9 resultados para K most critical paths

em National Center for Biotechnology Information - NCBI


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The nuclear spin polarization of 129Xe can be enhanced by several orders of magnitude by using optical pumping techniques. The increased sensitivity of xenon NMR has allowed imaging of lungs as well as other in vivo applications. The most critical parameter for efficient delivery of laser-polarized xenon to blood and tissues is the spin-lattice relaxation time (T1) of xenon in blood. In this work, the relaxation of laser-polarized xenon in human blood is measured in vitro as a function of blood oxygenation. Interactions with dissolved oxygen and with deoxyhemoglobin are found to contribute to the spin-lattice relaxation time of 129Xe in blood, the latter interaction having greater effect. Consequently, relaxation times of 129Xe in deoxygenated blood are shorter than in oxygenated blood. In samples with oxygenation equivalent to arterial and venous blood, the 129Xe T1s at 37°C and a magnetic field of 1.5 T were 6.4 s ± 0.5 s and 4.0 s ± 0.4 s, respectively. The 129Xe spin-lattice relaxation time in blood decreases at lower temperatures, but the ratio of T1 in oxygenated blood to that in deoxygenated blood is the same at 37°C and 25°C. A competing ligand has been used to show that xenon binding to albumin contributes to the 129Xe spin-lattice relaxation in blood plasma. This technique is promising for the study of xenon interactions with macromolecules.


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The BCL-2 family of proteins is composed of both pro- and antiapoptotic regulators, although its most critical biochemical functions remain uncertain. The structural similarity between the BCL-XL monomer and several ion-pore-forming bacterial toxins has prompted electrophysiologic studies. Both BAX and BCL-2 insert into KCl-loaded vesicles in a pH-dependent fashion and demonstrate macroscopic ion efflux. Release is maximum at ≈pH 4.0 for both proteins; however, BAX demonstrates a broader pH range of activity. Both purified proteins also insert into planar lipid bilayers at pH 4.0. Single-channel recordings revealed a minimal channel conductance for BAX of 22 pS that evolved to channel currents with at least three subconductance levels. The final, apparently stable BAX channel had a conductance of 0.731 nS at pH 4.0 that changed to 0.329 nS when shifted to pH 7.0 but remained mildly Cl− selective and predominantly open. When BAX-incorporated lipid vesicles were fused to planar lipid bilayers at pH 7.0, a Cl−-selective (PK/PCl = 0.3) 1.5-nS channel displaying mild inward rectification was noted. In contrast, BCL-2 formed mildly K+-selective (PK/PCl = 3.9) channels with a most prominent initial conductance of 80 pS that increased to 1.90 nS. Fusion of BCL-2-incorporated lipid vesicles into planar bilayers at pH 7.0 also revealed mild K+ selectivity (PK/PCl = 2.4) with a maximum conductance of 1.08 nS. BAX and BCL-2 each form channels in artificial membranes that have distinct characteristics including ion selectivity, conductance, voltage dependence, and rectification. Thus, one role of these molecules may include pore activity at selected membrane sites.


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Alzheimer's disease produces a devastating decline in mental function, with profound effects on learning and memory. Early consequences of the disease include the specific loss of cholinergic neurons in brain, diminished cholinergic signaling, and the accumulation of β-amyloid peptide in neuritic plaques. Of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors at risk, the most critical may be those containing the α7 gene product (α7-nAChRs), because they are widespread, have a high relative permeability to calcium, and regulate numerous cellular events in the nervous system. With the use of whole-cell patch–clamp recording we show here that nanomolar concentrations of β-amyloid peptides specifically and reversibly block α7-nAChRs on rat hippocampal neurons in culture. The block is noncompetitive, voltage-independent, and use-independent and is mediated through the N-terminal extracellular domain of the receptor. It does not appear to require either calcium influx or G protein activation. β-Amyloid blockade is likely to be a common feature of α7-nAChRs because it applies to the receptors at both somato-dendritic and presynaptic locations on rat hippocampal neurons and extends to homologous receptors on chick ciliary ganglion neurons as well. Because α7-nAChRs in the central nervous system are thought to have numerous functions and recently have been implicated in learning and memory, impaired receptor function in this case may contribute to cognitive deficits associated with Alzheimer's disease.


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The bovine papillomavirus type 1 (BPV-1) exonic splicing suppressor (ESS) is juxtaposed immediately downstream of BPV-1 splicing enhancer 1 and negatively modulates selection of a suboptimal 3′ splice site at nucleotide 3225. The present study demonstrates that this pyrimidine-rich ESS inhibits utilization of upstream 3′ splice sites by blocking early steps in spliceosome assembly. Analysis of the proteins that bind to the ESS showed that the U-rich 5′ region binds U2AF65 and polypyrimidine tract binding protein, the C-rich central part binds 35- and 54–55-kDa serine/arginine-rich (SR) proteins, and the AG-rich 3′ end binds alternative splicing factor/splicing factor 2. Mutational and functional studies indicated that the most critical region of the ESS maps to the central C-rich core (GGCUCCCCC). This core sequence, along with additional nonspecific downstream nucleotides, is sufficient for partial suppression of spliceosome assembly and splicing of BPV-1 pre-mRNAs. The inhibition of splicing by the ESS can be partially relieved by excess purified HeLa SR proteins, suggesting that the ESS suppresses pre-mRNA splicing by interfering with normal bridging and recruitment activities of SR proteins.


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Pax proteins, characterized by the presence of a paired domain, play key regulatory roles during development. The paired domain is a bipartite DNA-binding domain that contains two helix–turn–helix domains joined by a linker region. Each of the subdomains, the PAI and RED domains, has been shown to be a distinct DNA-binding domain. The PAI domain is the most critical, but in specific circumstances, the RED domain is involved in DNA recognition. We describe a Pax protein, originally called Lune, that is the product of the Drosophila eye gone gene (eyg). It is unique among Pax proteins, because it contains only the RED domain. eyg seems to play a role both in the organogenesis of the salivary gland during embryogenesis and in the development of the eye. A high-affinity binding site for the Eyg RED domain was identified by using systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment techniques. This binding site is related to a binding site previously identified for the RED domain of the Pax-6 5a isoform. Eyg also contains another DNA-binding domain, a Prd-class homeodomain (HD), whose palindromic binding site is similar to other Prd-class HDs. The ability of Pax proteins to use the PAI, RED, and HD, or combinations thereof, may be one mechanism that allows them to be used at different stages of development to regulate various developmental processes through the activation of specific target genes.


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Xenopus oocyte maturation requires the phosphorylation and activation of p42 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Likewise, the dephosphorylation and inactivation of p42 MAPK are critical for the progression of fertilized eggs out of meiosis and through the first mitotic cell cycle. Whereas the kinase responsible for p42 MAPK activation is well characterized, little is known concerning the phosphatases that inactivate p42 MAPK. We designed a microinjection-based assay to examine the mechanism of p42 MAPK dephosphorylation in intact oocytes. We found that p42 MAPK inactivation is mediated by at least two distinct phosphatases, an unidentified tyrosine phosphatase and a protein phosphatase 2A–like threonine phosphatase. The rates of tyrosine and threonine dephosphorylation were high and remained constant throughout meiosis, indicating that the dramatic changes in p42 MAPK activity seen during meiosis are primarily attributable to changes in MAPK kinase activity. The overall control of p42 MAPK dephosphorylation was shared among four partially rate-determining dephosphorylation reactions, with the initial tyrosine dephosphorylation of p42 MAPK being the most critical of the four. Our findings provide biochemical and kinetic insight into the physiological mechanism of p42 MAPK inactivation.


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The reason that the indefinite exponential increase in the number of one’s ancestors does not take place is found in the law of sibling interference, which can be expressed by the following simple equation:\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \begin{document} \begin{equation*}\begin{matrix}{\mathit{N}}_{{\mathit{n}}} \enskip & \\ {\mathit{{\blacksquare}}} \enskip & \\ {\mathit{ASZ}} \enskip & \end{matrix} {\mathrm{\hspace{.167em}{\times}\hspace{.167em}2\hspace{.167em}=\hspace{.167em}}}{\mathit{N_{n+1},}}\end{equation*}\end{document} where Nn is the number of ancestors in the nth generation, ASZ is the average sibling size of these ancestors, and Nn+1 is the number of ancestors in the next older generation (n + 1). Accordingly, the exponential increase in the number of one’s ancestors is an initial anomaly that occurs while ASZ remains at 1. Once ASZ begins to exceed 1, the rate of increase in the number of ancestors is progressively curtailed, falling further and further behind the exponential increase rate. Eventually, ASZ reaches 2, and at that point, the number of ancestors stops increasing for two generations. These two generations, named AN SA and AN SA + 1, are the most critical in the ancestry, for one’s ancestors at that point come to represent all the progeny-produced adults of the entire ancestral population. Thereafter, the fate of one’s ancestors becomes the fate of the entire population. If the population to which one belongs is a successful, slowly expanding one, the number of ancestors would slowly decline as you move toward the remote past. This is because ABZ would exceed 2. Only when ABZ is less than 2 would the number of ancestors increase beyond the AN SA and AN SA + 1 generations. Since the above is an indication of a failing population on the way to extinction, there had to be the previous AN SA involving a far greater number of individuals for such a population. Simulations indicated that for a member of a continuously successful population, the AN SA ancestors might have numbered as many as 5.2 million, the AN SA generation being the 28th generation in the past. However, because of the law of increasingly irrelevant remote ancestors, only a very small fraction of the AN SA ancestors would have left genetic traces in the genome of each descendant of today.


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The effects of testosterone on early atherogenesis and the role of aromatase, an enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogens, were assessed in low density lipoprotein receptor-deficient male mice fed a Western diet. Castration of male mice increased the extent of fatty streak lesion formation in the aortic origin compared with testes-intact animals. Administration of anastrazole, a selective aromatase inhibitor, to testes-intact males increased lesion formation to the same extent as that observed with orchidectomized animals. Testosterone supplementation of orchidectomized animals reduced lesion formation when compared with orchidectomized animals receiving the placebo. This attenuating effect of testosterone was not observed when the animals were treated simultaneously with the aromatase inhibitor. The beneficial effects of testosterone on early atherogenesis were not explained by changes in lipid levels. Estradiol administration to orchidectomized males attenuated lesion formation to the same extent as testosterone administration. Aromatase was expressed in the aorta of these animals as assessed by reverse transcription–PCR and immunohistochemistry. These results indicate that testosterone attenuates early atherogenesis most likely by being converted to estrogens by the enzyme aromatase expressed in the vessel wall.


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Aberrations of the long arm of chromosome 11 are among the most common chromosome abnormalities in lymphoproliferative disorders (LPD). Translocations involving BCL1 at 11q13 are strongly associated with mantle cell lymphoma. other nonrandom aberrations, especially deletions and, less frequently, translocations, involving bands 11q21-923 have been identified by chromosome banding analysis. To date, the critical genomic segment and candidate genes involved in these deletions have not been identified. In the present study, we have analyzed tumors from 43 patients with LPD (B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia, n = 40; mantle cell lymphoma, n = 3) showing aberrations of bands 11q21-923 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. As probes we used Alu-PCR products from 17 yeast artificial chromosome clones spanning chromosome bands 11q14.3-923.3, including a panel of yeast artificial chromosome clones recognizing a contiguous genomic DNA fragment of approximately 9-10 Mb in bands 11q22.3-923.3. In the 41 tumors exhibiting deletions, we identified a commonly deleted segment in band 11q22.3-923.1; this region is approximately 2-3 Mb in size and contains the genes coding for ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), RDX (radixin), and FDX1 (ferredoxin 1). Furthermore, two translocation break-points were localized to a 1.8-Mb genomic fragment contained within the commonly deleted segment. Thus, we have identified a single critical region of 2-3 Mb in size in which 11q14-923 aberrations in LPD cluster. This provides the basis for the identification of the gene(s) at 11q22.3-923.1 that are involved in the pathogenesis of LPD.