28 resultados para Motors.

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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Chromophore-assisted light inactivation (CALI) offers the only method capable of modulating specific protein activities in localized regions and at particular times. Here, we generalize CALI so that it can be applied to a wider range of tasks. Specifically, we show that CALI can work with a genetically inserted epitope tag; we investigate the effectiveness of alternative dyes, especially fluorescein, comparing them with the standard CALI dye, malachite green; and we study the relative efficiencies of pulsed and continuous-wave illumination. We then use fluorescein-labeled hemagglutinin antibody fragments, together with relatively low-power continuous-wave illumination to examine the effectiveness of CALI targeted to kinesin. We show that CALI can destroy kinesin activity in at least two ways: it can either result in the apparent loss of motor activity, or it can cause irreversible attachment of the kinesin enzyme to its microtubule substrate. Finally, we apply this implementation of CALI to an in vitro system of motor proteins and microtubules that is capable of self-organized aster formation. In this system, CALI can effectively perturb local structure formation by blocking or reducing the degree of aster formation in chosen regions of the sample, without influencing structure formation elsewhere.


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Kinesin molecular motor proteins are responsible for many of the major microtubule-dependent transport pathways in neuronal and non-neuronal cells. Elucidating the transport pathways mediated by kinesins, the identity of the cargoes moved, and the nature of the proteins that link kinesin motors to cargoes are areas of intense investigation. Kinesin-II recently was found to be required for transport in motile and nonmotile cilia and flagella where it is essential for proper left-right determination in mammalian development, sensory function in ciliated neurons, and opsin transport and viability in photoreceptors. Thus, these pathways and proteins may be prominent contributors to several human diseases including ciliary dyskinesias, situs inversus, and retinitis pigmentosa. Kinesin-I is needed to move many different types of cargoes in neuronal axons. Two candidates for receptor proteins that attach kinesin-I to vesicular cargoes were recently found. One candidate, sunday driver, is proposed to both link kinesin-I to an unknown vesicular cargo and to bind and organize the mitogen-activated protein kinase components of a c-Jun N-terminal kinase signaling module. A second candidate, amyloid precursor protein, is proposed to link kinesin-I to a different, also unknown, class of axonal vesicles. The finding of a possible functional interaction between kinesin-I and amyloid precursor protein may implicate kinesin-I based transport in the development of Alzheimer's disease.


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Proper chromosome segregation in eukaryotes depends upon the mitotic and meiotic spindles, which assemble at the time of cell division and then disassemble upon its completion. These spindles are composed in large part of microtubules, which either generate force by controlled polymerization and depolymerization or transduce force generated by molecular microtubule motors. In this review, we discuss recent insights into chromosome segregation mechanisms gained from the analyses of force generation during meiosis and mitosis. These analyses have demonstrated that members of the kinesin superfamily and the dynein family are essential in all organisms for proper chromosome and spindle behavior. It is also apparent that forces generated by microtubule polymerization and depolymerization are capable of generating forces sufficient for chromosome movement in vitro; whether they do so in vivo is as yet unclear. An important realization that has emerged is that some spindle activities can be accomplished by more than one motor so that functional redundancy is evident. In addition, some meiotic or mitotic movements apparently occur through the cooperative action of independent semiredundant processes. Finally, the molecular characterization of kinesin-related proteins has revealed that variations both in primary sequence and in associations with other proteins can produce motor complexes that may use a variety of mechanisms to transduce force in association with microtubules. Much remains to be learned about the regulation of these activities and the coordination of opposing and cooperative events involved in chromosome segregation; this set of problems represents one of the most important future frontiers of research.


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The internal mechanism of cilia is among the most ancient biological motors on an evolutionary scale. It produces beat patterns that consist of two phases: during the effective stroke, the cilium moves approximately as a straight rod, and during the recovery stroke, it rolls close to the surface in a tangential motion. It is commonly agreed that these two phases are designed for efficient functioning: the effective stroke encounters strong viscous resistance and generates thrust, whereas the recovery stroke returns the cilium to starting position while avoiding viscous resistance. Metachronal coordination between cilia, which occurs when many of them beat close to each other, is believed to be an autonomous result of the hydrodynamical interactions in the system. Qualitatively, metachronism is perceived as a way for reducing the energy expenditure required for beating. This paper presents a quantitative study of the energy expenditure of beating cilia, and of the energetic significance of metachronism. We develop a method for computing the work done by model cilia that beat in a viscous fluid. We demonstrate that for a single cilium, beating in water, the mechanical work done during the effective stroke is approximately five times the amount of work done during the recovery stroke. Investigation of multicilia configurations shows that having neighboring cilia beat metachronally is energetically advantageous and perhaps even crucial for multiciliary functioning. Finally, the model is used to approximate the number of dynein arm attachments that are likely to occur during the effective and recovery strokes of a beat cycle, predicting that almost all of the available dynein arms should participate in generating the motion.


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KIF (kinesin superfamily) proteins are microtubule-dependent molecular motors that play important roles in intracellular transport and cell division. The extent to which KIFs are involved in various transporting phenomena, as well as their regulation mechanism, are unknown. The identification of 16 new KIFs in this report doubles the existing number of KIFs known in the mouse. Conserved nucleotide sequences in the motor domain were amplified by PCR using cDNAs of mouse nervous tissue, kidney, and small intestine as templates. The new KIFs were studied with respect to their expression patterns in different tissues, chromosomal location, and molecular evolution. Our results suggest that (i) there is no apparent tendency among related subclasses of KIFs of cosegregation in chromosomal mapping, and (ii) according to their tissue distribution patterns, KIFs can be divided into two classes–i.e., ubiquitous and specific tissue-dominant. Further characterization of KIFs may elucidate unknown fundamental phenomena underlying intracellular transport. Finally, we propose a straightforward nomenclature system for the members of the mouse kinesin superfamily.


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Neuritic outgrowth is a striking example of directed motility, powered through the actions of molecular motors. Members of the myosin superfamily of actin-associated motors have been implicated in this complex process. Although conventional myosin II is known to be present in neurons, where it is localized at the leading edge of growth cones and in the cell cortex close to the plasma membrane, its functional involvement in growth cone motility has remained unproven. Here, we show that antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides, complementary to a specific isoform of conventional myosin (myosin IIB), attenuate filopodial extension whereas sense and scrambled control oligodeoxyribonucleotides have no effect. Attenuation is shown to be reversible, neurite outgrowth being restored after cessation of the antisense regimen. Myosin IIB mRNA was present during active neurite extension, but levels were minimal in phenotypically rounded cells before neurite outgrowth and message levels decreased during antisense treatment. By contrast, the myosin IIA isoform is shown to be expressed constitutively both before and during neurite outgrowth and throughout exposure to myosin IIB antisense oligodeoxyribonucleotides. These results provide direct evidence that a conventional two-headed myosin is required for growth cone motility and is responsible, at least in part, for driving neuritic process outgrowth.


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Although microtubules (MTs) are generally thought to originate at the centrosome, a number of cell types have significant populations of MTs with no apparent centrosomal connection. The origin of these noncentrosomal MTs has been unclear. We applied kinetic analysis of MT formation in vivo to establish their mode of origin. Time-lapse fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that noncentrosomal MTs in cultured epithelial cells arise primarily by constitutive nucleation at, and release from, the centrosome. After release, MTs moved away from the centrosome and tended to depolymerize. Laser-marking experiments demonstrated that released MTs moved individually with their plus ends leading, suggesting that they were transported by minus end-directed motors. Released MTs were dynamic. The laser marking experiments demonstrated that plus ends of released MTs grew, paused, or shortened while the minus ends were stable or shortened. Microtubule release may serve two kinds of cellular function. Release and transport could generate the noncentrosomal MT arrays observed in epithelial cells, neurons, and other asymmetric, differentiated cells. Release would also contribute to polymer turnover by exposing MT minus ends, thereby providing additional sites for loss of subunits. The noncentrosomal population of MTs may reflect a steady-state of centrosomal nucleation, release, and dynamics.


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Chemosensation in the nervous system of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans depends on sensory cilia, whose assembly and maintenance requires the transport of components such as axonemal proteins and signal transduction machinery to their site of incorporation into ciliary structures. Members of the heteromeric kinesin family of microtubule motors are prime candidates for playing key roles in these transport events. Here we describe the molecular characterization and partial purification of two heteromeric kinesin complexes from C. elegans, heterotrimeric CeKinesin-II and dimeric CeOsm-3. Transgenic worms expressing green fluorescent protein driven by endogenous heteromeric kinesin promoters reveal that both CeKinesin-II and CeOsm-3 are expressed in amphid, inner labial, and phasmid chemosensory neurons. Additionally, immunolocalization experiments on fixed worms show an intense concentration of CeKinesin-II and CeOsm-3 polypeptides in the ciliated endings of these chemosensory neurons and a punctate localization pattern in the corresponding cell bodies and dendrites. These results, together with the phenotypes of known mutants in the pathway of sensory ciliary assembly, suggest that CeKinesin-II and CeOsm-3 drive the transport of ciliary components required for sequential steps in the assembly of chemosensory cilia.


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Proteins of the kinesin superfamily define a class of microtubule-dependent motors that play crucial roles in cell division and intracellular transport. To study the molecular mechanism of axonal transport, a cDNA encoding a new kinesin-like protein called KIF3C was cloned from a mouse brain cDNA library. Sequence and secondary structure analysis revealed that KIF3C is a member of the KIF3 family. In contrast to KIF3A and KIF3B, Northern and Western analysis indicated that KIF3C expression is highly enriched in neural tissues such as brain, spinal cord, and retina. When anti-KIF3C antibodies were used to stain the cerebellum, the strongest signal came from the cell bodies and dendrites of Purkinje cells. In retina, anti-KIF3C mainly stains the ganglion cells. Immunolocalization showed that the KIF3C motor in spinal cord and sciatic nerve is mainly localized in cytoplasm. In spinal cord, the KIF3C staining was punctate; double labeling with anti-giantin and anti-KIF3C showed a clear concentration of the motor protein in the Golgi complex. Staining of ligated sciatic nerves demonstrated that the KIF3C motor accumulated at the proximal side of the ligated nerve, which suggests that KIF3C is an anterograde motor. Immunoprecipitation experiments revealed that KIF3C and KIF3A, but not KIF3B, were coprecipitated. These data, combined with previous data from other labs, indicate that KIF3C and KIF3B are “variable” subunits that associate with a common KIF3A subunit, but not with each other. Together these results suggest that KIF3 family members combinatorially associate to power anterograde axonal transport.


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Bacterial flagellar motors rotate, obtaining power from the membrane gradient of protons or, in some species, sodium ions. Torque generation in the flagellar motor must involve interactions between components of the rotor and components of the stator. Sites of interaction between the rotor and stator have not been identified. Mutational studies of the rotor protein FliG and the stator protein MotA showed that both proteins contain charged residues essential for motor rotation. This suggests that functionally important electrostatic interactions might occur between the rotor and stator. To test this proposal, we examined double mutants with charged-residue substitutions in both the rotor protein FliG and the stator protein MotA. Several combinations of FliG mutations with MotA mutations exhibited strong synergism, whereas others showed strong suppression, in a pattern that indicates that the functionally important charged residues of FliG interact with those of MotA. These results identify a functionally important site of interaction between the rotor and stator and suggest a hypothesis for electrostatic interactions at the rotor–stator interface.


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By using elastic measurements on single DNA molecules, we show that stretching a negatively supercoiled DNA activates homologous pairing in physiological conditions. These experiments indicate that a stretched unwound DNA locally denatures to alleviate the force-driven increase in torsional stress. This is detected by hybridization with 1 kb of homologous single-stranded DNA probes. The stretching force involved (≈2 pN) is small compared with those typically developed by molecular motors, suggesting that this process may be relevant to DNA processing in vivo. We used this technique to monitor the progressive denaturation of DNA as it is unwound and found that distinct, stable denaturation bubbles formed, beginning in A+T-rich regions.


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Alpha herpesviruses infect the vertebrate nervous system resulting in either mild recurrent lesions in mucosal epithelia or fatal encephalitis. Movement of virions within the nervous system is a critical factor in the outcome of infection; however, the dynamics of individual virion transport have never been assessed. Here we visualized and tracked individual viral capsids as they moved in axons away from infected neuronal cell bodies in culture. The observed movement was compatible with fast axonal flow mediated by multiple microtubule motors. Capsids accumulated at axon terminals, suggesting that spread from infected neurons required cell contact.


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Efficient motility of the eukaryotic flagellum requires precise temporal and spatial control of its constituent dynein motors. The central pair and its associated structures have been implicated as important members of a signal transduction cascade that ultimately regulates dynein arm activity. To identify central pair components involved in this process, we characterized a Chlamydomonas motility mutant (pf6-2) obtained by insertional mutagenesis. pf6-2 flagella twitch ineffectively and lack the 1a projection on the C1 microtubule of the central pair. Transformation with constructs containing a full-length, wild-type copy of the PF6 gene rescues the functional, structural, and biochemical defects associated with the pf6 mutation. Sequence analysis indicates that the PF6 gene encodes a large polypeptide that contains numerous alanine-rich, proline-rich, and basic domains and has limited homology to an expressed sequence tag derived from a human testis cDNA library. Biochemical analysis of an epitope-tagged PF6 construct demonstrates that the PF6 polypeptide is an axonemal component that cosediments at 12.6S with several other polypeptides. The PF6 protein appears to be an essential component required for assembly of some of these polypeptides into the C1-1a projection.


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Cochlear outer hair cells (OHCs) are responsible for the exquisite sensitivity, dynamic range, and frequency-resolving capacity of the mammalian hearing organ. These unique cells respond to an electrical stimulus with a cycle-by-cycle change in cell length that is mediated by molecular motors in the cells' basolateral membrane. Recent work identified prestin, a protein with similarity to pendrin-related anion transporters, as the OHC motor molecule. Here we show that heterologously expressed prestin from rat OHCs (rprestin) exhibits reciprocal electromechanical properties as known for the OHC motor protein. Upon electrical stimulation in the microchamber configuration, rprestin generates mechanical force with constant amplitude and phase up to a stimulus frequency of at least 20 kHz. Mechanical stimulation of rprestin in excised outside-out patches shifts the voltage dependence of the nonlinear capacitance characterizing the electrical properties of the molecule. The results indicate that rprestin is a molecular motor that displays reciprocal electromechanical properties over the entire frequency range relevant for mammalian hearing.


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The past decade has seen a remarkable explosion in our knowledge of the size and diversity of the myosin superfamily. Since these actin-based motors are candidates to provide the molecular basis for many cellular movements, it is essential that motility researchers be aware of the complete set of myosins in a given organism. The availability of cDNA and/or draft genomic sequences from humans, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Arabidopsis thaliana, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Schizosaccharomyces pombe, and Dictyostelium discoideum has allowed us to tentatively define and compare the sets of myosin genes in these organisms. This analysis has also led to the identification of several putative myosin genes that may be of general interest. In humans, for example, we find a total of 40 known or predicted myosin genes including two new myosins-I, three new class II (conventional) myosins, a second member of the class III/ninaC myosins, a gene similar to the class XV deafness myosin, and a novel myosin sharing at most 33% identity with other members of the superfamily. These myosins are in addition to the recently discovered class XVI myosin with N-terminal ankyrin repeats and two human genes with similarity to the class XVIII PDZ-myosin from mouse. We briefly describe these newly recognized myosins and extend our previous phylogenetic analysis of the myosin superfamily to include a comparison of the complete or nearly complete inventories of myosin genes from several experimentally important organisms.