTA). Using the calcium-specific fluorescent indicator fluo-3, we also found that C2-ceramide activation of eNOS is unaccompanied by a drug-induced increase in intracellular calcium. These findings stand in sharp contrast to the mechanism by which bradykinin, estradiol, and other mediators acutely activate eNOS, in which a rapid, agonist-promoted increase in intracellular calcium is required. Finally, we show that treatment of BAEC with bradykinin causes a significant increase in cellular ceramide content; the response to bradykinin has an EC50 of 3 nM and is blocked by the bradykinin B2-receptor antagonist HOE140. Bradykinin-induced ceramide generation could represent a mechanism for longer-term regulation of eNOS activity. Our results suggest that ceramide functions independently of Ca2+-regulated pathways to promote activation and translocation of eNOS, and that this lipid mediator may represent a physiological regulator of eNOS in vascular endothelial cells.


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Nitric oxide produced in endothelial cells affects vascular tone. To investigate the role of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) in blood pressure regulation, we have generated mice heterozygous (+/âˆ) or homozygous (âˆ/âˆ) for disruption of the eNOS gene. Immunohistochemical staining with anti-eNOS antibodies showed reduced amounts of eNOS protein in +/∠mice and absence of eNOS protein in âˆ/∠mutant mice. Male or female mice of all three eNOS genotypes were indistinguishable in general appearance and histology, except that âˆ/∠mice had lower body weights than +/+ or +/∠mice. Blood pressures tended to be increased (by approximately 4 mmHg) in +/∠mice compared with +/+, while âˆ/∠mice had a significant increase in pressure compared with +/+ mice (âˆ18 mmHg) or +/∠mice (âˆ14 mmHg). Plasma renin concentration in the âˆ/∠mice was nearly twice that of +/+ mice, although kidney renin mRNA was modestly decreased in the âˆ/∠mice. Heart rates in the âˆ/∠mice were significantly lower than in +/∠or +/+ mice. Appropriate genetic controls show that these phenotypes in F2 mice are due to the eNOS mutation and are not due to sequences that might differ between the two parental strains (129 and C57BL/6J) and are linked either to the eNOS locus or to an unlinked chromosomal region containing the renin locus. Thus eNOS is essential for maintenance of normal blood pressures and heart rates. Comparisons between the current eNOS mutant mice and previously generated inducible nitric oxide synthase mutants showed that homozygous mutants for the latter differ in having unaltered blood pressures and heart rates; both are susceptible to lipopolysaccharide-induced death.


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Cardiac myocytes have been shown to express constitutively endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) (nitric oxide synthase 3), the activation of which has been implicated in the regulation of myocyte L-type voltage-sensitive calcium channel current (ICa-L) and myocyte contractile responsiveness to parasympathetic nervous system signaling, although this implication remains controversial. Therefore, we examined the effect of the muscarinic cholinergic agonist carbachol (CCh) on ICa-L and contractile amplitude in isoproterenol (ISO)-prestimulated ventricular myocytes isolated from adult mice, designated eNOSnull mice, with targeted disruption of the eNOS gene. Although both eNOSnull and wild-type (WT) ventricular myocytes exhibited similar increases in ICa-L in response to ISO, there was no measurable suppression of ICa-L by CCh in cells from eNOSnull mice, in contrast to cells from WT mice. These results were reflected in the absence of an effect of CCh on the positive inotropic effect of ISO in eNOSnull myocytes. Also, unlike myocytes from WT animals, eNOSnull myocytes failed to exhibit an increase in cGMP content in response to CCh. Nevertheless, the pharmacologic nitric oxide donors 3-morpholino-sydnonimine and S-nitroso-acetyl-cystein increased cGMP generation and suppressed ISO-augmented ICa-L in eNOSnull cells, suggesting that the signal transduction pathway(s) downstream of eNOS remained intact. Of importance, activation of the acetylcholine-activated K+ channel by CCh was unaffected in atrial and ventricular eNOSnull myocytes. These results confirm the obligatory role of eNOS in coupling muscarinic receptor activation to cGMP-dependent control of ICa-L in cardiac myocytes.


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Activation of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase complex requires the assembly of the cytosolic factors p47PHOX, p67PHOX, p40PHOX, and Rac1 or Rac2, with the membrane-bound cytochrome b558. Whereas the interaction of p47PHOX with cytochrome b558 is well established, an interaction between p67PHOX and cytochrome b558 has never been investigated. We report here a direct interaction between p67PHOX and cytochrome b558. First, labeled p67PHOX recognizes a 91-kDa band in specific granules from a normal patient but not from a cytochrome b558-deficient patient. Second, p67PHOX binds to cytochrome b558 that has been bound to nitrocellulose. Third, GTP-p67PHOX bound to glutathione agarose is able to pull down cytochrome b558. Rac1-GTP or Rac1-GDP increased the binding of p67PHOX to cytochrome b558, suggesting that at least one of the oxidase-related functions of Rac1 is to promote the interaction between p67PHOX and cytochrome b558.


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Nox1, a homologue of gp91phox, the catalytic moiety of the superoxide (O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document})-generating NADPH oxidase of phagocytes, causes increased O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document} generation, increased mitotic rate, cell transformation, and tumorigenicity when expressed in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts. This study explores the role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in regulating cell growth and transformation by Nox1. H2O2 concentration increased âˆ10-fold in Nox1-expressing cells, compared with <2-fold increase in O\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}{\mathrm{_{2}^{-}}}\end{equation*}\end{document}. When human catalase was expressed in Nox1-expressing cells, H2O2 concentration decreased, and the cells reverted to a normal appearance, the growth rate normalized, and cells no longer produced tumors in athymic mice. A large number of genes, including many related to cell cycle, growth, and cancer (but unrelated to oxidative stress), were expressed in Nox1-expressing cells, and more than 60% of these returned to normal levels on coexpression of catalase. Thus, H2O2 in low concentrations functions as an intracellular signal that triggers a genetic program related to cell growth.


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The membrane association of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) plays an important role in the biosynthesis of nitric oxide (NO) in vascular endothelium. Previously, we have shown that in cultured endothelial cells and in intact blood vessels, eNOS is found primarily in the perinuclear region of the cells and in discrete regions of the plasma membrane, suggesting trafficking of the protein from the Golgi to specialized plasma membrane structures. Here, we show that eNOS is found in Triton X-100-insoluble membranes prepared from cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells and colocalizes with caveolin, a coat protein of caveolae, in cultured bovine lung microvascular endothelial cells as determined by confocal microscopy. To examine if eNOS is indeed in caveolae, we purified luminal endothelial cell plasma membranes and their caveolae directly from intact, perfused rat lungs. eNOS is found in the luminal plasma membranes and is markedly enriched in the purified caveolae. Because palmitoylation of eNOS does not significantly influence its membrane association, we next examined whether this modification can affect eNOS targeting to caveolae. Wild-type eNOS, but not the palmitoylation mutant form of the enzyme, colocalizes with caveolin on the cell surface in transfected NIH 3T3 cells, demonstrating that palmitoylation of eNOS is necessary for its targeting into caveolae. These data suggest that the subcellular targeting of eNOS to caveolae can restrict NO signaling to specific targets within a limited microenvironment at the cell surface and may influence signal transduction through caveolae.


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We have reported a deficiency of a 91-kDa glycoprotein component of the phagocyte NADPH oxidase (gp91phox) in neutrophils, monocytes, and B lymphocytes of a patient with X chromosome-linked chronic granulomatous disease. Sequence analysis of his gp91phox gene revealed a single-base mutation (C â T) at position âˆ53. Electrophoresis mobility-shift assays showed that both PU.1 and hematopoietic-associated factor 1 (HAF-1) bound to the inverted PU.1 consensus sequence centered at position âˆ53 of the gp91phox promoter, and the mutation at position âˆ53 strongly inhibited the binding of both factors. It was also indicated that a mutation at position âˆ50 strongly inhibited PU.1 binding but hardly inhibited HAF-1 binding, and a mutation at position âˆ56 had an opposite binding specificity for these factors. In transient expression assay using HEL cells, which express PU.1 and HAF-1, the mutations at positions âˆ53 and âˆ50 significantly reduced the gp91phox promoter activity; however, the mutation at position âˆ56 did not affect the promoter activity. In transient cotransfection study, PU.1 dramatically activated the gp91phox promoter in Jurkat T cells, which originally contained HAF-1 but not PU.1. In addition, the single-base mutation (C â T) at position âˆ52 that was identified in a patient with chronic granulomatous disease inhibited the binding of PU.1 to the promoter. We therefore conclude that PU.1 is an essential activator for the expression of gp91phox gene in human neutrophils, monocytes, and B lymphocytes.